We knew it was only a matter of time before conservative wingnuts began using the news of Kevin Spacey’s coming out to fuel the age-old “all gay men are pedophiles” myth.
In a new blog post for World Net Daily titled “Will Spacey scandal expose ‘gay’ male obsession with young teens?”, Scott Lively says the Spacey scandal is just the tip of the iceberg of a larger gay pederasty scandal that has been going on since the beginning of time.
Related: Kevin Spacey comes out as gay while addressing Anthony Rapp sexual assault allegations
Lively writes that gay men have historically been attracted to younger men and boys, all the way back to the days of ancient Sparta:
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Male homosexuality identity (from the days when the ancient Spartan military routinely drafted pre-teen boys and paired them with adult homosexual men) has always been oriented toward youth, and it is this man/boy sexual culture that not only spawned the modern “gay” movement but remains the largely hidden – in fact, politically protected and shielded – core of “gay” male society today.
And now, thanks to Spacey, “the American public has … been allowed a glimpse of the pederast underworld.”
Related: Kevin Spacey’s brother: ‘Our father was a child molester and a Nazi’
Lively then goes on to offer a laundry list of totally random and unrelated gay men who he believes have links to pederasty, including activists Karl Heinrich Ulrichs and Harry Hay, NAMBLA founder David Thorstad, HRC founder Terry Bean, Seattle mayor Sam Adams, even Hitler’s second-in-command Ernst Roehm, among others.
Lively also claims the Stonewall riots had nothing to do with LGBTQ rights but were instead sparked by the arrest of “a 14-year-old boy transvestite prostitute” whose clientele were older gay men:
The Stonewall Riots that are commemorated each year as “Gay Pride Day” were triggered by “gay” male patrons of the Stonewall Bar in New York City, angered at police efforts to arrest a 14-year-old boy transvestite prostitute.
Related: These Kevin Spacey coming out memes give new meaning to the word brutal
Lively finishes his op-ed by saying he believes Hollywood liberals will do their best to sweep the Spacey scandal under the rug.
“There is no higher priority on the political left than protecting the ‘gay’ movement from the link to pederasty,” he writes.
Lively concludes:
If Kevin Spacey can escape any real consequences for his assault of Anthony Rapp by turning his apology into a “coming-out” celebration (the most “sacred” of LGBT ceremonies), then there may never be a day of public reckoning for the many chickenhawks of Hollywood–whose scope of control and abuse would make Harvey Weinstein and James Toback seem like altar boys by comparison.
Related: Kevin Spacey faces many more claims he “routinely preyed” on young men
This is exactly what I was hoping we could avoid. Pedophile raises a lot more money than hebephile. Heck, most of our mouth breathing enemies don’t even know what it means. Call the pig what he is.
The most detailed, though anonymous, accusation against Spacey is that of a man who when 14 (and Spacey was 24) had a year long sexual relationship with him. He said that the relationship ended when Spacey tried to rape him. (http://www.vulture.com/2017/11/kevin-spacey-alleged-sexual-relationship.html).
a. I presume a sexual relationship is one where the couple have sex.
b. That sex was consensual, because when it threatened to become non-consensual, the young man ended the relationship. The young man was in control.
Yes, Spacey may be sexually aggressive and he may have been breaking the law (since this was in the USA), but there is no reason to suggest that he is a pedophile (someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children) or even a hebephile (someone attracted to people going through puberty). The correct term is ephebophile, someone attracted to adolescents.
So he is attracted to young men. His advances may be unwanted (because the men are not gay, not interested in older men or homophobic), and he may be too forward, aggressive or persistent. What a monster who deserves his career ruined.
who cares what they think…show of hands…NO ONE…Kevin’s revealed actions did not add anything to the bucket of HATRED many conservatives already have…
Agreed. These are the same people who already don’t like us and have been saying this sh!t for years.
Rex Huskey
I also agree. it just all goes into the mix….Trump, weinstein, priests, clergymen, politicians…. and whoever next to be revealed. Gremore is an opportunist.
Some people believe bullshit like this. The same people also believe all gay men dress as women, and that we’re all into leather, and that we all love show tunes and rough anal sex. There always will be ignoramuses like these. Rather than giving them free publicity, perhaps we should just ignore them.
This Spacey mess doesn’t help, no question, but neither do groups like NAMBLA, which promotes pederasty, which is illegal, which gives us a bad name.
Nambla doesn’t exist anymore and not since the 80’s.
Nope, Stache, they’re still active.
Granted, they’ve been pariahs since beginning in the 70s, but they’re still out there lingering in the bushes, website and all.
