Various sources report a gay Utah couple were among the victims Sunday evening in a mass shooting that took place at an outdoor Las Vegas concert.
Cameron Robinson of Cedar City, a father of three who worked for the city of Las Vegas, was shot and killed in the horrific attack, while his boyfriend, Bobby Eardley, took shrapnel to the back.
They were attending the country concert when gunman Stephen Paddock fired into the crowd, murdering 59 people and injuring hundreds.
Related: Mariah Carey ambushed about the Vegas attack and Twitter is pissed
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According to Robinson’s sister Meghan Ervin, Eardley is expected to survive.
Ervin says Robinson commuted from Cedar City to Las Vegas every day for work and had lived there for about a year.
Robinson was fatally struck by a bullet in the neck, according to his sister.
A GoFundMe page has been established to help with medical expenses and the cost of the funeral.
h/t: KUTV
Serious question here: When can we start having a serious discussion about banning assault weapons in this country? It never seems to be the right time to have this discussion. Whenever it’s brought up after a massacre like this, Republican leaders bleat “it’s too soon to discuss that”. Funny how that’s not their reaction when it’s someone brown who was the perpetrator. But if it’s a white guy? How dare we “politicize the tragedy”.
Well, the hell with that. Assault weapons have no purpose other than to kill human beings as quickly as possible. There is no sane, logical reason for private citizens to have such weapons. Our Republican congressional leaders can take their “thoughts and prayers” and shove them up their cvnt holes, or at least have the decency to admit that they will never, ever do anything about the stranglehold that the NRA has on sensible gun legislation.
My heart goes out to Cameron Robinson’s boyfriend and his family and friends. I am so, so sorry that absolutely no good will come out of this horrific event, because our so-called leaders love guns more than they love this country and its people.
Totally agree with you! In fact, the Second Amendment should be repealed. How many shootings have been to protect or defend one’s property or life? FEW in comparison to the murders and accidental shootings that kill thousands in this country every year.
Banning guns isn’t going to stop deaths. More people in this country die from drunk driving or the heroin epidemic. Out of all deaths in the country, murder is a small percentage and of that percentage mass shootings are an even smaller percentage.
The problem is looney people. We’ve had many of the same guns on the market for the past few decades but only lately have there been more mass shooting.
As far as repealing the 2nd amendment, if you’re willing to scrap one amendment so leisurely then you must be willing to scrap the rest.
Murder is illegal and it didn’t stop this crazy guy from murdering people. Automatic weapons are illegal and it didn’t stop this guy from modifying his guns to become automatic weapons. Heroine is also illegal and it hasn’t stopped the heroine epidemic. Putting a blanket ban on all guns only punishes those who abide by the law and opens up new doors to the black market to enrich the gun cartels of Mexico to send more illegal guns to this country.
“Assault weapon” is a made up propaganda term. It’s just like calling the inheritance tax the “death tax.”
It isn’t an actual type of weapon. It was created because it sounds negative. In most cases, “assault weapons” are semi-automatic rifles. In some cases, depending on the law, it can apply to shotguns just because they have pistol gripes.
Secondly, the term was chosen to confuse people because is sounds similar to assault rifle, rifles which are selective fire (where you can choose between full and semi-auto).
Most people killed with guns are killed with handguns, not rifles or “assault weapons.”
@KaiserVonScheiss OK, I’ll see your spurious argument and raise you the house limit: Let’s ban handguns too.
In fact, let’s not stop there. If you want to own a gun, you can own a gun. It’s in the Constitution, as we have been reminded ad nauseum. Fine, you can have a gun… but its design technology can be no more advanced than what was available when the Second Amendment was enacted with the Bill of Rights in 1791.
After all, I also keep hearing about the “originalism” of the Constitution and how “originalists” on the Supreme Court must interpret the Constitution as though it was trapped in amber. I’m down with that–Americans can own breech-loaded muskets that take 15 seconds to load and fire, and that have a maximum effective range of a few dozen yards.
Yeah, I’d be cool with that.
