You know, it’s so ironic — I wanted to build kind of a community center in the gateway to Hell’s Kitchen, which in 2008–2009 was already a gay place and now it’s even gayer. Very close to Broadway. We decided there’d be so many different ways to give back to the community. We show gay artists there. For gay performers, we have let this cabaret club go on for three and a half years. And you don’t make money when you let drag queens in on Tuesday night and 30 people drink at $10 a drink and you have to pay five people to watch over the place. You don’t make money … My only point is, this has not been a profitable venture. Gays are cheap. They’re frugal; gays are frugal. Let me retract that … gays are entitled … Do you know how challenging it is to make a penny off a gay person? I’m gay, I don’t pay cover. I’m gay, where’s my comp drink? No, I’m being serious! The Out NYC has not shown a profit yet …”
— Ian Reisner attempting to explain to New York magazine why he and business (and former romantic) partner Mati Weiderpass recently hosted an event for antigay presidential candidate Ted Cruz, but perhaps managing to outrage the community even more, if that’s possible
Allie Pocket
Heather Fuglevik
Power bottom
Colin McCoy
It’s not our fault that he is shilling $10 drinks and still not enough people show up for him to turn a profit. I’ve been to bars that offer free drinks twice a month and they’re doing just fine.
Christopher S. Constant
That’s gonna help.
Thomas Hogueisson
Might need to keep that spade sharp, in the Old COuntry we’d be dancing around the hot ashes of your fine establishment.
Sam Stavros
I’m not sure where he lives but I’m pretty sure he lives on another planet, we tip the most pay the most and pamper ourselves with expensive things bring businesses to prosper, we are certainly not cheap but again yes I would feel entitled when dealing with an asshole like him, he’s a shame to our community
James V Carroll
Only a terrible businessman would have trouble making money from gay people.
Bill Eastridge
Offending and making stereotypes about the community while defending meeting with a bigot who wants to take away our rights. All the more reason why we don’t and should not support him. Isn’t he Jewish? Ian and his husband have the nerve calling anyone “cheap” considering what the stereotype about Jews is. Good grief.
Daniel Bujes
A few things here
1) Remember he’s deeply sorry for hosting an escort that died in his tub from OD
2) He is also deeply sorry for hosting a dinner with a man that directly and very publicly counters this community he says he is trying to give back to
3) Gay’s are the most profitable demographic sub group, ever. Ask anyone in a basic marketing and economics class. Why do you think we always get targeted? Perhaps you’re just a terrible club owner not offering anything worth paying for
Chris Tyler
Maybe he should spend time volunteering
Ryan Macintyre
Oh hunny, this coming from the sell out who held a dinner for a man who wants to take away your rights as a human being, all so you could make a few extra hundred bucks………yah okay, i’mma take what you say serious.LOL
not to mention – last i checked, Gays are one of the most targetted to demographics because we are not cheap…so #PointInvalid
Chuck Knapp
Isn’t he one of the cheap and entitled?
Anthony Myers
Watching all the gay liberal’s heads spin is comical. #CruzForPresident all day!!!!
Craig Marker
There’s a lot of entitled people in the world but I would not make mass generalizations unless we are talking about corporatists.
Steve Quinlan
I’m anything but “cheap”
Avery Alvarez
He’s an ugly zionist.
He makes money off of gays, turns around and gives that money to anti-gay causes.
He preys off of youth, like the young man who “happened to die” at his place.
I consider him on the same level as Ted Cruz. An enemy to the gay community, no matter what social and charity work he does. It’s all just a farce to put gay money into anti-gay hands.
Andrew Hearn
Then take you show and money somewhere else!! We won’t miss you!ð???ð???
Roland Hamburger
You can’t be cheap and entitled at the same time. Ggggg….
Jayson Allen Messner
Did he swallow Cruz’s bad seed?
Christopher Arnot
Ditzy rich Queens are not new. (-sigh-)
Vincent Milligan
If he isn’t making money off gays the. He is doing something wrong.
Stuart J Rogoff
Shut this ass down already. No more free publicity or photo opps.
Bradley Mccurry
Jaime Enrique Sibauste
Hard Night Of Partying Ends In 23-Year-Oldâ??s Drug Death At Prominent Gay Hotelierâ??s NYC Penthouse / Queerty
This guy is a traitor.
