Bash Back!, a radical gay-rights group (“radical” meaning that they’ve crashed the RNC and the HRC dinner and distributed barf bags with “Corportate Pride Makes Me Sick” at gay pride events) has completely freaked out the Catholic League after they interrupted a church service in Mount Hope, MI.  The Mount Hope, an Assembly of God place of worship found their morning service interrupted after members of the group pulled a fire alarm, handed out pamphlets and yelled at parishioners. The Lansing City Pulse reports:

“The “action” began early Sunday morning at the Northstar Center on Lathrop Street in Lansing where a group of around 20 protesters gathered. Pink bandanas, signs, a rainbow-colored “Bash Back!” flag and a pink, wooden cross were distributed among about half the group – the “outside team.” The rest – “inside team” – were dressed in conservative clothes and carried Bibles and stacks of fliers, intending to blend in to the church‘s 11:30 a.m. “contemporary-laid back service.”

City Pulse was alerted to the Bash Back event through a press release and had no prior knowledge of where the “action” would take place or what it would entail.

“We’re having an action today,” one of the organizers told this reporter at the Northstar Center. “You’re in for a treat.”

Bash Back began picketing outside the church doors soon after the 11:30 service began. The group also handed out fliers, which were much calmer in tone and targeted more at the curious than the angry.”

No arrests were made, but that hasn’t stopped Catholic League president Bill Donohue from issuing a press release about the incident under the headline “Gay Fascists Storm Church”:

“The real story here is the refusal of the mainstream media to cover what is surely one of the most disturbing events of 2008. If an organized group of gay bashers stormed a gay church, there is not a single sentient person in the United States who wouldn’t know about it…This is urban fascism come to America’s heartland. It must be quickly stopped before it gets out of control. We are contacting Mike Cox, the Attorney General of Michigan, calling for an investigation.”

There’s an entertaining/hilarious/crazy account of the event on Wikipedia’s Bash Back! page in a section called “2008 Cowardly attack on Christian Church” that we can only assume was written by one of the terrified church people:

“Bash Back! being the hate filled cowards that they are viciously attacked a innocent christian church in Lansing Michigan. True to there sex perversion ways, these sub-humans terrorists used condoms & gross sexual desplays [sic] to abuse the chuildren [sic] in the church – because as we all know, the loony liberal left doesn’t care about children or anyone but themselves.

Prayer had just finished when men and women stood up in pockets across the congregation, on the main floor and in the balcony. “Jesus was gay,” they shouted among other profanities and blasphemies as they rushed the stage. Some forced their way through rows of women and kids to try to hang a profane banner from the balcony while others began tossing fliers into the air. Two women made their way to the pulpit and began to kiss.”

And I thought I’d have trouble finding things to write about.

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