“Fine, you can have a gun… but its design technology can be no more advanced than what was available when the Second Amendment was enacted with the Bill of Rights in 1791”
That is the dumbest argument I’ve ever heard. If you want to go with that theory, then freedom of speech should only be allowed on media that was available in 1791. Therefore, no freedom of speech through any digital media including internet, TV, and radio.
With that logic, the same goes for the 4th amendment regarding unreasonable searches. I guess according to you, it only applies to objects which existed in the 1700s. Same goes for giving the electric chair as a death penalty since at the time it wasn’t considered unusual.
Your argument is dumb.
It is no more illogical and stupid then your useless argument that we shouldn’t even try to do anything.
By ‘do anything’ you mean abrogating a fundamental part of the constitution. The right to own guns keeps the government in check. Much harder to become a tyranny when the populace can fight back.
Miss Hoffman has deigned to use a nonsensical argument based upon statistics. First of all, the murder rate in the US is down compared to what it was in the 1970s. that at least is true. However last year there were 15,701 deaths from gun violence in the US. Not suicide. Not all those people were the intended victim, some were innocent bystanders or even the person who was trying to protect himself and ended up shooting himself. There were 2200 people who were killed in mass shootings which are defined by the Justice dept as a shooting incident in which there are 4 or more victims. Last year there were 10,265 people killed in DUIs in the USA. And heroin overdoses accounted for 15,446 deaths, of which Miss Hoffman believes each one of the dead addicts justly deserved that death.
The fact is that vehicular deaths, whether alcohol related or not are a large number. But we tightly regulated automobiles, speed limits, types of motorized vehicles, as well as license the actual drivers and revoke licenses for habitual offenders. We require people seeking licenses to operate motor vehicles undergo driver’s education and we test them regularly to ensure they are still competent.
Any asshole with the proper money in his pocket can go in and buy a firearm – although some states require him not to be a felon and a few even require him to go through a gun safety course although these typically are a few minutes to perhaps a day in length with no actual testing to see if he understood what he was hearing in the class.
This shooter legally bought a device he used to alter several of his firearms from semi-automatic to automatic. The cops say he was shooting with a rate of fire of 9 shots per second, far above the 3 shots per second of an experience shooter with a semi-automatic firearm. This ability to legally sell kits and buy kits to make a firearm into an automatic firearm needs to stop.
Miss Hoffman also has out and out lied about Mexican cartels selling firearms in the USA. The cartel uses proxies to buy firearms in the USA. This is their main source of weapons and ammo and has been for decades. Miss Hoffman knows that since she was screaming her tits off a few years ago when Obama was president and some idiot at Justice, while trying to do a sting on such a proxy sale, lost track of where the firearms were located resulting in the firearms and the people involved being able to disappear without a trace.
This brings up another bit of drive Miss Hoffman and others of her ilk love to trot out. The source of illegal firearms in the US. Illegal firearms in the USA come form three primary sources. The shooter legally purchases the firearm himself or legally obtains it form the rightful owner – usually a family member or a close friend. Second is where the shooter has a their party purchase to the firearm for him because the shooter is either legally prohibited from doing so or does not want a firearm purchase traced to him. Third he buy the weapon from illegal dealers who obtain the weapons through the use of proxy purchasers. Stolen firearms account for less that 15% of all the weapons used in shootings.
I do not believe in banning all possession of weapons. I own firearms, some my own and some inherited from my father after his death. I do believe that we need a much stronger system of background checks which applies to all sales and transfers of legal ownership from one person or another. I do believe that in order to purchase firearms, one must complete a serious course on gun handling and use based on a nationwide curriculum and a program which includes testing. I do believe that proxy sales should be banned. I also believe that there is no valid reason why anyone needs a high capacity magazine or an assault weapon. Neither is needed for hunting and frankly nether is needed for self defense. Finally, gun owners who violate the rules for proper use and storage of their weapons are strictly liable for any injuries and deaths resulting from the improper use or storage. So you leave your firearm in your car while you hop into McDonalds to grab and burger and someone steals it and uses it in a murder, guess what? You get sapped with a wrongful death lawsuit by the survivors of the decedent.
