Mainstream depictions largely make women out to be screeching harpies, digitally-enhanced fucktoys, and ball-busting businesswomen—a poor showing that hurts the self-image and political power of women around the world.

We just watched Jennifer Newsom’s documentary Miss Representation which explores the consequences of such representations and what we can do about them. So Queerty would now like to ask you: what we can do to better represent our female readership?

Consider this: Women make up fifty-one percent of the American population, but they only make up three percent of clout positions in mainstream media, seven percent of mainstream film directors, and sixteen percent of film protagonists.

Now consider this: when was the last time you saw a woman on the big or small screen that wasn’t reduced to her sexual body or ridiculed for her ambition?

Miss Representation links the poor depictions of women to a “symbolic annihilation” that contributes to increased rates of depression, rape, and misogynist violence; a problem compounded by the proliferation of cheap “reality” and entertainment reporting as well as broadcasters who yell “Censorship!” whenever they’re asked to stop promoting such images. Ultimately these images discourage women about their power, voices, potential in the political process.

The media can either continue the status quo or create social change and Queerty would like to be part of the solution!

We’re currently asking women to apply for our full-time blogging, editorial, and freelance positions and would like to know how we can help put more women and lesbians in our content.

Here’s a few questions to get the discussion started:

1) Where do you typically turn (besides Autostraddle, Jezebel and AfterEllen) for good reporting about women, female culture, and lesbian news?

2) Who are your favorite female and lesbian bloggers, podcasters, vloggers, etc.?

3) What could Queerty do better to consistently feature women and female-focused reporting on our pages? Can you suggest any contemporary topics that you would to see us cover?

SPEAK OUT! We’re really looking to make Queerty a place for everyone and your ideas are a very important step in a more female-positive direction.

NOTE: We will not tolerate hateful, anti-female comments here. Any such commenters will be deleted and banned.

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