Carson Kressley

If he does end up with his very own radio show, we hope the hypocritical Jim West doesn’t resort to any verbal gay bashing. He wouldn’t want to make the same mistake as Aussie radio host John Laws who decided to take on, of all people, our beloved Carson Kressley. But Law has now apologized for calling our favorite Queer Eye queen a “pompous little pansy prig” among several other little niceties.

In the broadcast, Laws said of Kressley: “Who is this who was strutting around everywhere yesterday, telling Australian blokes how to wear their pocket square, as he called it?

“That’s poofspeak for handkerchief … Who is he? He might be famous in certain circles, circles being the operative word … What the hell does a pillow-biter know about judging girls? They should have a few truckies down there, or me.”

Laws told the tribunal he meant no offence to homosexuals and said the comments were “tongue in cheek” and “lighthearted, almost satire”. He said he had nothing against homosexuals and that he had many homosexual friends.

Law’s statement reeks of someone who has desperately shifted into damage control mode. But we could be incorrect in our translation. After all, English isn’t our first language. It’s poofspeak.

Pillow-biter comment just an attempt at humour, says Laws
[The Australian]

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