It’s looking like Sen. John McCain will get his way. With a cloture vote coming today to end debate on 2011’s Department of Defense Authorization bill (and nix any possibility of Republican amendments), Maine’s Republican Sen. Susan Collins says she’s not going to vote for it, meaning the Democrats will be (at least) one vote short of pushing it through. UPDATE: In a roll call vote of 56-43, the Senate failed to score a 60-vote majority to block John McCain’s attempt to filibuster, meaning there is no cloture, and no immediate end to debate on the budget bill or DADT’s compromised repeal. Sen. Snowe voted against cloture.
If, or when, the DADT repeal effort fails today, much ire will be aimed at Sen. Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader who allowed Republican colleagues to add only one amendment to the Defense spending bill (the DREAM Act, which technically has bipartisan support) — something the GOP balked at, and did nothing but firm up their opposition to voting in favor of the law. It was this “my way or no way” mentality that had some critics immediately calling Reid’s strategy a bust.
And for all the Democrats’ insisting that it was McCain who needed to be convinced to drop his filibuster threat, it turns out that McCain may have successfully argued the vote today is just political maneuvering. Here’s McCain on the Senate floor today:
[flv: 650 400]
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(Not mentioned by McCain, but noted by Sen. Carl Levin in a follow-up response immediately after McCain, is that the DADT repeal language requires the Pentagon sign off on a repeal.)
And it’s no wonder in today’s planned post-DADT vote press conference organized by Sens. Richard Durbin and Joe Lieberman has invited the Human Rights Campaign’s Joe Solmonese and not anybody from Servicemembers Legal Defense Network or Servicemembers United — because those groups are the only ones willing to criticize the White House and Democrats Inc. on their failure to push harder. SLDN spokesman Trevor Thomas: “We have not seen any signs that the White House has been whipping this vote in the last 48 hours.” Harsh words for supposed allies.
Meanwhile, HRC chief Solmonese is going to have some explaining to do. In February he promised donors DADT would be dead this year, thanks in part to his organization’s efforts. Democratic leadership has made similar promises to LGBT Americans.
Uh oh.
First of all, most blame goes to Obama. He could have ended DADT with an executive order. He chose to throw it back to Congress. Obama knows this will only be harder to repeal in Congress next year, so now is the only chance. What does he do to help? NOTHING! What does he do to hurt? He nominates a Marine commander for confirmation hearings the same day that is on the record against the DADT repeal! If this issue was important to Obama, he would have ensured his nominees were on board to implement this policy repeal!
Secondly, Harry Reid deserves fault for this not happening as well. If this issue was so important, he’d have been willing to compromise with Sen. Collins of Maine to get this passed! The Dream Act addition as well was a mistake. There was no campaign promise by Obama and the Democratic leadership on helping illegal immigrants become US citizens via military service, nor did he promise this in his state of the union address.
Both these men deserve to be thrown out of office – Reid replaced as Majority Leader for the next session of Congress, and Obama needs to replaced in a primary by a Democratic candidate that actually can lead and govern properly and doesn’t make promises they don’t intend on seeing through!
To the brave man or woman who will support eqaulity: I salute you.
To the President who will not lift a finger to help: I salute you with my middle finger! I vow that you will never receive a second vote from me. I’d rather face my enemy than be stabbed in the back by a “fierce supporter”.
McCain blames the Dems of bringing this before the congress prely for political gain, but OH NO Mr. Filibuster McCain wouldn’t be playing politics, nor obstructionist ,nor get even, nor sour grapes, uh-uh, nope! I say McCain doesn’t want his name on a publicly viewable roster for all to see.
I seriously question the initial rationale of taking surveys of the military in order to determine the direction that ourt country will then take. It is the Government that tells the Military wnat to do, not the other way around. Ours is not a Military state. The Military does not tell the Government, nor the People what to do. This is backward and we should have never started down this path.
Why too are we asking the WIVES of Military Personnel what they think? Gays, by virtue of governmental opression, cannot marry In Order To have a married spouse to fill out the survey.
Why is it that a plethora of other countries seem to be able to handle this issue without nary a hitch??? It is because they are not hindered in their duties by the Religious Right. There.
*Special Thanks to Republican Sen. Susan Collins as well.
The disgusting thing about McCain.
His Chief of staff, who has worked for him for decades, and recently headed up his senate reelection campaign is OPENLY GAY! So McCain hired Mark Buse when he was young, promoted him all the way up to Chief of staff over the years, and had him run his campaigns, and yet McCain somehow thinks that gays can run his Senate office but can’t be in the military?
What a nausiating bigot.
J. Clarence
I don’t really see where on this DADT legislative issue it is Obama’s fault. We can fault Harry Reid for the legislative strategy he took on the issue, but at the heart of the problem is the structure of the United States Senate.
There are more than a majority, i.e 51+ Senators, that would vote to repeal the law right now. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the Senate requires 60+ votes to bypass the filibuster, and Democrats only have 59 votes. So blaming Obama and Harry Reid for coming up short on the number of Democrats Americans gave them to work with seems a bit strange.
Now the president could have campaigned harder and pushed more aggressively, but that doesn’t change 59 to 61 last I checked. Most Americans want this policy repealed so it’s not as there is a majority or minority of Americans, conservatives or otherwise, to convince here. Pro-DADT Senators just have the bylaws of the Senate on there side.
Now of course the president could, after this vote fails, if it does, impose a moratorium and not appeal the recent federal case, and wait until the survey is completed. And if he doesn’t we can resume–I mean continue–the Obama-Bashing but lets wait to see that happen first.
We will get nothing from the Dems, why can’t LGBT’s see that? It drives me up the wall how our community is the same thing to Dems that the anti-abortionists are to the repukes. Religion in this country = big buck$ and it’s tax free, while it organizes people to vote from an uninformed and chauvanistic mindes. It’s the perfect foil, in other words. We exist for the other minority interests under the “big tent” to kick around. Anti gay hate in this country is amazingly protean in it’s usefulness to pols who refuse to lead, and to hustle the rich instead. It’s a fire any fuckwit can start, you don’t even need a match. If I were alive during the time of John Calvin, and know what I know now? I would’ve assassinated him. Our country will die because if his evil ideas and need to whip up hysteria.
Ken from Chelsea
How dare Barack Obama fillibuster DADT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m voting straight Republican from now on. Look how wonderful the 2000’s were under their control!
Jim D
I take one exception. Why would Harry Reid try to work out a compromise with Susan Collins, or any Republican for that matter. They agree to a compromise and then the Republicans won’t vote for it anyway.
how is it the democrats fault?
98% of them voted yes, 100% of Republicans voted against repealing dont ask dont tell. Are you fucking stupid to not see how is to blame here?
I’m voting Green from now on. Screw the Dems and their ‘do nothing’ uselessness. Voting for the lesser of 2 evils no longer works for me.
How is this Obama and Harry Reid’s fault?
