Remember that pledge Brad Pitt took to not get straight-married to Angelina Jolie until after gay marriage was legal? (In California, or America in general—we can’t remember which.)
Well it looks like Pitt might break his word: the Moneyball star is hankerin’ to wed marry his partner of seven years, he tells The Hollywood Reporter.
“We’d actually like to,” he says of marriage to Jolie, “and it seems to mean more and more to our kids. We made this declaration some time ago that we weren’t going to do it till everyone can. But I don’t think we’ll be able to hold out. It means so much to my kids, and they ask a lot. And it means something to me, too, to make that kind of commitment.”
Yes, because six years of unwedded bliss to the most beautiful woman in the world has been sheer torture.
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“But,” Pitt adds, “to be in love with someone and be raising a family with someone and want to make that commitment and not be able to is ludicrous. Just ludicrous.”
Thanks for the shout out, dude.
We’re not exactly shocked or appalled—Pitt’s pledge was a cute gesture and reminded Joe Sixpack that straight people have basic rights not afforded to gays and lesbians. And Pitt has done more than just pay lip service to same-sex marriage—he gave $100,000 to the campaign against Prop 8.
But a writer for L.A. Weekly claims “the gay nation is up-in-arms” and “upset” over Pitt’s change of heart.
We’re not. Go and get married, Brad. You have the right, and our blessing. We wouldn’t mind another $100k to fight off NOM in NJ and MD, though.
Images: Thomas Peter Schulzen, Georges Biard
Triple S
It’s a celebrity marriage. It won’t last.
Kate Bushwhacked
@Triple S: this is a joke right
I agree – they should feel free to marry, and everyone with them the best. I certainly do.
I liked their very independent stand in this, it made them strong, individually interesting and a constant reminder, but they have their private life to consider and can’t be role models for all eternity. There is enough pressure on them. They’re good guys on so many levels.
the crustybastard
I can’t fault a couple with kids for feeling like they ought to marry so the kids can be protected.
Both Brad and Angelina are pathetic creatures who have played the Hollywood game so as to make money. That’s all it is, folks – money.
Angelina in particular is a weirdo. She’s done nothing for gay rights. She is allegedly homophobic.
@jason: How is she homophobic? First hand accounts , I’m sure.
“We wouldn’t mind another $100k to fight off NOM in NJ and MD, though.” Only NJ and MD?? We’re fighting a huge fight across the ENTIRE COUNTRY. We’re also dealing with the possibility here in MN of a state constitutional ammendment that would ban same-sex marriage outright.
the crustybastard
Jason is mentally ill, and engages in misogyny for attention. If the mods here didn’t concur with his misogyny to some extent, I think they’d ban him.
So it is up to us to starve him for attention in the hope he’ll take that shit somewhere else. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Red Meat
Their kids want them to get married, some stupid gay people don’t because they made a pledge. Go ahead and marry people.
@the crustybastard: I think Jason goes to every gay blog spouting hateful comments . I feel sorry for him . What a miserable life
Concerning Jason: I’m here only occasionally but it seems he’s always around, commenting like this. It must be difficult to feel like that and not be able to snap out of it. There are gossip sites where this type of comments (and much, much worse) are rampant – the same nicks, year after year, the same comments almost verbatim, and it never ends. One trick ponies, and they thrive in each other’s company, trying their best to make everyone else miserable. Some may be adolescents, but most are no doubt grownups who never matured. It’s sad.
I call a spade a spade.
“And it means something to me, too, to make that kind of commitment.”