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Ts Madison blasts Caitlyn Jenner, a.k.a. Trans Judas, & her “m-er f-ing athlete’s a** feet”
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Oh dear. This can’t be good for Caitlyn’s brand.
3 hours? Pass
Could have been a wee bit more articulate and less aggressive but the sentiment is so caring. Love TS. Doesn’t want to invalidate her transness. Boss bitch. Shame this will just fly over Caitlyn’s tiny little pea brain containing head.
Nah, Caitlyn hasn’t done anything to deserve respect.
Yes I agree “Love TS” but when you say “could have been a wee bit more articulate and less aggressive” it kinda sounds like you’re saying she needs to sound more white kinda. I mean that’s how she speaks and it seems that people are responding positively. I’m sure that you didn’t mean and aren’t racist but it’s kinda sounds the same as when people say they don’t mind if gay people exist as long as “they don’t throw it in their face” ie no PDA, no Drag Queens ect ect in other words act like them so they will accept us. Im sorry I hope you don’t feel attacked because that isn’t my intent.
I love how Caitlyn Jenner still thinks she’s interesting.
Obviously, Queerty does.
There’s at least one Caitlyn post a week – and sometimes more.
You think Queerty SHOULDN’T report on her?
It’s not “reporting.”
She’s trotted out as a punching bag so people who get off throwing insults at someone who achieved more under her “dead name” than they ever did will view the ads that pay Queerty’s investors and its employees.
It’s a business.
She’s making herself a punching bag. No one is forcing her to say these things.
Hard to tell who’s worse here. Maybe if it weren’t so low class all around.
But I must say that above the neck, Caitlyn looks really good in that photo. But not as good as Bruce on a Wheaties box.
No, it’s easy to tell who’s worse. The trans woman who is betraying all other trans people.
Man About Town
I suppose if foul language were to disappear, this woman would be mute!
Clutch those pearls, honey!
Yeah, that’s the important thing here. /s
At least she has the common sense to keep trans women off women’s sports teams and out of their locker rooms. Perfect. It’s become quite apparent how misogynistic and arrogant most trans women in male bodies really are. It’s over the top.
If you’re talking about Caitlyn it’s only to benefit her. She plays women’s golf and on WOMEN’S TOURNAMENTS. But I guess that’s okay with you since you have a hardon for trans.
Does Caitlyn stay out of women’s “locker rooms”? Does she not participate in women’s tournaments? I mean, she is an Olympic decathlete gold medalist–and not as a woman!
Caitlyn is like so many right-wing queer people; she has benefited from every political and social advance fought and won by people on the left, yet cares about no one but herself. She’s repellent!
The sad, tiny world of Diplomat.
I believe Caitlan has had “bottom surgery.”
No one should have a problem with an actual transsexual in a locker room, in a woman’s prison or shelter.
Lesbian-identifying “women with penises” are where actual women have a justified grievance. We in the U.S. don’t keep statistics, but even trans-supporting Canada reports that 45% of the trans women in prison are there for sex crimes. Google ” Gender Diverse Offenders with a History of Sexual Offending” for even more revealing statistics.
A lot o people have issues with actual transgender women who have had bottom surgery. There are people who have issues with their basic existence. That doesn’t mean we need to bend to their hysteria.
Someone should Google inbama.
Ts Madison puts it starkly, but she’s right about Caitlyn’s uselessness and parasitical behavior. All she cares about is herself and the privileges she possesses as a rich transwoman.
Who is this Dolly Madison person and why do I care what she thinks about Caitlyn. Or is this a paid promotion to her site. Or maybe just more clickbait? It’s becoming kind of pavlovian, reference Caitlyn or JK Rowling in the headline and it drives traffic to the site. Ka ching! Having said that I value Dolly’s laser like insights into the Caitlyn psyche.
Dolly Madison? Can’t you read?
Caitlyn Jenner is proving she wants to have it both ways. Freaking hypocrite. Go borrow a bra from Kim.