It was just last week we shared the news young gay porn performer Zac Stevens had died at age 25, and now there’s another unfortunate report that fellow porn actor Dimitri Kane has died in Florida. Kane was 20 years old.
The NSFW blog Str8UpGayPorn broke the news, citing an unnamed source close to Kane who said the young man took his own life. Another source close to the family says it was a drug overdose. An autopsy is pending.
Kane performed for various studios over the years including ManRoyale, Pride Studios, and NextDoorStudios.
Kane’s family, who lives in New Jersey, were reportedly all aware and supportive of his profession. Our thoughts are with them.
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Vance McCarter
oh my god, it’s terrible and but why?
because people who do porn are usually very very phucked up
Stephen Mole
Another useless death linked to a shitty life choice.
Anthony Howard
Is there a reason to announce every porn whores death?! Seriously, get some new contacts and report deaths of those who have made positive impact on our world!
Alexandre Curado
Chris Keivit
Someone just died – way too young – have some compassion FFS!ð??
Allie Pocket
porn star lives matter.
Porn and drugs, what a waste
Cory Berke
This is sad and needs to stop.
Desert Boy
Porn is lethal.
Sand Nierenberg
Omg what did he die from
Sebastian Holiday
Such fucking fascist hypocrisy! If you’ve never watched gay porn, point a finger. Guess what? You’re still a fucking hypocrite.
Jax Graham
Ppl need to have respect for ALL lives! U don’t know the positive impacts ppl may have been to others. Just cuz u didn’t know them personally isn’t am excuse to shame anyone, no matter their life choices! Get a heart & grow some compassion… if u hate that much, does it make u look any better?? They did porn, they assisted in making others happy while doing what they love. Do u please ppl & enjoy it?? Do u have ur dream job?? WHAT DO U DO?? Don’t know or have to think about it??? Then STOP JUDGING others & take a look at what YOU are doing to improve the world! #EveryLifeMatters
R.I.P. Felicia!
Derek Perron
We all have a part in this including the gay media such as queerty. Why do gay men take their own lives so frequently. What kind of culture and lifestyle have we created that contribute to significant anxiety and depression and more importantly how can we correct it and get better.
Dan Knapper
drugs are bad mmmmkay
But why? Let me take a wild guess and say it had something to do with his life as a gay porn star and the drug/party culture that surrounds it.
Dan Levin
Every death is so sad. That’s why I wonder why this page is only concerned with the deaths of porn stars.
Jeff Fleming
Another? Sweet Jeebus! What the hell is going on?
Daniel Scholte
Deon Letsoalo
How bad does life get that you even have to resort to digitally documented prostitution? I’m REALLY afraid of the jaws of this BEAST called LIFE! This is honestly not a good way of making a living, maybe ‘fun’, but definitely not good. You literally strip off your dignity and pride in front of a camera. Once you enter into the realms of pornography/prostitution, there are only two ways out — jail time or death. You’ll die young and make a beautiful corpse and get old in the grave, or slip into deep depression which may lead to substance abuse and ultimately death through overdose or even suicide. If you’re lucky, you’ll be jailed, typically due to drug possession, extortion or something along those lines and even luckier to make it back in one piece. Sure, most people may find you aesthetically pleasing, but this is a sad life. A very, very sad, sad life!
Faye Denton
So young. RIP Dimitri.
Ignacio González-Long
Who in the f cares? He was a drug addict…died of overdose. Drug and alcohol abuse is not a illness, IT’S A CHOICE! He had what he wanted it.
David McClary Norton
Imagine what we gay men could accomplish if we didn’t spend so much time sniping at each other. I’m in recovery right now from a suicide attempt caused by my mental condition. Yesterday, I went through FB and deleted all my political feeds because I don’t need the stress it gives me…..considering giving up on this one too given the comments in this thread.
Jo Cortez
What’s going on with these young porn stars?
Jo Cortez
I guess being good looking isn’t enough after all.
Sutex Haron
“Blessed his soul. Ameen”
Ricky Redick
Sad prayers to his family
Dee Stephens
Another one??
Jose Longoria Jr.
May Dimitri Kane Rest In Peace and may perpetual Light shine upon him.
20? Holy crap! I got underwear older than that!
It’s not hard to imagine why someone so young and impressionable would take their own life. At that age, you glom onto anyone as a role model; sometimes you get a strong on, many times you do not. Then combine that with this wall of negative social media (really… tell me HOW MUCH POSITIVE STUFF DO YOU READ ON THE BLOGS? The answer is NONE; it’s all trolls hoping to out-yell the next blogger) and how do you process that? Add to that a career in an industry that expects you to be burned out and hustling on the streets by 19?
It’s just sad.
What a shame, way to young to die, he had just begun to live his life, RIP
Kyle L. Gorzynski
We don’t even know the CoD yet and we are already slut shaming and calling the man a whore. Instead let’s keep our thoughts with the family who just lost a son, brother, cousin and friend. He was 20 years old, let’s try to figure out why he died and why this seems to be a trend.
its always drug overdose or suicide-it never varies
20??? Looks waaaaaay older than that!
