Prepare yourselves for some disappointment out of Maine: Neither Sen. Olympia Snowe nor Susan Collins, both Republicans, were terribly swayed by Lady Gaga’s dinner menu, so don’t be surprised when the block Democratic efforts to push through DADT’s repeal attached to the Pentagon spending bill today. Or maybe they both really like prime rib!
the don't tell show
Don’t Expect Sens. Olympia Snowe + Susan Collins To Make Your DADT Day
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When push comes to shove, a Republican is a Republican is a Republican…….
How convienient for them. They are the direct beneficiaries of fighting bigotry in the workforce against women, and yet when it’s their turn to fight bigotry they vote with the bigots.
I guess they only care about fighting bigotry when it benefits themsevles.
Teabaggerism in full effect. The idea that the “Tea Party” doesn’t really care about social issues is horse hooey. The TP is the Republican base made of up social conservatives. Snowe is up for re-election in 2012 and will face a tough teabagging primary opponent. She has to burnish her so-con bonfides for them.
@Cam: Are you surprised that is the definition of a Republican. They are supposed to be the “moderate ones”.
It’s because of Reid’s tactics though. He and the democrats didn’t want to deal with the implications of a week or so of debates. You know, because the gay might taint them right before the elections.
alan brickman
they both voted against gays…lots of hurt coming….
These two women are disgusting!
One word: