Yes, yes, we get it: You’re going to “let” Obamacare fail.
We’ve heard President Trump repeat this line ad nauseam, and we aren’t even going to get into the duplicitous tactics his administration is employing to sabotage the open healthcare marketplaces set up under the Affordable Healthcare Act. You can read all about that in this very worthwhile piece in Mother Jones.
We’re here to talk about something else.
As the president made his remarks, something white — and we’re not here to say what that something is — fell out of his nose.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Watch below, and look for it at the :09 mark:
Sounds crazy, right?
Well here’s an unrelated excerpt from a Daily Beast article titled “Inside Donald Trump’s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models” :
“But both men also put Donald Trump in the room with cocaine, very young women and underage girls, and rich, old men there to—pardon my language, but if the Times can say pus*y on its front page, I can say this—f*ck them.”
Thoughts? Sound off below.
His brain is leaking again.
I thought the exact same thing! LOL
Remnants of the alien tracking device he wheedled with his (executive order) pen while gazing the gams of Fox Noise bimbos.
If he had Obamacare, he could have had that checked out before he ended up blowing a loogie at a staff meeting.
Healthcare for the rich is all Obamacare is . Get over it. Get rid of the failure Obamacare.
hey FKFACE – take your rightwing BS to Brietbart…where they Pretend to Love Homocons….
The only thing lower on the humanity scale than Trump, is a gay Trump supporter.
That’s funny… I’m low income, just spent two days (TWO DAYS!) in the hospital, and my ACA paid the entire $27,88.00! You were saying, Jackass??? Now go play in the kitty litter, Trumpsh*t!
Sorry, you’re completely wrong, and Obamacare does cover mental health, so you should sign up!
Do you know what the main thing Obamacare did was?
1. It forced insurance companies to actually lay out what was in each policy and to abide by rules that prevent rip off policies. Those policies were then graded and put on a website so people could sort and choose them.
2. Mandated that people had insurance.
So I have a question for you. Why are you anti-lbgt Trump Trolls so opposed to a clear way to see what the policy is about, and the fact that nearly 30 million more people who couldn’t get insurance before now have it.
Ohhhhhhh, that’s right, you’re GOP trolls, so there are only two reasons for everything.
1. You have to avoid tax dollars going anywhere but into your donors pockets,
2. You hate the black guy who put the law in place.
Oh, and Mo Bro/BJ McFrisky, this new screename was too easy to spot.
Oh, P.S. notice how desperate the right wing troll was to change the subject from the possible cocaine that fell out of the Presidents nose?
EVEN IF Obamacare WAS only healthcare for the rich, AT LEAST SOMEONE would be getting decent healthcare; not this crap that the republicans are trying to pass off. If Trumpcare is supposed to be so much better, the republicans should have NO problem accepting it ass their healthcare benefit from the government.
I just Tweeted this article to Trump. I hope he blocks me.
Billy Budd
Is it diet coke or regular coke?
Since you couldn’t follow the simple directions as to how to comment on the article, not an opinion on the ACA, I guess it wouldn’t bother to tell you that the ACA actually does work for tens of millions of people who before, and otherwise, would/will not have AND healthcare other than the most expensive of all, the Emergency Room. And if you think the government having a safety net for hospitals non-payments, don’t think not having the ACA will do any good and actually harm the average taxpayer. And the vast majority of taxpayers are the average.
OTOH, I know it doesn’t say it is, but it’s obvious from the title that whatever fell or dripped out of his nose was NOT cocaine, IMO. I have quite a vast history of cocaine use throughout my life and if something does drop out, it’s a fine powder that would have laid like gun splatter on his suit, or it would have been nasal drip. Silly speculation like this does NOT help in the cause of pointing out legitimate reasons he should be shut out of the WH.
To those who doubt that Trump is a coke addict, I can personally attest to having seen him snort it off a naked woman’s ass at Trinity , a night club in Chelsea in 1979. The man is a con artist and a liar. This article, regardless of whether it’s true or not, is still accurate. Too many people cannot accept the fact that the man in the White House is nothing but a hypocritical sleaze and a total embarrassment to any thinking American.
Excuse the couple of typo’s, I believe my message tells my story.
This was in response to uncutskinlover, if it didn’t post that way.
It is so ironic that you would spell typos (the plural of typo) incorrectly. ;-P
I went from a $500 deductible to a $7,500 deductible under ObamaCare, and currently a $1300 monthly premium from $275 premium before O’care, so don’t try to tell me I’m better off. I can’t see the doctor I had gone to for decades because he was not assigned the insurance that I am forced to carry. I just wish the Republicans would get their act together and get me back to what I used to have ….. healthcare I can afford!
