Oh this is just rich: Intent on appealing the $5,700 discrimination judgment against them after denying gay couple Martyn Hall and Steven Preddy a room at their Chymorvah Private Hotel, owners Peter and Hazelmary Bull might have a new friend.

A new lawsuit from a different gay couple says they too were refused board for being gay. Michael Black, 63, and John Morgan, 58, who have been together for seven years, say they were turned away in March from Swiss B&B in Cookham, Berkshire.

Along with her husband Francis, the B&B’s owner Susanne Wilkinson the couple claims, said “it is against my convictions for two men to share a bed,” especially because “this is my private home.” Black, who booked the room online, says Wilkinson “said she was sorry and she was polite in a cold way and she was not abusive, so we asked our money back and she gave it to us.”

In return, they gave her a lawsuit. Have fun you guys. And no running in the halls!

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