They knew the cards that were dealt. If Obama cared so much about this issue he could have bypassed the Congress and issued an Executive Order. If Reid cared so much about getting this done, he’d have compromised with Sen. Collins of Maine and allowed more amendments to be voted on. If Obama cared so much, knowing all these facts, he could have met with Sen. Collins and discussed this with her. However, neither of them did anything. All they did was wait for the Republicans to filibuster this and hope that they Republicans will be seen as the bad guys. Problem with that, the wind right now is blowing in the Republicans favor – THEY CAN’T DO ANYTHING WRONG!!! Have you seen who they are elected in Republican primaries??? The more insane you are, the more likely you are to get elected!!!
So Obama punted to congress and thet dropped the ball. Quelle surprise.
Now, why doesn’t he grow a pair, announce the administration won’t appeal the ‘DADT is unconstitutional’ ruling, and place an immediate moratorium on all those discharges. Try doing some fierce advocating already.
As for McCain…Let’s ship that relic back to Vietnam for an extended stay at the Hanoi Hilton.
@Jim D:
You only need the 60 to bring a bill to a vote. Then it only needs 51 votes to actually pass. All Reid would have to do is compromise to get collins vote and allow amendments to be discussed. Let the Republicans offer a few amendments, reject them since they won’t get 51 votes, and then bring it up to a vote on the full act at the end of the day. Pass the Defense Act with 51-59 votes, and we finally have DADT repeal provisions passed by Congress and ready to be signed by the President.
I’m sorry if the workings of the Senate are confusing to some people, but a Senator many times (at least in the past) voted to allow a bill to be voted on, and then didn’t actually vote in favor of the bill. It’s just a vote to end debate.
Swimmer - Chicago
They sure did a lot of sausage making on the health care bill – but the dadt a big fat NOTHING! Well they can suck wind in November.
The Republicans, and 3 dems, just voted against supporting America’s brave soldiers. Thats the message the dems would be pushing if they had balls. which they don’t.
we will learn Obama’s true colors if he appeals the DADT federal court decision this week. that court case is the perfect out for him to let DADT go away without having to do anything. If he appeals, there’s no doubt he is our enemy–bring on President Palin, teabagger SCOTUS justices, and eff America.
@CHIP1218: the reason the dems didn’t want republicans to offer amendments is because the republicans (as the dems do when they are out of power), bring up amendments that become awkward for the dems to vote down. The republicans then take those no votes and use them against the dems during the elections.
and as for Obama issuing an executive order–yes he could end it now. but if the pressure is off and people forget, when the next republican gets in office and we forgot to get congress to repeal DADT (and the makeup of congress wouldn’t allow it anyway), it goes right back in effect. i think its a little better for us all to be really really mad.
Why does queerty have such a hard on for McCain and his bimbo daughter? They are always licking her nasty diseased clit and giving her senile father a pass on everything. He is a horrid, unprincipled man who melanoma should have taken care of years ago.
To all my fellow gays in the Military right now, GET OUT! Leave! lets see how they do without you. Let them send their kids! You bravely fight for a country that doesn’t want you there. They don’t deserve you! FUCK THEM ALL!
Folks – give me a break – this site is so busy jumping all over the president for this – It actually seems that it’s run by the Log Cabin Club (for growth?).
The right-wing is on the verge of taking over this country and their playboys in the Senate just rock solidly went against us – yet you’re blaming the vast majority of Democrats that supported us?????
Remember they lowered the standards for the military – criminals and drug users are now hired, but not honest gay and lesbian police officers. Congress supports criminals over police officers.
Oh fuck you Queerty. It was a REPUBLICAN FILIBUSTER!!!!
Fuck you, John McCain.
To all you guys who never bottom: You can’t make that claim no more cause you along with the rest of the Gays just got fucked…….
Douglas Gibson Jr
@Mike: I agree – just changed my voter registration to show that I have switched to Green. The fact that we have a Dem Pres, a Dem House and a Dem Senate and we still have this law is abominable! Thanks a lot Dems for not taking care of this earlier in the session! Thanks Harry for not allowing Repbulicans to submit any other amendments that could have easily been voted down! Thanks Pres Obama for not showing your support to repeal DADT in the past 48 hours.
John (CA)
Unlike the Democrats, the Republicans don’t give a damn about parliamentary procedure. They threatened to kill the filibuster entirely to get Bush’s judges appointed. And guess what happened next?
Bush’s judges got appointed.
Perhaps. But was it worth it to lose Collins? Let them have the chance to debate amendments, what’s the big deal? On the other hand, did the Dems really need to attach DREAM AND include funding for a jet engine Obama has already said he opposes?
Chip is right, the Dems could have gotten past the filibuster but Reid blew it by invoking a rule which cost at least one vote, if not more, to end the filibuster.
At the end of the day folks can blame the Republicans all they want, and they will, but the Democratic leadership has been screwing up on DADT for the last year, as evidenced by the fact the original talks were for a full repeal and not a tepid “amendment”.
The lack of leadership and fear to move forward in an aggressive fashion when the opportunity presented itself will haunt the Democrats in November.
If republicans in all their self-righteous glory and fake pious nature will always be against us and democrats will always be to weak and just god damned pussies……..maybe we need to form our own party a la the tea party group?
Every headline with McCain should have this picture.
No. 25 · Douglas Gibson Jr wrote, “The fact that we have a Dem Pres, a Dem House and a Dem Senate and we still have this law is abominable!” … it may be abominable, but it is a consequence of senate rules that require that 60 senators agree to put it to a vote.
Some of you are doing just what the Republicans want – blaming the Democrats for what the Republicans are doing.
Some things never change. Reps continue to be the most homophobic conservative party in western civilization. They pretend to deceive with ambiguous words. They hate gays and won´t do anything for our rights. Don´t forget it when you vote.
Jack E. Jett
We threw Hillary Clinton under the bus. Obama has thrown the GLBTQ under the bus.
John McCain is a fucking idiot. After 35 years of fighting these fuckers……I give up.
Trust me….the HRC is going to take your money and shove it up their own ass.
Jack E. Jett
Douglas Gibson Jr
@B: Right now I could care less what the Dems or the Repubs want. The Dems have had 2 years to make this happen and because they wait to the last minuute to try and pull this off, they end up screwing it up. Just like everything else they try and do. Good if the Dems get blamed for it. when they lose in November and realize those who supported them for years and were forgotten about during the past 2 years didn’t come out to vote maybe they will wake up.
Won’t it be fun to watch Anderson Cooper behave objectively as both a straight and openly gay man tonight? Everyone should know Obama never was on the side of equality. He said it from the beginning of his campaign. He is a homophobic bible thumping straight white male that happens to be biracial. Just bring up the issue of gay people and his religion will seep through. I know it is not how he really feels but that only makes him more of an enemy.
Take a guess how many people don’t give a fuck if Obama serves a second term now?
Lance Rockland
So tell me, Log Cabin Republicans, how do you feel about your party now? Had enough?
No. 13 · CHIP1218 wrote, “@Jim D: You only need the 60 to bring a bill to a vote. Then it only needs 51 votes to actually pass. All Reid would have to do is compromise to get collins vote and allow amendments to be discussed. Let the Republicans offer a few amendments, reject them since they won’t get 51 votes, and then bring it up to a vote on the full act at the end of the day.”
…. your argument has one flaw – after getting the Democrats to allow the amendments to be discussed, Collins could simply change his mind and vote against bringing the bill to a vote.
Douglas Gibson Jr
@B: Collins is a she
@Jack E. Jett: Yeah, that question never gets answered. Why are gays begging to oppress other people?
