Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives filmmaker Israel Luna is still smarting from GLAAD’s attack on his transexual slash flick that debuted at Tribeca. So he put together this little item about how to win a Gay & Lesbian Alliance All About Defamation Award. Fake GLAAD head Jarrett Barrios guest stars!
A caricature of GLAAD’s ridiculous and ineffective hard-nosed policies on what is and is not good for the gays? Sign me up! Oh, and Mr. Barrios’ obsession with anyone that will lift his and his organization’s celebrity cachet? Double score!
Scott Wallis
Ineffective? Hardly. GLAAD raises awareness on a daily basis and they have a strong track record of effective change in the mainstream media. Is it wrong to create alliances with people in power and/or who have celebrity status as a means to an end? Every advocacy organization does the same exact thing. Also, GLAAD listens carefully to their members, donors, and Leaderships Councils to help direct their important work.
Israel Luna that was absurd –
Seems like you have a personal issue with Jarrett & GLAAD –
That is the only message I got from this
I cant understand why you would be attacking an oraginzation that is directly responsible for the freedoms you & many countless enjoy today –
Use your time wisely & constructively –
Instead of attacking with this nonsense why not advocate what your thoughts are in a mature manner so they can be heard –
but, before you do that – educate yourself on the incredible work GLAAD does around our nation & listen to the “real” stories of “real” folks who are living their best lives today thanks to GLAAD
A citizen who appreciates everything GLAAD has done
Kevin Boyer
You know, I was going to write a meaningful defense of GLAAD and its work but then I actually watched this. It’s like that bad joke that the drunk guy tells at the bar that he keeps trying to convince you is funny by repeating it in different ways overand over again. Except it wasn’t funny to begin with. OK we get it – you think GLAAD is only about the media awards. Did I really have to lose 7 minutes of my life to realize you know nothing about GLAAD? Next time, try visiting http://www.glaad.org and you’ll save us all a lot of time.
Greg Jones
GLAAD is an extremely effective organization that has helped shape the way LGBTQ people are positively represented in the media, in turn helping change the perception that middle America may have. Positive social referencing is changing the minds of Americans daily, as evident in CNN’s recent poll showing that 52% of those surveyed did support same-sex marriage. GLAAD was able to help the Today Show realize the importance of including same-sex couples in their Modern Wedding Contest, GLAAD celebrated the Ultimate Wedding Contest for the inclusiveness of their wedding contest, which all have helped provide a platform to show Americans that our relaitonships deserve full federal recognition. Without organizations likes GLAAD, CNN may not be able to show that a majority of Americans approve same-sex marriage.
Chad Johnson
This satire smacks of jealousy rather than anything like journalism or constructive criticism. GLAAD for many many years has been utilizing connections to make a positive difference for our community. I remember when GLAAD took the lead in helping Mel Gibson to see the stereotyping in Braveheart. I see today under Barrios’s leadership an even greater understanding of making allies and connections that ultimately move the ball forward in the fairness arena in terms of media for/about LGBT Americans. I couldn’t be prouder to be a GLAAD member and, in a larger sense a member of the LGBT community, that we have somebody who from 4 a.m. to midnight, 7 days a week, is fighting for media equality on our behalf. Kudos to the GLAAD President and the Board, Membership, Donors, and Leadership Circles who support him.
Feels Sorry For Sore Loser Luna
Is it me, or is Luna the biggest sore loser ever! LOL! This film was so lame, and didn’t make sense. The movie was everything GLAAD is paid to protest, it was a negative depction of the community. Poor Luna is also a self hating racist
Jon Howard
I stand up and speak, I write, and I am constantly passing along the message that for the fight for equality for LGBT folks to be successful we need to change perceptions. Every single day GLAAD works with the mainstream media to create alliances and work on changing the false perceptions of many people regarding our community. The work that GLAAD under the leadership of Barrios and other organizations are doing each day is effectively helping change perceptions. A recent CNN poll showed that over 50% of people polled supported same sex marriage. The tide is turning thanks to the hard work of GLAAD and many others. It really is time we joined together and instead of ripping our community apart we join together for the common goal. What Barrios is doing is joining people from all walks of life together, what Luna is doing is clearly doing the opposite.
Ricardo Torres
Israel, focus on fighting the real fight and making videos about people and organizations against the gay community like Rush Limbaugh, “Dr.” Laura, Target, Best Buy, Greorge Rekers, Glenn Beck, etc. By creating a video about an organization that helps move mainstream media toward a more gay-positive environment, you take the focus away from the real enemy. You redirect energy and resources away from people that help you live a more open, honest and free existence.
