One of the least endearing characteristics of the religious right is the deep well of hypocrisy that nourishes it. Hardly a week goes by without a minister turning up on Grindr or an anti-gay legislator caught sexting with a teenage girl.
But the latest case promises to be a particularly damaging firestorm: Josh Duggar, a (now former) leader at the anti-gay Family Research Council and part of the evangelical brood on the reality show 19 Kids and Counting, has acknowledged molesting several underage girls when he was a teenager.
Duggar has been one of the most visible opponents of marriage equality, hitting the road to promote traditional marriage and the right of conservative Christians to discriminate. He’s also used all the usual offensive rhetoric about the LGBT community. Being gay is “such a sad, lonely lifestyle,” Duggar has said. “It just seemed to me that one of the cruelest jokes the devil has ever played is to have that lifestyle described as ‘gay.’”
Duggar got his unctuous brand of piety from his family, who seemed to have gone out of its way to protect him after they discovered he was fondling the genitals of young girl while they slept. Instead of getting Josh into professional counseling, at a minimum, parents Michelle and Jim Bob went to church elders for advice. They ended up sending Josh to a Christian program that focused on “hard physical work and counseling.” The counseling–such as it was–was provided by a family friend who ran a home remodeling business.
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Josh was also given a “very stern talk” by Arkansas state trooper Jim Hutchens, who was hardly the paragon of moral authority. Hutchens is currently serving time in jail on child pornography charges.
It took a year for the Duggars to notify the police about Josh’s actions and even then they weren’t especially cooperative. At one point, the police wanted to interview Josh, but Jim Bob refused to make him available. In the end, authorities decided not to charge Josh because the statute of limitations had expired.
Even as Josh’s behavior was playing out behind the scenes, the Duggar dynasty was become a reality TV freak show on TLC. Josh parlayed the show into a gig with the Family Research Council, the antigay hate group, getting his picture taken with GOP presidential wannabes.
Duggar was forced to quit his position as a result of the news. Of course, by his own admission, everything is just fine because God’s okay with it. “I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life,” Duggar said in a statement. “In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.”
Of course, when your life’s being holier than everyone else, child molestation charges are not exactly the best career move. But that’s another one of the repellent characteristics of the religious right. Being a creep is not a handicap, as long as you are considered fervent enough.
Too bad that the life-and-let-live attitude doesn’t extend to anyone else.
Photo credit: Josh Duggar’s Twitter account
Just how many Executives of the Family Research Council have been exposed as sex criminals, or been found out to be self hating closet cases?
Once again proving that Anti-gay bigotry seems to indicate either severe mental, criminal, or emotional issues, or at the very least complete hypocrisy.
Low Country Boy
I am more angry about his than I can express in words. What the f@#$ is wrong with these people?
Yeah, Mr. Duggar, formerly of the Family Research Council… “Think of the children” indeed. Fucking hypocrite… I’d say I was surprised, but this is as shocking as a dog collar with no batteries.
A shock collar, that is… and speaking of collars, how many Catholics are happy it wasn’t one of their priests for once????
Mr Duggar is just one of many more line of republican right wing criminals who are being exposed as hypocrites. And once a child abuser, always a child abuser. I have to say it. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more victims in more recent times.
Josh’s “apology” is all about me, me, me. How about acknowledging all the girls you molested (some of which were your own sisters) who have to live with aftermath for the rest of their lives of what you did to them?
Why have we heard nothing about what the Duggars did for their children who were molested? You know, the REAL victims. I certainly hope you sent them to get professional help and/or therapy. Or was it all about trying to get help for Josh. Brilliant timing waiting for the statue of limitations to run out before getting the authorities involved.
I certainly hope more and more public figures and media outlets call out this family of hypocrites ala-Montel Williams. You don’t get spend years warning the public about gays being harmful to children while covering up for your child molester son.
TLC may have pulled their show but it hasn’t officially been cancelled yet and it better be.
When he says his bullshit prayers to his fake god, first on the list should be a thank-you that he doesn’t live anywhere near me.
