Bloomberg has been asked by reporters if he will stop donating to Senators who oppose this bill and he has refused, saying he is not “single issue.” So while he has tried to position himself as a champion of marriage equality and to characterize it as the most important civil rights issue of our time, he has in fact been and continues to be the biggest impediment to the bill that would open New York’s marriage bureaus to gay couples.
… Republicans are indeed a dying breed in New York, but they were able to regain their majority in the New York State Senate in 2010 long past their expiration date in this state primarily through the infusion of millions of dollars in personal donations from Mike Bloomberg. (There are some anti-gay Democrats in the Senate, too. Several have been replaced with pro-gay votes since the 2009 vote. But ALL of the Republicans voted against marriage equality.)
In 2005, another grotesque spectacle. New York State Justice Doris Ling-Cohan ordered Bloomberg to start providing marriage licenses to gay couples who wanted them. Bloomberg was in the midst of a mayoral campaign and was worried about a primary challenge from a conservative Republican. So he announced that he would appeal the judge’s order to “get clarity” from the courts. He insists that he HAD to make the appeal which we all know is a big lie. California Attorney General Jerry Brown refused to appeal Judge Walker’s decision overturning Prop 8. And now President Obama is refusing to defend the constitutionality of DOMA. No Democrat running for mayor at that time would have appealed the decision… if Bloomberg had not appealed, all other cases could have been dropped and gay couples from all over the world would still be able to legally marry in New York City.
… Bloomberg did sign a transgender rights bill in 2002. Since then, he has vetoed and obstructed virtually every piece of pro-gay legislation that has come before him. He vetoed a school anti-bullying bill, called it “silly,” and when the Council overrode his veto he ordered his Department of Education not to enforce it. Only recently has he introduced, under pressure, some form of anti-bullying program in the schools. We even get “Respect for All Week” every year now. A whole week!
… Bloomberg also vetoed legislation that would have required city contractors to provide domestic partner benefits as San Francisco and other cities do. When he was overridden by the Council, he went to court and won the right not to enforce the law.
… Bloomberg broke the progressive boycott of the anti-gay St. Patrick’s Day Parade in New York and now defends City funding for three private, religious St. Patrick’s Day Parades in the boroughs outside Manhattan in direct contravention of City law on the use of taxpayer funds for solely religious purposes.
… Bloomberg fancies himself a big promoter of public health and has even banned smoking in City parks. But HIV rates have risen during his administration and he steadfastly refuses to reinstate condom lessons in classrooms that were banned in the Giuliani era. This guy has a public health school named after him at Johns Hopkins and he acts as if he doesn’t understand the need for explicit AIDS education for young people who are the prime group contracting HIV today, especially gay youth of color. And if you are waiting for the integration of LGBT issues into school curricula in a system under sole mayoral control in New York, it ain’t happening under Bloomberg.
— Andy Humm, gay journalist and activist continues his campaign to discredit NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s LGBT-cred after his marriage equality speech this last week.
God forbid anyone ever change their mind or evolve on an issue. I love how the rabid frothing-at-the-mouth crowd is so eager to discredit and dump on anyone who hasn’t been 110% blindly pro-gay since they were a freaking sperm. Yeah, that’s the way to win people over and advance our cause. Way to go, guys.
Surely if he had changed his mind then he would stop giving money to those whose ideas and beliefs he no longer possessed.
As Bloomberg said, gay rights isn’t his only issue. The most anti-gay state senator, Ruben Diaz, who organized the anti-marriage rally, is a Democrat, and one of his top campaign contributors was the New York teachers’ union. So does that mean teachers are obviously homophobic? No.
What good does it serve to reject the substantive time, money, and attention Bloomberg is putting towards the cause now just because of disagreements over positions he’s taken in the past? The message that sends is that even if politicians are won over and begin to support gay rights, they’ll continue to be demonized for past positions–not much of an incentive to switch sides.
robert in NYC
The other top contributor to Diaz was none other than the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) and he claims he’s not anti-gay. HOM helped fund his May 15 anti same-sex marriage rally and he claims he’s not antigay. In addition to Bloomberg, several other prominent republican NY businessmen donated to marriage equality and are still funding republicans who oppose us.
@BDinUK: But this is the exact same tack used by GOProud, a conservative gay group that continues to support politicians who are against marriage equality and against the repeal of DADT. GOProud says, we’re obviously pro-gay! After all, we represent gays in the Republican party! We’re building bridges! Nevermind that we only support anti-gay candidates, we’re just not a single issue party.
I know the Republicans are slowly coming around on equality as more and more LGBT folks begin to vote for them, but if financially supporting anti-gay candidates doesn’t make you anti-gay, there’s a logical disconnect there.
Why are you attacking someone who is putting time and money and effort towards marriage equality just because he didn’t support every piece of random legislation that you support? He never said anything anti-gay and has always supported equality. He’s also been a big proponent of the Harvey Milk HS.
There are a ton of poorly-written, unfunded bills that go through city council. Just because the mayor vetoes a bill to plant ten trees at every ice cream parlor doesn’t mean he’s anti-tree and hates the environment.
The mayor has vigorously promoted safe sex activities in the city and public health in general. HIV testing has been expanding. NYC Condom, hello? I’ve not only heard of these efforts, I’ve used them! They’re passing out these condoms on the grand concourse and in bed-stuy, not just in Chelsea or whatever protected unreality in which you live.
Bloomberg has always been pro-marriage equality, and pro-gay generally. Ling-Cohen’s ruling was appealed because he stated that he didn’t want rights given and taken away, a la California. Maybe a few years ago it seemed like a good idea to do it that way, but now that people in California have had their rights taken away, the benefits of permanent and un-revokable marriage legislation are evident.
I mean, if you compare Bloomberg to Obama on the gay issue you can tell the difference between someone who supports gay people and someone who doesn’t put in the effort.
Ruben Diaz of the Bronx is the chief enemy of gay people in New York State. He even admits it. Why don’t you attack the people who are attacking us instead of our allies?
Mike in Asheville
@jhd: @jhd: Apparently jhd, there just aren’t enough “clicks” on stories about real enemies of equality, so Queerty goes after people who attract enough attention that more readers will click on the posts. Can’t figure out any other reason.
I have posted many times before, go after our enemies NOT our friends.
Queer Supremacist
Andy Humm is another nonentity who, like HRC, thinks bigotry is defined by party affiliation and not actions.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: We need bipartisan support. Not seeking that support and calling any gay man or woman to the right of Antonio Gramsci “self-loathing”, “Jewish Nazi” (Nazism was big government, I don’t see many conservatives or any libertarians calling for that), and other stale ad hominems has stalled our progress. If Ronald Reagan had done everything activists wanted him to do regarding AIDS, those activists still would have vilified him. He could have handed out condoms at every gay bar and bathhouse in the country and they would have thrown them in his face.
Remember that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed with overwhelming bipartisan support. I’d trust a northern Republican on gay rights before a southern Democrat any day of the week.
But noooooo…we’ve been putting our eggs in one basket thinking that’ll remove the rotten eggs from the other basket. It worked wonders for blacks. We may have had full equality by now had we fought to counter the Religious Wrong with a presence in both parties.
Ruben Diaz (D-ickhead) is a monster and this clown goes after Mike Bloomberg?
If you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can’t judge it by its publisher, either.