No. 34 · Douglas Gibson Jr wrote, “@B: Right now I could care less what the Dems or the Repubs want.” …. which is just what the obstructionist tactics the Repubicans are using are designed to get you to do.
You may not really like either of them, but don’t jump from the frying pan into the fire.
Douglas Gibson Jr
@B: Does it really matter where we are at? The fire or the frying pan? We are still getting burned. I have been a Dem for over 40 years and they have done a lot of great things, but we are getting screwed more and more on what we care about. They want our money and make us promises galore until it comes time to actually stand up and take action. Over it!
So let me get the real gist of this. Straight boys can pump and dump in a pussy but they can’t take a platonic shower to wash their balls in the presence of another soldier without knowing their orientation? That’s what these evil simple shits that are denying people equality are thinking and basing their votes on right?
The Dems have failed us with repeated promises that have come to nothing. They had 2 years with a filibuster-proof majority. They failed to use it to overturn DADT.
If you need proof that the Dems are not on our side, look no further. They’re liars and frauds.
Compare the effort that Obama went to in order to get his health care reforms passed to his lame, wimpy statement on repealing DADT. The man is a fraud. He defrauded us in order to win our votes. He’s a fraud, pure and simple.
Consider yourselves defrauded.
Is this a republican blog or what?? Seriously queery we got fucked by republicans/Mccain not Dems/Obama. I’m I the only one who gets this very simple concept or I’m I truly Demented at age 25?
There is still time to fix it. People have to go and vote in November to prevent the crazy Republicians from taking over. It has been the goal from the start. I never thought any Republican would vote for something like this until the elections are over.
@B: Amen
Dallas David
@CHIP1218: ”
He could have ended DADT with an executive order.”
No, I don’t think he can.
It’s a law (UCMJ) and to change that takes an act of Congress, not an executive order.
But all that aside, today’s Senate vote sure was disappointing.
Over the next year, the military will probably end the military careers of 2 or 3 gays each and every day. Some of the Senators who voted to keep DADT are naturally bigots and voted their conscienct, but some of them are political opportunists and voted against 1000 military careers this year for no other reason than to keep their own.
It’s too bad that so many gay soldiers over the years have risked and lost their lives to save the skin of these wimps.
Re No. 42 – Douglas Gibson Jr wrote, “@B: Does it really matter where we are at? The fire or the frying pan? We are still getting burned.” If you are going to get burned, do you want to be burned more or less severely?
Re No. 43 · jason wrote, “The Dems have failed us with repeated promises that have come to nothing. They had 2 years with a filibuster-proof majority.” … in reality they had under two years where they could stop a filibuster if every single Democrat cooperated (under two years due to Republican Scott Brown winning Ted Kennedy’s seat after his death). Also, they are all individuals, some from relatively conservative districts that were formerly solidly Republican, and don’t always vote in unison.
If the Democrats truly wanted to repeal DADT, why did they wait until 6 weeks before the Congressional elections? It’s the worst time to introduce legislation. Each member of Congress is subjected to a greater-than-usual amount of heat from their electorate at this time. This often means that a member will be more conservative than usual in how he votes.
The simple fact is that Obama and his sleazy Democrats wanted to set the Repubs up as an example. This is example politics. The Dems wanted to show up the Repubs as being backward and anti-gay.
If the Dems truly wanted to repeal DADT, they would have done it last year. They failed us. Keep this in mind when you vote.
[sorry if this is a duplicate – QUEERTY’s servers are misbehaving ]
Re No. 42 – Douglas Gibson Jr wrote, “@B: Does it really matter where we are at? The fire or the frying pan? We are still getting burned.” If you are going to get burned, do you want to be burned more or less severely?
Re No. 43 · jason wrote, “The Dems have failed us with repeated promises that have come to nothing. They had 2 years with a filibuster-proof majority.” … in reality they had under two years where they could stop a filibuster if every single Democrat cooperated (under two years due to Republican Scott Brown winning Ted Kennedy’s seat after his death). Also, they are all individuals, some from relatively conservative districts that were formerly solidly Republican, and don’t always vote in unison.
Black Pegasus
Yeah sure, President Obama is a fraud. An enemy to Gay Equality.
So as a result; Lets all vote republican this fall to help increase the number of republicans who will actively vote against anything that will even the playing field for Gays, Women and people of color. Yeah, that makes sense, given the fact that 100% of Republicans voted to keep DADT in place.
*rolls eyes*
You stupid, racist, log cabin queens are disgusting!
You’ve managed to blame one man [President Obama] for the hatred and homophobia of the entire republican party! What fucking part of the vote did you miss? I am now convinced that this site is just a republican gathering place for bitter fags..It’s a propaganda machine for the right wing in this country..In essence, a Digital Shit Rag!
According to “When it became clear that Democrats would lose, Reid cast his own vote in opposition as a procedural tactic. Under Senate rules, doing so enables him to revive the bill at a later date.”
…. so the bill is not dead – it could come up for a vote later.
Jack E. Jett
Fuck War
Fuck Obama lazy lying ass
Fuck ALL McCains including that slutty fat fucking whore daughter.
Good write up, Queerty you’re forgiven for the previous fails this week. Of course, this really had nothing much to do with DADT.
I’ve been posting here for over a year, that Obama, Reid and Pelosi are NEVER going to put any LGBT issues up in a clean bill because they’d lose their cover. Corrupt, spine-less filthy politicians. It’s all about retaining their congressional seats and growing their power base and big government.
Again, Reid, fighting for his political life decided “my way or the highway” and JUST HAD TO PUSH his amnesty provision to a DEFENSE bill? And a bunch of controversial crap like the [military] abortion topic With DADT an afterthought.
We all saw Pelosi, videotaped in a dark room, tell an audience of illegals “YOU”RE the real patriots” around 18 months ago. The foretelling.
Any of you guys ever go to a meeting with her and hear that?
STOP SUPPORTING EVERYONE ELSES DEMOGRAPHIC AND FOCUS ON JUST LGBT. I really have no freaking idea what will work, other than ordinary citizens twisting the balls of the incumbents. If I’m not mistaken, 75% of everyday citizens support repealing DADT.
Be as mad as you need to be but THEY ALL NEED TO GO AND OBAMA LEADING WAY OUT.
Wait just a minute! Every single Republican voted NO to repeal DADT and every Democrat voted yes and yet it’s the Democrats fault? You guys are nuts and are nothing but a bunch of closet Republicans.
This is truly bizarre. 100% of Republicans for in lock step against everything and this is the Democrat’s an Obama’s fault?
Fuck you moronic queertard editors and your wannabe Wonkette writing style.
@Black Pegasus:
You’re falling for the propaganda. Republicans didn’t “vote against DADT” they voted against a defense spending bill that included controversial articles like abortion provisions and illegal amnesty for millions of people. DADT was simply thrown into that larger bill, as is the nasty way they’ve done things in Congress “of late”.
If they wanted a clean vote on DADT they would have introduced a clean bill and therein EVERY SINGLE CONGRESSPERSON would have no excuse or ability to run away from their vote.