The media awards have been effective in encouraging famous people to come out of the closet and to openly and actively support our community. This has been instrumental in changing the way gays are portrayed in movies, in newspaper articles, websites, in radio. The result may not be apparent to you, but this is exactly the type of thing that prevents young LBGT people from feeling lonely, from hating themselves and committing suicide!
John Myers
What I find weird about Luna’s video is that he presents a cast of characters that have nothing to do with GLAAD’s mission to monitor and encourage positive images of the community in the media, movies, TV and theatre. It’s a watchdog for defamation by Fox News and similar organizations. What does that mission have to do with the cure for AIDS or Dykes on Bikes? I’ll say it: Bitchy queen!
Sam Pearson
As a law student, I have found that the law can only get us so far to bring equality to the LGBT community, and while we have free speech that doesn’t mean that we should chose to use it to harm others. We have enough people from outside of our community discriminating and perpetuating myths about the LGBT community, especially the Transgender community, and we do not need our own community to bash each other.
GLAAD’s work to change the hearts and minds of Americans by acting as a watchdog over the media, GLAAD is an effective and passionate advocate for the LGBT community. The success of GLAAD is made possible because of Barrios’ leadership and his long-term commitment to working for equality, along with his staff and board. GLAAD should be recognized for working to end misinformation and not chastised.
Ashley Love
My name is Ashley Love and I’m an organizer with MAGNET- Media Advocates Giving National Equality to Transsexual & Transgender People. We organized the first protest against the problematic film at Tribeca Cinemas, and we also organized an education rally to combat the film’s misinformation and dehumanizing stigma. MAGNET held a successful panel a few weeks ago in Los Angeles called ‘Women Demanding Change Now: The Dehumanization of Transsexual Women through a Gay male Media Lens’, in which many LGBT people spoke out against the “Ticked Off Trans(phobia) With knives”
First, thank you to the 6 people who commented before me, I agree with you all (Luna is losing his marbles). I must be honest, I was surprised to see the first 6 comments supporting GLAAD’s choice to stand by the trans community. I usually find this Queerty blog (writers and readers) to be very transphobic and insensitive to the transsexual and transgender community’s plight for social acceptance. Perhaps more understanding and compassion is emerging? I feel so 🙂
2nd, this mini film is a pathetic attempt for Luna to mobilize the complainers who dont do any real work for our community, but instead prefer to attack groups who are actually doing needed work, like GLAAD. GLAAD took a lot of undeserved heat for standing by the trans community, mainly from transphobic gay men, or drag queens. Its important that we remember that drag queens are gay men in dresses, and transsexual women are women born with birth challenges. The way Luna gay appropriated transsexual women is a big reason real transSEXUAL women became upset. He also trivialized the crisis of violence against trans women, and made fun of sexual assault. TOTWK is also extremely racist towards Latino people, at a time when Latino people are the scape goats for the economy, and are being persecuted with this lack of immigration reform. Bad taste, and apparently self-hating.
Luna has shown his true colors by simply refusing to say sorry to the thousands of people who have expressed their honest hurt and important concerns.
GLAAD is more relevant then ever for the trans community, as they are finally stepping into the media full time. GLAAD has done more for our community then this cinematic hate crime will ever do. As soon as I get my check, I will be buying a membership to GLAAD, and I hope to volunteer for them because they understand the influence the media has in the well being and progress of LGBT HUMAN BEINGS! One day Luna may understand that human beings are not meant to be dehumanized in the way his heartless media assault does.
Also, it’s dishonest for Luna to try to frame this issue as “Luna vs GLAAD”. This is about “Trans People vs Dehumaization”. Yet Luna is smart enough to avoid discussing the true issues here, because he knows he would be exposed as the enemy of trans humanity that he is, right up there with Jerry Springer, but Luna is worse because at least Springer doesnt claim to be “expoiting for a good cause” as Luna disgustingly claims.
Luna is just making himself look like a sore loser, and he doesn’t see that due to his blind rage and immature entitlement issues. I feel sorry for him. He thinks he can force people to co-sign his BS, but we have the freedom of speech, and as long as Luna is exploiting oppressed minorities and inciting dangerous messages that alienate people, he will be called out.
Luna should spend less time trying to attack activists who are simply defending the dignity, humanity and accuracy of their community’s image, and instead, he should urgently consider some therapy, imagination, compassion and maybe even a social conscience.
not gonna watch the video.
But the secret is: wanna win a GLAAD Media Award? Buy a table at the Awards dinner, bitch.
It’s that easy.