“First of all, the murder rate in the US is down compared to what it was in the 1970s”
And there are more guns in circulation than there were in 1970, so it’s unclear as to what correlation you are trying to make with that stat.
“I do believe that we need a much stronger system of background checks which applies to all sales and transfers of legal ownership from one person or another”
How would that have prevented what happened in Las Vegas if the crazy guy still passed the background check?
The 2nd amendment clearly says, “shall not be infringed”. Citing that you “believe that there is no valid reason why anyone needs a high capacity magazine or an assault weapon” isn’t much of an argument. I could use the same argument and say why do you need a car that can go more than 75 mph if that’s the highest speed limit in your area, same for a house that’s above a certain square footage, but neither of those are protected by our Constitution. We can’t just start infringing on amendments because you don’t like them. Additionally, most gun related deaths are from handguns and not from long guns or high powered weapons. Therefore, if you want to eliminate or vastly diminish the purchase of high powered weapons, how does that lower the number of deaths when most deaths are from small handguns?
Plus your statistics are a bit off. In 2015, 10,265 people died from DUI, not last year. When you then say, “There were 2200 people who were killed in mass shootings”, that number isn’t for 2015. In 2015, the number was 475. Plus as noted by the CDC and the Washington Post, Heroin deaths surpassed gun homicides in 2015:
Again, I’m unclear of where you are getting your data when you lied claiming some data was from last year when there aren’t official 2016 numbers out yet. If people dying is your biggest gripe, then why aren’t you tackling the leading cause of death in the US? The shooter is Vegas used automatic weapons which are already illegal. You can’t make an illegal gun anymore illegal. People kill people, guns don’t.
The weapon used at this shooting was illegal but I think it’s too late to do anything now. If only they banned it during the 90s or earlier may be that would have solved the problem but its too late now.
It’s a RIGHT and a FREEDOM to own these ‘weapons’. This (LOSING) argument from the rabid, morally bereft left has about as much substance as HILLARY CLINTON has integrity. It’s INSANE people who use ANY GUN to kill other people. The insane person in this situation was a CARD CARRYING LIBERAL btw. As was 99% of every other MASS MURDERER in the past 20 years. Responsible gun owners will NEVER give up their right to own these weapons and that is exactly what they are. Weapons to DEFEND themselves against criminals of both the civilian kind and the GOVERNMENT kind. How many here bitched and whined about the fact that OBAMA *spit* gave thousands of guns to MEXICANS in the Fast and Furious scandal? Huh? How many? *crickets…
Your ‘Republican leaders’ have NOTHING to ‘apologize’ for either. How about YOU apologize for spreading this pathetic, ignorant, ill advised BULLSH*T? Bet your cowardly ass you’d be the first one to get behind the ‘guy with the gun’ in the event of some lunatic suddenly shooting up the place where YOU are enjoying that space, minding your own business. You’d PRAY to God for that RESPONSIBLE gun owner to take out that threat to YOUR mortality and you know it.
Stop blowing smoke up our arses. 99% of the mass-murderers in Europe and America are Muslims and Democrats, you know, B. Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton supporters. Assault weapons in the hands of Republicans and alt-Righters are benign. It’s only when Muslims and Democrats get their hands on them that they turn into weapons of mass-murder.
So, the only solution to this problem is not to ban the poor, innocent assault weapons, but to ban Democrats and Muslims. They are the actual guilty agents. Finding a way to get rid of Democrats and Muslims is what Congress should be focused on.
Furthermore, if the assumption is that the criterion of banning an object’s availability in society is it’s capacity to be misused as a weapon of mass-killing, then we are obliged to ban trucks and automobiles, or at least pull every swarthy Muslim out of a moving vehicle on the spot when caught driving one. Reductio ad absurdum.
You really need to think through your preconceived bullshit before you open your mouth to embarrass yourself. Or perhaps, like a lot of Democrats I know, you’re so far gone down the ideological rat hole you poor souls have dug for yourselves that you’re incapable of feeling shame.