Clai Green
He is soooooo right lol
Rich Hartley
Jay A. Scaramazzo
Joey Enriquez
James Millner
Can these guys not afford a pr agency to help them out?
Jay A. Scaramazzo
Dirty money makes dirty people.
Kevin Pulido
And the stereotype about Jews? Mmmmhmmmm! I really don’t understand why gay people are republicans…gay card revoked.
Desert Boy
Fuck you, Ian. Fuck you.
Morgan James
Who was pandering to whom between those two?
Johnathan Sawicki
Business doesn’t sound like this guy’s strong suit.
Norman D Roth
Hey you can be a Republican first and then Gay Equal opportunity asshole right
Eric Ziegler
What a waste of gray matter.
Manny Yoko
Carlos Mejia
Oh, Bitch. You just lost a big chunk of business, not a very wise move MISSY!
Chris L. Reynolds
Well?let’s see how our Cheap entitled $$$$’s feels,?
Norman D Roth
I would imagine it just got a lot tougher for this guy to make money off of gays lol Hey maybe he can refuse service to them and get in on that anti gay money floating around Oh wait hahahahah
Ives Meagher
I know I am but what are you I know I am but what are you- pee wee herman
Mark Wagstaff
Stuart Nemerov
LMAO!!! That’s my kind of guy… dude is one minute falling all over himself with a fake apology and then straight up nuking it and everything else around. What a vapidly myopic human being… can’t look at the world beyond himself. From the looks of it, your patrons aren’t the only ones that feel entitled. His picture… it’s like Gay Jesus was cloning Matt Bomer, stopped at the eyes, and found a Mr. Potato Head in the corner and used it for spare face parts.
Ron Alose
Dude, you’re about to go out of business!
The irony is that statistics and studies have shown marketers and advertisers LOVE the gay man over the straight man because typically a gay man is more likely to spend on luxury goods and non-essentials.
these two worthless pieces of shit are DONE.
Robert Moore
Oh boohoo. He is an entitled asshole. He can go blow Ted Cruz for all I care, but he should not pretend he doesn’t know what he’s getting. He is the biggest sort of hypocrite.
Thomas Stewart
Keep digging Ian.
Michael Haynes
Well then I guess you don’t need our money anymore.
Alex Cameron
Cheaper I don’t think so the only thing that’s CHEAP .is you and your comments ; business acumen doesn’t appear to be your strength as Sir Alan Sugar would say your fired if you worked in the real world
Richard Lowy
This son of a bitch reAlly needs a reality check !! A awful death in his house ! Rubbing elbows with the absolute wrong people ! And an arogant left handed sort of apology!! Really Ian !!! To little to late !! Seek what you have ! Pines and hotel. I am positive. Whatever your advisers and financial people told you you would earn this summer is now a fantasy !! Mortgages are due !! And no business !! To bad is it not !!!! Ass!!!
Gee Rosato
It’s up to gays and gay allies to show just how “cheap” by never patronizing his businesses again. Turn on us like a mad dog, and we will bite back — big time.
@KM201: I was waiting for the anti-Jewish bigotry to surface. Thanks. Now I can stop waiting. I am pleased to say that you’re the only one here who stooped to that level. Jews can be assholes like anyone else, not because they’re Jewish, because they’re assholes.
Jim Polcyn
This guy needs to shut up
William Andy Andrews
Hello foot I’m mouth.
Boy L Joey
take away his gay card!
@jwtraveler: It’s not anti-Jewish bigotry. It’s saying that this piece of shit has the nerve to call anyone cheap and to stereotype about gays considering the stereotypes put out about Jews. It’s an exposure of their hypocrisy and you’re just too blind to see it.
Loyd Hawkins
If he isn’t making money off of gay people, then why are the majority of his properties home to gay oriented businesses? He’s the only entitled person I see here.
Jeffrey York
He’s burying himself by insulting his clientele. I thought he was sorry. Is this the other idiot?
Henry Doering
Well, then, close down your over-priced dump and get a real job!
Darryl Cummings
Keep sticking your foot in your mouth.
This is the guy who sold the idea for his gay hotel by saying, in the promo video to investors that gays were willing to pay more for less if they were told that something was exclusive to them.
So he sold his “Gay Hotel” to straight investors by telling them it was there to take advantage of gays.
Secondly, when this backlash initially started he attacked back, played the victim, and lied, claiming that he had hosted Democratic events. Lie.