Josh was hired entirely because of the family TV show. FRC thought they could get a ton of milage out of this reality show “star” – boy were they right !!!! Now we’re going to hear how the liberal media is responsible for whatever negative results occur from this revelation. Just watch as Tony Perkins and FRC attempt to deflect attention from themselves and their organization and try to convince people that Duggar was just a lowly employee with few responsibilities and little input into the organization. If there is any doubt about who much of the FRC media was centered around, and control by Josh Duggar, just do a google search and you’ll see Josh photographed with nearly all off the GOP presidential candidates. Do NOT allow Perkins & FRC to distance themselves from this admitted child molester. Every article, post, comment or blog should include Tony Perkins, Josh Duggar, Family Research Council (FRC), “19 Kids and Counting” and child molestation somewhere within their content.
I’m really not surprised this happened. No one can properly parent 19 children. I come from a family of 5, and the oldest children are always deputized to raise the younger ones. The parents become executives instead of caregivers. The father is busy making money and the mother is pregnant or nursing. The older children perform much of the cooking, cleaning and caregiving. While some responsibility is good for children, parents with lots of children lack close supervision of these deputy parents. Older children are expected to bathe, clothe and change diapers for the young ones. They make sure homework gets done and take over parenting when the parents go out.
Josh molested his 3 year old sister precisely because of this system. He was a deputy parent and his parents were off managing the system. No one was around to make sure he was a proper parent to his siblings, so a variety of abuses are rife to occur.
most cults are riddled with abuse: sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual, you name it. I am sure if you were able to get honest answers from family members, the Duggars have all of the above in spades.
ANGRY is NOT the feeling I have when I read this. OUTRAGE comes close. FURIOUS comes close!
I’m tired of this Religious Shit (and that’s what it is – SHIT) holding court, judging and finding guilty and sentencing to exclusion, All LGBT People according to Rabid Religious Hypocricy. The Good Son’s parents ‘covered it up’, they hid it from the police (who as it turns out are not much better), they ‘went for the ‘family counselor’ unqualified, they more or less refused to cooperate with the police until the statute of limitations was up, and THEN…
AND THEN…Josh, having paid his pentance and ‘worked hard’ with ‘good advice’, had a chat with God (so many seem to have audience capabilities with God) and was ‘forgiven’, spanked on the hand, and sent on his way with the Instructions to ‘sin no more’, be fruitful and multiply and everything will be hunky-dorry!
And then, THANKS TO QUEERTY, he got caught. Just as they ALL eventually get caught. Then cooler heads prevail (the cooler heads of the supporters of hypocricy) and once again, “go my child and sin no more”.
Has everyone forgotten FUCKING JIMMY SWAGGART!?
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Not only should this show have been ‘pulled’, but TLC itself needs to be investigated. Does anyone remember Good Ole Phil The Duck Quacker?
ITS time, as Michelangelo Signorile states, to stop ‘forgiving’, stop looking the other way , and stop feeling guilty that we’ve won something. We need to let them know that we’re Mad As Hell And We’re Not Going To Take It Anymore!
And if WE offend them then TOO DAMNED BAD!
AND NO! I’m not quite through.
Focus now should be on ALL the Tony Perkins and Bryan Fischers, and their twisted and perverted groups. They bear a MAJOR responsibility in this matter also.
It’s time to ‘Call Them Out’, once and for all. And yes, Declare War on them as they’ve declared ware on us.
And NOW I’m through…for this time.
Blame for this falls squarely on the Christian lifestyle. Josh was almost certainly denied adequate sex education where he could have been taught to channel his budding sexual urges into masturbation and mutual experimentation with kids his own age who weren’t his relatives. Then you have the ridiculously large family size, which forced kids to raise kids, and put them in too close quarters and with little chance to cultivate peer relationships outside the family.
T-Wicked Iris Morgue
Ken VanArsdale
Just pray and it will go away and you will be forgiven.
The pervert’s new reality show could be called “19 Kids and Stalking” or “19 Kids and Grooming”. Sleazy, hypocritical pedophile.
I hope he rots in hell where he belongs.
Robby Robinson
Damon Robbins
I hope this whole bunch of dirt balls get dragged through the mud!
Ruben Valdez
Has he registered as a sex offender?
Karen Puckett
Omg! Gul Bahar
Bob LaBlah
Duggar was forced to quit his position as a result of the news. Of course, by his own admission, everything is just fine because God’s okay with it. “I sought forgiveness from those I had wronged and asked Christ to forgive me and come into my life,” Duggar said in a statement. “In my life today, I am so very thankful for God’s grace, mercy and redemption.”