Jack Kear
Time to stop glamourising the profession and realize it is packed with self hating lost boys.
no one thinks porn acting is glamorous!
Alifo Nikolas
is he our ROLE MODEL?
Ozzy Ramirez
May he RIP
His family was all aware and supportive of his profession. How exactly does that happen? Mom, Dad just sneak a peek at their son’s junk and what he’s doing with it and it never comes up at the dinner table?? Dad: “Hi son, I watched all your films, I’m so proud of you. I just loved it when you jammed your cum down that cute guys throat.” And then Mom chimes in, yeah, “I always knew you were hung like a mule because, remember, I am the one who changed your diapers, and even back then you could tell”. Can someone pass the butter. Seriously if my mother ever saw my adult dick I’d be mortified. haahahhaa. Weird, right?
Javier Rodriguez
RIP Dimitri there’s a better place for angels than this. Judgment comes to all & giving joy to many gets additional points.
Sweetie Pie
He was hot…looked like a young version of Brian Williams (a delectable DILF, in my book). I am glad I was never tempted to do porn for the public.
AL Quin
This is very sad a young handsome man gone so quick he was just about to live his life may he rest in peace really sad to hear news like this.ð??³ð??³
Dieter Michaels
apparently the only things relevant to today’s gay community are which porn stars died today, and how many pictures of men holding up their shirts to show their abercrombie clone abs can we post. No wonder some people take so long to come out. It;s embarrassing to be part of todays gay “community. ” To those I say: ….look… over there… something shiny…….
Bob LaBlah
@PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS: I thought the same thing. He was destine to look grandfatherly by thirty if that is how he looked at twenty.
@Sweetie Pie:
Huh. Now that you mention it, he *does* look a little Brian Williams-ish. Peter Alexander’s hotter, though, if we’re limiting ourselves to NBC.
Steven Burr
WTF??? Something he ate?
Marshall R. Krug
what is with these guys? the profession i can deal with, but the OD’s is really stupid.
John Flannery
To all of you that are chiming in with “all lives matter”, I certainly hope the next time you’re mourning the loss of someone you care about no one like you runs in screaming “no wait, stop crying…ALL lives matter!”
You sound like a moron.
Tom Remillard
Young, old , porn or not all lives matter.
Very sad. People who are trashing porn actors really need to look in the mirror and remind themselves that they have enjoyed porn in the past, so show some respect for the people who’ve brought you pleasure and helped you get off.
Quite a few people who are NOT involved in porn die of drugs or commit suicide, so stop blaming the porn industry. Also, everyone LGBTIQ person has to deal with societal hom0phobia, including internalized homophobia, even if they have the support of family and friends.
So let’s not attack or mock him for his profession, and show some respect for the dead, especially another gay person.
Life is sacred…
Ernesto Orsetti
sexy guy…poor baby….
Gerardo Gillesania
Life is sacred…whether you’re gay, straight, bi or whatever. Let’s respect each other.
Shazam Paname
So sad again. ..
Marc A. Olechnowicz
So sad so young
I love how every story about a porn star clans that their family knows and is supportive 8f their career.
Please stop printing P.R. statements from porn studios.
Well I see a lot of heartless douche bags have been posting about someone who died at the age of 20. “Porn whore” was the cream of the crop.
I think we have a lot of our heterosexual allies fooled into thinking we are this sweet, all loving, all inclusive and all compassionate community. But we are really more judgmental than a pack of mean teenage girls. Good thing our allies don’t know that yet.
This makes me wonder if pornography creates shame, anger, and self loathing among its “actors” – It makes me wonder if we, as human beings, are emotionally able to handle this kind of a job?
My heart goes to his parents.
Suicide: a permanent solution to temporary problems. Condolences to his family and friends.
Dafydd Ab Gwaredd
So tragic, so sad…RIP bright star, your life was a blessing. Peace, strength to his family & loved ones.
Masc Pride
@Allie Pocket: I literally LOL’ed.
Rest in peace.
@PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS: Looks about early to mid 20’s to me. Is that waaaaay old?? Has a manly look. Hot guy. Sad loos.
Captain Obvious
I love how a gay site is always announcing porn deaths like some sort of activist had just died.
Seriously these gay blogs make being gay seem so toxic, depraved, useless, and ugly.
Robert Small
What is happening?
@Ignacio González-Long: @Marshall R. Krug:What part of “took his own life” do you not understand?
James Moya
Healthy in shape men dying in their 20s….Yep sounds like drugs to me.
Keith F Vario
wtf ? too sad with so much ahead …
@DarkZephyr: Gay men mature at allot slower a rate then our straight counterparts by about a decade. Plus, we’re all a bit more fucked up in the head because of the shit we had to deal with growing up. All this makes too many of us have zero empathy towards others.
20 y.o. ….. How his death must be affecting his parents! May he RIP and may they find ways of dealing with it.
