You’re still going to have to wait nearly a year, but Anderson Cooper‘s daytime talk show deal is definitely a go! Warner Bros. has signed syndication agreements in all the hot markets, like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Boston — you know, the parts of America that falsely give the impression their entire states are bastions of liberalism and pro-gayness. (Well, Boston/Massachusetts might be the exception.) According to a release, “Like his predecessors Oprah Winfrey and Phil Donahue, Anderson Cooper will create a daily destination for multiple generations of women looking to be informed and entertained, gain perspective, have a voice and stay connected to each other and the world around them.” Whatever. If you’re lucky, he’ll get drunk, so that’s something to watch for.
Anderson Cooper’s New Daytime Talk Show Producers Not Even Pretending They Aren’t Marketing Him to Women
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As long as he is closeted, his life is a lie.
Jeff K.
Do his handlers think that women will no longer lust after him if he comes out?
@Jack: Anderson Cooper lives an openly gay life with his boyfriend. They live together, travel together, and are seen publicly together. They make no attempt to hide their relationship.
Anderson Cooper is hardly closeted.
jack and jeff: apparently you think anderson needs to make more of a statement? as far as i knew he was out but not a screaming gay man….not that there is anything wrong with that…but is there anything wrong with not being like that.
Weekday daytime shows are normally marketed towards women.
Being closeted means you actually pretend not to be gay. Anderson Cooper is not closeted. If you watch his show and other shows he hosts he never, ever insinuates he is attracted to women. Even when women like Kathy Griffin or Kelly Rippa are ogling him, he never flirts back.
@Jack: I see him all the time, usually at the gay gym where he works out, often with his bf. (They were there Saturday.) AC comes across as quite nice, unlike so many in his socioeconomic and cultural milieu. He is basically the person you see on tv…no affectation: plainspoken and just basically decent-seeming. And I say this as someone who is not exactly thrilled with a good portion of his coverage. But his sometimes questionable views are no reason to listen yet again as people who really have no idea what they’re talking about malign someone who doesn’t deserve it, at least as far as I can tell. Your comment may reveal more about your glibness than anything about AC.
@Kyle: said..
Anderson Cooper lives an openly gay life with his boyfriend. They live together, travel together, and are seen publicly together. They make no attempt to hide their relationship.
Anderson Cooper is hardly closeted.”
Yeah, thats the same as Rosie O’Donnell Claiming that she was “Out” because her friends knew. Meanwhile she is sitting there telling America all about how she is raising adopted children and taking care of them…neglecting to mention that her girlfriend was the one staying home with them all day.
Cooper actually neuters himself in stories, when the George Reckers story broke, straight journalists were able to put appropriate outrage into their coverage while Cooper came off bland and timid. How could he act outraged that Reckers was closeted when he could be accused of the same thing?
All of the talking heads on CNN talk about their lives when it impacts a story, until he can do it too, Cooper will be just another fearful hidden closet case claiming that who he is in love with is something unimportant and all right to hide.
@Renzo: agree, totally.
Anderson Cooper lives his life openly as he sees fit,doesn’t hide a thing.I actually prefer my actors / entertainers / journalists keep their private lives private.Nothing worse than a preachy out, gay or straight celebrity parading their personal lives and biological or surrogate children to the media. Kudos to AC!It’s none of our business.
The post is about a media personality and a potential TV program. It seems that whenever Anderson Cooper’s name comes up on this website, the dialog turns to out vs. closeted.
I believe that most individuals who are truly 100% okay with being gay themselves really don’t care whether Anderson Cooper is out or not. I don’t need someone like him telling people in Topeka that he is gay to legitimize my being gay.
I can’t imagine that anyone with any degree of savvy or sophistication hasn’t figured out some time ago that Anderson Cooper is gay. He never pretends to be straight. And, as one of the commenters above stated, he lives an openly gay life in Manhattan.
I guess there are different definitions of closeted, but I don’t understand how anyone thinks Anderson Cooper is in the closet.
“they’re not even pretending they aren’t”
someday I’ll be able to decipher what this means… someday
robert in nyc
And I’m sure if someone in the media asked AC if he were gay, I doubt if he’d deny it. If he ever marries his boyfriend, do any of his bashers think he’d try to hide it? Of course not! Its nobody’s business if he chooses to keep his personal life separate from his professional life. At least he’s not a self-loather who rails against his own kind. I wonder what his political affiliation is??
Mark W
The only people who care whether or not a public figure comes out on a soap box are career homosexuals who attempt to impart their narrow views on others.Why should it matter to us how they choose to handle their personal lives?Think about it guys,it’s not up to us,live your own life and let others live theirs!
@Kev: said..
“”Anderson Cooper lives his life openly as he sees fit,doesn’t hide a thing.I actually prefer my actors / entertainers / journalists keep their private lives private.”
funny enough though, the ONLY people that consider the sex of who they date to be part of their “Private Life” are the closeted celebs and their fans. Nobody is asking if he’s a top or a bottom, although if you think about it, with hetros we even know the answer to that question.
Every person on the news will occaisionally say something like “Yes, my daughter loves that” or “My husband/wife was rotting for the Phillies but I’m a Yankee fan.”
Saying things like that isn’t delving into a private life, and on that topic, Cooper gave up the “Keeping my private life private” defense when he wrote a book delving into his life, his brothers suicide, his father, and his mother being Gloria Vanderbuilt. So I guess the only “Private” part of his private life is who he loves.
And for the people claiming that he is “Out”…yeeeaahhhhh, because Kathy Griffen is so known for not saying anything about a gay celeb when they are out. The only thing that would keep her quiet about his sexuality is if she was asked.
Some folks have lots of time maybe better spent volunteering for gay causes as opposed to blogging all day.Yikes.
@Mark W: well said.
And for the people claiming that he is “Out”…yeeeaahhhhh, because Kathy Griffen is so known for not saying anything about a gay celeb when they are out. The only thing that would keep her quiet about his sexuality is if she was asked.
Kathy doesn’t out her friends. She’s been clear about that. Kathy and Anderson have been on friendly terms for years, even before he was on CNN. He wouldn’t have had to ask her.
@Cam: What made the Rekers story newsworthy was that he’d been actively working and organizing against gay rights which is not something Cooper could be accused of. Rekers is also married to a woman and lying about his sexuality which isn’t true of Cooper.
AC didn’t do the 360 reporting on Rekers. It was researched, performed and put together while he was on location covering the Tennessee floods.
He has taken some stands on gay stories and championed some fellow gays, often on stories no one else on national TV news was even covering.
Being out to the gay community is not the same as being out of the closet. The general public hasn’t a clue that he is gay. I thought the push to be out of the closet was to show the general public that homosexuals were people that they already know and respect. It seems like the rules change depending on who it is and Anderson always seems to get a pass.
@mk: Yes, and if you read what I said, it was aimed at the people who claim that he is “out”.
i.e. if he was really “out” as they claim then she wouldn’t be able to out him would she?
As for RRR’s comment about the REkers story….he neutered himself because he couldn’t jump on the hypocricy of Rekers closeted status. His show had the most bland exposure of him when he could have really sunk his teeth into it if he wasn’t living in the same closted world.
Intelligence is sexy.