@Sam Pearson
Israel Luna didn’t perpetuate any myths about the transgender community. At least I don’t think so. He made us look strong (Inglorious Basterds-style, but still.)
If you want myths perpetrated, there’s always Tranny 911 on LOGO. But.. why wasn’t anything said about that?
Silly gay infighting amongst insignificant Luna and insignificant GLAAD about an insignificant trannie movie that means nothing and is unknown outside of some little gay cliques.
I don’t particularly mind GLAAD, but it’s ridiculous sometimes. Not every GLBT character has to be portrayed 100% posivitely (what’s the point of a flawless character?), and specifically with this film, it just went to show that they don’t understand what an exploitation film (considering that they criticized it for being ‘exploitative’). I’d frankly be pretty content with a similarly-styled movie about gay males (there are bits of exploitation movies with lesbians, but not gay males).
Anyway, some good can come from GLAAD, like the recent deal about CBS, and we can probably use some more trans characters in film and on TV portrayed in a more positive light, but this was just such a misguided campaign, since it really only showed them to be illiterate in film. Seriously, look at the intent of the film, and look at the genre (exploitation) before you criticize it. This just showed GLAAD to be overly sensitive to the point of censorship of a well-intentioned movie.
Nancy Arrowsmith
@Scott Wallis:
Watching this video is a waste of time! Its rediculous and stupid.
GLAAD is an effective organization that does wonderful things for the LGBT community and society in general.
@Nancy Arrowsmith:
GLAAD is all over the place now. It had no right to attack someone who made a movie that empowered people.
I personally feel that GLAAD “is” a good organization. One that “is” needed. My problem is with Garrett, or Jarod, or whatever his name is, who’s the head of GLAAD.
My parody is strictly based on his reactions to my film and the conversations I had with him along with my producer and TriBeCa peeps (during all of the TriBeCa controversy). Oh, how I wish I had a recorder at that time.
I gave GLAAD a copy of my movie 2 months before the call to action (In February). I reached out to them at that time. They even gave me media training.
I may just do another YouTube video explaining my side of the story.
I don’t mind if you hate me. I do want all of you to know the truth about this man running GLAAD. You may just be surprised.
Thank you for your time.
israel luna
All the national gay orgs have become celebrity obsessed and subsequently useless to the people doing grassroots work. GLAAD is not different from our congressmen. They dare not criticize those that donate money to them. So the GLAAD awards might just as well be the “pat ourselves on the back” logrolling awards.
I’m also trans and I found TOTWK to be nothing but a pile of tropes and stereotypes. If that’s your idea of empowerment then I hope you never become an activist for our community. That’s the last kind of “empowerment” that we need.
Luna should’ve just called it “The Crying Game Part II”, it’s just as offensive.
@missanthrope: What exactly was stereotypical again? I wanna just get a note of all this.
I also like how you and GLAAD presume to know what offends every transsexual. Good one.
TOTWK= Ticked off trannies with keyboards
@Qjersey: LOL. You might get an angry letter for saying “trannies”.
I’m a member of PETA. But I don’t always agree with everything it does.
Stacy VanDeveer
Apparently you think our GLBT communities should have no organizations to speak for us in public or in private meetings with media companies or policy makers. If no one can ‘presume’ to speak for us, then every organization working for our rights and protections would be guilty of this terrible sin. The video is simply a mean spirited attack on an effective organization filled with people who work tirelessly to help change our culture and reduce hatred and negative images of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people. I’m from Massachusetts and I can tell you that Jarrett Barrios’ career in politics, in a health care foundation and at GLAAD has been about hard work to help people — especially all those too often ignored by politicians and media corporations. Satire is a fantastic form of free speech, but sometime is it simply stupid and mean spirited. Why don’t you target people who really are working against us every day?
@Stacy VanDeveer: Yes. Because a gay man is working against the LGBT community. That makes just SO much sense. So, while people like Israel Luna are being bombarded by their own community..what do you suggest we do about, you know, actual problems?
Yes, Israel Luna IS desperately wounded that his third-rate, piece-of-crap film which uses trans women being raped and murdered as an theme for bonehead sexist “entertainment” didn’t get nominated for a GLAAD award. Boo hoo. What’s the matter, Israel, is super-successful, handsome Latino man Jarrett Barrios being mean to you? Poor baby.
Yeah, right, GLAAD is going to support a film with that title and a poster of a slutty looking “trannied-up” trans woman licking a bloody knife. Delusional. What it does point out about GLAAD is how they have a pattern of soft-pedaling on mainstream media which demeans trans people made by gay men (like Ryan Murphy) and they should have had a consistent reaction to this crummy film from the get go instead of trying to play nice because Israel was a member of “our LGBT community.”