Bob Weber
How sad
Bob Weber
All lives matter!!! Stop being holier than thou bitches!!! Apparently you’re perfect! And besides, there is NOTHING WRONG. WITH A CAREER IN PORN
Timothy Warner
Is there some awful thing that is killing them, or is it Drugs?
Some of y’all bitches are very sad. Calling names and throwing shade as if your life is fun and perfect.
I always hear what wrong with gay people, you! are what’s with gay people.
The religious psychos who say we should all die might be right after all.
The world is shitty enough as it is without you turds adding to the pile.
@Stache: That was true decades ago but people who grew up in the 90s or 00s it’s not true for. Unfortunately people who do porn do not always have the best self esteem, mental health, body image issues, and the way the porn biz basically forces them into prostitution is not good, and drugs, porn, and sex for pay are all linked and have b een for decades.
@Ignacio González-Long:
When you speak from ignorance (you clearly think homosexuality is a choice as well, lumped with eating disorders, alcoholism, theft, gluttony, killing…just like the fundies), as you are doing, you do nothing but demonstrate that you are ignorant. You demonstrate shallowness and lack of empathy as well. The funny thing is you post on your Facebook page “Everyone deserves respect!
Todos merecemos respeto!”. You were obviously lying when you posted that.
People who actually study and know about such things (as opposed to those who confuse their imagination with reality) consider addiction to be more than “a choice”.
@Stache: In the article the family claims he did not take his own life, but died as a result of an accidental overdose. Generally in such close proximity to an event the family (especially when supportive as the article states) has much greater access to information than friends or associates. The myth of the suicidal porn star supports many people’s “moral” position, but is hardly universal.
Joseph Green
What’s going on with all these porn stars dying??
Kevin J Desmond
How sad … and at such a young age, no idea who he was though. R.I.P. dude 🙁
Maybe, perhaps maybe queerty post about pornstars deaths all the time to warn us how bad it is and not to get into it of you want to live a long life. :-/ That’s at least how I’m going to look at these otherwise pointless post for now on…
@Anthony Howard: God show some compassion buddy!
@Stache: and I bet well over half of the guys crying “porn whore!” and even making and laughing at jokes about this unfortunate young man jerk to porn on a fairly regular basis and even more have sent out d*ck or @ss pics to someone they were trying to get into bed.
@Bob Weber: The idea that someone can have a “career” in porn is the problem. The smart ones who get into porn only do a video or two, do not become hookers or get involved with drugs, and know that porn is not any way to make a living or any sort of ‘career’.
Vincent Tran
So sad RIP Dimitri
Another sad end for a nice-looking guy. Porn attracts misfits but it also makes things worse. It’s very impersonal. Drugs are rife in the industry.
By the way, porn performers are not stars. There is nothing star-like about porn. Stars twinkle and are something to look up to.
Danny Adams II
Sorry to the family. Rest in peace. Some of the comments I read are so horrible. Saying he deserved to die?! How many gay men have NOT watched gay porn?! Hypocrites !!
Homo Erectus
@Cam: “I love how every story about a porn star clans that their family knows and is supportive 8f their career. Please stop printing P.R. statements from porn studios.”
LOL maybe that douchebag daddy-fucker Atticus Bennett got a job doing P.R. for a porn studio – haven’t seen him around here for awhile.
Zaikheura A'ttyey Tankir Fross
@Homo Erectus: LOL you mean Raymond Miller AKA LittleKiwi/Atticus Bennett? He’s a Trustafarian and does not have any sort of job at all! Which is why he has so much free time to troll people on here and other LGBT sites.
@Captain Obvious:
i agree. they refuse to make gay seem normal and boring like the lives of straight people.
let’s face the facts. porn is NOT a way of life. it’s a form of entertainment. these porn performers are actors. they basically are acting out sex for entertainment.
porn and sex is one small aspect of the life of a gay man. there’s so much more yet unfortunately, people even those who are also gay tend to see it being solely about sex.
the porn industry is a place that is not known to have the most stable people around. there’s a lot of fucking nutjobs in that profession. why queerty and these gay blogs act like porn performers are heroes or people to look up to is beyond me.
@dwes09: Ah cool. Thanks for clearing that up.
Jeffrey Matthew Cohen
Sad. So hot.
for the record, why is everyone on here assuming that the porn actor is gay? would you guys care more or less about him if you found that his sexual orientation outside his acting persona was indeed heterosexual? do we care about straight porn stars when they die as well? sometimes, i think that we isolate ourselves way too much from the rest of the world that we overlook reality where we often intertwine fake from real. porn is not reality. a young man is dead because his demons were too big for him to handle and he couldn’t deal with it so he decided to kill himself. to me, i think queerty and half of us are way too fixated on gay being all about sex. we’re already jumping to conclusions and exposing our own ignorance towards what’s going on here.
@Brian: Porn and drugs is a myth. Being young and naive is enough to attract drugs or those that do them. It’s practically a rite of passage for any young man and especially a gay one. I was never a pornstar yet became addicted to drugs and the PNP lifestyle.