We are not surprised by the retarded Republicans. We expected them to vote this way. What we did NOT expect is for Obama to be so weak on his promise to repeal DADT. We did NOT expect this.
Obama lied to us. That’s why we’re so angry.
I thought McCains daughter is gay. Can’t he support his own kid? Why do they hate us so much?
@tjr101: “bunch of closet Republicans”
Yup. But nothing closet about this. Look at swarm’s post above. Nothing but RNC/tegaggist talking points.
No, not 100% of Dems…2 Dems voted against. From Arkansas.
A vote of 56 to 43 means Harry Reid has a problem holding his own party together. He voted no as a procedural maneuver, which gives him the opportunity to re-introduce the legislation. The heat is on Harry. Let’s see how strongly he feels about working harder to get the votes and get this done.
@Ken48: She ain’t gay. She’s an unemployed, fat tweeting slut who is oh so tolerant of gays and wants to change the Repuke party from within. A lot good that did when ZERO Republicans and her useless coward father voted aganist repeal.
Not at all. Read LGBT advocates saying essentially the same thing about dirty politics.
I am not a Republican I am a populist and been posting the same sentiments here since PRE tea party era, every time Obama broke LGBT hearts.
Here’s one LGBT advocate jackass who is professing that DADT SHOULD be dependent on passing the stupid ~ Dream Act…because it’s “the right thing to do”. eyeroll.
Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force:
“Once again, politicians are playing politics with people’s lives. Filibustering the defense authorization bill to block action on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ repeal and the DREAM Act — two measures that do justice to the fundamental principle of fairness — is a disappointment and disservice to our country. Seventy-eight percent of Americans support ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and countless others believe that young people should be provided a path to citizenship in the country they love and have always called home. Today’s Senate vote mocks those ideals. The senators who led and supported the filibuster effort should be ashamed.”
I fail to so see how you could in any reading think that I am not focused on the failure of government to respect and support LGBT causes. THEY PUT LGBT causes at the bottom of the list.
Perhaps YOU feel your entire life should be tied to the illegal alien politic game, and for that I’m sad for you.
Where were all those republicans who supposably support us? They voted with John McCain against the removal of DADT! While I am sad that 2 Democrats voted with McCain I think it’s safe to say those in GOP don’t really support us as much as some on here have tried to convince us.
@damon459: “I think it’s safe to say those in GOP don’t really support us as much as some on here have tried to convince us.”
Ah, ya think?
In other shocking news, water is wet.
My Partner served in the AF but I say good! I do not think gay men and women should serve and die for straights rights and only straight rights.
Congress SUCKS!
@66 & 67 I don’t see anyone claiming demonstrable Republican LGBT support. But I see several of you not willing to admit that the Dems and Obama machine do nothing more than pay lip service, and shoved DADT into a controversial bill (for other unrelated reasons) so they can say “oh the Republicans voted against it”.
Way to go “using” LGBT as an election talking point.
Seriously, you can’t see that?
Ask your congress person why DADT couldn’t come to the floor BY ITSELF. For a CLEAN VOTE. And why they waited until this election cycle. Oh that’s right. They were busy taking over healthcare to provide access to more illegals. And union payola. And stupid cap and trade. And guess what…I’m a CWA lifetime union member AND I married an illegal years ago…but I’m not blind.
Obama is not the least bit interested in his legacy being gay rights. /de-post hogging now.
The day we have a president that stands up to questions of discrimination by stating that we do not furnish only some of our citizens with equality and deny others is the day i will respect the person holding that position. Until then please stop protecting Obama. He is not on our side. These smokescreens are annoying.
Obama is commander in chief. Head of the Military. It most certainly is his doing.
@DR: I agree with you 100% (and Chip). i’m just saying that’s why Reid did it this way and why its not so much of a surprise to me. a guy from Services United just said on msnbc that they think Reid did it so he could blame the republicans for voting it down. whatever’s going on, we are pawns in this game and still without rights.
A Aki
American gays should join the Canadian military, police force, or fire fighters. It is easy. They want you. It is a win win. Don’t fight for marriage fight for marriage alternatives. Check out Alternatives to Marriage Project @ Don’t waste time on US military. Join the Canada military today. Canada wants as many gay solders as possible. Gay soldirs are better than straight ones in most cases.
A Aki
American gays should join the Canadian military, police force, or fire fighters. It is easy. They want you. It is a win win. Don’t fight for marriage fight for marriage alternatives. Check out Alternatives to Marriage Project @ Don’t waste time on US military. Join the Canada military today. Canada wants as many gay solders as possible. Gay soldirs are better than straight ones in most cases.
Come to Canada! Canada loves you!
Canadian Forces Recruiting – Recrutement Forces canadiennes or FRENCH/FRANCAIS
Some people in here need to unravel their panties and relax, if you really believe that the GOP is going to de-fund the military and let their buddies that are making billions at the defense contract lose money? Your crazy. You think the GOP is going to lose their fake mantra that only they care about the troops? Not going to happen. Think with your brains not your blood pressure. Starting with the line in the sand is the best way to start negotiations, if you give them what they want upfront instead of the negotiation ending with DADT repeal being part of the package it will be the casualty. So relax have a drink, if your heart is to weak to watch the process of legislating don’t watch. It is incredible the fight hasn’t even started yet and people are already surrendering and turning the cannons on their own, news flash now is the time to turn the heat up on the GOP. Is it any surprise that we have DADT? I still recall Clinton talking about how the gay community took off like a cruise missile leaving him stranded without any support, he turned around to check out his army and was shocked to see nothing there but a cloud of dust. Word to the wise lets not repeat history.
So wait a minute Queerty, the Republicans can be as hateful, snide and full of dirty tricks as they want and who cares, but the Democrats say, “this is the way it is, vote for it or don’t, we are standing firm” and they are to blame for a Republican filibuster? First you yell about the Democrats having no back bone, then when they do stand firm you yell that they screwed up. This loss is squarely on the shoulders of the Republicans, period. Are the Democrats perfect? Hell no, but I’m damn sick and tired of the Republicans constantly getting a pass for the pure evilness.
Brian B.
Democrats failed? How about giving credit where credit is due? All Republicans voted against this, along with some Democrats.
Anyway, I never thought the bill was going to pass this time but I started to build my hopes up. Well so much for that.
I am beginning to doubt America and democracy. This country is pathetic. America has always been slow. Slow to let women vote, slow to count blacks as people, and now slow on gay rights. We’re not even talking about marriage here, just the ability to serve in the military. Which other developed country is this backward? Instead of preaching freedom, equality, and justice around the world, live up to your actions, America. As for democracy, it cannot function when more than half of the populace is bigoted and ignorant, not to mention our leaders who do not actually lead and only pander to the lowest common denominator.
If we cannot pass this now, then when? Not one Republican broke ranks. Republicans are morally bankrupt and a danger to rationality and equality everywhere. As for the Democrats who voted with the Republicans, all I have to say is: with friends like you, who needs enemies?
@Brian B.: Why are you giving up? It requires 60 votes to strip the DADT repeal language out. If we stand firm that language stays in and the GOP will be forced to support it. This is just the prelude, the GOP actually knows how to negotiate and if you think they are going to crack before the first shot is fired you don’t know the GOP, it is the democratic constituents that are quick to surrender. The GOP will make us pay a price for DADT repeal by adding stuff to this Appropriations bill that the democratic base wont like (or negotiate larger tax cuts in the other bill that is coming down the pike), but they will not allow the military to go unfunded, after all they are the party of war, death, and destruction. Steel your spine and stay in the fight.
