The Rowan County Attorney requested that the state government charge Rowan County clerk Kim Davis with misconduct, a step that could help eventually oust her from her position, ThinkProgress reported Friday.
Her attorneys have asked the Supreme court for an emergency order that would protect her from being fired until her lawsuit against Gov. Steve Beshear (D) wraps up. With this lawsuit, Davis hopes to prove that Beshear’s order that she help facilitate same-sex weddings despite her religious beliefs violates her right to “religious freedom.”
Although Davis is employed by the people of Kentucky — and one of the duties of her job is the granting of marriage licenses — Davis argues that her civil rights protect her from being fired over nonperformance. Davis has suggested that the state should revise the requirements that force her to sign her name on all licenses; a request the lower-court judge has rejected.
Related: Christian Government Clerk Hijacks The Law, And It’s All Caught On Tape
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ThinkProgress notes that since Davis is an elected official, it’s very difficult to fire her. The Attorney General’s request to file misdemeanor official misconduct charges against her would begin a long, tortuous process, and she could only be kicked out of her job if the state legislature votes to impeach her.
Brian JC Kneeland
Fire her (she isn’t doing her job) or impeach her if you must – this has gone on for too long!
Chris-Tyler Young
How does she still have a job after defying a court order saying she has to issue marriage licenses to gay couples as part of her job?
Jonathan Santos
She should be arrested by the feds for breaking the law.
Damian Healy
Fire her.
Out of a cannon.
Into the sun.
Ashley Marie Limon
I don’t understand quite what’s stopping them. she’s in violation of FEDERAL LAW… so you know, you’d think that alone is grounds for termination…
Norman Rollins
She still has a job ?
Ivan Alberto Lugo
what they waiting for?
Way to go Kentucky.
Alford S. Sean
Isn’t it amazing that this p*g can get married four times, via her chosen man-made religious cult! She disgusts me on every level. Long grey hair, no makeup, & in a plus sized skirt tells me her chosen cult….yup snakes and chickens.
Bob Craig
Good on you Kim you stick up for what is right , Marriage is between a Man & a Woman don’t give to these sick weirdo’s .
Tom Remillard
It’s about time
Sameer Nurani
Fire her so they can hire a person who knows the difference between HATE and LOVE!
Walter Butscher
Works for me. She is not god judge or jury she has no right to refuse anyone. They should fire her and refuse her pay. See how she feels then
J.r. Graff
She should have ALREADY BEEN fired!
Gerald GeeLocke Panuthos
Riess Livaudais
Someone needs to drag that bitch out behind the wood shed…
and if some clerk in the future decides Jewish people need not marry or divorced people need not remarry?
John Outlaw
Woman you are a clerk not a senator or governor, put the shut to the up!
Keith Perdue
Good! Fire her arrogant fat ass!
Lucienne Wiersema
wtf are they waiting for. Kick her biggot ass out!
David Holmes
People! Hello! The article states why she hasn’t already been fired.
James Halat
The idea that signing a marriage license makes you part of the act is just stupid. Does she have problems signing licenses for straight adulterers who are marrying for the second time? This is bullshit and has nothing to do with her faith. If she can’t do her job, a simple job, then get rid of her.
Also, somehow, I suspect someone else is behind her lawsuits…
Bob Craig, are you one of her husbands? Christ spoke against divorce, yet, nothing about us.
Kenneth Seach
Fire him now his a prick and a homophic
David Ice
Since the state legislature has to fire her, why can’t we organize a statewide boycott of Kentucky? Like what was done in Indiana I believe. Start hurting this state in the pocket book and tell the legislators we will boycott you until you get rid of bigots like this. If we all start hitting Kentucky in the pocketbook the Legislature will act!
Keith Summers
She’s already vowed to keep right on doing what she’s been doing all along, regardless of what the United States Supreme Court tells her.
That, alone, should be more than enough to seal her doom.
Barry Shanley Jr.
Oh I’m sorry, Kim, honey, you’re confused. You don’t make the law, you are a clerk. If you don’t like what you have to do in your job or you are morally opposed to it, then you step down. We’re not asking for your opinion. Your job is to issue marriage licenses, so issue them or walk away. Thank you.
Chris Etter
Nothing against Kentucky (loves me some goetta from Anchor Grill) but I can almost guarantee this has less to do with the clerk’s defiance of a court order and more to do with bad press.
This same sort of thing could have easily happened in California: Fresno, Madera, Merced, Tulare counties, anyone?
Mikhail Strait
Kenny Miruski
Bye Felicia!
Charles Carlson
Insubordination…bye bye!
Larry Chin
About time. Get on with it.
Christopher Schapker
What are they waiting on DO IT
Robert Casey
Michael Hunter
I wonder if she’s secured her book deal yet with Regnery Publishing. It’s either that, or she’s holding out for higher speaking fees from NOM.
Donald Attanas
If I have to see that ugly ass sweater one more time I’m going to kill myself
Vanessa Forbes
Had I been at tork and didn’t do my job that would be my ass. No if, and, or but. Just gone.
Craig Bankert
No I think we need to take this one step further and she should be arrested for not upholding our oath to public office and not following a court order.
Patrick Shepherd
She needs to do her job . If she doesn’t do her job then fire her . .
Ronnie Faulds
So they should if someone decides not to do the job they’re paid to!
@Barry Shanley Jr.: I don’t think she’s reading this.
Dennis Knight
get rid of her
Mike Dolph
she not doing job she was hired to do, and no binie for her,
Stephen Mole
I think the employers should stop being ‘gloves on’ and fire her. If she doesn’t agree she only has to go to justice to be reinstated.
Charles Jenkins
She should have been fired about 2 months ago!