THEN he again tried to play the victim and play dumb by claiming he didn’t know what Ted Cruz’s politics were, but had to stop that B.S. when it was revealed that he had met and raised funds for OTHER anti-gay politicians as well.
And now, since he can’t get away with lying, he is, like a spoiled child attacking the gay community, claiming that he is such a great guy and they just don’t appriciate him.
Jesus Malverde
On what gay planet is he living on?
You own a bar in one of the most densely populated areas in the country, and can only get a little more than a couple dozen people to show up on a given night? That’s your problem, not ours. It means you and your bar suck ass. “This has not been a profitable venture” = “I did a shitty job running my bar, but it’s your fault that it’s failing”. No, it’s *your* fault bitch.
Lou Smith
Stop while you’re behind.
I don’t know this guy Ian Reisner from Adam. If I were trapped on an elevator with him, he could introduce himself, I still wouldn’t recognize the name. He sounds a little spoiled and like he’s had some interesting times, but…
He can invite anyone he wants — Ted Cruz, Anita Bryant, Phil Robertson, Mel Gibson, whoever — to his home for dinner. Its his home, his private space, and he can talk to who he wants to. He doesn’t owe the Gay Community anything when it comes to his private dinning companions. Even Harvey Milk sat down and ate many a meal with John Briggs. We don’t do ourselves or the world any favors when we don’t talk to those who disagree with us. Even President Obama has been known to break bread with Republicans.
Stop it…dying laughing!
If this Reisner character owned any properties I’d want to frequent in the first place, yeah, I’d boycott with my wallet. I have no interest in Fire Island and there are too many other options in New York to seek out some “gay-themed urban resort”. SPG Platinum Preferred here, anyway.
@Glücklich: Never been to Fire Island, never plan to go. At my age I’d likely have a heart attack anyway! LOL. There is a saying, “With friends like these, one needs no enemies.” At look at that churlish smirking smile and fantasize how a good slap would straighten it out a bit. Wealthy queens are more poisonous than wealthy straight gay haters, because the Eisners of our world sell us out at every opportunity while they grease their own heels (along with other things they likely “grease”). They are a common enemy, and must be regarded accordingly.
Carlos Manuel Perez
Oh boy, is he in trouble….
These two have done more harm to the gay community behind the scenes than they ever did for it in the public eye. Everything they have done has been for their benefit alone. They claim to want marriage equality in public, but in private, they support politicians who will lower their tax bills but who are rabidly, scarily, viciously anti-gay. Their willingness to lick the soles of the shoes of their political benefactors is their absolute right. Let them debase themselves all they want, but I want them to do it without anymore of their revenue coming from us. John Whyte would be incensed that these men who’ve so clearly demonstrated their contempt & disdain for the community he loved have gained control of the magical town he created.
PROFITABLE, in re businesses and movies, is something that is up for debate. The owners of a business can be paying themselves a whole lot of money and technically their business could not be “profitable”. PROFIT / INCOME is taxed.
Now that’s a statement, a good example of a terrible one, that is. Talk about biting the many GLBT hands that feed you. Very bad public relations, but they say arrogance & stupidity often go hand-in-hand.
Chris Miller
David M Sanford
He is gross
@Jay A. Scaramazzo: Yes!
Don Oldsmobile
Continue the boycott till their bankrupt!
Mary Ellen Coddington
Ian and Ted make most people sick!!
William R Gordon Jr
Doesn’t he know it is open season for gay men….. That includes you too dumbass!!!!
Robert De Carvalho Ince
Jonathan Vining
Ugh enough with this guy. Goodbye.
Jeffrey Jeannotte
Tom LaFlamme
Wait ! He Gay and Jewish ?
He’s calling cheap and entitled??
Ncc CBear
The More they Talk the worse it is! SO they need to SHUT TE HELL UP!!!
Dave Basora
He should’ve just shut up and let things die down. It would’ve been over by now. I disagree with what he did but it was his choice. So be it. Now, his trying to defend himself makes him look like a jackass. And all this whining is not a good look
Robert Schmidt
I thought I so him hanging out at Napoleons and Club Cafe back in the day!!
Wretched. In every way.
@Dave Basora: He doesn’t “look” like a jackass. He IS one. He and his partner are the worst of the worst.
Harlan Smith
He’s utterly gross.
With the going prices in NYC he doesn’t turn a profit?
When it comes to paying taxes, how many Repubs elite ever show much of a profit anyway.