@moldisdelicious: The thing is that no man that’s actually heterosexual does gay or bisexual porn. The whole ‘gay for pay’ thing is a marketing myth that’s been around since the 70s that’s based on homophobia/biphobia or the silly fantasy some gay men need that they’re actually having sex with a real hetero/straight guy.
I feel bad that this guy OD’d accidentally; but a lot of people who use drugs that you easily overdose and die on know that they do risk death by using the drugs they’re addicted to, or have a death wish and don’t care what happens.
@Stache: Porn and drugs are not a myth they’re linked, and have been for decades. Look at the large number of people in porn both women and men who wind up addicted to drugs like coke/crack, heroin and other opiates, meth, alcohol, etc. Chi Chi La Rue used to keep drugs on scene for the “stars” to use. If you actually do research about porn and talk to people who are in porn or who have done it they’ll tell you all about the drugs other people in porn use, even if they themselves did not use them.
Of course a lot of people in society who have never done porn become addicted as well for various reasons including genetics or family history, an addictive personality, learned behaviour, mental illness, and for other reasons as sometimes addiction randomly happens slowly to people and sneaks up on them.
Most of these comments only confirm what I’ve known and learned about the gay community since coming out @ 25. We have some mean-spirited, cold-hearted, self-adsorbed, back-stabbing bitches amongst us. In every little clique of friends I have ever been associated with in my 59 years, there was always at least one gay person who would be considered a “shit-starter”. I don’t think that needs any explanation. I think that a few of you posters should think long and hard about that and possibly consider if you are the “one” in your “clique” and does it make you proud? And if you decide you are the one, how does it make you feel to learn what your friends think of you?
Geoffrey Hall
In common with most guys of my age, I lived through so much death in the 80’s that it breaks my heart to see guys dying so young. We must learn to respect ourselves; we are worth a lot.
@alphacentauri: Well, if by drugs you mean she gave them something for some erection help then I don’t think that counts and my experience with coke and meth just made me limp as spaghetti. Taffy pull I think they call it.
I’m not going to blame Porn though. Work in a 9 to 5 job and try being a drug addict. Damn hard to have both.
He looks 28. The reporter wrote that he’s 20 and then reports “Kane performed for various studios over the years”. If a teen is legal at 18 can you really use the phrase “over the years” to reference two years? Queerty, was 20 a typo?
@CivicMinded: Good call. Amazing no one thinks of this. If so it would explain allot of his problems.
@Allie Pocket: Don’t make light of a serious MOVEMENT, you nitwit!
Damon Robbins
Drugs ?
@Jax Graham: “…Ppl need to have respect for ALL lives! SEE @ALLIE POCKET!!!
Hector Garcia
Damn they are dropping like flies
@Stache: There are a large number of people who are drug addicts including alcoholics, meth addicts, opiate addicts, or even just potheads who have careers, 9-5 jobs, or if they’re younger are full time university students who get excellent grades. It’s a myth that a drug addict cannot have a career, be an excellent student, etc. and because of this myth a lot of people who are addicts do not realize it or get help for it since they believe that because they have a longterm career, job, or are getting top grades in university classes/exams, etc. that they could not possibly have any sort of issue with drugs or addiction.
@o.codone: “His family was all aware and supportive of his profession. How exactly does that happen?…Seriously if my mother ever saw my adult dick I’d be mortified. haahahhaa. Weird, right?
Thanks for putting this in some perspective, though the “family” you describe may not be one he came from which in turn, if it’s true, there are families, many dysfunctional, not unlike the “girlfriends/wives” who support (in tne waiting room) their “gay4pay” boyfriends/husbands!
@Cam: “…Please stop printing P.R. statements from porn studios.”
Thank you! So many don’t get it, including these young men. Life off the “porn” set is very different for some of these YOUNG men.
@Hussain-TheCanadian: “It makes me wonder if we, as human beings, are emotionally able to handle this kind of a job?”
A valid question to research!
You know this how? Given the other parts of your comment, forget I asked!
Greg Garavani
This is very sad, I really liked him a lot and he was too young to take his life. He would’ve learned a lot, regardless of the career you chose, individuals here enable it one way or another by supporting these performers. To make comments that are duragatory is unnecessary, this young man took his life. Condolences to his family and friends, it’s sad to see such a good guy go, wish he could’ve asked for help rather than taking the easy way out.
How could his family be “supportive of his profession”??? Would you want your kid to be in gay porn?
@Ignacio González-Long: Your Facebook Page, “I’m against bullying and Everyone Deserves Respect.” What a lying hypocrite! I wish I could cut and paste your hateful comment to your facebook page for all your friends and family to see! I bet they would be very proud of their “little Ignacio” wouldn’t they? Alcoholism/drug addiction is a choice not a disease? You retard, are you now an expert over the APA? You are truly fucked up. I hope you never have a problem for which you are prescribed pain meds and then become addicted to them…Life is a real bitch. Seen it happen my friend. Not pretty. A choice…pffft. You need to GROW THE FUCK UP little boy and go to some rehab clinics, visit some hospitals and do a little research. You might actually learn something–then again, probably not!