Justyouandi – If you’re going to tell us what your deductibles are, please tell us what your income is. Are you self employed? I work at a job that provides healthcare as a benefit, and little has changed, if anything, for me.
did you select the silver, bronze or platinum plan?
I have bad news for you… you NEVER will have what you used to have, because what you even have right now will be taken away with fRUMPCare. be thankful for what you have!!!
Doctors are not assigned to insurers. Doctors contract or choose not to contract with insurers.
Do you believe any kind of insurance will (1) be enacted. (2) be there once the rich receives their trillion dollar tax cut?
In my opinion no one regardless of how much they earn should have that kind of outrageous deductible or monthly bill for their insurance.. granted we need it to be free or almost free for those who cannot afford to pay but we don’t need to make up for that by charging anyone else such high premiums… healthcare should not be such a profiteering system… period. The ACA does too much good to just toss it out and start over.. what the republicans are trying to do will benefit no one but the insurance companies. our poor disabled and elderly will be destroyed by the republicans plans…. simply not acceptable… its just as unacceptable as your current insurance rates that you posted…..they F ing suck.. i’m afraid everything is such a tug of war that The ACA might have worked if all the states had joined… Unfortunately, many have not and will not. Its out and out sabotage, in places like Ohio, they are dealing with only one insurer per county which drives up the cost. Not sure which part of the country you are from but this is exactly what’s happening to a friend here in TN… TN fought hard and did not accept the medicaid expansion, TN also not allowing other insurers to come across state lines to sell to people.. there is hardly any insurers to choose from and the rates tripled.. I can understand the anger… anytime someone’s insurance goes up.. when all you hear online and on tv is that the ACA is failing and driving rates thru the roof… and you actually see these results when you yourself go to choose insurance.. how can you argue…..yet the media is owned by the ultra wealthy who stand to lose the most by implementation of the ACA or perhaps a single payer system. healthcare is a for profit system and those who are deeply invested will stop at nothing and say anything and sabotage anything to protect their profits
Fake News
…… I should have closed my comment with, “healthcare I can afford to USE!” I can’t afford to go to the doctor now.
I just think it is an error in the recording.
In regards to health care: Many of us demand #SinglePayer #MedicareForAll and are not interested in settling for anything less than that. Basic health care is a basic human right.
pudman56, so you are saying that it’s OK that I pay through the nose and can’t afford to access the care I need because of my high deductible, so that low income people can have Medicaid to get all the healthcare they need?
From the picture it appears that something has certainly exited this man’s nose. Since I only know him as “shit-for-brains” my belief is that the object is shit. Sad as this sounds, we must all realize the truth is not likely to be known since the nose belongs to an untruthful person.
metta, other than the military, what has the federal government EVER run cheaply and effectively? You’re suggesting we all have the kind of healthcare that veterans get. My brother, who is a veteran and has several health issues, including diabetes, could tell you stories that would scare the crap out of you about the care he gets from the federal government run veterans administration. None of the “single-payer” advocates ever talk about the high taxes we all would have to pay if we went that way.
My cousin, who is a computer whiz and generally very smart, actually lived in Canada for several years and found the health care system to be mostly okay. Like EVERYTHING else in life, there are trade offs. No system will make 100% of users happy. I would suggest you watch the extra features in Michael Moore’s “Sicko”. They go to Finland, where NO essential services are for profit business. Lights, gas, water, health insurance. They have far less money than the USA. If you think we don’t have the money, start researching how much less taxes the rich have ACTUALLY paid, not the rates, since the 1950s. Check out all the special exemptions such as cruise ships not paying a penny of taxes on all the merchandise they buy at the ports they stop at etc. No income tax since the owning companies claim their address is a hut with a phone on a sparsely populated island. Look at the any of the youtubes by the author of Treasure Islands, tax havens and the men who stole the world. THEN tell me we can’t afford single payer. Now will this be a huge fight getting the rich to pay more? Absolutely.
…which would be significantly lower than a private insurer premium plus tax for about 90% or more of us. The difference is whether you pay it through the government to providers, or through insurers to marketing budgets and shareholders.
This is a common misconception that belie the facts:
Let us ask how much it would cost for the US to have a British-style National Health Service which covers 100% of the population? Well, the 2016 NHS budget is ?133 billion (pounds). If you were to apply that to a population the size of America’s (approx. 5 times the size of the UK) it would cost you ?655 billion to provide healthcare for a country with the USA’s population.
At 2016 current exchange rates that works out to $851 billion. So, for $851 billion, the US government could provide healthcare to 100% of its population.