“So, while people like Israel Luna are being bombarded by their own community..what do you suggest we do about, you know, actual problems?”
Like the problem of GL orgs using anti-trans violence to get hate crimes laws passed that don’t actually cover trans women?
Like gay publications gaying up trans women to support the fight to remove DADT (that never even tried to include trans people)?
Like media by GL people that specifically make trans folks queer +1?
Like trans women who can’t make a life outside of begging for dollars at a gay club because they can’t get better employment?
Those real problems?
Kevin Boyer
@izzyluna So what you’re saying is that you have a personal beef with Jarrett and not with GLAAD. Then why not parody what he said or did instead of GLAAD? Instead your parody implies that Jarrett, and by extension GLAAD, doesn’t support gay youth, lesbians, people working to fight HIV/AIDS, drag queens, etc., in their alleged efforts to get a GLAAD Media Award. Except none of those characters have anything to do with media awards, so your parody fails not only because it’s not funny (and believe me, it’s not) but also because it just doesn’t make sense.
GLAAD certainly needs to make clearer that its work and mission is much more than the Media Awards, its most public project. Most of the work GLAAD does isn’t covered by outlets like Queerty, and I think GLAAD needs to do a better job explaining what it does every day, not just at the awards. Folks like Jarrett are certainly used to be being lampooned or criticized. Go for it. But at least make it funny and relevant.
As to the rest of the comments here about movie itself, I’ve not seen it so I can’t comment. But if trans advocates (not all of course) have complained about the movie, and GLAAD has responded with some kind of action, I hope people (not @izzyluna of course) respect that GLAAD is being responsive to a group that often gets short shrift, and isn’t only focusing on the big mainstream media but also on other representations of our community. Seems to me that’s exactly what we want them to do.
@FoolMe1: “Like the problem of GL orgs using anti-trans violence to get hate crimes laws passed that don’t actually cover trans women?” Talk to the HRC about that, that’s not Israel Luna’s fault.
“Like trans women who can’t make a life outside of begging for dollars at a gay club because they can’t get better employment?” Um..I live in a $1000+ townhome. I have a relatively decent life. I’d like more..but I can’t complain. I don’t beg for dollars at a gay club. I don’t even go to gay clubs. Please try this mass-generalization thing later. In fact: http://www.queerty.com/floridas-anti-gay-republican-mtf-house-candidate-donna-milo-lost-the-gop-primary-for-the-best-20100825/ <— She's trans. and she hates gays. Doesn't look like she's begging for anything.
But there are other, much more worthy, targets. Ones like Michael Savage. He's more dangerous than Rush, Dr. Laura, Glenn Beck, and Bill O'Reilly combined. (He's the one who thinks me and every other trans person need to be locked up in an insane asylum. Along with liberals, other LGB people, people with mental disorders, children with learning disorders, the autistic…he also called for violence against all of those said groups)
@gina: What is with the inclusion of “Latino”..are you saying that other Latinos are incapable of being successful? That’s rather racist. I’m a trans Latina. I’m offended by YOUR racism more than his movie.
I also don’t think you grasp the concept of what a revenge flick is. It’s a genre of movie. About people that usually fit into one or more categories (ex: TOTWK: transgendered people. Inglorious Basterds: Jewish people. Otis: middle-class family) that are mistreated/attacked by a person or group of people (ex: TOTWK: transphobes. Inglorious Basterds: Nazis. Otis: Serial killer/rapist.) and the attacked groups get revenge.
and to numbers 11, 26, 28, 29: who the FxCK gave YOU permission to dictate what EVERY SINGLE TRANSGENDER PERSON ON THE PLANET should be offended by? You’re aware that I, as well as other, trans people aren’t offended by it? What are you going to do? Get GLAAD to send us an angry letter?
@Angel: some other*
“Israel Luna didn’t perpetuate any myths about the transgender community. At least I don’t think so.”
He made us look like drag queens who trick het guys into sex… nope no myths there.
He made us look like super way gay men making dick jokes while running around in tight dresses.. no perpetuating BS there
Hell, even his movie poster could have been the box cover for a porn film.
What was the positive message? Trans women are weak and pathetic until the intervention of a gay man who transforms them into being able to not be victims.
Of course I don’t expect you to change your mind – you are far to busy making sure gay men feel comfortable putting words in trans women’s mouths, talking about our genitalia, and acting all peeved that trans women would actually criticize a gay guy.
“@gina: What is with the inclusion of “Latino”..are you saying that other Latinos are incapable of being successful? That’s rather racist. I’m a trans Latina. I’m offended by YOUR racism more than his movie.”
