Actress Kate Beckinsale says she’s rather eat vagina than sushi. “At least a vagina would be warm.” We suppose that depends on the vagina. It certainly wouldn’t be the case if Lynne Cheney were on the menu. [HuffPo]
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Aw. Poor Lynne Cheney! Personally I would have gone with Sally Kern.
Amber LeMay
God, she must REALLY hate sushi!
Clever, but I wish she’d come up with something clever that DIDN’T play into the tired old stereotype of women smelling like fish. Puh-lease. That old story came out of the fact that women and men doin’ it together smell like fish, and women got blamed for the “unpleasant” odor. Nobody smells like damn fish.
Rob Moore
Oakling, have you ever lived in an intimate situation with a woman? I have, and there are times when many women do have a faintly unpleasant odor regardless of personal hygiene. Why do you think there are products to make a woman “feel fresh”? This is on top of taking over every available bathroom, and an apparent intolerance of not talking.