@enlightenone: are you against sex or just people who do it in front of a camera?
Cisco Torres
how bout they just put young man dies at 20! do we need to know he was in porn? jeez…
Yet another another one hit the bucket
I can remember before instant internet news sites like this reading about “the late Joey Stefano” and saying WTF!!!? I was truly shocked.
@DarkZephyr: “are you against sex or just people who do it in front of a camera?”
What have I said on this discuss or ALL others to question if I’m “against sex?” You are not snarky in your comments, unless I missed them especially given the sadness and seriousness of this article/report!
@Anthony Howard: you are a waste of skin and lack any sort of compassion your parents did a wonderful job raising you. I bet they are proud if they are still alive.
@Anthony Howard: wow! Statements like that about another person (who you didn’t even know)who just died makes me hope you’re one of those “non-porn whores” that Queerty annouces the death of soon. What a despicable, sad little man you must be.
Bob LaBlah
AJ De Leon II
The comments section perfectly captures the lgbt movement’s prejudice against the porn industry. Not that it’s gold dust. but it’s essentially very telling of how we view sex work in general. We can do better.
Claude Peterson
Captain Obvious
I can’t believe someone involved in selling his body for money died so young. How horrible. This has never happened before. I’m so shocked. *gag*
@Deon Letsoalo: BS, there are plenty of dudes in porn who are loving life. Bam Bam, for instance.
Poncho Sanchez
Although I haven’t watched commercial porn in years, I always thought it as good clean fun, so to speak….might have to re-evaluate that stance. Porn does have some benefits. It did help me clarify my feelings for men, and how to act on the feelings.
Cobalt Blue
How could it be? A life planty of sell ones own body and use of drugs to be cut so short.
Cam Prettyman Don-Caster
Rest in Peace
William Mc Gregor
Well it would be the Gay community without holier than thou bitches slut shaming! Well since like degrading others you need to shut your trap when anti-LGBT people do the same to your bitch asses!!!!
David Andrew Roubideaux
This is such sad news. God bless him so much. And i would like to know how he died. With all the homophobic people in the world. It’s starting to get a little fishy. But uh God Bless Kane. God loves everyone except for them homophobic people.
@enlightenone: Your comments have been filled with contempt and my question was not snarky, it was dead serious. You clearly have a large chip on your shoulder about this young man and others like him. So I am wondering where its genesis is. Is it the sex or the sex in front of a camera that you have contempt for?
Some people, like myself, are appalled at the judgment being tossed about with such ease here, as if he ceased being a human being with basic human dignity because he had sex in front of a camera and took money for it. He probably took money for it because he needed the money. Most of us take money for something and we do it because we need the money. What makes doing it for sex somehow reprehensible if sex itself isn’t reprehensible? This is a serious question.
Personally, I think the only reason the porn industry is as seedy as it is, is because its treated as seedy by the consumers themselves, we make sure there is no honor or respectability in it, and the reason porn stars are treated as lowly is because we choose to treat them that way and pretty much make sure that they are. If we weren’t all so damned judgmental I think the porn industry could be better regulated and become a lot safer for those involved.
I know that some of the posters above who have made cruel and judgmental comments have willingly and eagerly jerked to gay porn *many* a time. If porn is the wretched thing that many here seem to think it is, then consuming it, either for free or paying for it is absolutely no better. Maybe when a porn consumer dies, someone will haughtily dismiss them a “porn whore”.
I can’t help but recall with vivid clarity that homophobes talk about US the same way man of US have been talking about THIS young man.
Joe Trohoski
A startling reminder: Your time is coming. It’s not a matter of ‘if’, but ‘when’. How many days do you have left? However many you’ve got, I hope you enjoy them. And I hope that when your time comes, a bunch of low brow strangers aren’t sitting on Facebook reducing your life to what you did for a fraction of it.
Stop while you’re ahead. First and foremost, porn actors do not represent the average person. They are entertainers. I’m sick and tired of gay people constantly looking for people who shouldn’t be representing them to represent them.
Once again, I ask where in his personal life does it say that he was gay. In fact, what he’s doing if he’s not really gay which I wouldn’t be surprised if he isn’t is basically in a way similar to blackface except the gay version. People are focused on his occupation which is ONLY just a job. His job is not a reflect of his real life or who he is as a person. One thing we can assume is that he had no limit to what he would do for money.
You trying every reason to say that he’s gay like the rest of us and going as far as to minimize prostitution just shows you don’t have any idea to what you’re talking about. I’m sick and tired of gay people trying to find every reason to defend things that aren’t good trying to tie them with what it means to be gay.
I’m sorry but my sex life is not that of a porn actors. Yours shouldn’t be either. The quicker folks stop putting themselves down, the easier life will be but once again, folks with their inferiority complexes are speaking for them.