Um, that’s not what my statement said at all and i don’t know how you even managed to extrapolate that from it. But speaking of racism… there’s a good deal of ridiculing of Latinos in the film and stereotypes that are no less offensive because a Mexican American wrote and directed it. Let’s see, having two of the rapist/murderers being Latino and speaking with stereotypical accents, having one of the female impersonators be a Chiquita Banana caricature and being played as a total moron in the film… she’s the one who hooked her fellow female impersonators up with the murderers (btw, the actress who played that role, actually said at one of the ‘Q&As’ after a showing that the term ‘wetback’ is okay with her). How about those racist issues? I haven’t even discussed the “ching chong Chinaman” schtick in the middle of the film.
No one (except you) said every transgender person has to agree with hating or liking the film. There were black people who liked Little Black Sambo and Amos and Andy. Does that make those less racist? There are always reactionary members of oppressed minority groups who will kiss master’s ass. Btw silly, I am well aware what revenge films are, have seen this film and I reviewed TOTWK with exactly that in mind:
@FoolMe1: Here’s some shocking news: in real life, there are cisgender FEMALE drag queens. there are cisgender STRAIGHT MALE DRAG QUEENS. and there are transgender DRAG QUEENS. (there was even a trans Drag Queen on RuPaul’s Drag Race)
And um..I’m not quite sure if you’re familiar with pre-op MTF transsexuals but..I’m sure I still have a penis. So..pre-ops having penises is not a myth, but a fact. If it were a myth, then we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
…and I have NEVER seen a porno with a movie cover like TOTWK.
…and in EVERY revenge film there is SOMEONE to turn the victims of an attack into a vengeful attacker.
…and nobody put words in your mouth.
…and I’m not going to change my mind because I’m not going to be offended because GLAAD, you, or any other poster commanded me to. Sorry. I’m a human, we’re capable of forming our own opinions and things like that. Sorry that you can’t change that. Maybe hypnotism will work on me?
I really don’t care about racism. I was attempting to prove a point that was wasted on you. Or maybe not.
“No one (except you) said every transgender person has to agree with hating or liking the film. There were black people who liked Little Black Sambo and Amos and Andy. Does that make those less racist? There are always reactionary members of oppressed minority groups who will kiss master’s ass.”
…you’re right. Nobody said EVERYONE had to agree. Just that the ones who disagree have to face your ridicule. That’s MUCH different. Notice the sarcasm.
FACE IT, you and GLAAD and all of the rest of the uptight crew can’t get everyone to be offended by a snap of the fingers.
…oh and…wetback is a word. A word, that like other slurs, has been reclaimed.
…and please be honest with yourself. You’re not able to deliver a non-biased movie review of TOTWK.
…and here’s food for thought: GLAAD didn’t attack LOGO’s Big Gay Sketch Show, despite having a piece called “Tranny 911”. Can you explain why it didn’t go after that?
You 100% missed every point I made. I think some of the biggest issues trans women face are linked to gay men assuming they can speak for and about us. I think many trans women perpetuate this by remaining in the gay club scene as drag queens (see the stars of this film for an example).
Every single time a trans woman disagrees with how we are being represented by gay men there will be some trans woman or drag queen to pop up and defend them.
When members of ones own “community” continue to paint you as either over-sexed tricksters or pathetic sacks of angst one needs to examine that. If GLB media can’t get this, all the right-wing needs to do is follow their lead.
Sandra Epp
I did not have a chance to see Mr. Luna’s film, but I consider him a hero for standing up to the trannie thugs who thought that they could intimidate him. The best way to handle this mentally and emotionally unbalanced contingent – to which we gays and lesbians have become involuntarily attached – is to ignore them. Their moral reproach doesn’t matter because they have no moral authority. Their attempts at intimidation and harassment should be laughed off, and if they try anything illegal, the full weight of the law should be brought against them.
Stay strong, Mr. Luna. The “LGBT” myth is on borrowed time.
Seriously people. Pay attention to what is going on with the organization. By last count more than 10 board members have resigned, 7 senior staff members and God only knows how many donors have walked away from this vital organization due to the man at the helm. This has all taken place since Jarrett’s arrival.
Someone mentioned to me that there are two kinds of people. The one’s that have met JB and can’t stand him and the one’s that have yet to meet him.
May God help glaad survive.
#35: You have no power to dictate what anyone does this includes being in drag.And Nobody should speak for anyone. This includes you and the censorship brigade
#36: Watch it. We are all one community. Not all of us are bullies like the rest of them.