Heywood Jablowme
@Brody: You are living in a dream world. A therapist would find it interesting that you put “show tunes” on the exact same plane as leather, drag and “rough anal sex”!
Almost ALL Republicans think you’re a perverted f*gg*t. This may come as a shock to you but they are NOT impressed that you voted for Trump and you defend him all the time on a f*gg*t website. They still all think you’re a perverted f*gg*t. Ignore them? You don’t do that. You suck up to them. But it doesn’t work. They still all think you’re a perverted f*gg*t and you’re going to Hell.
But these “conservatives” are YOUR PEOPLE. Don’t they see the example of Mo-Brody and realize that most gay men are not pedophiles/ephebophiles? Why would “some people”–these conservatives!–think this with you as an upstanding counterexample? Do they know you’re gay? Do you speak to them and tell them they’re wrong? Do you let them know NAMBLA is basically a non-entity in the wider world? Why are they fixated on this and what are you doing to change their misperceptions?
Or is the problem homophobia and heterosexism, and your willingness to abet it so long as you can trash liberals, progressive people, etc., you know, the ones who fight for your right to dissent, be a conservative gay person, and work with people trying to oppress and eliminate LGBTQ people?
Sweetey, NAMBLA has had no presence in near a decade. Vice tried really hard to dig them up and the body has decomposed to dust.
There are still people, of questionable sanity, who believe in the mission statement but there is no NAMBLA for them to belong to.
Pink… –
Why don’t you tell their website that they don’t exist anymore?
Heywood –
Republicans don’t care about the sex I have, not one iota as much as gays care about whomever I vote for. This is a fact, not a theory, because I have lived it (for your edification, it’s the religious right who disparages homosexuality, not the right-right. Know your rights).
Kangol –
I’m not a conservative, nor am I surrounded by them. They’re not “my people.” You make this broad assumption simply because I disagree with liberal policies and hysterics, which is typical of an hysterical liberal (what was particularly amusing is your contention that liberals want to defend my right to dissenting speech, when they’re conspicuously doing everything in their power to suppress just that).
Heywood Jablowme
@Brody: Yes, it’s so reassuring that all those neo-Nazi nutjobs in the alt-right aren’t very religious. Maybe they will accept you the way the original Nazis accepted Ernst Roehm. – lol
@Heywood Jablowme. Yeah, Hitler wasn’t religious either so he must be on my side. Oh the logic of gay conservatives. Lol
Heywood –
It doesn’t surprise me that you think anyone who voted for Trump is a torch-wielding alt-righter, just as you believe all gay conservatives are self-loathing morons whose existence is meaningless. That’s what we call “groupthink,” and no one’s more guilty of it than gay liberals.
I love the irony of defending gay people as not all being pedophiles and perverts by painting conservatives as all neo nazis and gay bashers.
I wonder how many times conservative people have come onto Queerty with a genuinely open mind, hoping to get a better understanding of the reality of gay people instead of only the negative stereotypes? Then they get to see every third article is about some Instagram model in his underwear, and the comment section full of the most insulting, negative stereotypes about anyone with conservative views. Exactly what would they see here that would do anything else but reinforce their preconceived notions about gay people?
If we’re not willing to move beyond the broadest brush stereotypes when discussing people different from us, why would we expect them to do any better?
Brian –
Because I don’t do bars or pride parades, I too came to this site in hopes of gaining a better understanding of the community which I allegedly belong to.
Man, what an eye-opener.
I’ve discovered that their viewpoints are narrow and rigid, their tolerance is nonexistent for anyone who doesn’t think the same way they do, and their willfulness to engage in brutal attacks on their fellow gay men who have varying political dispositions is downright gleeful.
Judging by the vast majority of commenters on Queerty, the stereotype of gay men being bitter, catty, immature bitches who fashion themselves as sassy ghetto chicks is alive and well.
So instead of attacking the lying bigots, one of Mo Bros screenames finds a way to make all of this not the fault of THEIR bigotry, but excuses it by blaming it on something else.
And instead of actually contributing to the conversation like a normal person, DC guy continues to clutch his pearls and whine about sockpuppets. Why do you even bother to come here since that literally seems to be all you ever talk about? There is really NOTHING more interesting on the internet for you to spend your time on? You’d really just rather repeat the same thing 10,000 times?
As if these conservatives have ANY room to throw stone in their glass houses, with their glass pipes with meth and molly, or getting their glass knobs polished by male hookers, or peeking through the glass doors while their mistresses get the abortions they lobby to make illegal. I don’t care… most enlightened people already know that there is no connection between pedophilia and homosexuality, but there most definitely is a link between religious fundamentalism and psychopathy.