Patrick Flanagan
Poor Guy, another cutie lost to the dreaded world we live in 🙁
Patrick Flanagan
as usual every morons opinion seems to matter, sad world we are in>
..whether young or old it’s irrelevant, if you take drugs and they CONTROL you–tis your fault.
The lack of compassion and total disregard of what actually happened heard throughout many of these comments shows a very sad state that we have evolved into. Trying to be “cute” or showing just how “witty” you think you are actually reveals a lack of maturity in your life. The fact is that a man at an early age lost his fight either willingly or by accident in trying to live a life. And the fact that there was no one around to recognize the battle being lost or anyone to offer a safety net to a troubled soul is truly sad. And even sadder are the comments people make that never even knew this person. I can only hope that if any of you are ever in need of just a kind word or more serious help, someone is there for you. This person was someone’s son, he had a mother and father. For God’s sake people, show some some decency!
We are talking about porn actors. Trust me. Straight people feel the same exact way. That’s why you rarely see porn actors crossing over to the mainstream where they become tv personalities like ron jeremy aND jenna jameson. People that do porn can’t get jobs like that after porn especially working with children. We are the only group that thinks sex work is a viable career or something to be prideful about. I’ve heard folks literally expecting the world to change for them.
Not saying that this is right but the truth of the matter is that believe it or not, the world is mostly conservative and not so damn loose like how we are. That’s not good.
I’m always astonished when I hear families who are “supportive” of the porn lifestyle. Do mothers go their bridge clubs and brag about “my son, the hoe”?
@moldisdelicious: “We are the only group that thinks sex work is a viable career or something to be prideful about.” Really? Then how do you explain the enduring popularity of the Kardashians, Paris Hilton, and the loads of former and current strippers who got wifed up by athletes and rappers and are now reality show stars in their own right? Like us, straights are titillated by erotic entertainers and love it when they cross over into the mainstream. Blac Chyna STAYS in the news on the straight entertainment sites. And this is a woman who only JUST climbed down off that stripper pole. Ne Ne Leakes stripped her way to a new gig and superstardom. I don’t thing the world is as joudgmental and unforgiving as some of use in this thread are.
@DarkZephyr: Obviously, you’re going by Closemindedone’s history. I’ve had this discussion with her before and her contempt towards anyone that doesn’t fit her extreme narrow minded view of proper sex behavior.
@SonOfKings: Dude that’s just wrong. Throwing facts at poor MoldIs Delicious. I think he made allot of sense comparing this guy to a Ra*ist. We can never get enough Racism arguments in a story afterall. His other argument was pretty good too. Only Gays love sluts while straights only condemn that behavior till you ruined it with contradictory facts and making him look like a hateful hypocrite.
James F Barry
Pornography and prostitution demean the human sprite………….
@James F Barry: Question for you? Ever masturbate? Ever use a magazine? Ever use a movie? Yea…exactly as I thought…Fucking Hyocrite! “Demean the human sprite (sic)………….” If you have EVER used any kind of Porn for ANY reason, YOU are part of the Deameaning of the Human “Spirit.” In a glass house? Don’t throw those stones.
I don’t like the job/career of porn actors/stars but we (the public) have created a demand for them…
@DarkZephyr: “…Is it the sex or the sex in front of a camera that you have contempt for?”
Of all the comments made, I don’t know how mine stood out as contemptuous in need of clarity given that “a lot of heartless douche bags, “pack of mean girls” could be described as contemptuous, but here you go:
I enjoy sex and making love to an intimate partner within a relationship 99% of the time in a private space and NEVER “on camera”/VIDEO! Think Dustin-Lance Black.
VIDEO is a “mistake” that can’t be corrected!
I only have “contempt” for young people being sexually exploited, and even more so when it’s on video/”in front of a camera” (on a phone), especially, more often than not, gay youth who have been sexually abused, disowned, treated like outcasts, sick, sinners, an abomination, bullied, HOMELESS, etc.
Do I know how this young man tragically died or how/why he ended up exploiting his body and being captured “on camera”/VIDEO, and perhaps regretting it? NO!
A report of his death in his town’s newspaper would make perfect sense, if his parents approve.
All said, when TEACHERS, FIREFIGHTERS, COMPETENT PSYCHOTHERAPISTS, NURSES, ETC. are elevated to “pornstar” status and reported about the SHIP/GAYSHIP will be going in the right direction!
Oh please. You’re talking about two personalities that happen to be trustfund babies that had leaked sex tapes, a stripper that started to get recognition from the mainstream tabloid media because that got impregnated by a famous rapper, a reality TV star that married some millionaire that git cat from some reality show that used to be a stripper eons ago and whatever examples you can pull up. None of these people sexual history or whatever is glorified. You can say the Kardashians but they are known attention whores that will do anything for publicity.
Basically they are not the same as these gay porn actors getting all this attention simply because that’s their job. I have yet to hear of an active straight porn actor that is mainstream famous.
