Both Craig Ferguson and Jeffrey Tambor have size 12 feet. This also means, an old wives’ tale insists, they have large penises. The only way to find out for sure is to compare sizes in front of a studio audience — but only if you incorporate a discussion about whether these middle aged men still masturbate.
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Craig Ferguson + Jeffrey Tambor Jockey For Largest Penis Length, Width
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Surely Craig Ferguson is the biggest cock on US TV.
No wonder he became a US citizen.
He couldn’t get arrested in the UK.
Mr. Enemabag Jones
I’ve found that foot size doesn’t matter–hand size does. Nature doesn’t give a man more than he can “handle”.
wrong again
Hands size, foot size, nose size and height are all irrelevant!!
There is not correlation either way!!
p.s. This also applies to racial sterotypes also.. So don’t go there!!!
The best indicator of the size of a man’s cock is the size of his cock.
The bigger his cock, the bigger his cock.
Both Craig Ferguson and Jeffrey Tambor are hilarious!
Colin Ferguson’s basket looks pretty darn big. Bette Midler has a song on the album called Bath-house Betty. Big Socks: “All I can see besides your big feet, is that you’ve got big socks’ (You go girl) Until it is in my mouth or ass, whatever dude…..