Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice today described American racial tensions as our nation’s “birth defect:” “Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together – Europeans by choice and Africans in chains. That’s not a very pretty reality of our founding… That particular birth defect makes it hard for us to confront it, hard for us to talk about it, and hard for us to realize that it has continuing relevance for who we are today.” [Washington Times]
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Just because this stupid cunt allowed herself to be brainwahsed, does not mean the rest of us are gonna buy into her shit.
Don’t forget Ms. Rice, Rice is brown before it’s turned into that pretty white color you seem to love so much!
She is correct. Read the entire interview. Still, though, it is time to move past it. Let’s head Dan Moynihan’s advice to Nixon (Google it).
She made some ok points, though … last I checked:
– there were a fair amount of Asians and indigenous people also involved in the founding of our country.
– Not all blacks came here in chains, and not all whites came here willingly
Our history is far more complicated than what I read here.
Though it’s a minor quibble. What really ticked me off is hearing that Bush is going to Beijing for the Olympics in August. Fucking kiss ass capitalist pig.
HiSurf, I like you. Are you married?
No one is advocating that we dwell on the past. My black friends and I don’t get together and read poetry or have ceremonies about what it must have been like for our ancestors to be slaves. Please. And RickRoberts, post at 2, uhhm, you meant “heed” not “head”. One track mind much? Enjoy the Black Party gurl and get your weekend on.
Afroguopo, thanks or the gramslam, but I know the difference between heed and head. I’ll keep your number when I need a Boy Friday to proof my next ninety-to-nothing-typed comment post. Often times, I type, don’t read, return, and BAM. Ugh, phonetics won (one: another common one – won – for me) over spelling! Shit happens. Enjoy your weekend!
Bitch Republic
Everyone who was born here now had no choice to be born here. But for everyone born here, we’re better off being born in America, regardless of our socio-economic standing, than almost anywhere else on earth, except for perhaps Scandinavia. So get over it.
Toss the number, way too busy to edit/review all your gaffes. But thanks.
Bitch Republic you vaguely sound like the recent utterances of Pat Buchanan and Congressman Michael Patrick Carroll.
RickRoberts – I guess picking up tourists doesn’t count – I always throw them back, anyway – so: single.
It’s always interesting reading comments like the one from BitchRepublic come from gay men. The lack of empathy for the oppression that African-Americans and other people of color have faced and continue to face in the U.S. is amazing when gays face similar assaults.
This whole “get over it” bullsh@t speaks volumes about how insidious racism is in our society that common sense is destroyed.
The next time Sally Kern or some other homophobe starts complaining about gays wanting special rights, remember to please get over your concerns, gay people. Just stop whining.
When another gay boy like Lawrence King or Simmie Williams is butchered, why don’t gay people just “get over it”?
I guess it’s true, everyone needs someone to hate to make one feel better. So, BitchRepublic, just “get over it” when some nice straight guy, white, black, Asian, etc. decides to call you fag, deny you a job, etc. Because you know, that whole homophobia thing, it’s a thing of a past.
++1 NOAH, people should try to step into the shoes of others. It’s rather insane/pathetic that some cannot draw certain connections and have tunnel vision.
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From: Cafe, Election Central
In Defense of Reverend Wright
By Angry Vet – March 19, 2008, 9:02PM
It really looks like I picked a great week to tune out the Presidential campaign. Similarly, with no major contests until my birthday (April 22), I must assume that a large number of my fellow Americans are doing the same.
However, I am now fully engaged again. Having reviewed the incriminating footage and seeing a large number of bloviators do what they do best on the MSM tube, I think it is about time to put forth a defense of Reverend Wright. Surprisingly, I have only heard minor hints of this defense in the media itself, where, as usual, most of the commentators merely piled on to the on-going narrative with little critical thought or perspective shifting involved.
I’m sure few of us are all that surprise, since this story had all the earmarks of a hit job. Of course, I cannot prove that.
What are the most condemning statements the good Reverend made? “God Damn America,” that would be a good one. Or perhaps labelling the US as the “United States of the KKK?’
Yes, I am sure to the average white person, in their comfortable white communities, surrounded by their fellow white parishioners, shepherded by their white pastors/priests, and listening to their white commentators on the TV and radio, such statements sound, very certainly, horrible.
And yet, I have heard few people suggest that his comments, from a particular point of view, may actually be right. From those people that I would expect suchj an argument, well, they seem to have abandoned the battlefield in favor of trying to figure out the political cost of such a “scandal” to Senator Obama.
Change your shoes and adjust your sights for just a moment. Imagine that your great grandfather, at one time, was bound to th earth, “owned” by a family in South Carolina, and forced to work the land for nothing more than a hopeful scrap of food from those same masters. Imagine, after being “freed” following a devastating Civil War, you subsequently were forced to live a separate and segregated life from other people, simply because of the color of your skin.
Imagine growing up, being look down at every moment, being exposed to slurs such as “nigger,” “junglebunny,” etc. etc., simply because of the color of your skin. Imagine seeing two of your greatest heroes being shot dead within months of each other. Imagine seeing people of the same color of skin continuing to be denied the same opportunities others in your society have.
Consider, for a moment, being stared at with mistrust wherever you walk, where people with their children look at you with fear. COnsider that almost every day on the news, you hear people of your skin color committing crimes, almost to the point that you doubt those of other ethnicity do the same….
Now (stealing a line from “A Time to Kill”), imagine all of that was occurringg, and you were white.
Do you think you’d have a chip on your shoulder? Do you think that you would rant against the injustice of this world in a way to energize the people listening to you, to change that society? Wouldn’t you want to bring rhetoric dynamite and set it off in order to open the eyes of everyone in the country to truly understand the plight of your people?
And this is what Reverend Wright did. And God bless the man, and the first amendment that protects his ability to speak those words.
Likewise, God bless Barack Obama, for distancing himself from the “most offensive” comments and yet, NOT throwing his religious teacher under the campaign bus. Yes, I hate to break it to a large number of people out there. Barack Obama is part African-American. He has grown up in a society where he has had to fight for every single thing he has achieved at this point. I’m sure, at many times in his life, a large chunk of society has been against him during that fights.
And what does the man preach on the campaign trail? Does he preach 400 years of grievance?
No, the man preaches hope for a better future. He channels the best of one of those martyrs from the 1960’s, and does it with class and sincerity.
I will not fall into the trap of writing Barack Obama’s political obituary before there is any evidence the man is politically dead. To me, Obama’s speech yesterday was his greatest moment, a moment so great that all races can now understand (if they weren’t alive in the 60’s) what Mr. King was all about. And those same ideas and energy are in fact still alive in the 21st century.
So, to those who would use this scandal as a reason to vote against Barack Obama, I only ask one question: Why does Barack Obama’s connection with his roots and his community make him unfit to lead this country as a whole? To me, at the very least, because of this understand of different cultures within cultures, this scandal proves that he is very fit to lead.
You see, we haven’t ever had a leader with roots in that community. In fact, we have had only one NON-PROTESTANT President, all of them white men with ancestors coming from the British Isles.
So, as a white, Catholic, Anglo-Saxon (original, from Germany), I do not fear a black man or black culture. Because, that too is American culture.
In fact, as protected by the First Amendment, to ask God to damn America is protected by the First Amendment. And thank God for that.