@moldisdelicious: Straight porn actors who are mainstream famous: Jenna Jamison. James Deen. Traci Lords. Farrah Abraham. Rocco Sifredi. Sasha Grey. Ilona Staller. Ron Jeremy. Etc.
Why all of a sudden these gay performance are ending there life either by drugs or suicide these performer are dying way to young. Bless be with his friends and family.
@moldisdelicious: I don’t recall once claiming that he was gay or suggesting that he was gay, I don’t know what his sexual orientation was. I also don’t know what Queerty’s motives are for posting about his death are but they aren’t the only LGBT news site doing it. That isn’t what the issue is for me however. Its the venomous comments being made about him. He is a human being who died at a young age, whether he is gay or not. I never said that he “represented me”. What are you even talking about?
I don’t think that anybody is making him into any kind of gay role model either. They are simply reporting about his death and not acting like the reason for his minor fame was dirty and nasty and shameful. Sex isn’t shameful and providing a service that people consume and pay for isn’t shameful. That is how I feel about it. But first and foremost, this young man was not a “porn whore”, he was a human being. Period.
@James F Barry: Well then you tell that human sprite to get off of her high horse and go back to Neverland where she belongs.
With so many of these porn stars dying young, makes one wonder: ‘what the hell is going on?’ I think it can be laid at the foot of ‘roids’: they get the body beautiful, but at a cost! ;Roids’ have been blamed for causing mental alterations of the mind–i.e.depression, paranoia. Etc. Of course, drugs! These guys aren’t the only ones into drugs. It seems most Hollywood celebs to one degree or another, are using them and also suffering the consequences of their use! Money, ego, fame and a shallow outlook on life=tragedy!
The horrible, asinine, pompous comments about this young man’s death are horrendous! No wonder we can’t get respect from our society when we don’t even give it to people we don’t even know! So what? He did porn? Someone loved this guy. He is someone’s child, grandchild, maybe brother or uncle. How dare you look your nose down on anyone except out of jealousy maybe because you know you could never make it in that industry. Also, stop acting like you have never watched porn. Get off the cross. Someone needs the wood. @$$holes!
@Stephen Mole: I have to ask, and it’s sort of hovering right there in front of you, but do you watch porn, like 99% of other men, gay or straight? If you feel you have the moral high ground to so cruelly criticize him, do you not pay his bills in a very real way, and thus participate and facilitate the supposed lifestyle bad choice you’re calling him out for? People do have sex and sexual attraction, and you can’t sort of pose as a puritan, when you acknowledge that being gay means having a same-gender attraction. It’s okay, and it should be said here, at this site where both lgbt people come to feel community and acceptance, and the larger world to better understand the lgbt community as well. Why choose to participate in the same sort of shame and self-loathing that must have contributed to this man’s death? It’s fine and fair if you want to call out something as immoral to yourself, but that assessment is only based on your opinion. Stop shaming people for having erotic feelings and especially when they get that shame and condemnation from a world that’s always looking for any and every opportunity to get that message out to the culture. I’m not a fan or a willing buddy to hanging with mean queens, and it’s all BS, ‘horizontal hostility’ to call out a gay guy for doing what a straight man might get a round of high-fives for. I AM aware that gay porn and images are not okay within the country’s culture, but we do, NATURALLY, i’d even add, find others PHYSICALLY attractive, and that’s not dismissing or denying their humanity, or whatever psycho-babble you are buying and feeding into, that says same-sex attraction is somehow wrong or shameful.
Nobody ever does from an over dose of e or weed. Can we please start acting normal and ostracise Tina, steroids, ghb and all the synthetic shit that is too easy to overdose on
yeah, it’s sad that a young man died especially at his age. however, i don’t see the significance of this being broadcasted like this is news or something. for real, being gay is so much more than porn actors dying from drug overdoses or pornography for that matter. yeah, guys masturbate and watch pornography and etc etc but it’s real disturbing when the overall message of this site seems to be centered around homophobia and sex. it’s disgraceful especially for a site that claims to be representing lgbtq people. it’s like they’re insulting our intelligence.
and i also don’t understand why we have to be so accepting of porn actors, sex workers, prostitutes and etc because we’re gay. give me a break. the irony is that if a straight person were to say that gay men are too obsessed with sex where they’re saying derogatory shit then folks are ready to fly off the handle. yet there’s constantly gay men that seem to want to prove them right, claiming that this is what being gay is all about.
yeah, everyone has sexual desires and whatever BUT there’s a time and place for everything. you can love sex without having to make yourself into a sex object where it reflects in everything you do from the clothes you wear to the images you post on instagram to your lifestyle choices to your circle of friends. i say this because it seems like a lot of guys see this as a sort of validation of being gay like this is what they have to do or how they have to be in order to be happy with themselves as a homosexual. that’s the problem.
@moldisdelicious: You sound like an old church lady clutching her pearls and about to catch the vapors over other peoples’ sexual adventurism. There will come a time in life when we’ll have no sex drive left, but until then…
@moldisdelicious:Ok Grandma.
