Some 25 students from St. John’s University and the College of St. Benedict approached Twin Cities Roman Catholic Archbishop John Nienstedt at St. John’s Abbey’s evening mass last Sunday and were refused holy communion — because they were wearing rainbow buttons and sashes as some sort of statement on the church’s position on The Gays. (Surprisingly the students were not part of the larger Rainbow Sash Movement.) It’s not the message, the church says, but the act: any signs of political protest are not welcome so close to Jesus.
Twin Cities Archbishop Refuses To Give Gay Students Holy Carbs
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the crustybastard
Christian Love. “We hurt you to show how much we care.”™
Ironic, since Archbishop Nienstedt himself seems to have a major case of the “gay face”.
The Arch-Asshole loves believes in closets.
One of the very few cases where a Priest didn’t want to give “something” to a student…………..
Ogre Magi
Why would anybody want a dry stale cracker and a sip of sour wine anyway?
This obvious old queen would rather give them a protein shake than a stale carb chip. Look at this bitch! Totally gay.
Another dangerous and deadly bully.
Wasn’t Jesus all about peaceful political protest?
This is total bullshit. I received communion while wearing a “Close the SOA” headband (SOA = School of the Americas, where the Army trains Latin American soldiers in torture, etc.). Not to mention, guys at my Catholic school receive communion in “Pro-Life” shirts every time we have Mass.
I guess they meant political causes the Catholic Church doesn’t support. As previously stated, total and complete bullshit, as is typical of the church to which I formerly belonged.
Alex Sarmiento
Holy communion wafers are the most disgusting edible thing on the face of the planet. What the hell are they made of? Some form of awful Styrofoam on crack? I choked on one at my First Communion. I haven’t had one in years. The last time I went to a church service was four years ago (Disciples of Christ), and they had the good decency to have ACTUAL bread. And they had grape juice in place of the wine.
big closet case, trust the sources from Minneapolis.
We need to do something about the rampant homophobia in the white church.
Yeah…..I’m not sure I understand anyone who actually believes that a vanilla wafer represents Jesus, but w/e