Don’t be naive. Both sides orchestrated this. Democrats and Republicans have more in common with each other as politicians than they do with the average American. Nothing happens in the Senate without it being carefully constructed by both sides, their teams, and lobbyists. The Senate, in its entirety, has massively failed. They aren’t the first group of corrupt politicians to exist and won’t be the last either.
J. Clarence
@Brian B.: Why would this be the reason to doubt America and democracy? Reform and change takes time. What you are saying as examples are purely relative and highly selective: we ended slavery about 100 years after the formation of the union, which seems like a long time but you have to consider that it was going on for 400 years–and slavery was more economically important to us than it was to Europeans; we gave women the right to vote nearly 20 years before those humanitarian bohemians called the French did (1944), we are the birth place of the modern gay rights movement. We don’t even need to mention that the atrocities of Apartheid continued well into the 20th century by Europe.
You (all) have to keep in mind that we are large country, and are no way as homogeneous as other industrialized nations. For us to come to an agreement on something requires a lot more effort than say the Danish, which are basically 99.99% identical. So the fact that we have achieved so much as we have is a credit to our belief in liberty, etc.
Another thing, democracy is a not a moral or civilized form of government, it is institutionalized mob rule.
But to the larger point, a lot of us need to calm down. Some of the comments here make the Tea Baggers look almost civil. The legislative process is not pretty or nice. Things may not be happening fast enough, but can you name a civil rights movement that ever did?
I know we are all sick and tired of being sick and tired (of Democratic sluggishness), but we can be more constructive and productive with our anger. The vote fell short by *4* votes, three of which were Democrats from red states, so it’s not as if the Democrats jolted us at the last moment. And the Democrats in the House passed the bill. So this whole idea that Democrats don’t care is just not the case.
I guess you just didn’t make enough calls or send enough emails or faxes to your Senator. They were up late last night and we were short by only 1.2 million emails. We could have made it.
We have never had 60 votes in the US Senate – we still don’t. No matter how many times you think you influence a politician by contacting him/her. They vote based on scientific polling data, not randoms calls from both sides.
The two DEMOCRATIC Senators from Arkansas voted against us today. All the calls in the world won’t change their votes – 78% of their constituents make religion “important.” Game over. You won’t get them until their constituents change their minds.
No amount of lobbying or protesting or even “embarrassing” a politician matters as much as polling data.
@AndrewW: It will take 60 votes to remove repeal from the bill. The defense appropriation bill is a must pass bill, their is still room to negotiate by allowing the GOP to add some of their amendments. They will not leave the military unfunded. People need to continue calling dems and republicans, telling the dems they better not remove repeal and telling the GOP that they better fund the military.
As for why Sen. Reid did it this way – to keep his seat!!! He’s facing following the likes of Sen. Daschle – a sitting Majority Leader thrown out of office by his constituents! So, what does he do? He adds the Dream Act because he wants the Latino vote energized to go to the polls and vote for him – because he tried to make it happen! He also wants to energize the National Democratic base with this defeat of DADT’s repeal so we’ll be “Mad as Hell” like the Tea Party freaks and go to the polls and keep the Senate in the hands of the Democratic Party! He wants us to keep donating money (the Republicans now have the money advantage) and to get us to get our friends and families to go vote for those who tried to give us some type of equality. All we are is a political football to the Democrats on the national level.
As for why I blame this on Reid and Obama, it’s because they knew what was going to happen! There can be surprises in elections, but there are never surprises with votes – the leadership of both parties tend to know where all their votes are and who is undecided way before they actually vote on something.
As for all these claims of this being Log Cabin Republican bitching – you can’t be further from the truth. I am a Democrat. I interned for Democrats. I campaigned for Democrats. I served as a local committeeman. I walked petitions for Democrats. That doesn’t mean I can’t call a spade a spade when the leaders of my party screw things up so completely that you know you’re better off without them in control. Reid deserves to lose his leadership post. Hopefully Schumer or some other higher up will have the cajones to challenge him! As for Obama, someone please run against him in the primary!!! Ted Kennedy ran against Carter in 1980 because he saw the writing on the wall – he was a one-term President. Hopefully some other national figure realizes that Obama is more of a Carter than a Clinton! There’s a reason why Clinton was the only 2 term Democratic President since FDR – we tend to misread what the public wants or fantastically screw things up when we get into power! Such a shame, because if we were actually capable to govern for 8 years in full control, we could do so many amazing things!
@Brian B.: You are absolutely correct and let us not forget that it was Bill Clinton that implemented DADT. Unfuckingbelievable. When do gay people and those that supposedly support gay people tell democants and repugycunts to fuck off and vote third party? How can we expect others to have principles when we continue to vote for the best of the worst choice of two? eh!eck!oy!
One point I haven’t seen anyone yet make: there WAS no way to win this one. Blame it on not allowing Republican amendments if you wish… but allowing them would have been EXACTLY THE SAME as not putting forth the bill in the first place. Here’s how the Republicans couldn’t fail on this one:
1) Successful filibuster puts off voting until this Congress ends, and don’t let the repeal language be added to the new Congress’s version in the first place.
2) If that fails, offer an endless stream of amendments, with the same result. After all, they’re phrasing their supposed reason for opposing this on not wanting to get rid of DADT before the military is ready. That’s already a lie, of course, since the proposed bill would not have done any such thing… but it’s the same strategy: delay until the issue dies down or you’re back in charge.
Adding the DREAM Act didn’t help matters, but other than that, the way they did it was the only way it could possibly have gotten through at all.
@ewe: As dreadful as DADT is it was the only thing Clinton could get, anyone that says that Clinton didn’t want full repeal of the outright gay ban is crazy. He ruined his relationship with the military in his first year trying to end the gay ban and that relationship never recovered haunting Clinton for the remainder of his two terms. If you think that DADT didn’t make life in the military easier for gays then you don’t know history or about the frequent gay beatings that happened late a night known as blanket parties were they would smother the face of gays with blankets and beat the hell out of gay individuals sometimes even killing them while Regan was cozy-ed up and sleeping soundly in his fine French linens. Clinton’s directive brought an end to that.
@Hyhybt: Also Harry Reid was one of the three democrats voting against which is a parliamentary maneuver that will allow him to bring it up again for a vote in this congress. The GOP will get some amendments, they will strike a deal pulling off a few republicans and DADT will be relegated to the history books.
Brian B.
Look, I would vote Green if they actually won anything. Unfortunately, our system is not a proportional vote so voting Green basically results in scenarios like George Bush being elected.
I’m angry, annoyed, and tired of having idiots like Blanche Lincoln in my party. Sometimes I really don’t feel like voting but I always do, and I always vote Democrat because voting anything else or not voting is just enabling the Christian Taliban to get their candidates riding the “anti-masturbation crusade” into office.
Point is, if you guys are dissatisfied with the Democrats in office, vote for progressive candidates in the primaries, because after that you’re stuck with 2 options and that’s just reality.