“You have no power to dictate what anyone does this includes being in drag.”
Exactly right. Except I’m not telling anyone do do anything. Pointing out how the actions of one group have a negative impact on another is not dictating anything.
“And Nobody should speak for anyone.”
Perhaps you can start telling the GLB to stop doing that – I’m sure you won’t though your identity is far to invested in being the “good tranny” and making sure the GLB’s feewings aren’t hurt.
“Watch it. We are all one community. Not all of us are bullies like the rest of them.”
Bullies indeed… I’m not the one telling trans women to STFU and accept being depicted any old way gay men want to depict us.
If people WANT to be in drag, and they just happen to be transsexual…nobody can tell them otherwise.
“And Nobody should speak for anyone.”
Perhaps you can start telling the GLB to stop doing that – I’m sure you won’t though your identity is far to invested in being the “good tranny” and making sure the GLB’s feewings aren’t hurt.
The LGB community isn’t speaking for us. It was transsexuals who played the parts in those movies. Willingly. Which brings me to an interesting little tidbit of information: of every movie directly related to transsexuals recognized by GLAAD (regardless of whether the recognition was positive or negative), only TOTWK had actual transsexual actresses in it. Tell me, regardless of your views on Luna, on TOTWK, on this mini-film, on me..if you think that that is okay at all. In my opinion, that’s a type of blackface. No other minority in the 21st century has someone in the majority playing them.
(And regardless of either of our views…the Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals, and the transgendered NEED each other. I’m sure that somewhere Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, and Dr. Laura are laughing at this debate..because they hate all of us equally)
“Bullies indeed… I’m not the one telling trans women to STFU and accept being depicted any old way gay men want to depict us.”
I’m not telling you to STFU. I don’t even expect to change your mind. But You, Ashley Love, GLAAD, and the other posters here who dislike the movie attempt to FORCE us agree with you. You hold metaphorical guns to our heads, insulting anyone who disagrees. Trying to cast dissenters as self-haters, catering to LGB people who hate all of us. (..and again I say, the ones who truly dislike us hate bisexuals too)
Have a nice day.
I have 0 – zero- nada- not one stick of respect for GLAAD. Not supporting this film is not the same as supporting GLAAD.
“The LGB community isn’t speaking for us.”
Who named the film? Marketed it? Wrote it? Ad Libbed some of the most offensive lines from the film about trans women? It was the Luna and the self-id’d gay men acting in it.
“In my opinion, that’s a type of blackface. No other minority in the 21st century has someone in the majority playing them.”
May want to talk to Willam and Joe from you fave film – they seem to think it’s perfectly groovy to slap on “tranny face” and play trans – just like they did here. Or IZZY, since he cast them to play trans.
“catering to LGB people who hate all of us”
Considering what you have said so far – that’s what you are doing. Don’t worry, I get that for trans women who do drag shows pissing off the meal ticket is a hard thing to do. For the rest of us who aren’t beholden to our GL masters.. meh
“I have 0 – zero- nada- not one stick of respect for GLAAD. Not supporting this film is not the same as supporting GLAAD.”
Oh. Well, I was wrong there. Sorry about that.
“May want to talk to Willam and Joe from you fave film – they seem to think it’s perfectly groovy to slap on “tranny face” and play trans – just like they did here. Or IZZY, since he cast them to play trans.”
Erica Andrews is transgendered, was in Trantasia (I admit, I dislike that movie for some of the same reasons as everyone here dislikes TOTWK. But since that was made by a transsexual, that very sad joke gets a pass.) and she was runner-up in the first Transsexual beauty competition.
Krystal Summers is a classically trained pianist and a transgender.
Kelexis Davenport is transgender.
The other two are drag queens. But that’s still three more transgender people than have been so-called “positive” movies about us.
“catering to LGB people who hate all of us”
Have you spoken to Israel Luna? I have. He’s a rather kind hearted person. What the opponents of the film didn’t mention was that Mr. Luna was making (I don’t know the status of the film as of now) a movie with people’s real experiences of hate crimes. As told by the victims themselves. 100% serious.
Besides all that, the movie did what it was meant to do: create discussion. I don’t know about the rest of the transgender world, but I like having a movie where the transgender people actually defend themselves. (Even in fictional accounts of us, we don’t defend ourselves)
Erika, Krystal, Kelexis also play drag queens begging gay men for money – I never said they weren’t trans. I just don’t get how being a woman playing a man playing a woman does anything to remove the idea that trans women are just gay men who got a boob job.
I also totally hated Transtasia – for all the reasons I have problems with this movie.