Or maybe his hotel just sux.
That face has SCHMUCK written in feces all over it…
Ian Jopson
Funny. John Blair made $8 million profit running XL, but then that creep fired him to try to do the same thing and mismanaged it into the group. Wilson you got it right. That guys product is cheap and Shitty.
Yet, he also doesn’t say he is the one Who provided drugs to a college student, who,was also a bartender at Bart-tini, who also over dosed at his midtown apartment.
Charles Gomez
jason smeds
The thing about gay men is that they don’t put up with all this expensive BS that you find on the straight scene.
Men know that other men will put out for them at the drop of a hat. They’re not going to pay 10 bucks to get into a club so that they can pick up another man whom they can just as easily pick up at a truck-stop or in a park for absolutely nothing.
On the straight scene, you have highly-sexed men who are competing with each other for the sexual consent of relatively lowly-sexed women. These men are desperate and full of competitive frustration. They are prepared to pay 10 bucks to enter a club for the chance to “pick up a piece of a$$”.
The women who attend straight clubs know this and exploit it to their advantage, using their bodies as a ploy to extract as many free drinks from their male suitors as is possible, and then often dumping them at the end of the night when the club shuts.
When it comes to sex, the male-male scene is BS-free. In contrast, the male-female scene is so loaded with BS, it’s not funny.
Dave Linehan
A sad, angry man
Maybe he needs to get John Taffer in there or something? If he’s not making a profit in that area of New York he’s doing something seriously wrong. So let me get this “straight” (lol), he’s in a highly profitable area, gays are actually not cheap and spend far more than straight men and women, and he still can’t turn a profit? Sounds like a shitty business model.
@jason smeds: You are posting delusions once again. The expensive BS? Gay people are known to pay more for everything. And many gay men do pay money to go into clubs. How do I know? I live near West Hollywood. You live in the boondocks somewhere.
Straight men are well known to pay less for drinks, spend less money… while gay men go to places like the Abbey and Micky’s (in Weho for example), and pay $15 for a fucking apple martini.
@Ian Jopson: Sounds like a job for:
This Reisner republican idiot basically drove a business into the ground in prime real-estate. This vapid moron is now complaining gay people are cheap and bashing on his own customers.
Yeah, I don’t think even Taffer would touch this dump.
Jeff Miller
So much for his businesses
Joseph Green
He just needs to shut up and go away.
@MacAdvisor: Mac, if he just had a private dinner one-on-one with Ted Cruz, or met with him to discuss a certain issue (like Obama does when he meets with Republicans), that would be one thing. But he held a fundraiser for one of the most anti-gay politicians out there. Cruz isn’t just against gay marriage but resigned to it like some Republicans, he’s pushing for a Constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. He’s against gay adoption. He’s for religious freedom laws that OK discrimination against gay people.
Mr. Reisner CAN associate with Ted Cruz all he wants, support him, vote for him, whatever. That doesn’t mean that he should be free from criticism for his actions, or that people shouldn’t boycott his other enterprises if they choose.
Frankly, the man just doesn’t sound very bright. He holds a fundraiser for Ted Cruz, and yet seems surprised by the negative reaction to it. So he issues an “apology,” and claims that he didn’t know about Cruz’s stance on gay issues. Not sure he couldn’t know … Ted Cruz certainly doesn’t keep his anti-gay views under wraps.
Now he seems to be going out of his way to piss off the last few gay people who might be on his side by calling them cheap and entitled. Gay people, in NYC especially, are anything but cheap. If he’s got a gay business that’s failing, it’s because he doesn’t know how to run a business. Given his actions over the past couple of weeks, it’s not really that surprising.
Raúl Hernández
So much for apologizing.
Michael Rucker
I stayed at Out NYC and the problem was they simply didn’t know how to run a hotel. The rooms were poorly cleaned and the thump, thump until 4 am didn’t make for a good night sleep. It had nothing to do with being Gay.
Luis H. Lopez
Those who assist oppressors of gays shall be punished!
@MacAdvisor: He held a fundraiser for the guy. Different story. He spoke highly of Cruz and that he supports him. While that is perfectly acceptable under the realms of freedom of speech, I too have freedom of speech to criticize his views and how damaging they are to this entire country.
Ted Cruz is a major threat to this country and the institutions. Cruz is much like that idiot governor they have in Texas who activated the Texas National Guard to monitor routine military exercises because he thought Obama was going to take over the state. This is why these republicans are stupid and dangerous.
