As the Pennsylvania State Senate Judiciary Committee votes today whether to move forward a bill that would cement the state’s gay marriage ban into the constitution, a threat: If you’re a closeted homosexual legislator who votes for it, you will be outed. Also, if you’re a raging alcoholic, you’ll also be exposed.
Sorry if we come across as ridiculously excited, but how else to describe the feeling of being on the verge of outing anti-gay homosexual lawmakers? Unlike some media outlets, we live for this shit; Outrage is our porn.
The bill up for debate is SB 707, from State Sen. John Eichelberger, who last year remarked in a campaign debate that “we’re allowing [gays] to exist” and says gay marriage would lead to “polygamy, marrying younger people”; it’s the foil to State Sen. Daylin Leach’s bill to legalize gay marriage. And it’s also the new battleground for outing lawmakers who vote against their own.
The promise to do so comes from John Morgan of the Pennsylvania Progressive blog, who wrote on Friday, “I urge all Senators to value every person regardless of sexual orientation, to value equal justice under law, to uphold our federal constitution and the 14th Amendment which guarantees equal justice and vote against Eichelberger’s notorious legislation. I spend a fair amount of time in Harrisburg. I know who is closeted. Any closeted Senator who votes for Eichelberger’s bill will be outed. I also know a State Senator who is wildly homophobic and is also an alcoholic. One of her rants will also be made public depending on her vote. This is fair warning.”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
To which we say: Do it! And with this post-script: Out any of these lawmakers who already voted to ban gay marriage via the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act. Or who supported last year’s failed attempt at a constitutional ban. And then send those names directly to Tim Gill.
UPDATE: “Sadly,” there will be no voting on the bill; the committee voted 8-6 to table the bill.
Out every single one of the hypocrites.
More time making not-so-thinly veiled extortion threats which could be better used to, I don’t know, help the pro-equality bill stuck in committee since June of 2009?!?
Out them!
I would just out them all regardless. It should be known to those voters of the state who exactly they voted in. The families of politicians are a matter of public interest because it leads itself to their history and what’s important to them. If some members of a politician’s family are members of the KKK, I would like to know about it before I voted them in, regardless of their past legislating history.
I say out them now BEFORE the vote. Make sure the PA population knows exactly who they voted for in 2008.
Movement was canned 8-6 by the committee just a little while ago.
No. 2 · DR
More time making not-so-thinly veiled extortion threats which could be better used to, I don’t know, help the pro-equality bill stuck in committee since June of 2009?!?
Yes, you were over on the other string defending people still in the closet, or claiming that any person outed in the Enquier was not really gay because the story was automatically false. And now you’re saying that people are being extorted…nice agenda there “Doc”, but is it extortion if somebody was voting against a bill that would provide services to abortion clinics if somebody found out she had had 5 abortions when she was younger paid for by the state? Politicians tell us everything about their lives while running for office, their medical history, their social, dating, and married lives, please tell me how it is extortion to point out that these people all lied about themselves on the campaign trail. To me that merely sounds like good opposition research.
Tim W
What is interesting in the vote to table the bill 3 Republican voted with the 5 Democrats to table it. The 6 opposed to tabling it were all Republicans. You wonder if any of these Republicans were the target of these threats.
Robert, NYC
I say, yes, do it, out them regardless to send a message to other closet cases across the country. They vote against us, we out them with impunity to suffer the consequences. No mercy spared, no more political correctness.
lol I was the guy in orange in the video…just sayin’ =)
@Shawn: Congrats and thanx on the victory………Orange you glad???? : p
@terrwill: lol booo (jk). He literally was hiding from us all day until we sat in front of the chamber doors waiting for him.