I also don’t really think there have been any positive movies about us, at least none that GLAAD has supported/honored or that have gotten any traction in the GLBT “community”.
“Mr. Luna was making (I don’t know the status of the film as of now) a movie with people’s real experiences of hate crimes. As told by the victims themselves. 100% serious.”
Like every other “positive” movie about anti-trans violence by cis people, I have every reason to believe that the film will be edited to reflect the needs of cis people. Namely, that anti-trans violence is homophobic violence (even though the dynamics of the crimes are vastly different), that trans women are just another type of gay man, etc. I also don’t see this as genuine – it looks like a play to shut down criticism of TOTWK using trans women as a shield.
“Besides all that, the movie did what it was meant to do: create discussion.” –
Except for every interview with Luna and the cast who tried to play the film off as mindless entertainment. Anyone who thought too much about the movie was either looking to be offended, had to much time on their hands, or was taking orders from GLAAD.
Now, suddenly, it’s all about discussions – Not the first time Luna switched up his story about the movie.
I like having movies about trans women that aren’t about gay men.
@FoolMe1: Good point. But in all honesty, nothing will ever change that perception of us. I think to make a truly controversy-free positive movie about us, we need to…remove the emphasis on the “trans” part. Like, instead of making a movie about a transsexual superhero, make a movie about a superhero who HAPPENS to be trans.
I think, for now, we’ll have to concede transphobic violence to be a subgroup of homophobic violence…only because the concept of homosexuality is difficult enough for straight people to understand. Transgenderism would just make their heads explode.
I honestly don’t think anyone intended to offend anyone. I guess they used the same logic that I do. I’d rather have a movie like TOTWK, which at least shows us fighting back. Even if it is in a cartoonized, fictional way. It’s the first movie of its type to do so. The rest of the movies are bad attempts to assuage straight, cisgender guilt (ex: A Girl Like Me, Boys Don’t Cry).
Maybe GLAAD’s attack on TOTWK was an attempt to assuage cisgender guilt. GLAAD has been giving awards out to shows for anti-homophobia messages longer than I have been alive, and like HRC, threw us under the bus. [In the end..they throw non-elites under the bus more than any specific group]
All I know is that TOTWK was the first in a class of many movies. I think that in a decade or so, we’ll have our positive representations. Created completely by us. (I don’t have a very positive view of the future for any LGBT rights, Focus on the Family is already in a furor about the amount of gay people on the TV and how happy they are. Their heads would spin if they found transgenders.)
[P.S. Trantasia left me completely pissed off. HOW a movie concieved and produced by a transsexual was able to be anti-trans is beyond me.]
Angelo- are you a plant? A gay man directed and produced Transtasia, Jeremy Stanford, not a woman as you misinform. Why are you always spreading your propaganda? Why si it so hard for you to see that transgender women don’t want to be like homosexual men in a dress and make up, or a clown? You have issues man
…”nothing will ever change that perception of us.”
Particularly when we don’t challenge G/L orgs and media who paint us that way. It does us no good to tell FoF or Fox News “trans women are women” when our own “community” fails time after time in getting the simplest things right. Luna’s film and the subsequent defense of the film (read attacking people who weren’t enthused by the title) by the cast included.
“I think, for now, we’ll have to concede transphobic violence to be a subgroup of homophobic violence”
Only because the G/L made it that way by insisting that gender identity not be included in hate crime reports state after state. the reality of homophobic violence is the attacks are largely perpetrated by either strangers or people who have a passing casual relationship with the victim (neighbors for example). Anti-Trans violence is more likely to happen from a cis intimate partner. Homophobic violence is very closely distributed between men and women. Transphobic violence is almost totally against women. While there is probably a homophobic aspect to the violence (as well as a sexist one) – the rates of the violence, the nature of the attacker, the treatment of the victim seeking help after all paint a vastly different type of crime.
“the concept of homosexuality is difficult enough for straight people to understand. Transgenderism would just make their heads explode.”
I don’t buy that. Gender is not some alien concept that cis heteros can’t grasp. I think we’ve allowed ourselves to think this is the case. I’ve found a much more accepting and respectful group of friends who are cis and straight than I ever did among gays and lesbians.
“The rest of the movies are bad attempts to assuage straight, cisgender guilt”
agree 100%
“Trantasia left me completely pissed off. HOW a movie concieved and produced by a transsexual was able to be anti-trans is beyond me.”
Lots of the people in the movie weren’t trans – they are drag queens. Like they aren’t trans women doing shows… they are self-identified gay men who do shows. So their idea of “trans” is about as nuanced as nearly 50% of the main trans cast of TOTWK.