Michael Feather
The people of Kentucky should figure out the exact amount that these shenanigans have cost them and sue Kim Davis and her representatives for that amount. I’m guessing it’s millions.
@1EqualityUSA: That kind of thinking requires logic. Bob’s one of those pick and choose religious nuts.
Edward Mayo
Either do your job or resign. Period. We all have to do things at work that sometimes suck. It’s called life. Your work is not a place for you to impose your personal religious beliefs on others. Someone needs to tell Priscilla the world doesn’t revolve around her.
Danelle Anderson Cunningham
Sign the petition asking her to resign.
David Garland
Not doing her job, she SHOULD be fired…..
Patrick Laney
Why do you want to fire her? Just fire her…
Linda Neu
So…fire kimdavis
Chris Campbell
Duh if I didn’t do my job I’d get fired so why is she any different. Her job is to give out licenses she’s not doing that properly she gets fired point blank. If you want to do the warning thing fine but we all know she’s not going to change and hell she might even quit if she can’t discriminate so either way problem solved
she should be fired and I think she should be sued by all those couples she denied.
Cari Speights
Patrick Healey
Fire her this is such BS. Only in Government can you not do your job and still keep it. When the hammer finally drops on her ass like a house on a witch. She will most like get a great severance package. All at tax payers expense. Total BS!!!!!!
Charles Ayers
Why haven’t they already ?
Rocco Scutaro
She should be gone already
I, for one, am glad this is taking as long as it is taking. No, not because I wish to deny the couples (both same-sex and hetero) their right to a marriage license, but because it is vitally important that every possible legal argument be put forth by Davis and her attorneys and dealt with by the courts. That way, when this is over and the courts have ruled against her, there will be virtually no legal argument left for the haters to make in the future if any other clerks (or their counterparts) should want to consider withholding marriage licenses.
Indeed, there is a tremendous issue at stake here. If any of the courts decide in Davis’ favor, even in part, the haters will use that to catapult their bigotry into a national frenzy of legalized discrimination. First with same-sex marriage, then with adoption, then with social services, then medical care, then with private business exceptions, etc.
So, be patient, my dears. The wheels of justice are turning. Slowly, yes. But they are turning.
Russell Mccullough
David Edman
Her job pays $80k a year in a county where the median income is $32k. Her son works in the office and his pay is above the median, She will not resign, The greed factor is too great. What needs to happen is the US Magistrate orders federal marshals to arrest her and her entire staffon several charges including obstruction of justice, failure to follow a federal court order, malfeasance, and I’m sure they could come up with a bunch of others. No Bail. The Kentucky District attorney to can appoint interim staff until Rowan county can elect a new Clerk and hire staff to fulfillt he duties. Meanwhile Ms Davis and her clan can enjoy the hospitality of our Federal Prison system for the next 12-20 years.
Will Moor
@GG: I’m with you on this. This needs to happen.
Alex Goodman
Ashley Cates
David Manzanares
Fire….fire…fire her!!
GG The fi’thy Republicans are doing their best to stand by their clerk….
Bill Waxman
Kick the bitch out. Impeach her for volating a United States Law. She should be fired now.
Sam Oropeza
Fire her fat ass, and have no mercy when you do it!
James Evans
Want’n and get’n in this situation are two different things.
Rachel Leonardo
its your job, do it or get another job!
Richard Lucero
Her pay should be reduced to minimum wage effective the date she first refused to issue a license and remain so until she either resigns or does her job without option of back pay due to nonperformance. This applies to her staff as well. There should be a regulation regarding nepotism as well.
Kelvin Johnson
Should have kicked her ass out the door the first day she started this BS…
Brock Thoroughman
Can someone please give her a decent top? Please!?!?
Billy Mieldazis
Does she give licenses to mixed race couples?
Does no one know how to read anymore? You can’t fire an elected official. And in order to get rid of her by impeachment, a majority of (probably homophobic) Kentucky lawmakers would have to vote against her. It’s virtually impossible to get rid of an elected official if she has the support of the majority of the political establishment and the local populace.
Why do you think that right-wingers are always banging on about states’ rights? Have you forgotten that whole Civil War “thing”?
Jackson Kelly
She should have been fired after the first time she would not issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. Her actions are what we call insubordination! In the private sector she would have been fired#
Keebler ILF
Aren’t there other people in her office that can sign marriage licenses?
But she’s forbidding them to do so even though they don’t have a problem with it???
And…. the Supreme Court just slapped her down and ordered her to do her job. Which means that she could go to jail for contempt of court. Because christian fanatics like her need even more excuses to pretend to be martyrs.
I’m voting for whatever candidate promises to bring back the lions.
I bet they jail staff draws straws to see which one has to strip search her. oh. no…..
@Gerald GeeLocke Panuthos: I flagged your comment early this morning. Apparently not enough other posters did so to force the removal of your offensive post. Yes this homophobic bigot of a woman should be fired asap and also held in contempt of court. But do you really believe that someone should “SHOOT HER IN THE FUCKING FACE AS SHE LEAVES THE BUILDING” is an appropriate reaction? You are not contributing to a solution of the problem. You are adding to an even bigger problem. Not only should your post be removed from this comment section but YOU should be prosecuted for advocating violence against another human being.
She had better be careful. In this crazy society today, and with the access to weapons, she may be tempting a or the crazies to take matters in their own hands and take her out. A lot of people do not need much to make them snap these days.
What is wrong with her superiors and the state legal system that they allow this. She should be disciplined…at the least, for refusing to perform her assigned duties. If she still refuses to do so, they should terminate her. If they are afraid of getting tied up in a legal battle, they should reassign her to a job that does not involve public contact. My suggestion…FIRE HER!