Zac Stevens, who performed in a number of gay adult films with and Helix Studios, has died in San Diego at the age of 25.
The cause of death is still unknown, as friends and family await the results from a medical examiner.
According to his Twitter page, Stevens was interested in “hiking, traveling, relationships, yoga & skydiving.”
Many who knew him in the industry have expressed their condolences on social media:
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Jacob D. Freese
Rip beautiful person <3
Sweetie Pie
Another one bites the dust…sadly
Sutex Haron
“Blessed his soul. Ameen”
Luke Ellison
Such a shame. Beautiful chap!
He was a hottie
Dennis Gordon
So sad. RIP Zac.
Sandra Sandy Orr
R. i. p Zac x
Jonathan Joseph Appleby
Rest in peace but think that it’s a bit embarassing how the gay media and gay men put these porn stars on a pedestal.
Don’t you mean: it’s a bit embarrassing how all media put all male and female porn stars on a pedestal?
Take your homophobia somewhere else.
I’m so sorry for his loved one’s, family, friends… but after every death of a pornstar, gay pornstar why does queerty make a post about it? Many of these people we have never even heard of… a lot of people pass away but queerty goes out of its way to post about countless sex performers death. I just find it very odd. No disrespect to this guy’s life but the obituary post on pornstars because they did gay sex is very a ludicrous thing…
Thanks for your opinion.
Marshall R. Krug
very sad.
Dan Levin
Dan Levin
First: death is always sad. BUT: Why are the only deaths reported by this page always porn related? I thought this was a gay page, not a pervert page.
Deon Letsoalo
The death of a young life is always a tragedy, but I think it’s even sadder that prostitutes are the biggest role models in this “community”. We all know the physical features of the only type of people whose deaths are mourned on this site. Quite pathetic if you ask me!
Justin Weeks
He was not a prostitute adult film star prostitues are on the street corner lol
Dieter Michaels
Andrew Button
Sadly, this young man chose a very sordid profession to make his name. He needed real people, not users, to care for him and guide him through life.
Kevin J Desmond
No idea who he is/was … sad to die at a young age.
Joe Dalmas
@Justin Weeks: He was not any kind of “star”, he was very much a prostitute. He sold sex for money. Another prostitute bites the dust, oh well.
@Joe Dalmas: You in some contest for the most vile POS Joe?
Cobalt Blue
I feel sorry he dyed at so young age but he was a m@le pro$t*tute and it’s hard for me to give him my respect knowing the vile way he chose to earn his bread. I’m surrounded by people who live fair lives and give me the knowledge to differentiate between depravity and integrity.
Nobody more important died?
@Cobalt Blue: Though i agree, his death isn’t that interesting or important for the general public, i don’t agree with all you’re saying about prostitution. I don’t think it his death deserves less sympathy because he was a sex worker. He’s still a son, brother, friend who as far as we know never did any hurtful deeds.
@CWM85: wtf I cannot understand why anyone is complaining about why Queerty post about this young man. This is a gay site about gay news and this guy was a gay porn star. That is gay news for gods sake. There is nothing inherently wrong or dangerous with being a porn star but reality is that a lot if young men who may have other problems find themselves in porn because it is a fast way to make money, and the industry does not have a great track record of taking care of its performers. I have no idea who this kid is, but he is a human being and just because he did porn does not mean that his death should be ignored. I’m not supervised it’s not on CNN but I think it is totally apporiate for Queerty to post about him. The fact that porn stars die at the rate they do and as young as they do is a problem that should be explored and not bitched about by some over privileged bigots.
” …this young man chose a very sordid profession to make his name. He needed real people, not users, to care for him and guide him through life. ”
A meaningful comment.
Ron Jackson
@Cobalt Blue: Wow. You have some fucked up ideas mate. Just because he sold his ass on screen doesn’t mean he was “vile” or “depraved”. The idea that sex workers are somehow less than the rest of us is what is vile and depraved.
@Cobalt Blue: Go suck on a shotgun and pull the trigger asshole. Tired of your hit and run trolling.
@rei: Overprivileged bigots is so right. Not everyone was lucky enough to have parents that could afford a formal education for their kids who then turn to porn to make some money.