I am NOT surprised AT ALL. I have wondered many a day since these “exposures” starting come out about ten years ago nearly every other day have people ever wondered or thought about what HAD to have happened during the Crusades and the Spanish invasion of Central America in regards to their being hellbent to convert the Indians to Christianity.
Those people were inflicting outright sexual torture on those poor people who were warriors themselves but knew they could not defeat them because of the weapons they possessed (Indians did NOT have metal arrows and could not penetrate that silly-ass looking armor the Spanish soldiers had). To tie a woman down and put rope around her breasts and tighten it till they gave in or to take teenage boys and do the same thing with the rope but around their genitals HAD to create sexual pleasure for the perverts who were doing it to them on a daily basis and lets not go into the numbers they did it to on a daily basis. All of that in the name of God, mind you.
I swear there is nothing that could be reported on these sanctimonious bastards that would shock me at all. Seriously, I am waiting for a “scandal” to surface in regards to women of the HOUSE of GOD who had sex with teenage boys to get them to think about women instead of other boys. I BET it has happened and just waiting to be told. As I said, nothing would shock me at all because they are well aware of how to manipulate the ignorant, the young and the lost. Their history is not on their side in the information age. Too bad people are too stupid to think and research the history of Christianity and the perverts who hid/are hiding behind that cross.
These are only the ones we know about. How do we know he hasn’t molested others or even his own kids? This is so sad. To see the so called “family values” crowd defending him is disgusting.
Thom Melendez
Ruben Valdez he was never convicted so isn’t required to register. Show of hands: who thinks that when he received a “stern talking to” from a since convicted child pornography devotee he stopped his behavior. Yeah, me neither.
Ruben Valdez
So when will he?
Thom Melendez
Maybe there are incidents that have not exceeded the statute of limitations…
I particularly like the photos of Josh with his friends: Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, and Rick Perry.
Duggar’s law: when a sanctimonious person says gay are pedophiles or sexually abuse minors, he likely an abuser himself. The law also works if the person talks too much about such matters.
He can redeem himself by admitting that his superstitious religious beliefs and extreme attitudes about sex are bad for boys, horrible for girls, and unspeakable for gay kids.
Mary Davies
Hypocrites: their rhetoric is usually in direct proportion to their culpability.
Jayson A Messner
Avery Alvarez
@rand503: It should be common knowledge by now.
Obsessively point the finger at others while putting yourself on a moral pedestal?
Some should look into your background and drag all those skeletons out of the closet.
For some reason, the father always stuck me as the one who would be uncovered doing something like this. I wonder what other “family secrets” this cult is hiding.
Lisa Hebert
David Bolton
By “several” you mean “at least five” and by “girls” you mean “some of his sisters.”
Mike Huckabee is defending him because, you know, Beyonce is the moral problem facing America today:
So much for gays and Transgenders being gross and a threat to child safety when this guy was molesting kids and his own siblings. Now that is gross and illegal. Being gay in this country is not illegal, being trans isn’t. But this creep is the worse of the worse. So fuck him and his family for the cover up and their harmful judgement and assumptions. Hypocrites.
His wife stands behind him. But she couldn’t if he was gay. -eye roll
And yet, in a few weeks, there will be *another* innocent unarmed black youth needlessly shot dead, and the conservative dipshits will come out of the woodwork defending the cop and demonizing the kid, whining that he shouldn’t have disobeyed the cops orders, he shouldn’t have run, he shouldn’t have “looked suspicious” or whatever other bullshit excuses they make up, while they quietly take joy in seeing another minority gunned down. Yet here we have a fucking child molester who molested not one but multiple girls, getting off scott free because 1.) He’s white, and 2.) He’s conservative, and 3.) He’s “christian”. The cop should have sprayed his ass with bullets.
Looks like he has a problem both with controlling his urges toward young girls and with controlling his urges towards food…..He received unfairly privileged treatment for his crimes because of who is family is, then rewards this by going on to rant against people who want to have a loving, honest relationship with a consenting adult of their own sex. And to top it off, ultra hypocrite Mike Hucksterbee comes to his defense, even though he would be casting the fires of hell at any non christian or child of a Democrat that had done the same. If there was a hell these people deserve it as much as anyone. If there was a heaven, it would be HELL to spend eternity there with the same!