@Black Pegasus: All of these apologists for the conservadems make me tired. There are alternatives for the LGBT voter who is sick of the Dem party fucking them and forcing us to call them Daddy. They can’t even take care of their own kids! Fucking turds. If you want to be part of some other minority group first and foremost, while your party uses LGBTs as a whipping post to get you with the straight “Social Conservatives” in your fucking clueless, bigoted, uneducated, and socially maladroit not to mention culturally moribund demographic, be our guest. Some people can see right through you, so just be aware for once in your shitty life.
Vote Green, Vote write-in candidates who are proven to be LGBT friendly, or vote independent if you are dissatisfied with the Dems, but don’t listen to the “lifelong Dems” and their CNN inspired bullshit about Dems being in any way advantageous to you and yours. They are too concerned with what goes on in minority demographics that contain people who aren’t queer, and the apologists present there for their fucking bullshit thug politics. Thanks for bringing all of your rightwing “culture war” talking points to the table, Dem apologists, but then again, maybe I’ll be the thug next election cycle. Fucking cowards!
As a Canadian watching this in sorrow, I have to say many of you folks are nuts… Yeah, Yeah, the strategy may have been wrong, or it may have been right, but the fundamental issue is that the Republicans are your enemy. They stick together and vote against gay issues time and time again and you let them get away with it.
“It’s Obama’s fault”. How wrong is that? It looks a lot more simple from here. When push comes to shove Republicans vote against you.
Keep whining about Democrats and see how bad a Republican house and senate will be. Good luck.
Jack E. Jett
Dementia Douche Daddy……time for whore wife to take you to the Alzy Ward. Yes…you are a BIG HERO and SO MAVERICKITY.
@adman: Your obviously removed from reality, the democratic party has done more for the gay community under the leadership of Barrack Obama than it ever has in U.S. history, not only that it has done more for the GBLT community than any other minority group in this country. So I will ask what groups are you talking about and what legislation has been passed? You seem like a GoProud trying to stir something up in the Democrat community but you will have to try harder then that becuase we don’t fall for that shallow garbage.
Vote Democrat, we might lose some seats this November but in the long run we will prevail.
@ # 53 B – this issue is as dead as can be. Reid waited until the dead last minute to put this to a “vote” and knew very well how it would go down. In November we’ll have a congress half-full of teabaggers who would just as soon murder gays in broad daylight than give any of us our rights.
Thanks to the uselessness of democrats and outright contempt of republicans we will now be stuck with this idiotic policy for another decade, if not longer. There was a moment to strike when the iron was hot, but our “fierce allies” waited until it was ice cold and fucked it up in epic fashion, with help from the party of hatred. As usual, when it comes to any gay rights.
@reason: You are an idiot, not to mention a bit paranoid. I will write in, I’m registered Undecided until the last minute, when you and your poll infested “logic” can pound sand. Fuck, is it something in the water these days? These queers afraid of their own shadow, trying to pass it off as being “reasonable” and modeling themselves as “classy professionals”?. Don’t you know how voting works? Shut The Fuck Up “Reason”. GOProud? are you serious? Really, STFU.
I’m gonna raise your paranoia, and suggest you are some Dem party blog shill here to still up support for your useless existence. Right? In your mind, obstructing my chances at human rights in this country is “the smart thing to do”, am I correct? Not that your party would ever have an answer to such a charge, but still, fuck you.
@adman: One thing I do know is your a hate filled demagogue that is notorious for dropping hate speech, attacking other minorities, and slinging personal attacks on this blog, which would make you a prime candidate to be in the GOP. To top it off you avoid addressing the topic that I engaged you on and resort to lowering the conversation to worthless banter and insults, all are prominent tactics of the GOP. GoProud seems like a nice home for you if you aren’t already aware of that.
“One thing I do know is your a hate filled demagogue that is notorious for dropping hate speech, attacking other minorities”
Wait, OTHER minorities? We, and you, my friend, are not a minority, we’re faggots, subhuman, and don’t deserve the treatment other Americans assume as their basic rights. Get it right, partisan tool muthafucka, until you do, I’ll know your as stupid as your boilerplate special analysis shows you to be.
“To top it off you avoid addressing the topic that I engaged”
Now you’re lying, as befits all partisan players in today’s political landscape. Or was today’s Kabuki theater in the senate not enough evidence? You should stick to hustling people who can’t think for themselves, and calling all others names, it suits the perfect moral captive like you. Enjoy your fruitless existence, while you fritter away your life shoring up the rights of straights over ours, you fucking tool. Didn’t I tell you to fuck off?
@adman: Wow, you really have a knack for profanity don’t you. It is not that difficult to have a conversation with out spinning into a rage and railing of four letter words.
Lying? The post is #93, there for all the world to see.
You may characterize yourself as sub-human, but I am not and don’t view anyone else on this blog as such. If you view yourself that way it still doesn’t delineate your reason for partaking in hate speech, minority attacking, and abundant usage of personal attacks. Neither does it answer the question of who you were talking about in post #90 and what minority demographics are you referring to? If your going to post something you shouldn’t be afraid to explain or elaborate, I certainly will not hesitate to explain any post that I have written on this blog.
For the books I will happily work on rights for anyone that is discriminated against or lend a hand to someone in need regardless of their sexual orientation, religion, race or whatever other category bigots wish to sub-divide us into. A bigot is a bigot and no friend of mine regardless of who they are attacking; I don’t base my loyalties on whether someone is of my sexuality, religion, race, political affiliation or whatever if your a bigot I will throw you to the wolves. You seem like a very angry person, I don’t know why or how old you are but you need to do some serious soul searching.
@adman: Umm, last time I checked it was Dems who brought DADT up for repeal and the G. OLD party that UNANIMOUSLY voted not to even DISCUSS repeal.
@CHIP1218: I didnt mention the log cabin republicans.
You aren’t demented at 25. You are just young. I was a Democrat at 25 as well, but changed as I got older (now 40) when I saw that the Dems played to the gays for our dollars and votes but didn’t do anything for us.
Let’s just call a spade a spade. Reid is a coward. He cost this 4 votes. This could have been won except he was more interested in keeping up appearances than doing something of substance. But no, he picks the worst time to become a bully.
Lack of leadership cost the GLB community this vote, too bad to many people are too robotic to accept that fact.
robert in nyc
So now the Log Cabin Mehlmans of the GOP are blaming Harry Reid who wouldn’t compromise on certain issues in the bill but voted no as a maneuver purely to keep another vote on DADT alive after the primaries. Yet, they don’t criticize their own party that voted 100% in lock-step against it. Log Cabiners support a party that votes against us every time there’s an election, a party that doesn’t want our equality, ever. How sick is that? In their delusion, they actually believe they can change their party from within. Well now, can they tell us exactly how it has changed? The Democrats aren’t perfect, far from it, but I’d rather have a democrat in power than a Sarah Palin or other Tea Bagger halfwit. I’m angry at a lot of things the democrats have done, but not voting and staying home is going to give the right wing nutjobs out there more power. Just look at how Adolf Hitler rose to power, another right wing wacko, legally elected as Chancellor. That’s what we’ll get if don’t vote for those who do suppport us, not necessarily for Obama either.