@DarkZephyr: “Rylan Knox, a popular adult film performer, has been found dead of an apparent suicide. Knox died after hanging himself in his boyfriend’s apartment on April 29. His body was found later the same day….”
It’s sort of striking to me how many people posting on here preach with a litany of cliche’s about the porn business, and some resort to downright spiteful barbs.
Back in 2000 I started dating a hot bodybuilder type, Jim, who I met at a club when I was visiting Dallas. We both knew that the 200 mile commute to/from Austin would probably prevent us from pursuing anything other than a casual relationship, so we became occasional f-buddies, and enjoyed our times together.
In 2001, Jim met a well known gay porn star at a gay bar in Dallas, and they went home together, hit it off, and the Big Name stud convinced Jim to give porn a try. I had no issues with it, our sexual bond was strictly a fun, no strings time, so I got a pretty good bird’s eye view of the porn business through Jim.
Jim made about 20 films over a period of 2 years, had a blast with the guys who topped him (he was a self-described power bottom), and was a popular actor since he had a masculine, hot, muscled up look that was punched up fairly dramatically with steroids and HGH. He also made no b ones about the fact that he was also dick-dancing cross country, as well as escorting. Contrary to some of the judgmental comments made on this site, Jim was completely drug free (other than the glandular supplements he was on), always kept his corporate day job, and never had any illusions about making his porn star alter ego the center of his life. He knew the films and the escorting were just a temporary indulgence (and a way to make some extra cash), so he got into it, had some fun for about 18 months, and then he walked away.
I think it’s really sad about all the gay porn star suicides. More than anything, I wish that these guys had a better understanding about the very real service they’re providing, i.e., that their on-screen work is helping gay horn dogs like me stay off the streets and cut down on bar hopping by enjoying their sexuality occasionally (ok, a lot of times for me) in front of the flat screen at home. To me, gay porn films are an art form, just as surely as paintings and sculptures at an upscale gallery.
As for all the bitchy, jealous queens who post judgmental crap about a “destructive PORN STAR lifestyle”, a lot of that, to me, is just armchair experts spouting off about things they have no clue about. Jim clarified for me that there are actually a good number of professional, friendly people in the business; mainly, a lot of these guys are having loads of sexual fun, a lot more than most of us (yes, pun intended).
He was incredibly handsome, and had true movie-star good-looks. He had that ‘smoldering’ sexy look down. He could have taught,”Smizing” 101 Whether drugs or suicide, they’re both of the same agenda. It’s a story repeated too often, the gay guy takes the hit and goes out cold in the end of the story. A self-fulfilling prophecy learned far too well by us gay men. I think you can BOTH find someone attractive AND value them as people, and not objects. Growing up, I clearly only had access to “MS Magazine”, and my perspective is obviously then feminist one. I don’t know if porn is destructive, but admiring and finding the human form attractive and beautiful ain’t nothin’ new, folks. What IS ‘new’, is that men have become more constrained by ‘look-ism’ and appearance demands, and the ever-rising eating disorder rate among men, and especially gay/ bi men, seems to reflect that as true. If nothing else, follow Ellen’s advice, and ” Be kind to one another.” I hope he loved and was in love, at some point. He had choices. I am sorry he choose the wrong ones. One of the very few good things to come of the AIDS crisis, among my peers, was growing up questioning the gay lifestyle-yes, i said it-when it did not serve us well at all, neither in the moment nor the long run of things. I think it’s odd and hypocritical for anyone who has ever watched pornography to trash-talk a porno star, and so I guess that includes our possible next “First Lady”,who is neither a ‘lady’, nor was Donald her ‘first’.
“My place is of the sun, and this place is of the dark-I do not feel the romance, i do not catch the spark. …And now someone’s on the telephone, desperate in his pain. Someone’s on the bathroom floor, doing her cocaine.Someone’s got his finger on the button in some room-No one can convince me, we’re not gluttons for our doom.——-By grace my sight grows stronger. And i will not be a pawn of the Prince of Darkness, any longer.” _
“Prince of Darkness”, Indigo Girls
@trusgold: I agree, and like your point and perspective. The porn industry has vastly changed, and i bet these guys don’t get a hundredth percentage of what a ‘Jeff Stryker’ or ‘Ken Ryker’ got.
I heard it was an Overdose. Accidental. I wonder if their was a note?
Porn Stars are not the only ones succumbing to drugs and alcohol. I think dentists have the highest rate of suicide out of all the professions. So .. ummmmm.. whatever with that idea.. I have seen Dateline episodes where doctors have killed their entire families, nurses who burn their kids alive. i have seen insurance agents kill kids in drunk driving accidents. I have heard it all so to speak. So porn stars are so terrible.. so awful. have you paid any attention to politics in the last.. I dont know 1000 years.. LOL
there are worse things, far more evil than your gay porn star.. idiots..I mean seriously.. get a clue