I wouldn’t care if he had dinner with the fucking Ayatollah of Iran. But once he supports someone contrary to everything I believe in and provides financial support for the bigot to accomplish his goals, I will have a problem with it.
Matthew Matula
Ahh sweetie that’s karma… You’re being boycotted – no one believes your lies, but you did try… Lmao
Joshua Gravett
Hmmm, I always tip at least half of what the drink cost. Must have some shity customers going to the bar at Out.
@jason smeds: “When it comes to sex, the male-male scene is BS-free. In contrast, the male-female scene is so loaded with BS, it’s not funny.”
This is some of the biggest bullcrap I’ve ever read from you in a long time. If you think “male-male scene” is BS-free you need to get a reality check. Have you ever been to a gay club? Ever?
By the way, clubs make a vast majority of their money on drinks. Not covers. Anybody with any business sense would tell you that.
Mark Kassis
Ron King
Boycott to the end….oh, gay gets results!
Patrick Smith
If anyone is entitled, it’s him.
Wade DeGottardi
I feel a boycott coming on.
Richard Gonzalez
Can we just De gay him?
David G. Abler
Stop digging buddy
David P. DeVito
What an ass.
Jim Buccini
Entitled, sure. But never cheap.
Marcus Maccaux
Self loathing loser ð???
Richard Gilroy
I think I really hate this person.
Heth Dudeck
I don’t know the kind of gay people he is referring too! Lol! Most of my gay friends are big spenders
Joseph Dudley Manabat
That BITCH!!!!
Philip Epstein
Never heard of his bar maybe that’s why he’s gonna lose the place .
Steve Hanson
Keep digging, we’ll cover the hole when you’re finished
David Minnett
Kevin Jewell
Those two are akin to the jewish bankers that funded the Nazi Party….
Louis Anthony Pauza III
The gift that keeps on giving!
Note to Mr. Reisner: When you’re trying to get out of a hole, the first thing you do is to stop digging.
Fred Rauch
Okay Friends,
He has been thrown enough financial lifelines. That f*cking picture that he has placed for his FB page is the last one he should use, and he has been digging his own fiscal grave, and is entitled, but this is just OTT. If he would have been with PR guidance they would have sorted this out, but not even the best agency can save this future fire sale. The fundraiser was not a warm evening with ‘friends’ at his home. It was held in his business. Epic difference.
New York Magazine? No one reads that weekly but desperate PR floaters in the loo. He’s going to have a rough time talking his way out of this one with his family. Anti-Semetism and Homophobia in one article? He’s going to find his businesses empty, because three strikes in a matter of a couple of weeks has just made his businesses out of favour with the LGBTQ Community. And if he wants to bitch about entitlement why is he in the hospitality industry? Every business worth its weight writes off these promotions, because you need to fill the room after the Opening Night in order to build a Tipping Point that favours your businesses. That is regrettably gone and with no ability to recover.
Now that he has shown us ‘entitled’ queers what he thinks of us it is time to show him the free publicity door. I’m sure he is thinking that any press is good press, and I feel that it is time to end his ‘entitlement’ to press, especially LGBTQ Press, his 15 minutes are over. Stop mentioning them in articles. Maybe he should see if he can be successful by renaming the hotel “The Tea Party Hotel” and never hear about them in our press. There are many positive role models that use this space for a better outreach and promotion of pro-LGBTQ businesses. Queerty, please end all subsequent press about them.
And also make sure that you will spend your monies with the businesses that embrace our Community on Fire Island and in NYC, please.
Mark Alan McRoberts
10.00 drinks? Booze doesn’t cost that much. I can’t drink the decorations or date the decorations. You must be a lousy businessman.
Ronnie Perkins
Kal Andrews
Just goes to show you, you can’t buy class.
Mark Powledge
Gordon Broom
Ian Reisner is full of crap. I’ve met tons of of my brother gay people who have helped lots of people with money, providing transportation and someone to talk to when they are going through a difficult time. I’ve been helped by my fellow gay friends and acquaintances when I’ve been broke or needed help. Ian Reisner is a snot.
Lawrence Gordon
IMHO this douchebag needs to STFU
Imagine Mel Gibson attempting to “mend fences” with the Jewish community by saying something like:
“Jews are cheap. They’re frugal; Jews are frugal. Let me retract that … Jews are entitled … Do you know how challenging it is to make a penny off a Jew?”