100% of the blame for this goes to Ken Mehlman. HE is the one who taught Republicans they could score political points by hating gays and working to ensure that we NEVER see freedom or justice in America.
Ken Mehlman still works to elect Republicans, who just caused DADT to stay on the books possibly forever now. KEN MEHLMAM deserves 100% of the responsibility for keeping us 3rd class citizens in America.
@robert in nyc: Then the dens reap what they sow, plain and simple.
Have folks not been paying attention to what has been happening in the last year and a half?
The Republican party has the nickname ‘party of no’ for a reason. They have stood rock-solid against nearly every Democratic initiative.
No matter what peace offerings or overtures the Dems have given them – they have publicly kick the President in the balls.
It has mattered one way or the other – the Republican party doesn’t give a shit about this country or us. They just want control and power – no matter who gets hurt.
If this vote is taken as a mere snapshot – one could argue that possibly the Dems could have done more.
But the Repuglicans – have stopped all they could – then scream, rant, and yell that the Dems are ineffective. If the Dems manage to get anything threw – they scream, rant and yell that it was a junta, abuse of power, or a some other non-sense.
Wake up people – The corporate right-wing and their Republican pets in Congress are about to takeover.
Read the New Yorker piece on the Koch Brothers – to see how much money these scumbags and others are pouring into the right-wing ‘think tanks’ and organizations to fight us tooth and nail for our rights.
Remember these same people effectively – yes effectively – had people believing that Hillary Clinton killed or had killed Daniel Foster. These folks are dangerous with NO moral compass.
Just Too Realistic
Everyone saying that you are never voting Dem again/changing your Party Line over this, congratulations. Someone else already said it – you’re doing just what the Repugs want. DIVIDE AND CONQUER – best and easiest way to smack down any opponents. You’ll be wasting your “Green” votes come November, and just helping to tighten the nooses around your own necks.
I am disappointed in this DADT travesty, but REALISTICALLY in the end there will be no great migration away from the 2-party system. You get 3 choices: waste your vote, vote for the Dems that at least makes an effort to care (however sincere that message is), or vote for the increasingly nutso Repugs that wants you lynched. Your choice. Choose wisely.
Tom in Lazybrook
@Polyboy: Yea, but when Obama appoints an Anti-Gay candidate to lead the Marine Corps who torpedos the presidents “policy” the day before the vote?
And when the Senate Dems don’t bring it up for a vote until the last day of the session?
And when Obama doesn’t lift a finger to get the Dems in line? Or to attack the GOP on this issue?
I voted for Obama. I’m not a Republican. But the Dems control everything and this is their failure. And the Human Rights Campaign.
If DADT cant get repealed and ENDA can’t get passed with 59 Senators, and a majority of 25 in House, the I ask, when?
I don’t see any point of voting for the Democrats. They need to FIGHT for my vote. Right now, they’re doing squat. And that’s what I’m gonna do for them.
Tom in Lazybrook
@Just Too Realistic: Having the Republicans in office is bad. But having the Dems ignore us/punk us every time is catastrophic.
Go ahead, be Charlie Brown. I’m tired of Lucy (the Dems) pulling away the football everytime I try to kick it.
You don’t understand. I don’t care if the Republicans or Democrats win. We’ve lived under GOP rule and I don’t see much of a difference with the Dems. Neither party wants to end DADT or pass ENDA.
And I’m not some Log Cabiner or GOProuder. I voted for Obama (even in the primary – yuck) and gave over 10k to the Dems in the last 2 cycles. I didn’t do that for the Democratic party. I did it to get ENDA passed (with or without the T) and DADT repealed. And the Dems and the Human Rights Campaign have Failed. Miserably. Spectacularly.
With failure comes consequences. And my attitude is one of them. And no, this isn’t a ‘hothead moment’. I really don’t care if Sheron Angle wins (not voting for her, but not voting for Harry Reid, either).
Zoe Brain
I’m honestly surprised that no-one’s written blaming the T inclusion for this debacle yet. That if the repeal only applied to Gays, then by Golly they’d have all the votes, easy.
Except it does only apply to Gays, doesn’t it?
When GLB abandon the moral high ground, they leave themselves open to being played like this. By Reid, by Obama, by whoever. Because it’s no longer about “Equality” it’s about “Me First, the rest maybe later.”
Just as the Dems have done here.
Tom in Lazybrook
Don’t care who is funding whom. All I know is that Dems had 60 votes in the Senate (now 59) a majority of 25 in the house, the presidency and couldn’t get ENDA passed or DADT repealed.
Its about results. And about accountability. I intend to hold the Dems accountable for the failure. I’ll take what comes over the next couple of years in order to get people to actually fight for my vote.
Tom in Lazybrook
@Zoe Brain: T inclusion, while the reason why there wasn’t even a Senate vote on ENDA, isn’t really the issue here. Neither is your 1960’s SDS coalition garbage about ‘moral high grounds’.
The reason it failed is that our Gay leaders over at the Human Rights Campaign failed at “politics 101′. People in politics don’t do the right thing. They do the political thing.
And given that the Dems feel that they can walk all over us and we will still line up and vote for them is the problem.
We’ve tried it your way (the 1960’s way). And it failed.
Tom in Lazybrook
@reason: You opined that the Democratic Party has ‘done more for Gay rights under Barack Obama’
Like What.
1) Pass a hate crimes bill so toothless that Rick Perry of Texas signed the same thing into law there.
2) Frequent flyer benefits for domestic partners of State Department employees
Is that it?
robert in nyc
I’m no lover of the Democrats and definitely could never vote for any republican, but the reality is, we only have two viable parties. I only voted for Obama to boot Bush and his cronies out, nothing more. However, though I am as much appalled and disgusted as others about yesterday’s fiasco, I don’t want to see any republican gaining any power anywhere. They want to take this country “back”wards, that’s what they really mean when they say they want their country back, not that it ever went anywhere; they want to undo every piece of legislation passed by this administration; they want to disenfranchise gays since they believe in discrimination against us aided and abetted by our very own in the Log Cabin sect and if you think they don’t, ask them why the Log Cabin leader is never allowed to take the floor at their Nuremberg style rallies. Why do none of their candidates declare support for equality? I’d take a mealy- mouthed corrupt democrat (most of them are) over the mentally deranged psycho talkers on the right any day. There will always be setbacks when it comes to equality, this didn’t come as any surprise to me. After all, look how long it took to elect an African-American…….234 years. We are arguably one of the most backward western countries when it comes to social issues and much of the blame can be put on most of the religious cults who have both sides of the aisle by the balls.
@robert in nyc: God, I agree 1000%. Let’s do lunch.
Good lord some of the folks posting here are in serious need of counseling. Y’all come off like a bunch of abused dogs.
No wonder we have no rights, too many of you will go crawling back to the polls in November and mindlessly vote for the Democrats because you buy into the boogeyman theory of politics. Pathetic.
The Democrats know most of you are spineless and will continue to act like this, and that’s why we get nowhere. Until we hold these men and women accountable, there is no reason to do what we elected them to do. And for those of you who just vote for the lesser of two evils, well, this is what happens. Ineffective leadership which can’t do anything right.
Enjoy, boys, it’s not going to get any better until you man up and grow a pair.