How much does the US Federal government spend right now on healthcare? The combined Medicare & Medicaid budget for 2016 was $970 billion, and the VA budget for veterans healthcare was $70 billion. So, in total, the US federal government spends $1,040 billion on healthcare in a single year to cover veterans, over 65s and the bottom 10%. For $851 billion they could provide healthcare to 100% of the population, and still have enough money left over to give a $200 billion tax cut to the American people, or reduce the deficit.
Where exactly do you see any new high taxes in this scenario?
Most other OECD countries have government-run health care systems, some far better than the US’s, for 1/2 to 1/3rd of the cost per person (per capita). That’s not just me making sh*t up, it’s the facts! Look it up! Here are the figures for 2015. Note that the US is still higher, since Obamacare/ACA is essentially a conservative-hatched market-based insurance system, NOT single payer.
Country Per-capita/person expenditures in $US for Health Care
USA 9 507.2
Swiss 7 535.6
Norway 6 190.1
Germany5 352.6
Holland 5 296.7
Sweden 5 266.3
Canada 4 532.8
France 4 529.6
Australia 4 492.6
Japan 4 435.6
UK 4 125.3
NZ 3 544.6
Spain 3 180.0
Israel 2 713.0
Korea 2 534.9
Your math is significantly flawed. Your numbers depend on the fact that the US healthcare system would have equal costs to the UK system. That is false because in the US, coverage and prescriptions are way more in terms of cost.
The average US citizen uses $10,000 worth of healthcare expenses in a year. $10,000 X 300,000,000 US citizens = $3 trillion in needed government spending for single payer healthcare in the US
Now, what is preventing big pharma and the insurance companies from raising their prices now that they know the government will pay this bill no matter what?
The entire US spending budget every year is $3 trillion. If you taxed every person who makes more than $1 million / year at a 100% tax rate, you still wouldn’t have enough money to cover this. Plus you wouldn’t have enough doctors to treat every single person.
People should have to pay something for healthcare. We can’t live in a world where everything is free. If you want healthcare to be free-for-all, why isn’t food, housing or a basic income provided to everyone too while we’re at it?
Heywood Jablowme
Before Jeff Sessions gets fired, he will arrest Cokehead Trump and confiscate all of Trump’s money under “civil forfeiture”?
Seriously, recall there was speculation earlier that Trump may be a cokehead. During one of the debates he was sniffing uncontrollably.
Frankly Wild
WTF was that? I just spent a valuable 5 minutes staring at that disgusting man’s nasal secretion. Eeeyuk.
Frankly Wild
Wait. Was that from his nose or from his mouth? Could have been spaghetti. OK. That’s my best guess.
I live in the U.K, wehave a National Health Service which although is struggling like hell at the moment under budget cuts by the government I am grateful for. To see a doctor for a routine appointment I may have to wait a week – I was seen with 1hr of an emergency docs appointment, surgery may be delayed occasionally but I’ve been lucky that when ive needed the service it’s been there for me. I’ve had major surgery a 2 level spinal fusion and contracted liver abscess 2 years ago, suffer chronic pain, and am bi polar… yes I’m just that lucky! I take 9 different meds a day and it’s covered by my National Insurance which comes directly from my salary when I’m paid about £50 – $75 a month. If I earn less I pay less, for the meds I pay $15 a month for a prepayment cover which covers ANY amount of meds I may need. In spite of all the benefits we get we(not me) as a people moan about it, yes there’s too much bureaucracy to many pen pushers, and the wait can be frustrating but when I see on the news the trouble, expense, & the I don’t care if you don’t have cover as long as I got it attitude I really feel for you all in the U.S NOBODY should be forced to watch someone suffer because they can’t afford health care. Our system is far from perfect but I know, no matter what illness I may develop I will get treated and not go bankrupt in the process. I feel for you all, especially as I have relied on our services so much to keep me healthy & sane(ish)
In the United States people without insurance are treated all the time and this even includes before the failure known as Obama care. The UK’s socialised medical care system is a failure.
Whatever it is, I care less about what the snorting Drumpfster is spewing from his nose and far more about the constant stream of insanity that pours from his mouth and fingertips. He’s clearly nuts, but I guess it’s going to take more than his attacks on his own Cabinet officers, constant lies, repeated violations of Federal law, seemingly extensive campaign ties to Russia, and so on, for the greedy GOP to impeach him. Maybe Putin or someone will release those alleged tapes, or that young woman who’d accused him of raping her when she was underage will come forward once again and finally wake Republicans up!
I’d say the white stuff was gray matter…….except I doubt he has any.
Americans pay two to six times more for prescription drugs than others do.
It’s just snot coming out his nose. No biggie. He’s snotty.
Gee, a guy who doesn’t sleep much and often sounds deranged with an overinflated sense of worth?
Nahhhhh, THAT doesn’t sound like a cokehead at ALL!
It’s spit or snot.
time to drug test the president. it’s the very least they should do.