Nothing offensive or defamatory there.
Chris Saggio
Isn’t this bitch a queen her damn self! Self hatred is a motherfucker!
Ricco Mashatt
Dental plan!
Maybe people don’t go there and spend money because they don’t want to support a self-centered asshole? Nothing too deep or tricky about that- they just don’t like you.
Gays are hard to make money off of?! What an ass!
I thought the old adage was that gay couples are, by and large, childless, hence they have thousands more dollars of disposable income to spend than their straight couple counterparts.
What’s that acronym marketers use to describe most gay couples? DINKS? (Double Income No Kids). That should be a GOLDMINE for people in the hospitality industry!!
I know the stereotype of the profligate gay man who makes it rain in any establishment he walks into (bar, restaurant, hotel, club) is just that–a stereotype. But I don’t think most marketing campaigns would be so aggressively gay-friendly if there wasn’t SOME modicum of truth in it.
If your business can’t turn a profit off of DINKs who the hell else are you going to make money off of?
John DeGregory
Hope he hits bottom
Todd Hanshaw
What is stupid and entitled is opening a business and expecting the profits to come because you happen to be gay and run a “gay business” without offering the quality product in a competitive market. Asshole
I stand by what I said in the previous post… Ian and Mati new exactly what they were doing when they hosted that dinner at their apartment and he either doesn’t really care about anything but the money or he really has no one on his team that can advise him on issues of this nature. It’s unfortunate because he really cannot continue to be a big donor for LGBTQ related causes and do this. Again, what a mess!
This creepy r@cist queen Ian Reisner is vomitastic. He should just hide himself away in one of his multimillionaire redoubts (though leave 20-something druggies out of it) with his rich, anti-gay GOP friends and leave the rest of us alone.
If you’re upset that you can’t become even more of a gazillionaire off the backs of gay people, Miss Thing, then stop kvetching and get your traitorous @ss the hell out of Dodge!
P Chan
Narsasistic prick!
@Sam Stavros: You are absolutely right!
P Chan
He’s apparently “too cheap” & delusional to hire PR or damage control. Glass synagogues pond scum…
Terrence Houlihan
Jeffery Olson
Unleash the fury of the gays……
Stephen Hulls
Never was gou bg to stay at that bitches Hotel anyhow.
Eagan McVegan
I have no idea who this person is?
Scott Rutherford
I bet they’re friends with Dulce and Gabanna.
Erika Spencer
What a chump
Chris Wogaman
He’s deeply sorry. Full stop.
David O'Flaherty
He’s one to talk
Deon Letsoalo
What did you all expect? He tried apologizing but you kept spitting right back in his face. Naturally, he’ll go on the offensive. I definitely would! And I love the choice of the thumbnail, it’s like he’s saying, “You mad, bro?” Bahahahahaha!
Rich Herling
He meant to say, “New York is filled with young gay men trying to survive on sub optimal wages in an expensive city and they want a place them at they can afford. I like sucking young dick, so I put up with it. I also love money, so I’m a republican.”
Leonard Woodrow
This man only shows that, sadly, the gay community is not short of fools!
This guy is absolutely in the running for the Dumbest Queer around! And a bitter old one too. Must be very frustrating to be this stupid.
Alex Wallabee Jones
This guys a joke
Stephen Hawthorne-Lockett
Well, I don’t think he’ll have to worry too much about having to suffer with gay clientele going forward. We’re “Entitled” to do business elsewhere.
Timothy Conway
Let’s show this entitled SOB how “cheap” we can really be by not spending money at his establishments!
Malcolm Grant
When are we going to get over the idea that all GLBTQI people are community oriented, caring members looking to help the community.
There are just as many arseholes as there are in any other segment of society.
@Deon Letsoalo:
Nice try, but no, actually he didn’t apologize, he lied and claimed he was the host for a Democratic event and was just being fair. That was a complete lie. THEN he claimed he didn’t know about Cruz’s positions, ANOTHER lie, and now he is spitting insults and blaming his failure on others, like a child.
Side note, you’ve been defending him on multiple posts over and over, let me guess, you work for one of the businesses he owns and have seen a downturn.
