Underwear purveyor Andrew Christian is promoting the Labor Day weekend Los Angeles Festival, including Supersized on Friday, the debut Matinee LA. on Saturday and the Andrew Christian Splash Bash on Sunday, with this scorching new video, featuring “Amazing” by Sean Ensign.
Below, a behind-the-scenes clip on how the Matinee crew transform a venue. L.A., get ready!
isn’t the ‘newbie’ the same guy singing about Romney in the Wrong Direction video a few posts back? super cute.
the newbie that is, not the vid- its probably the lamest from AC which are usually pretty hot
That underwear is ridiculous.
I wonder how many comp tickets Queerty got for Matinee?
its ok. I met the newbie when he lived in Texas, he’s a little dbag, total turn off for the company now kinda makes me rethink buying AC underwear.