Or conservatives and right-wingers raping women and children themselves! I mean, look at the current President of the United States, beloved by the GOP base and fundamentalist Christians (evangelicals, right-wing Catholics, etc–all except Mormons, it seems). He’s been accused of alleged child rape, rape of at adult women, forcible touching, etc. He even admitted to sexual abuse of grown women!
Scott Lively would use anything to vilify gay men. He wrote a book called the Pink Swasika that said gay men were behind the genocide. Never mind they were sent there too. Then there’s the Kill the Gays bill in Uganda and he was sued a few years ago for Crimes against Humanity. The guy is evil incarnate and anyone who believes his BS was never on the fence to begin with.
Mr. Lively is allegedly a recovering alcoholic and drug addict who made his living during that time drifting from town to town engaging in male prostitution. In the late 1980s he supposedly met Jesus who made him a christian. he then started a campaign against gay rights in Oregon – using the old gay=pedophile line. He was forced to leave Oregon after reports surfaced that he was hanging out in gay cruising areas late at night and spending time and money on male prostitutes. There was never any actual proof of these activities, just accusations. He then went on to Sacramento where he continued his efforts to demonize gay people using the same pedophilia claim as well as writing a screed claiming that gays started the Nazi Party and ran it in Germany until the end of the war. He has since thin traveled in Russia calling for laws against homosexuality and praising Putin for his anti-gay efforts. His work in Africa is also well documented.
This man is mentally disturbed and dealing with the fact he is terrified he will end up institutionalized as his father was, as well as, the fact he is a severely repressed homosexual who is embarrassed he lived by selling his body when younger.
If there were a Christian god, he would be headed for hell whe he dies for the evil he has done.
Always the lawyer. Well put
Why in the world he came out in an apology to a victim I do not know. Distraction?
Either the worst press agent ever, he is a bigger idiot then i thought, or what else could he do?
Staying in the (near transparent) closet would give his defenders a very large cudgel against Rapp. Is the best spin I can guess at.
The Scott Lively and Westborough Baptist Church-type nutjobs of the world don’t scare me. It’s the millions of homophobes, misogynists and white nationalists who would never shave their heads or give a “seig heil.” They’re unaware of the bigotry they display daily when they overlook and underpay women for jobs, lock their car doors when a black guy walks by or grab their kid’s hand and pull them close when a gay man approaches. They concoct two equally noble sides of the Civil War, lament our emergency rooms being overrun by “illegal aliens” needing free care, and generalize the pedophilia of one gay man while never generalizing on the dramatically higher percentage of straight men engaging in the same behaviour.
Except straight men don’t have an organization celebrating sexual relationships between adults and children, and gay men do.
That’s the difference. That’s what’s so damaging to us and allows for people to assume we all have the hots for the kiddies.
It is not gay men who run the Nambla site.
Attraction towards children isn’t a gay thing anymore then attraction to men isn’t a pedophile thing. We share a penis. That’s as close as it gets.
Stache –
Dude, the word “boy” is right there in their title. Claiming that nambla is an organization of straight men is pure obtuseness, and pretending their existence has no impact on us is dangerous.
I have always maintained that we, the gay community, reserve and recognize the right to have just as many assholes and dicks proportionately to our population as the general population does. So, although Mr. Spacey’s activities are disgusting and disappointing to me, he’s just part of that population that we recognize.
Well said.
Bob LaBlah
Back in the 1990’s ol’ Newt Gingrich and company decided to impeach Bill Clinton. It backfired and I do mean big time. Not only was it revealed that Gingrich handed his wife divorced papers as she laid in a hospital bad to marry that trailer park trash Calista Flockhart but ol’ Bob Livingston lost his job as Majority Whip due to an extra marital affair. When the GOP starts slinging shit all of the shit for some reason or other piles up on them instead of the intended victim. I bet when its all over Trump is going to reveal ALL on the GOP members. I wish I could say I am enjoying it but I can’t because there simply is no leader available to take over the country at this time.
Given how many in the current administration and Congress appear linked to Russia (i.e., possible treason), financial scandals, or other forms of corruption and subversion of democracy, we might be down to President Mattis. He also seems like one of the saner ones this administration, and a latter-day Eisenhower.
“So it begins?” It never ended. This has been ongoing — only the actors change, that’s all.
NAMBLA? Not them again!
(North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes)
I think they are still around.
Well, I hope the look-alikes are of Marlon Brando in his 20s, and not the Marlon Brando of The Island of Dr. Moreau. :-p
They’re coming right at us!
This was 30 yrs ago ? Why say anything .?
But he did..the first half of what he said was enough..but no…he had to add the second part killing his career and his fan’s and making most of us gay men look bad..he couldn’t leave it alone ..now boys are coming out of the woodwork..yeah ..me too…pity he is a great actor..