Rob Bullock
“entitled”? Really? What a douche. There are lots of places that support the LGBTQ community and turn a profit. Look at your business model dumbass. I you are in the hotel/entertainment business in the NYC, especially in the Hell’s Kitchen/Times Square area and you cannot turn a profit, you are the entitled one. I wouldn’t spend a penny in one of your ventures and I sure hope the rest of the LGBTQ community will not either.
Nathan Michael Black
He looks coked out.
Bill Scheetz
I just love all the comments…..yes, the guy is an ass, but all the queens will STILL flock to his properties in droves. How soon they forget……..
A millionaire gay twat. Both of them.
Joseph Dudley Manabat
This BITCH!!!!
Cam, you should work for the BAU. Love it.
To the crazy-eyed guy supporting Cruz, some guys just shouldn’t have money, you may be one of them.
“If someone betrays you once, it’s their fault; if they betray you twice, it’s your fault.”
? Eleanor Roosevelt
Christopher Lynn
Dennis Mitchell
Don’t get mad, BOYCOTT
Richard Molinar
Closet Republican
Rick Collier
Sounds like the days when the mob ran the bars! I really try not to go to bars not owned by members of our community just because of knobs like this!
That’s odd. I own a business and the most friendly and generous group I get are from the LGBT. They are repeat customers and they post great reviews (when deserved). Of course, I sou;don’t dare cross them….
The worst (aka cheapest) group I get come from the true elite and well to do. He obviously thinks the grass is greener.
I find it altogether amusing in a very negative way how this gilded fag Eisner believes “healing” with our community is to insult us even further. Some posts have indicated that Eisner is a Jew who is in love with Israel. Fine! Let him move to Israel so he can lick Bibi’s boots. And, anyone who pays close attention to Ted Cruz knows the only reason he cares about Israel at all is because of the myth of the Second Coming of Christ (once the Temple has been rebuilt in Jerusalem). But, Eisner is so much like his own kind: Caring only about oneself and who you can screw to get more money. Hopefully, Eisner has screwed himself.
@Xzamilio: LMAO!!!
“You didn’t make me richer, so you suck!” That’s in the spirit of Stonewall and civil rights!
Out NYC is such an obvious money-loser that I can only assume it was created as a tax shelter and nothing else.
This little whiner, though. “The gay community is entitled because they don’t realize they owe it to me to make my business successful despite the fact that it’s a service nobody wants.” Not sure he’s completely clear on the meaning of the word “entitled”.
As I understand the event, it was for 12 people and was not a fundraiser, though some of the people attending may have donated to Cruz. Cruz is a strong supporter of Israel (though I think he is doing Israel much harm with the supposedly pro-Isreali policies he is supporting) and the event was to talk about Israel.
Charlie Garrido
This guy is a tool! In a conversation I had with him when he was planning a hotel in Chicago, he told me the OUT NYC was very successful and it was successful faster than he thought. Now it is NOT successful. Mr. Reisner should hang out with people that are “age appropriate” and maybe they would not expect him to pay for their drinks.
Cruz was on a fundraising swing, he would not have stopped by the event if it was not a fundraiser. Why would he? He was out raising money, these guys bought his time so they could talk about their issue, and no doubt everybody at that dinner paid a lot of money to be there.
This asshole is definitely doing it wrong if he isn’t making money off gays. He needs a lesson from the CEO of AtlantisEvents, Rich Cambell (the biggest gay cruise line). The gay cruises make money hand over fist. There are NO drink packages on gay cruises- we pay PER DRINK and tip too. asshat. People don’t tip you because they HATE you…and it’s clear why they hate you….
Patrick Cremeans
Well gays usually have no problem telling businesses they cant refuse service.
Frank Smekar
How ironic. By aligning himself with the GOP and Ted Cruz, Ian Reisner is trying to get his wealth for free through tax cuts for the rich. Hypocrite, much?!
Rich Penway
Allie Pocket
while some gays are cheap and entitled, its no reason to call everyone that. 😉
Kevin J Desmond
As a HOMOSEXUAL ( with DEAD bodies littered around him ~ hmhmhm…where was the NYPD investigation??? on Drug dealing ????) Is he running a DRUG Emporium ?????the KENMARE LAWS of NYC would allow for his ‘establishment’ to be shut down and SHUTTERED for just that after all an overdosed DEAD male hooker was found in his Apartment…….
AS A JEW ~ would he have FUNDRAISED FOR HITLER ~ probably ~ he would have sucked that Nazi kok for a buck,a yen or a pound ….THINK ABOUT IT.