I know this crazy ass boy has all types o weapons like that but he don’t want anyone to know about it. He use to try to get me to come to his house, F that. He might nut up a hunt me like a dear . I don’t talk to him anymore
Let’s make guns illegal because that’s how we stopped illegal drugs.
Get back to me when the war on drugs ends.
We need an ammo register to stop these gun nuts accumulating thousands of rounds of ammo. Why the hell does anybody need thousands of rounds of ammo?
Go after the ammo. Ammo is not covered by the Constitution.
They need thousands of rounds of ammo because hitting a moving human target is HARD.
I still say that if people in this country really feel that their Second Amendment right to own a gun is worth all of this carnage, then they should be limited to circa 1791 technology when the amendment was enacted. You want a gun, you can have a gun–as long as it’s a breech-loader that takes more time to load than a second grader reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and has an effective maximum range the width of the average McMansion.
Cars dont kill people, people driving cars kill people. Probably more HIV deaths annualky that mass murders. Do we outlaw sex by poz people?? We need to have an honest discussion about it, but the NRA is not helpful and neither are people looking at objects as being empowered without human action.
More people die each year from bad healthcare policies by the GOP. We need to prioritize our needs.
You think socialized, single-payer health care policy is the solution? Ask the British people how they like their National Health Care system vis-a-vis the prompt and superior care they receive in private clinics and hospitals. You’ll get an earful, as an American who used to work in London told me. He said that is British co-workers told him to avoid the National Healtcare System at all costs, that if he can afford it, get a private doctor and clinic, that is, if he wants to return to America alive and with all his limbs in good working order.
A Brit who was a soldier in Iraq, told me that he had to wait almost a year to get treatment on a serious wartime leg injury by some Paki doctor in the National Health Care system. He couldn’t afford an operation performed by a private physician. He’s now a cripple with a gimp. He’s mad as hell at the National Service. Socialism always brings with it severe shortages and rationing. Oh, yeah, it does. I’ve read that the national healtcare system in Sweden is on the ropes, too. Italy’s, too. The socialized medical system of socialist Russia couldn’t even supply fresh hypodermic needles. Doctors had to use the same ones over and over again.
The President of the Canadian national healthcare system said that the system itself is sick. Private clinics are outlawed in Canada. But I know that in British Columbia–don’t know what’s going on in other provinces–the law is ignored. In order to get an x-ray or an MRI promptly you have to sneak into an extra-legal private clinic or wait a year to get it from the national system. Everyone, including the judges and police personnel, look the other way. After all, they and their family members need those private clinics for prompt care.
The patients in need of serious attention are told by the National Healtcare system in Canada to go across the border and get prompt care from a private doctor in America, then return with the receipt and the National system will reimburse. Yeah, that’s what we need in America, a single-payer boondoggle like in Canada. Bernie Sanders and the Democrats are insane or intellectually challenged, or what I suspect, both.
In my day, when we had a totally private medical system, before Johnson and the Democrats rammed Medicare and Medicaid down our throats and inflated the cost of medicine thereby 2,000%, was the last estimate, a day in the hospital cost $70. Because of Medicare and Medicaid it now costs almost $2,000/day! My parents didn’t need insurance. They paid for our medical costs out of pocket, no problem.
For the poor who couldn’t afford to pay even that there were county hospitals all over the country, usually connected to a medical school close by as a training ground for resident doctors, with an attending physician in charge of overseeing a dozen or more of them. And the treatment was free, well, subsidized by the county. And because it was locally controlled, the cost was kept down and the efficiency up. And the care was the latest of what was being taught in medical school.
I know what I’m talking about. Because when I was living in Rochester, NY, I contracted a terribly painful case of bursitis. I couldn’t move. And I didn’t want to pay for a private doctor, even though I could afford to. So, I had someone drive me to the local county hospital. I walked into the huge waiting room, where 50 or more patients were sitting, mostly Blacks. No one asked for my name or insurance. I just took a number and sat down. I thought I would be waiting all day. I was seen within a reasonably short time because of the large number of resident doctors turning over patients at a good clip. The resident who saw me, left the room, perhaps to discuss my case with the attending physician. I don’t know. Anyway, he came back with a prescription. I got it filled, downed the pills, and voila, no more bursitis. The care in general at a county hospital was up-to-date because the residents were fresh from the medical school nearby.