#46: My name is Angel. I’m not a man, so try again. And I’m trans.
and since FoolMe1 is the only one I like talking to, I’m going to only respond to her.
@FoolMe1: I think I agree with everything you said. Question of the Day is: where does the LGBT community go from here?
Bill Nickols
It seems to me that the message of the film was lost on everybody. Instead of opening up a dialogue on the mistreatment and stereotypical assertions made against the trans community, the trans community and therefore GLAAD decided to use Israel as a punching bag. I have seen his movie and I can tell you it is certainly entertainment. THAT’S IT! ENTERTAINMENT!!! Why must we always attach some deeper meaning to EVERYTHING?? I have been out to the bars and seen drag queens and trans women alike acting like the ones portrayed in the film. Just like when I watch a gay themed movie and I hear people complaining about the stereotyping done to gay men…my MOTTO is: If you don’t like the stereotype, then CHANGE IT!!! While Israel may not be completely right in attacking the WHOLE organization of GLAAD, he does have a legitimate beef with some of its members. Like I said, this could of been a perfect time to open the dialogue and EDUCATING people about transgendered people but instead, you got out a soapbox and made yourselves look pathetic. By making yourselves victims of this film, you are only perpetuating the stereotype of all transgendered people as victims.
@Bill Nickols:
“It seems to me that the message of the film was lost on everybody.”
“Why must we always attach some deeper meaning to EVERYTHING?? I”
There is a message when the dialogue isn’t directed at the guy who made the film, but when the dialogue is directed at the people made it – it’s “just entertainment”??
“Instead of opening up a dialogue on the mistreatment and stereotypical assertions made against the trans community”
That’s what’s happening – Gay men are just so used to being able to use trans women any old way they want. What’s wrong with calling out the mistreatment and stereotypical assertions about the trans community from the cis GLB?
“By making yourselves victims of this film, you are only perpetuating the stereotype of all transgendered people as victims.”
Let’s see, trans women pointing out specific problems with the film, along with it’s connection within a larger giant stink pile of media representation by gay men (and lesbians) is playing victim? Israel is playing victim by promoting his film as some sort of underdog with the full weight of GLAAD (who offered a lukewarm “call to action” that it failed to back) and angry “activists”.
During the whole lead up to Tribeca the gay male online media was fully in support of Luna. Trans women invested in the entertainment of gay men were also (not surprisingly) also supporting the film. Trans women questioning a film and it’s trailer were taking HUGE beatings on blogs and in news reports. Sorry, I’m not buying Israel Luna’s “Free Speech Martyr” ploy for a minute (To borrow a term from someone I can’t remember right now).
@Bill Nickols:
“It seems to me that the message of the film was lost on everybody. Instead of opening up a dialogue on the mistreatment and stereotypical assertions made against the trans community, the trans community and therefore GLAAD decided to use Israel as a punching bag.”
I think they did. After some of the showings they had a discussion w. the cast and trans organizations about hate crimes. GLAAD used Israel as a punching bag because outside of TOTWK GLAAD hasn’t done anything else for trans people except for give awards to straight, cis people who played them in movies. [Although they do play us well and respect our identities. That’s a good thing.]
“I have been out to the bars and seen drag queens and trans women alike acting like the ones portrayed in the film. Just like when I watch a gay themed movie and I hear people complaining about the stereotyping done to gay men…my MOTTO is: If you don’t like the stereotype, then CHANGE IT!!!”
Drag Queens are just that..drag queens. I doubt they want to change it and I wouldn’t make them if they wanted to stay that way. As for transwomen that do drag, if some HAVE to do it, then we should change it, we should make our own businesses so that more transwomen could be other stuff. If they want to be entertainers..well, then they can. There ARE cisfemale drag queens too.
The stereotypes are so ingrained into everyone’s head that they act like them (…this is true for any minority that acts stereotypically), so I doubt anything would make them go away any time soon.
“While Israel may not be completely right in attacking the WHOLE organization of GLAAD, he does have a legitimate beef with some of its members.”
Israel, TOTWK, and all that aside…let’s be honest, GLAAD probably does accept $ for awards.
“By making yourselves victims of this film, you are only perpetuating the stereotype of all transgendered people as victims.”
I’ve seen a lot of trans stereotypes but never that one. That’s more or less a homophobic stereotype of LGBT people that has its roots out of straight, Christian privilege.
This sickens me. My name was not mentioned once.
But ok…i’ll throw my two cents in. GLAAD has been known to solicit donations (e.g. Kevin Smith) in return for not voicing complaints/concerns against specific films.
GLAAD is good for throwing parties and whining.