He seems to make a NEAT PROFIT from the GAYS BUT being the 0.01% he seems to think he would be absolved from the Deathcamps…….THE VERY RICH ~ ARMANI, D&G ETC ETC & now THIS creature seem to have SO MUCH SELF-HATE trapped with A SURREAL VISION OF THEMSELVES AND HOW ABOVE EVERYONE ELSE THEY ARE……they ARE THE REASON the Gay community is so loathed…the secret pedo’s, drug dealers, pornographers, raping a buck whenever they can, that scurry about peddling their filth….while so many gay youth struggle for acceptance against such ODDS…he really HATES Gay people……maybe we’re just the gay goyim to him……repulsive…..& so tragically sad for someone GAY & JEWISH with so much wealth ….where so many GAY & libertarian peoples when OUT of their way to help his cheesy roach Motel & sad yeech club where you could not even give away drinks for free……and his INGRATITUDE in complete….in vino veritas….GAY PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE-UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE…..STOP BEING RAPED, STOP BEING USED, STOP DOING THE DRUGS….obviously it addles your brain………
Jay A. Scaramazzo
Gay people aren’t cheap it’s just they won’t go to the questionable neighborhood of his hotel.
PR 101 . . . When people are angry, don’t make it worse by further insulting them. I wonder which PR firm he uses?
Ass Hole didn’t get his way and now he’s having a fit. Get him a pacifier to suck on and a rattle.
@Atomicrob: Probably the same adviser as Abercrombie and Fitch.
haha I’ve read ALL of these comments and pretty much agree wholeheartedly, but the thing that really makes me think is “Wow, this is the most engaged I’ve seen the Queerty Readers EVER”. So many posts, so many contributors. Way to go guys and gals.
@Anthony Myers: Poor Tony’s not pretty inside or out.
@Bill Eastridge: I’ll second that. I stayed at the Out in NY once. Astronomical prices for dinner and a shitty room with windows onto a fake courtyard. One free drink for the admission that they charged you. This asshole owns property on Fire Island and calls gays cheap? He must have a serious personality disorder.
well I tried to come up something to say, but all the guys have pretty much
covered all the bases with their comments .
maybe I can inject one more, total
@Chris Tyler: @Chris Tyler: Good advice. World works better when we all give more than we take.
I have a hard time understanding how it is the gay communities fault that he does not have the business acumen to turn a profit with his company. If his stereotypes were correct then every gay bar in America would be bankrupt and I know that is not the case.
Ian you are a bitter, twisted old queen!
My boyfriend is far… from cheap… jackass…
I don’t know the man, but judging from these comments, I can see why he isn’t turning a profit. You don’t insult your customers, potential or actual. He has a big mouth and it’s all going to end in tears
Tony DeFazio
I will remind myself of that the next time I write a check for a charity or give to someone who needs help.
How to NOT win friends or influence people.
Why would people support an entitled fool like him?
Nancy Susan Dunetz
I don’t get it. I know so many cheap people regardless of orientation.
If Waylon Flowers and Madame had a child this is what he would look like right?
What a loser!
Sign the petition:
Anthony Myers,it’s sad and pathetic that you get pleasure from other peoples pain!
@Anthony Myers: Anthony Myers,it’s sad and pathetic that you get pleasure from other peoples pain!
Caoimhin Mikael Lycke
He’s a prick!
You say gay people are cheap and that’s why your bar has yet to show a profit, it could be your own fault by mismanagement and your poor skill in running a business or possible employee theft. F off, I gay and I am not cheap, but I don’t care to frequent Drag Queen bars.
And still gay men support him so they can be with the IN crowd! Know who your enemies are!
What complete jerks both of them are. Try meeting them. Tacky no class queens who really think they are important (NOT). I’ve seen and talked to them in P-Town – losers!! I wouldn’t stay at their tacky place with for free – nor would I patronize their low class bar or operations. These pretentious right wing queens need a new gig. Don’t ever stay at that lowlife place – any gay men who do are self loathing with no sense of style. MAJOR LOSERS!!!!!!
Perhaps the cheap and needy gay men will find another place to play other than your bar and hotel. You know Ian, MOST companies BEG for the gay business since we seem to have the most disposable income and tend to shower ourselves with expensive things that MOST people dont buy. Econ 101, hon.
@Pat The best way to hurt a company is thru the wallet… talks and its never a good idea to insult your customer base and then expect to profit from it.