County hospitals didn’t universalize medical care, as the Democrats are recklessly determined to do, have done already. They targeted only those people who couldn’t pay, or didn’t want to pay for private care. So, they were cheap to run, in addition to being answerable to local officials that were less likely to tolerate the shenanigans of Medicare and Obamacare. I read that one-third of the budget for Medicare pays the cost of waste, fraud, and corruption. No telling what it is for Medicaid. And from what I hear Obamacare is on its way to competing with Medicare in that department.
Democrats are incapable of learning from history, which is why they condemn us all to repeat it over and over and over again. I asked a leftist why, after the history of the repeated failures of the redistriution-of-wealth schemes of the Democrats to supposedly improve the lot in life of the poor–Democrats’ voting constituency–they persist on clinging to them, concocting new schemes like Obamacare, the biggest boondoggle of all? His reply was revealing: “We’ll just have to keep trying until we get it right.” And there it is, the explanation for Democrats’ insane stubborness. They keep trying the same thing over and over again thinking that one day they will get a different result. Wait, I read somewhere–Oh, yes, that’s the definition of insanity attributed to Einstein.
My niece’s premiums for her family of five have doubled from $450/mo. under her private plan to $900/mo., a 100% increase in premiums overnight under Obamacare, which she’s forced to subscribe to. Plus her deductible under her private family plan went from $2,500 to $10,000, a 400% increase overnight under Obamacare. In other words, her family has to pay all of their medical bills now out of pocket every year while their premiums, nonetheless, have increased 100% and their deductible 400%. In other words, Obamacare doesn’t pay for any of their medical expenses while they have to pay through the nose for the privilege of subscribing to it. Obviously, Obamacare is just another redistribution-of-wealth scheme Democrats concocted to help their voting constituencies out. Some Democrat Congressmen have expressed their regret at following the dementia-ridden Nancy Pelosi in ramming the Obamacare bill through without reading a word of it. Shame on the Democrats.
Join a well-regulated militia and then you can have all the guns you want – under lock-and-key at the armory!
Oh, Ms. Hoffman, you’re an amusing little girl. As predictable as a clock in your incapacity for subtle reasoning and reveling in broad generalizations propagated by those conservative snowflakes you so want to accept you and your queer little self. Oh, you little queen, the big bad men are coming for your guns. Cuz once they take one gun from one deranged sociopath, it’s such a slippery slope. And then how will you defend yourself against the Indians! They might rape and maim you. What a cute cipher you are.
In the plethora of insults, you aren’t making much sense. Instead of intelligently explaining your reasoning or opinion, you used your entire response to insult me. That says more about you than it does me when I respond intelligently.
Also what’s with constantly referring to men as female pronouns as if it’s supposed to insult someone? Do you look down upon women that much that you think calling someone a woman is a sign of weakness because you view women as weak? Seems odd
The shooter in this incident used automatic weapons. Automatic weapons are already banned by law. Not sure how creating more laws would’ve stopped this man.
Am I supposed to believe that Queerty would have sympathy for these men were they not gay? I’m having a little trouble swallowing that, because I’ve been reading an awful lot of hate from other sites (even less radically liberal than this one), and the general consensus seems to be that although this is a tragedy, the victims were country music fans, and country music fans are all idiotic, knuckle-dragging Trump voters, hence, they had it coming.
Heywood Jablowme
Sort of like how the alt-right Twitterverse misidentified the shooter as another guy who happens to be a Democrat and then they were all gleeful and c*mming in their pants for a day and a half, thinking the shooter was a Democrat?
Oh right, some of them still believe it – “false flag” and all the usual right-wing drooling nutbag conspiracy stuff.
Charlie in Charge
Whenever anyone makes recommendations for gun safety laws in order to prevent the high number of guns deaths in this country, the opposition never seems to want to offer up any alternative suggestions. What reasonable alternatives can gun rights advocates recommend? Until I hear those suggestions, “Nobody gets guns” sounds very attractive to me.
