Another day, another antigay activist accused of maintaining a secret Grindr account.
Christiaan Otto claims to be the manager of a gold mine in South Africa. He regularly spews homophobic vitriol on social media, including a recent string of Facebook posts claiming that coronavirus is God’s punishment against LGBTQ people.
Related: 6 homophobes who were busted on Grindr
In the past, Otto has also claimed homosexuality is a mental illness, that sex before marriage is a sin, and that if you watch porn “you won’t go to heaven!”
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
In one video, he said: “Let me make one thing clear, homosexuality is 110% a sin. It doesn’t mean I hate people who practice it, I’m just calling it what it is.”
In another post, he wrote: “God created marriage to be between a man and a woman. I don’t care how you feel about it, only God defines marriage – not you!”
We could go on but we think you get the picture.
Related: Woman Panics After Discovering Her Friend’s Husband On Grindr
Now, a group called “Expose Christiaan Otto” claims to have uncovered a Grindr profile that appears to belong to none other than Otto.
Screenshots allegedly reveal Otto, using the screen name RBayDiscreet, soliciting another man for sex and describing himself as “bottom/vers.”
“Now is officially the time you stop,” the group demanded of Otto in a statement. “We will continue to expose you and raise up awareness against your hate speech.”
“You might have a ‘God’ or ‘prophet’ complex, but get one thing straight, you are NOT a prophet nor some form or religious authority, you are simply a desperate individual that constantly looks for clout and fame in whatever sick way you find next.”
Additional screenshots of an alleged WhatsApp conversation also surfaced.
They appear to show Otto responding to a guy he hooked up with, writing: “I thought I could trust you dude. You say you deleted the Grindr chats. What are you trying to do? Delete and block me!”
Then he tells the guy to “f*ck off” and “burn in hell.”
Since the screenshots starting circulating, Otto has deleted his Facebook profile and denied the allegations, telling MambaOnline: “I thought Grindr was something that you cut metal with.”
He insisted that he’s never had a Grindr profile, or a profile on other gay dating app, nor has he ever solicited another men for sex.
“All they are doing is creating falsehood against me,” Otto raged. “They just took old photos off of my Facebook account and they created this profile. It’s not rocket science.”
Related: She just discovered her baby daddy has a secret Grindr account, wonders: Is he gay?!
Whats that saying about creating God in your own image? Looks like God has some serious mental issues who hates himself.
Whats that saying about creating God in your own image? Looks like God has some serious mental issues who hates himself.
I love this post. So much.
These stories just don’t surprise me.
Wow, that never happens….
I wonder how bottom-shaming plays into his incredible homophobia. Traditional gender roles and all that.
I know when I was in the closet, sometimes it took a lot work to overcome the internalized shit about wanting to take a dick in all ways. At least a top might claim that machismo thing, that he wasn’t REALLY gay. Not me. It was obvious.
Anti gay bottom vers. Omg another label! LoL
where are those cowboys and unicorns ?
the dark fine art of double speak, double standard and “Clever” as privilege for the minions, the duality does not matter : all iz one hand. Cowboy or Unicorn, angel or devil are the one in the same. Divided in about four, five major tribal groups who again split their cowboys and devils, its all a matter of subtraction. Pattern that are similar to the silent dagger … in this quagmire we all lose … except the minions, who get high while dying for it.
OUT the bastard — social and print media!
Who is shocked? NO ONE.
Those who are comfortable with their sexuality have no issues with LGBT people. The ones that do are the ones people should know are probably doing exactly what they stand against.
A lot of these types of people are fine with homosexuality and homo behaviors. They do however resent people not staying closeted. They resent the gay identity. They resent unabashed same-sex passions, love and relationships. Sometimes they resent effeminacy. Their stances are driven more by socio-politics and ego not hatred towards inherently homosexuality or homo behaviors. And those types tend to be most loud, insecure and problematic bunch.
Coming from my own experience I lashed out at any perceived gay kids with a rage I didn’t understand until today. I understand guys like this better then anyone.
Nothing more delicious than when one of these right wingers is exposed as a complete hypocrite.
Maybe he and Aaron Schock or George Reckers can open up a B&B together.
The louder they pray the gayer they are.
Let them reap of him what he has sowed.
He’s like a walking, talking (raving) example from the Psychology Today article on homophobia and repressed (homo)sexuality. Even the use of Christianity, the insistent denials and hysterical response to being outed underscore that he’s engaged in an internal psychological and emotional battle over his fear of his own sexual orientation and desires. He’s striking out at what he is, and I would imagine his being a bottom only creates even stronger unresolved feelings of shame and guilt. Skip the pulpit and pay a visit to a therapist, for the sake of everyone involved!
He doesn’t hate gay people but homosexuality is 110% a sin. Of course he doesn’t hate them, he hates himself but he would rather be a bitch and denounce others guilty of the same SIN he partakes in because, well, HE HATES BEING GAY and wants to have his cake and eat it too. He and Shock should hook up, though they probably already have. Come out, apologize, then we may forgive but NOT A MOMENT SOONER THAN THAT. F-ing hypocrite. Me thinks he may be a rethug. Your thoughts?
Marriage is a construct created by man to protect property that’s it folks!
THANK YOU!?. Every time someone hollers that God “created marriage” I just roll my eyes. Ppl are so brainwashed, they don’t even realize when their repeating nonsense. Humanity is in real trouble.
Black Pegasus
LOL so I guess none of you bored queens sitting here pontificating has ever seen a FAKE PROFILE on Grindr?
