Morning Goods

Morning Goods: Sebastian Rulli

sebastian_rulli_0 Hairy or smooth, that is the question, isn’t it? Sebastian Rulli answers with a resounding “Yes!” guaranteeing that for once, everyone is satisfied. (via)

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  • AlanInSLC

    Not bad, though he makes me want to go watch Gays of Our Lives. 🙂

  • dk


    So true!! #3=Glamour shot…

  • ML

    Looks kinda cheesy like a chippendales dancer

  • Bob R

    I really prefer the unwaxed model.

  • Javier

    I know Sebastian when he was a kid, he was an actor in a kid´s serie in Argentina. He is Argentina´s man. I love him. he is so handsome

  • ascarius

    unwaxed for me please!

  • michael

    Neither, Argentina can have him.

  • rogue dandelion

    4 is my favorite, though I do like the unwaxed look

    @michael: @ML: you bitches are crazy.

  • anon

    this guy is handsome – I don’t know WTF you other guys are talking about – looks cheesy? No way!

    I will say though he would look superfine with his natural black hair. (on his skull I mean).

  • GranDiva

    That is a very telenovela coif, though, no?

  • Paul

    Six is my favorite, but I’m an armpit pig 😛

  • Z reveals

    His body is great but his highlights are gross!!!!

  • daniel

    hahha im from MExico and he is an actor here… hes hot! 😀

  • Suburban

    I think he’s hot either way. Is it just me or does the main pic look very 70’s?

  • b808

    Hairy. Without hesitation, or fear of contradiction. Adult men should look like *adult men.* (I like my fruit ripe.)

  • Bitches, Please

    Here is my take on old farts who are only into hairless twinks. What passes for “twinks” are guys(?)trying to look like boys–hairless, skinny, with hardly any attributes of manhood. One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what their old admirers are really into, while keeping it legal. It is sick!

  • James

    Do I like him smooth or hairy? YES!

  • brian

    you can never go wrong with hair

  • MadProfessah

    Speaking of hair..isn’t his coiffure a bit extreme?

  • AJ

    @Bitches, Please: That’s a pretty wretched thing to imply.

    All you men into Yetis kill me. I don’t care one way or the other about body hair, but the hair fascists are just too much. And the constant implications of hair = “real man” are baffling.

    I’m masculine, 6’4″ 220lbs and I don’t have a hair anywhere on my chest. I don’t shave it. Hair naturally doesn’t grow there on me. Am I less of a man because of this?

  • Winter

    pics 6 and 7 are nice. All the others are just…meh.

  • James M

    I think he looks hot either way but I prefer hairy guys.

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