Skinny twinks are so over, declare a whole slew of men’s magazine editors. So goodbye to the Dior and Jil Sander prototypes and say hello to Jon Hamm, we’re now being told to believes in a Times trend piece that gets recycled every 12 months. GQ‘s editor Jim Nelson (a homogay) claims “the twink thing seems over. When people open GQ, I don’t want them to feel like they’re looking at clothes on 16-year-olds.” Adds Details editor Dan Peres (a heterostraight): “[W]e have a product to produce that, in the end, has to be relatable to a reader, a reader who wants to be able to see some vision of himself in the pages of a magazine.” Because what guy doesn’t wake up in the morning, do a set of push ups, and end up looking like Chris Pine? (Not that I have the frail body of Jared Leto, either.)
body image
Men’s Magazines Stop Pushing Unrealistic Twink Image. Now, For The Unattainable Muscled Image
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Haven’t they been declaring the “twink thing” “over” for like 3 years already? I think the “twink thing is over” thing is over.
(that being said, I do prefer the slightly more rugged look for my eye candy…I’m just tired of hearing about how it’s somehow more realistic)
fuck, I hate manliness…
I’d much rather see this than some fat queen in a womens one piece or so fem prancing around at his concert kissing boys for affect and reaction.
Who cares what Men’s Magazines think? People know what they’re attracted to and don’t need magazines to tell them what body type is ‘in’ or ‘out’. I prefer average body types myself.
It’s attainable. Go to the gym.
Why would I buy Details if it featured John Goodman? It’s not like anyone buys magazines like this for their incisive investigative journalism.
Better question..Why buy magazines like this at all when you can get porn for free online?
Chris H
I often read GQ for its articles, I read an interesting piece on Terry Richardson, another one on political candidates (there are more but I’m tired).
Not everything in it is fluff, but there is absolutely no denying that most of it is advertisements. And I’ll repeat it again and again, GQ and Details aren’t Time, they are trying to sell a vision of a (they want you to think it’s fabulous) lifestyle.
Do we really need a magazine to declare the new “it” body type? Can’t people just be comfortable in their own skins? Twinks like being twinks, chelsea muscles like being chelsea muscles, fey guys like being fey, and we all support each other for expressing ourselves the way we want without anyone else telling us what’s right?
Michael W.
What the hell is a “chelsea muscle”? Lol, seriously, what makes one fall under that category?
Chris H
This is a chelsea muscle boy:
Marketing 101: Sex sells.
Marketing 101: Sexy sells.
Marketing 101: Sexualilty sells.
Get the picture?
@Chris H: LOL Which one!
What right minded gay man reads Details magazine?! Go read a gay-er friendly magazine like Attitude or something. Besides I consider myself a twink(ish) guy and I haven’t had any problems. 😀
Magazines like GQ and Details are the biggest jokes. They like to parade how “not gay” they are when they’re 100% queer. The classic thing is, while the magazines are in the closet, the advertisers know what’s up and use the male body and it’s sexuality to sale, sale, sale.
I don’t see why we couldn’t see a little of both or everyone, since that would represent a broader spectrum of men. Personally, I go for and identify as, more manly men but that doesn’t mean someone completely muscle bound. Someone like George Clooney is perfect.
Chris Pine is so cute, looks like he’d choke me with that tool of his. Great lunchbox!
Jared Leto is frail…??? The guy is solid muscle, maybe on the thins side but still I wouldn’t call someone with his body frail lol
@Chris H:
Interesting seeing that they don’t even live in Chelsea. Chelsea muscle tends to be more steroided and not healthy looking.
I just saw Jon Hamm on the street with his gf in Cannes a couple weeks ago. A suit does wonders for him. He isn’t nearly as strapping as he comes across on screen. He is probably 5’9″ and his build is slight. His shoulders are as real as Joan Collins and Linda Evans were in the 80s. Thanks Nolan Miller.
Marcus M.
I’m so glad my beloved Esquire has been left out of this conversation.
Chris Pine is absolutely gorgeous.
I wish there were more ordinary-looking guys on the covers of gay magazines, though.
Actually, no I don’t.
No, wait, I do.
Actually, I don’t.
Maybe a sexy fantasy guy one week and “ordinary guy” the next?
Anything to change the saturation of perfection we see now. As wonderful to look at as it is…
Oh stop trying to make my heart race.
If I’ve learned anything in the last three years, it’s twinks will never go away as long as morning goods’ exists.
That look is not unobtainable. One either has it or doesn’t. That’s all. Let’s face it. You have to look a certain way for a runway too. It’s just the current trend.
Funny that a blog that has pages and pages of “Morning Goods” pictures of with both ‘Unrealistic Twinks’ and ‘Unattainable Muscled [Men]’ is slamming magazines for the same thing…
I enjoy ’em both; but lets not be hypocrites here. We all know why these magazines (and Queerty) have these pics front and center…
Beauty is always a passing fad. The paintings of Rubens are the perfect example. Those women would be called obese in contemporary America- but they were the height of beauty in 17th century Europe.
Side note: Can we ditch the word “twink”? Please? It’s offensive- it carries the same connotation as “bimbo”. Not all pretty women are vacuous, and neither are all pretty men.
Sug Night
It IS attainable….can you say STEROIDS?
alan brickman
so jealous…..
I rather see William Shatner spread across that hood. >:-)
OH MY GOD… Chris Pine is sooooooooooooooo gorgeous. Those eyes!
Holy shit, what a hottie. Makes me forget all about my math homework.