Tom in Lazybrook
@robert in nyc: You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I would argue that the reason why in NY State there has been movement is because the Empire State Pride group actually will hold people accountable. Even Democrats.
Just Too Realistic
@DR: Grow a pair and do what? Vote for the Green Party? Might as well just stay home on election day.
I am willing to bet that even if every gay person in this country voted green or whatever, it still wouldn’t give anyone the “change” that they want. This is the problem with being liberal in this country – there are waaaaaaaaaaay too many subgroups (gay, black, immigrant, women etc) who cry for their interests to come first and throw hissy fits when it doesn’t happen. We have diversity going for us, but fight amongst ourselves and end up being the cause of our own downfall.
And this is where the conservatives win every time. They have a nice group of crazies who just follow them blindly/ all have vaguely similar goals. AND it’s even more dangerous this time around because of the tea baggers.
I don’t know about you all, but I would rather my vote counted for something than vote other/not vote and see it help us all go to hell in a handbasket.
@Just Too Realistic:
It’s called “principle”. Why should I vote for a spineless party unable (or unwilling) to lead. I’d rather vote for a politician without feeling like I need a shower when I leave. I’m done filling in the little boxes which say “Democrat”.
You say I might as well stay home, I say we take a stand, and the only message which will make any impact is the one we make at the polling place. Vote Green, vote Libertarian, vote for Bugs Bunny for all I care. It’s time to say “enough”.
robert in nyc
Well all I can say is, if some of you are going to stay home and not vote because of yet another setback, then go ahead. Don’t cry when the GOP takes power and starts to chip away at what little rights we already have. They don’t want DADT overturned, they’ve made that abundantly clear yesterday. I’m a Green but I’ll work with the lesser of two evils and vote only for those who genuinely do want my equality to become a reality. I do not vote for anyone blindly, least of all democrats. Equality won’t happen overnight but it will NEVER happen if you give away your vote to the GOP by staying home. Its exactly what they want you to do so they can take back one or both houses which means that repeal of DOMA, ENDA and DADT will NEVER happen in our life time. They’re all in lockstep with the religious cults and crazy bitches like the Palin’s, Bachman’s, O’Donnell’s et al. Is that what you really want running this country? Look what the GOP did to the Supreme Court, stacked it with 6 very conservative homophobic judges to swing the balance of power to the right. You’ll get more of that from them, then you’ll seriously have to think about moving out of the country because life under their religion inspired regime will be beyond intolerable for LGBT people and remember this, the right wingers who control the GOP don’t believe there is a separation of church and state. So go ahead, stay home, don’t vote if you can’t steer your anger into something positive and helpful for our people. I don’t like what happened any more than the rest of us but I’m not going to play into the hands of any republican by not voting for a democrat. If we had a third viable party such as the Greens then that would alter the equation, but the reality is, we don’t have that option to make a difference.
Tom in Lazybrook
@robert in nyc: I will stay home on election day. You can be ‘big house homo’ for the Dems. You are wasting your time.
You are free to waste your money on the Dems and the Human Rights Campaign.
robert in nyc
Tom, No. 121, I don’t donate to the Dems, the DNC or the HRC, I only donate to the Greens so I’m wasting nothing. If people are not going to vote, then they have no reason to complain when things don’t go their way. I’m as angry as you but I’m not letting this recent failure deter me and I’m certainly not playing into the hands of the party of hate by staying home and doing nothing which is what they want you to do anyway. You’re helping them accomplish that and making it worse to get anything passed affecting LGBT equality no matter how much you dislike the Democrats. I’m not exactly enamored of them either, there are rotten applies in everything but the GOP is 100% rotten all the way through to the core. I won’t be a party to that, its self-destructive and achieves nothing. We have to keep on fighting, not give up when the chips are down.
Tom in Lazybrook
@robert in nyc: I don’t like the GOP, but we survived during the 2000’s and we’ll survive them in power after 2010.
No ENDA, No DADT repeal. No vote. No money. That’s my mantra. Someone has to ask for my vote by making credible promises. And I’ve been lied to one too many times by the Dems.
robert in nyc
Tom, No. 123. I feel your pain, believe me, I’m extremely angry. However, I think things will become even worse if the party of psychotalkers gain any power, a party that does not want your equality.
Similarly, we should be extremely angry at The Log Cabiners who are giving their Barry Goldwater award to homophobe republican senator John Cornyn who supports upholding DADT and who they think has served the nation with distinction. How sick is that?
@robert in nyc:
Oh, you mean the same group (LCR) who is actually fighting DADT in Court. And won. And will fight what will be the inevitable appeal the Obama DOJ will file?
I wouldn’t piss on them right now, they’re accomplishing more than Harry Reid and his pointless, last-minute posturing did.
robert in nyc
DR…..they won’t accomplish anything believe me. 100% of them voted against repeal just like they vote against marriage equality 100%. TLC is delusional.
@robert in nyc:
At least the Log Cabin Republicans have a lawsuit out there and are trying to accomplish something.
Where are the Stonewall Democrats? Where’s the “fierce advocacy” from the White House and Democratic majorities? I’ll tell you where, nowhere.
robert in nyc
DR, skew it all you want, NOTHING will happen! The lawsuit is going nowhere! I’m not a Democrat either. The next time the GOP has a convention you’ll notice the conspicuous absence of any Log Cabiners allowed air time to speak to the crowd. Not one key GOPer will even address equality let alone acknowledge any of their gay supporters, unlike the Democrats. I’ll take the least of the two evils. We’ve already seen our own kind in the GOP voting against us, the latest being Keh Mehlman who actively supported upholding DADT and DOMA. How many openly gay republican senators and congressmen are there? Not many, if any. I wonder why?
@robert in nyc:
I can’t wait for this lawsuit to have an even bigger impact on DADT than Witt, which is very fact specific. Aside from the joy of having DADT repealed, all the liberals will have to admit that the LCR got it right while Reid and Co (including Obama) got it wrong.
Tom in Lazybrook
@robert in nyc: Oh I can double task. I can be p’ssed off at the Dems and the Republicans at the same time.
Again, no ENDA, no DADT repeal, no vote and no money from me.
As if gay Americans needed further proof that a “fierce advocate” translates into, “Hey, quit your whining. I’m better than the other guy.”
Neither party deserves the gay vote in 2012.
I’m fed up with being pressured to vote for the lesser of two evils. The evidence is undeniable; such status quo only serves to enable the enabler of the oppressor, and the Democrats are the enabler of the GOP.
It is time gays flat out tell BOTH parties they can go to Hell.
My patriotism will be reflected in my first-class tax dollars, while I continue to receive second-class citizenship.
I comfortably reject the notion that not voting is unpatriotic and selfish.
If the country had integrity and the strength of principles and character it always pats itself on the back for having, yes, then I would be unpatriotic and selfish. I won’t be made to feel hostage by a political party. The country that routinely degrades and commits spiritual violence against me, making it perfectly clear how much I am hated and unworthy of dignity doesn’t DESERVE my unconditional patriotism; I am not proud of this country, I am ASHAMED.
It is time for gays to realize our victories will be with THE COURTS, not either political party.
So, my time and money will go towards one thing and that one thing won’t be Democrats. It will be be….lawyers.