Randy Masters
Randy Masters
Anyone defending touching one’s sister probably just considers it foreplay. 😛
Randy Masters
Incest will now be known as being “Duggar-curious”
So let me get this straight… A child molester is saying being gay is sad? Wow! I’m sure God loves guys who touch little girls more than he loves good law-abiding Christian gay men… This is just another waste of human trying to convince himself that he is worth something…
Betty Walker
Child molester, always a pedafile they just get sneakier so they don’t get caught, poor children who have to be around this man? What a low life insect, how convenient the time was out so he couldn’t be prosecuted. This kind of person is a filth lying hypocrit not fit to spit on
@TomOH: Well the stupid gay conservatives only come out on here when it has to do with a right wing gay hotel owner who is fucking his own business into the ground… or whether the article is about Hillary or Obama. These one track simpletons can’t be bothered to talk among adults.
Notice how none of those douchebags are posting under this article. People like McFrisky, MCHG, WagnerWallace and many other brainless chickenhawks will not show their face in an article like this one.
I suspect that every one of these in-your-face anti-gay assholes has something to hide – often from themselves.
I knew this family wasn’t normal, but I never thought it was this bad. What really angers me is how the mom was constantly talking dirt about transgender people using bathrooms to molest kids when this whole friggen time her and her husband were trying to cover up the fact that one of their own children molested his sisters and possibly other girls too. What a monster and a hypocrite she turned out to be. Makes me sick and angry. And then these so called Christians stick up for this guy because he said God forgave him. What a crock!!!
Nathaniel Austin
John M Seip IV
JOSH DUGGER is a CHILD MOLESTER and RAPIST! 14 year old making a mistake is cheating on a test, or sneaking a beer not RAPING and MOLESTING children, INCLUDING his sisters!
I’m glad he got exposed for his hypocrisy. And his mother was, too, since she proclaimed that transgenders were basically pedophiles. Makes me sick. Even sicker is the fact that there are people shocked that the Duggars are being vilified and expect people to just forgive them.
Mark Pointon
This scandal couldn’t have happened to a worse person. Well, it could have, but pedophile rapist Josh Duggar, and his pedophilia-covering-up fanatical, anti-gay parents are among the worst. What about their daughters? Why do these sick people feel the right to sit in judgment of anybody when their house is in such total disorder? Just disgusting!
Dee Omally
I am Christian but outside of religion. I know that love and belief are neither love nor belief if forced. I choose to believe in the words of Jesus because I see the potential of a perfect world but that is far from it. Jesus absolutely despised hypocrisy.
Call me crazy or whatever but in my heart, I truly believe that this revelation (Duggard’s history) came about from God’s doing. See, we are all right and we are all wrong throughout our lives, but what Josh excelled at was calling those that were right (LGBT) wrong. Being trans, it was extremely painful to hear the Duggars convict me and my trans sisters, in the court of public defamation, as seeking to use our gender-identified restroom for the purpose of preying on other females. Even if we prefer females, so do other lesbians, but the Duggars never fought to keep lesbians away from female restrooms.
There is so very much that has gone wrong here, from the Duggar family “harboring a fugitive” if you will, to law enforcement failing the victims to this day, to politicians sticking to this guy (what no background check?), to the war being waged against the LGBT on the Duggar’s behalf, to the “Family whatever Council” harboring this predator as well.
There is so much work that remains: from seeking help for the victims, to keeping the Josh Duggar safe from harm, to making amends to the LGBT, to making sure that their show remains cancel forever, to holding politicians responsible for harboring this guy. Someone in political circles had to have known Josh’s accusatory background. In the Internet age, it is impossible to not know.
So, my conclusion is that as the Theopublicans began their promised backlash against trans persons and gay persons, God was watching and said “enough is enough”, and moved in to vindicate us. God truly loves his trans and gay children. As far as other charges, perhaps a conspiracy to obstruct justice occurred that might have a longer statute of limitations.
Dee Omally
@Dee Omally: EDIT: 2nd paragraph “….to keeping the Josh Duggar children safe from harm (their father).”
