Ultimate Fighting Championship usually doesn’t blip on our radar, but we’re happy (in more ways than one) to report on the message of support UFC fighter Kyle Kingsbury showed when he weighed in for his “light heavyweight bout” (oxymoron?).
He enters the oddly theatrical space in a 3-part fanny pack. Off to a good start.
Loses his pink hat to one lucky fan.
The fanny pack goes to his diminutive-by-comparison assistant. No sense in throwing that out to the crowd.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
The shirt comes off and we aren’t complaining.
And then there it is! Emblemized on his wonderfully round rear — “legalize gay.” And the crowd. Goes. Wild.
Ok maybe not, but we sure did.
We totally appreciate the gesture, but maybe you should have sprung for a fresh pair of undies? Those are looking a little saggy.
But it’s OK.
Still super into it.
And just for kicks, here’s who Kyle competed against. Still not sold on the whole glorified fighting part, but wouldn’t mind watching these two in a different kind of wrestling match to see who comes out on top:
h/t Gaily Grind
God, UFC is already gay porn. They certainly have the gay clone look down pat. It gets shown in gay bars and bathhouses, for pete’s sake.
King Kyle is HOT!
Yae guys who pummel each other are so hot!
Keebler ILF
He’s seems like a fun and nice guy. Check out youtube videos “Naked Kyle Kingsbury” and “Expected But Unexpected Weigh In”.
The snark about him needing fresh underwear was SO necessary Queerty.
@DarkZephyr: Totally. Between this and how they treat Klew, it’s obvious that they resent straight friends.
@Teeth: what a pathetic “straight”-worshipper…
@litper: you idiot. With it straight allows we would have no power in any country in the world.
@DarkZephyr: and that would be “without”.
@DarkZephyr: And “allies”. Stupid iPhone.
@litper: Loyalty to my friends is not worship.
I was feeling joyful about the awesome gesture and nerve that it took for Kyle to do this. But Queerty had to get in a jab about his drawers being saggy. Couldn’t you just report the positive and let the comments section be the place for idiotic shady comments? What is this? Perez Hilton?
Very SExy 😀
@DarkZephyr: “straight” guys who hide in the closet but pretend they’re gay-friendly are not our “allies”.
@Teeth: loyality to your “it’s only gay if the balls touch” straight fantasy?
Billy Budd
UFC is totally homoerotic and they know it. They want US to give them good ratings.
I highly doubt the Queerty editors would have the body or nerve to come out in underwear.
@litper:Without our straight allies we would not have gotten as far as we have. It’s silly minorities talking ill of their allies when they greatly out number us avid without their help we’d be nowhere.
@Nowuvedoneit: ugh sorry meant Teeth, damn mobile phone.
really? a guy in the UFC (bastion of homophobia and closet cases) pops up with that message out of nowhere, and all you can do is bitch about his underwear being baggy? turn your shade down a little, please. we’re not doing so well in the world that we should be going around being douchey to our supporters. rudness.
@Nowuvedoneit: it’s true that closeted people greatly outnumber those who are out, it doesn’t mean we should put them on the pedestal.
@litper: So if they are not one of us they are the enemy?
@litper: I’ve got no straight fantasy. I don’t sleep with straight guys, or supposedly straight guys. I also don’t alienate my friends. I think this will be my last response to you, troll.
@litper: So you TRULY believe that the ONLY time a man is EVER supportive of gay people is if he is gay or secretly gay himself? NO authentically straight guy can EVER be an ally? Dude, you are batsh*t crazy. I am with Teeth, you are a troll and are no longer worthy of responses.
you straight worshippers are just pathetic
@WhyteRabbit: Exactly, that was tacky to the max. And that little addition of “we would love to seem the two guys rolling around f**king rather than fighting!” (yes I paraphrased a bit) was also tacky.
@Nowuvedoneit: A-FREAKING-MEN. I am so sick of people in minority groups (including my LGBT brothers and sisters but beyond that as well) saying things like “You are not a TRUE ally unless you do THIS perfectly!” or “You are not an AUTHENTIC ally unless you do THAT just so!” We would be NOWHERE without our allies and alienating some of them for not always being perfect is beyond absurd. We need them for their political clout and moral support, not their social perfection.
@Billy Budd: If you watch the video you will hear the announcers completely ignoring what he did and only discussing his fanny pack. One of them DOES say “look at that, look at that, look at that!” but then back pedals and makes like his enthusiasm was about a fanny pack. This was not a UFC stunt to make it more “homoerotic”. Advocacy for our rights is not “erotic”.
Billy Budd
@DarkZephyr: You are very strange. I never meant that the UFC was trrying to make it homoerotic. I am just saying that wrestling/fighting in the UFC and also greek-roman style is, has always been and always will be homoerotic.
@Billy Budd: If you think kicking and punching and drawing blood is erotic, more power to ya.
Billy Budd
I am not alone. In case you don’t know, the greek-roman wrestlers themselves frequently get a boner while wrestling.
Queerty, you’re right: I love the message his butt is sending me: “Bite me, kiss me, admire me.” The message on his underwear is lovely, too.
@Billy Budd:I agree Billy Budd, UFC is very hot! It is such a turn on watching it, hottest sport ever!
michael mellor
Billy Budd,
Please, we don’t want to hear your fantasies.
@michael mellor: I do.