And I live in California where we have been pretty successful at outlawing many types of guns so yes, until I hear what compromise you would like to make to reduce gun deaths I am perfectly happy for you to lose all your guns.
And don’t just pin this on “crazy” or “mentally ill” people. There are crazy people the whole world over but the unparalleled frequency of mass shootings uniquely American.
“And I live in California where we have been pretty successful at outlawing many types of guns so yes, until I hear what compromise you would like to make to reduce gun deaths I am perfectly happy for you to lose all your guns.”
But if California’s gun laws are lowering the homicide rates overall because of strict gun laws, why does California have a higher murder rate per capita than Arizona or Wyoming which have the most lenient gun laws?
The Washington Post further analyzed this to show there is no correlation between the homicide rate and gun laws
Charlie in Charge
I never claimed it’s a one to one correlation; I’m just saying in California we are very capable of putting more restrictions on guns so now would be a good time to hear of alternative solutions from gun enthusiasts.
But the whole purpose of additional gun laws on top of the existing gun laws is to reduce the number of homicides and murders, right?
California put more restrictions on guns but they still have a high murder / homicide rate. It didn’t lower the rate. If you agree that there is no correlation to tougher gun laws and the homicide / murder rate, then why bother if it isn’t going to save any lives?
Charlie in Charge
That’s a rather false analogy. The aim is to reduce gun violence in California, and it has. A study in 2013 concludedGun violence across California dropped 56% from 5,500 gun deaths in 1993 to 2,935 in 2010 (the study takes into account California’s expanded population from about 30 to 37 million people over the same period).
So your feeling is as long as the number of gun homicides goes down, but if the number of total homicides stays the same or increases, then it’s fine? That sounds rather idiotic.
The aim is to reduce the total number of lives lost. Not just so people are still killed but by another object which is what happened with the California gun laws, since their homicide rate is higher than two of the states with the loosest gun laws
Charlie in Charge
You really need to make yourself aware of the facts: California homicides are down. Not just gun deaths – that nonsensical notion that killers who would have murdered with guns will just do so with knives instead has proven untrue:
Your numbers are outdated and its arbitrarily comparing California murder / crime rates today to those from when the LA riots took place several years ago, which obviously will show that murder / crime are down. I’m talking recent numbers such as 2016 which show murder and crime are on the rise again from the previous year.
Compare that with the year gun legislation took effect. You’ll see there is no correlation between murder rates and gun laws as I have pointed out and have numerous studies mentioned in the Washington Post article which I provided to you.
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I’m a gun owner so I’d like to throw my opinion out there: my parents both carry guns, too. None of us is a member of the NRA. I’m a teacher, mom retired from the US government and dad is a folk musician and a Democrat. We’re not rednecks, we don’t hunt and we’re not those super constitutionalists with don’t tread on me flags. We just live in a high-crime city and want to protect ourselves. The government has done nothing to curb illegal gun violence over the decades. Luckily, we’ve never had to use them, but I don’t think they should be taken away from us, either. Start with the criminals, clean up the no-go areas of the city, and watch how irrelevant those guns will become.
Heywood Jablowme
Your attitude makes sense to me. Having a handgun for protection, sure.
Hunting makes some sense to me too, especially DEER since there are way too many of those tick-carrying Lyme-disease monsters around, crashing into cars & stuff. And they taste good.
I’m puzzled though by all these people who acquire one gun and then it’s like ice cream, they want to try all the different “flavors” or something. Last time I checked, you can generally only shoot one gun at a time. (Unless perhaps you’re Annie Oakley, or an octopus.) Someone in another comment forum snootily told me, well they’re like golf clubs… an analogy that was lost on me. Anyway then a burglar breaks in and steals all their guns.
Let non white men start buy weapons like this, Then they will want to put a ban on them , Let Blacks and Latinos, American Indian, and Asia anyone who’s skin isn’t white start buying these guns the would be banned ASAP
But almost 50% of all homicides, mostly gun related, are carried out by blacks. You’re trying to spin this into a race issue when it’s not