Maybe this will be a nail in the coffin of TLC and they’ll go back to broadcasting things *worth learning* instead of its circus sideshow of the lowest common denominator. Who the hell watches any of that crap anyway?
@Glücklich: TLC, Discovery, Animal Planet and A&E have all gone to shit in recent years. Discovery Channel and Animal PLanet used to be about actual science. Now it’s about Bigfoot and the Lochness monster. Jeremy Wade isn’t bad with his series on Animal Planet (though it is definitely dramatized), but most of the rest on these channels are garbage.
And these shows wonder why their ratings are in the toilet. What I’ve always recommend people do is cancel cable/satellite in protest of all the garbage on TV and the ridiculous prices being charged to watch that crap.
Agreed. Since I’ve been on relo to New York I’m pretty much consumed by work so haven’t watched much television, the only event exceptions being “Mad Men” and “Downton” – those are things I actually stopped to watch in real time. I suspended service at my place in SF util I return. The only thing that stops me switching over to streaming exclusively is I don’t want to put that much thought into viewing since my television consumption is almost entirely as background noise. I get news mostly on-line, via NPR, or when I’m at home in SF I have a Bloomberg terminal in my home office (though not right now since no one’s there to use it and they are EXPENSIVE). My husband doesn’t really watch TV at all. I’ll probably dump all the premium stuff when I get back home. I don’t even watch CNBC anymore since Maria Bartiromo switched over to Fox.
@Glücklich: While I have a TV, the extent of my TV watching is limited to Roku and an HD Antenna (for some local channels).
At one point basic TV with Time Warner (with like 150 channels, 4 of which I actually watched lol) was costing me $100. Yeah… I dumped that real fast.
Duh…can’t forget “Walking Dead.” That was event watching for me, too.
@billeetee: “…It’s time to ‘Call Them Out’, once and for all. And yes, Declare War on them as they’ve declared ware on us.”
…Called out is not enough!
The sheer irony: Those who need to be exterminated, burned at the stake, lynched, taken out with a storm of bullets by our ever growing militant police, publically stoned (that you “ISIS”)simply get an ear pulled if that, and then onto an “I misspoke,” empty apology tour/parade for all of 5 minutes; and yet, we are constently bombarded with the murdering of Black MEN and boys until we suffer chronic trauma! Why is that?
Such a creepy family!! All in the name of God! They are ALL totally fake! I would bet anything that our little Josh continues to molest children. He should be punished in a court of law then let God take care of him later. This family is pathetic!!!
All of this is excuse because Josh found Jesus? If you truly found Jesus, a Josh, you wouldn’t being using Him as an excuse for your actions. Also how do we know you still aren’t doing it? Such hypocrisy!
Bob LaBlah
@Glücklich: Remember the good ol’ days when the History Channel was about history and NOT about Pawn Shops and Ice Road Truckers? I drove and 18 wheeler across the lower 48 states and Canada myself but found that show outright silly and insulting.
Caoimhin Mikael Lycke
He’s a sick MF!
Just as there is no statute of limitations on murder, there should not be one on child molesters. Throw both him and his parents to jail. Seems like the only one punished here are the victims.
@Bob LaBlah:
I must admit I sometimes enjoy watching Pawn Stars long enough to see someone’s treasured item get a total low-ball offer but prefer “Antiques Roadshow” when I want that kind of fix.
The one I get actually angry about whenever I’ve dialed past it or seen it in the listings is the GODDAMMED WEDDING DRESS SHOW. Who the FUCK wants to watch a woman paw through a bunch of wedding dresses with the hen house peanut gallery cluckin’ away in the background?!
@Bob LaBlah: Pawn stars is garbage. Their actual pawn store is a joke. I heard the show is a sham. All scripted. And the guys aren’t even at their pawn store most of the time. They have a huge tv contract after all. Almost as fake as those gold hunting shows.
Ra Hill
Bet the pedophile has surpassed the 19 number already. ..
And do you really think TLC didn’t know? Apparently these suspicions were going around for years… perhaps up to 8 years ago!
Oprah even had a show taped about it but it never aired. Oprah’s own staffers knew about it. If they knew about it, do we honestly believe that TLC didn’t? Word does get around! Something tells me they knew about this before these accusations went public!