Having to behave as a model homo for fear of being held up as an example is simply too heavy a burden for anyone to shoulder, whether in or out of the closet. Spacey is no saint; but it’s not as if he killed anyone. I, for one, refuse to apologize for or to be forced to explain his — or anyone else’s — behavior. What he did is wrong, very wrong; but nothing more.
Stop! Stop this right now! Let me get this straight Kevin Spacey (now openly gay) does something with a 14 year old that had years to disclose this?! But Kevin Spacey is evil and pedophile? Oh and I agree that him coming out right after the kid goes public was a crappy thing to do. HOWEVER the conservatives never called Anthony Weiner on taking selfies of him sporting a huge chub in his undies with his baby son next to him in the photo?! That’s not PERVY?!!! To me what Anthony Weiner did is 100 times worse than Kevin Spacey. However this is more of a gay/straight level of who was the worse bad boy and we know that conservatives will always “blame the gays”.
You need to keep up. There have been a litany of accusations against Spacey that have followed the first. More accusations of him having sex with or trying to have sex with other 13/14 years olds and minors in general, trying to proposition men even after they initially refuse, exposing himself to unsuspecting people and groping/pushing up on unsuspecting people, threatening people that have threatened to expose him.
And yes, many Conservatives tried to use Anthony Weiner as a beacon of Liberal hypocrisy just as many Liberals have used the scandals Conservatives have gotten themselves into to “prove their point”.
Anthony Wiener got a prison sentence for what he did, so I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
You think conservatives ignored Wiener’s perversions?
You’ve been watching too much MSNBC, Max.
Only Spacey is responsible for his despicable behavior. Anyone that thinks gays want to rape children because of the Kevin Spacey scandal, already believed that way and will continue to believe that. Thankfully those people are dying out.
One thing is for sure… This need to protect people in the closet needs to stop if they are harming people. Spacey successfully used the closet to keep victimizing people for too many years.
I’m glad he lost his agent, publicist, show, fans, and the safety of the closet.
Our relationship with the closet is a very odd thing. It’s especially odd when it’s someone as old and as “obvious” as Spacey. I mean, it’s not as if he was married to a woman or had any kids. At a certain point, what he was protecting himself from became very clear. Yes, he used a very thin and transparent closet to continue to victimize people. For some being closeted, to whatever capacity, is indeed about trying to evade homophobia and not wanting your life or your career to be whittled down to orientation and who you have sex with. However, for many others it really is just about internalized homophobia as well as shielding your megalomaniac and “subversive” and sometimes predatory behavior.
What is appalling is that Queerty thinks that the thoughts of the lowlife Scott Lively matter & are worth reporting. Moreover, this website gave him the legitimacy and publicity he desperately seeks.
These opinions are toxic and not true.. However, thanks to Kevin Spacey’s crimes against children, and now his pathetic cowardly media deflections, the LGBT community has to deal with the backlash. He is the worst and I’m sickened oprah is giving him the microphone in an “exclusive” unreleased interview. Interview survivors if anyone. Don’t interview the perpetrators.
Was just thinking that and the fools that are defending the selfish POS. He just threw the LGBT community under the bus because he’s a coward. He’s got 100 million. Trust me. He’ll be alright.
Quick fact check — Sam Adams was the mayor of Portland, not Seattle. Seattle’s mayor, Ed Murray, also had a sex scandal though.
Putting on my psychologist’s hat (because that’s what I do here): if what Spacey’s brother said is true then there’s a pretty good chance Spacey developed both extreme megalomaniac instincts as well as internalized homophobia. The combination of those two things often leads to a gay or gay-leaning man having extreme discomfort with acknowledging his orientation and/or being satisfied with it. The desire to develop genuine, sustained romantic bonds with men (particularly with gay-identifying men) often doesn’t come or it comes later in life. And the desire to always feel powerful and wanted and subversive becomes paramount motivating factors, which often leads to “acting out” (basic narcissistic behaviors) and sometimes even assault and some pedo/hebephilia/ephebophilia behavior even when those things don’t represent their majority orientation.
Spacey seems like a classic case of that type of dude.
Whatever he says, MoBro Brody is right. Seriously girls, I can’t keep up with all of this banter, I’m gonna take a pill now. Hope everybody works this out. MAGA.
Editors please note: Graham Gremore must have a thick lager on his mind—Ed Murray is the recent Seattle mayor who resigned while facing a litany of accusations he had improper contact with underage boys dating back over 30 years, NOT Sam Adams.
The overwhelming majority of the sexual assault crimes were committed by white, Jewish heterosexuals.