They get off pissing on them with their holier than thou judgements while spanking their monkeys to them at the same time. Says way more about them and how fucked up they are.
Murdered? He was in a high risk profession.
Avery Alvarez
Wow, some people are coooollldddd.
It’s incredibly sad that some still feel the need to look down on those in porn business.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen one of his scenes or not, but judging by the messages left by his friends and co-workers he seems like he was really nice guy.
Rest In Peace.
@Avery Alvarez:
The issue that I have with queerty posting this is basically them stereotyping its audience. I’ve noticed this with most gay news media sites basically telling it’s readers what they should care about and even going as far as to focus on a particular segment of readers. Personally, I find it offensive because it’s like they’re telling us how we should think as gay men as if there is a certain way we should think. If a straight person would do the same thing, there would be a huge issue with it. Same thing with a gay person doing it. All these people or corps want to be representatives of an entire population but don’t want to represent us. Not every gay guy is a porn fanatic or desires to live life as a porn star or is hypersexual. Straight people don’t do that shit where they live their lives around their sexual orientation. Why must we highlight it to the point where we feel the need to draw it out unnecessarily? Don’t get me wrong. Rest in peace to the man that died but there’s so much going on where what’s going on in the porn industry isn’t all that important.
I look at it this a little differently. I am a father of a young gay son. For me, I don’t see a porn star as much as someone’s son. I see a human. I see someone who is no longer on this earth but whose life is cut short. Very sad.
My condolences to his family and friends. May he rest in peace.
@Deon Letsoalo: Well said.
@rei: Pay no attention to CWM. He would be happier if this site was posting right wing garbage like at Fox News bashing this kid. This is a sad story about a human being who lost his life.
No one has mentioned the fact that in all likelihood this poor kid suffered from clinical depression. I am bipolar, which has a high success rate of medication controlling it’s symptoms. People who suffer from only depression are much, much more difficult to treat with medication. Depression effects porn stars and CEO’s alike. I am amazed at the shaming of porn stars and sex workers from the gay readers of Queerty, who themselves have likely been shamed for being queer in their lives. I am also amazed at the number of gays who love to watch porn but look down on the models who entertain them.
How vile and two faced can so many of you commenting in here be?!
Who cares what he did for a living?!
That didn’t make him any less of a human being you self-righteous a$$holes. People who work in the sex industry have every right to be treated fairly and equally…assuming you remember that word we’ve thrown around allot for decades, equality…or tolerance and respect for that matter.
But that’s ok, we all know that while you’re acting high and mighty by typing asinine comments, you’re tugging at your lonely little pricks with your other hand while getting off on these guys.
The real depravity revealed in some of these replies is that displayed by people who judge this young man simply by what he did for a living (or at least part of a living) without knowing his circumstances, his problems or anything about him. Nothing can justify a death, especially of one so young. One of the curses of the modern age is the bile that is expressed behind the anonymity of all types of social media. It’s cowardly, often cruel and, most of all, reveals an ugly spirit.
Well, since he was already indulging the vile, unnatural, godless, sick and repulsive acts of fellatio and sodomy, why should his death mean anything to anyone?! Oh, wait, we indulge in all those things as well, so it’s just doing them outside of marriage that made him unworthy of any love, respect or sympathy. (This is sarcasm for those of you who are bound to not recognize it as such.)
It probably isnt fair, but most gay porn stars are seen as troubled, diseased, grotesque sex addicts, which is why they’re not respected by the fat ,ugly, bald trolls posting on here. Even though they spank their dicks to the very guys they claim disgust them or that have passed away.
@Dan Levin: Some people would consider you a pervert just for being gay. Try having a heart you cold PRICK!
@Deon Letsoalo: What;s sad is your lack of respect for a person that never did anything bad to you.
@Jacob D. Freese: i hope other fellow models will take an inititive when they see a peer spiraling out of control. i bet most of the guys are decet people and willing to help a friend
@CWM85: My God, it’s Queerty would do you expect. Gay-National-Enquirer
He was so cute. What could have made him give up on life at such a young age? Damn.
A little research reveals his name was Daniel and he had a strong Christian upbringing. Even working overseas for a Christian group as a teen. Then he came out and was not accepted by many in his church. For him to get into porn seems a recipe for disaster, given the self hatred baked into him from the church.