The more you post nowadays the more bitter and anti-gay you come off. Did something happen recently? Because you’ve gone from coming off like a basic bitch to coming off like a basic bitch with some internalized homophobia/gay resentment issues. No matter your morale, resentments or struggles don’t become a “pick me”. That is always a lame and destructive avenue to go down.
Anyways, I haven’t heard of this man before this article nor do I know the validity of those profiles. I will say that when you preach hate and target people it’s hard to feel sorry for you if someone is making shit up about you. Furthermore, the points I made in my post still stand no matter how legit those profiles are.
My first thought was “couldn’t anyone just post a profile using his picture” my second thought was “if it’s true, this is way more embarrassing than getting caught playing footsie in an airport bathroom stall”! Someone should just come out and ask him what makes him so homophobic, he must be gay himself and afraid to come out or something, it’s not natural to fixate on the subject as deeply as he does, something is definitely off with him. He needs to seek professional help immediately.
Please provide any proof you have that this isn’t true.
Because these rabidly anti-LGBT people very very often turn out to be self hating closet cases. i.e. George Reckers, the founder of the Family Research Council, Larry Craig, basically EVERY founder of the Ex-Gay ministries etc…
So he fits the profile. But lets talk about you, what is your agenda to try to pretend that this self hating bigot is a bastion of truth?
Black Pegasus
My comments are designed to get Basic Bored Bitches like you animated. And it appears I’ve succeeded.. Keep reading and hating my comments sis. I can see your smoke stack from thousands of mile away lol
Black Pegasus
I don’t have any evidence that’s it’s untrue, but the burden isn’t on me. It’s up to others to PROVE it was him in the profile and not some catfish.
Black Pegging, you’re a simp and not the fun or likable kind. You have nothing to offer but bitter retorts and bitchy, non-clever one-liners. (None of that is unusual in the comments sections here). You used to do nothing but post resentful rants about closet cases and non gay identifying guys. Now all you do is make bitchy comments about “gays” and “queens”. You’re always targeting someone and looking to make whatever demo feel bad about themselves. You’re as basic and stereotypical as the people you attempt to shade.
You’re 100% Some people have nothing to do besides… The real question : What is the different between Him and all the other gay men among us who hates others gays who don’t fit in their ideal fantasy box. Haters exists and they come in all walks of life.
To out him is ok? really…You said it : Many fake profiles, but that is hate and there’s no need to hate people who don’t love themselves.
We are GAY, but that’s it and we do exist since the beginning of time, but I surely don’t share your values just because we have have the same sexual orientation. Be smart, not stupid ! Haters exists and usually they are among us as well ! A sexual orientation does not make you or me any closer ! My values are certainly not the same as any other GAY individual. The world is diverse and we should embrace that. Human rights apply on all levels.
Haters live in their own bubble of Hate. We don’t need to give them attention. I let myself go on this one LOL
Why even pay attention to people like this ? By know we know that the more fanatic anti-gay someone is in public, the bigger the chance is of the person being a closet gay themselves.
Why NOT pay attention to him? Calling out the hate and hypocrisy is good.
The court cases against same sex marriage were destroyed, when it was exposed that the founder of the anti-gay group, whose research the bigots were using in their arguments against marriage, was exposed with a male prostitute.
If we had ignored that, they could have used his phony research in court and maybe we would have lost.
Yeah, he’s a nobody but he’s CUTE as can be with a hot bod!! If he was just average or old you can bet none of the gay sites would pay him any attention. Especially Queerty!
This isn’t unusual. Many guys on Grindr tend to be anti-gay outside of the app, ironically.
I don’t know how legit his profiles are. Someone could have indeed set him up. (Not that anyone should feel sorry for him if that’s the case). Still, those apps have always been cesspools for internalized homophobia, self-misandry and people with anti-gay viewpoints. It’s an app where many guys present themselves as “DL”, “straight”, “married to a woman”, “mostly into into chicks” as either defense mechanisms or as proud banners. And it’s a place entirely about sex and ego. Of course, it’s going to foster its fair share of problematic people. That’s like being surprised by many of these more hetero hook-ups featuring a lot of misogynists. Furthermore, indulging sex or even relationships with someone has never equated to there being non-hate, respect, support there.
Love Bates Motel 🙂
The real question : What is the different between Him and all the other GAYMEN among us who hates others gays who don’t fit in their ideal fantasy box. Haters exists and they come in all walks of life.
To out him is ok, but that is hate and there’s no need to hate people who don’t love themselves.
We are GAY, but that’s it and we do exist since the beginning of time, but I surely don’t share your values just because we have have the same sexual orientation. Be smart, not stupid ! Haters exists and usually they are among us as well ! A sexual orientation does not make you or me any closer ! My values are certainly not the same as any other GAY individual. The world is diverse and we should embrace that. Human rights apply on all levels.
Haters live in their own bubble of Hate. We don’t need to give them attention.
Whenever I hear “anti-gay activitist” I hear “self-loathing homo.”
Anyone who is in their 20s and fixated on what gays do has real sexual problems.
Anyone who is older than 30 and still fixated on gays hates himself.
Anyone who is older than 40 and still fixated on gays is running for office as a Republican.
He sure looks queer to bad hes a self hater
Would it have been too much to actually meet the guy, have him come to the hook up, hide a camera and truly expose him? Is that too dark and awful? get a video of him sucking dick and/or getting plowed…….how could he then deny? Or am I just an evil vengeful queen……………..?
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