Now Voyager
There is enough dirt under the rug of this family’s lives to build a mountain. The show creeper me out from the git go. I thought WTF? Who knocks up their wife every year and the both of them run around praising God, he said MULTIPLY not POPULATE the Earth. And as a woman I’m thinking Christ her uterus must be shored up like a mining cave at this point to prevent cave-ins. Her Vajayjay is a Damn airport luggage round, can’t think of the word at the moment. Ick. So your son molesters his sisters, youngest 5 and you protect them by prayer. Stupid Fucks. Anyone checking on HIS kids? Is his little baby-maker on autocracy just like MOM….See evil, pray it away like it never happened, sounds like a cleaning product. Their all going to Hell in a handbasket, just waiting for the escalator to start moving.
@Now Voyager:
Miss Vale?
Ken A.
He was a minor himself when he did these things.
@Ken A.: Doesn’t change the fact it’s still a crime.
tricky ricky
nothing says family values like covering up the sex crimes of your eldest son and forcing the sisters he molested multiple times to forgive their molester and tell them that if they don’t that they’re the sinners going to hell and making them pretend everything is fine. there is no record of them getting the girls any help. if they had used appropriate professionals this would have been reported to the proper authorities. the only reason it was reported at all is because somebody sent an email to oprah when they were set to do a show. this was AFTER the statute of limitations expired. the reporting after a year is a disingenuous lie. reporting means a record is made. they had the pedo trooper give him a stern talking to and no report was made. contacting the trooper for the talk was only done AFTER the little monster got caught reoffending. the duggars covered up felony child sexual abuse against their own daughters and someone else’s child. the duggars have engaged in a criminal conspiracy to hide this and have committed grave negligence in keeping their daughters safe from a sexual predator. 2 lawyers refused to defend this kid due to the seriousness of the crimes and then the duggars refused to let the police interview josh. the cops hands were tied because the duggars ran out the statute of limitations clock. this brainwashing cult they belong to makes everything the girls fault. they are little temptresses that somehow managed to cause him to do this to them. even his wife is brainwashed into accepting his behavior as a mere mistake. josh duggar was and is a sexual predator with a focus on prepubescent girls. this started 12 years ago and one of the victims is still a minor! all of this was done because daddy duggar was running for public office and they were doing money making tv specials. the comments from their supporters on their face book page and that of mike huckabee are astounding. they are all about this being an attack on christians and saying how wonderfully the family handled this and there is not one word from them about the victims. just praise for josh and mom and pop. fortunately people in their right wind have taken to the pages pointing out the seriousness of this and the hypocrisy of josh and his parents for calling gays child molesters when he was one and they protected one. this is not going to end well for them. they are going to get their comeuppance and get it good.
tricky ricky
@Ken A.: a minor committing felony child sexual abuse is still a criminal act. he was a teenager sexually abusing prepubescent girls. he is a pedophile. he had multiple victims and did it over a period of years. he should have been reported and prosecuted and his victims protected from him.
tricky ricky
@Glücklich: it’s about time for the switching houses home redecorating shows to come back into vogue.
tricky ricky
@AJAnders: the girls have to reflect on why god wanted this to happen to them and on what they did that made josh want to do it. there is a sick and twisted belief system in which these people subscribe that places the blame on the girls and forces them to forgive their abuser lest they become the hell bound sinners by not doing it. the girls are not valued in the least. they are nothing more than receptacles for a mans seed as baby factories who are there to obey first their fathers and then their husbands as property.
@tricky ricky: He would probably be tried as an adult too, because he wasn’t that young.
The Duggar’s falsely portrayed themselves for years as a clean Christian family… you just don’t know how fucked up the family is behind closed doors.
tricky ricky
@Giancarlo85: I think it might get a lot worse if the eldest daughter jana ever talks. josh didn’t touch her. she’s daddies property. literally property. she can’t do anything without his permission. he has decided not to find her a husband meaning she can’t ever leave home and is forced to take care of the kids and the house. she is her parents personal slave and who knows what else.
Now Voyager
@Glücklich: sorry, who is Miss Vale?
@Now Voyager:
Really good movie. Melodramatic bit of silly pansiness but good nonetheless.
Now Voyager
@Glücklich: Ahhh, I should have remembered, one of my favourite movies, the standards at the time kept this from being even better than it was.