Having starred in 1975’s original The Rocky Horror Picture Show, you might say Susan Sarandon is qualified to speak about the production — and its gender-bending roles. But not being a gay lady, does she get to throw mud at criticism of Glee‘s use of the word “tranny”? She sure thinks so, which has her attacking GLAAD response as a militant overreaction.

The episode, which bizarrely pulled the word “transvestite” from the script but had no problem with the word “tranny” (and equally bizarrely stripped the show of its cross-dressing-ness), drew the expected table pounding from GLAAD for using “the defamatory word ‘tra**y.'”

Nonsense, says Sarandon. “What should they have said?” she tells the NYDN. GLAAD is “getting like PETA — way out of control.”

Ooh, snap! There’s nothing worse than being compared to PETA: reactionary and over-saturated to the point of useless.

Responds GLAAD’s flack Richard Ferraro: “The word ‘tra—y’ has become an easy punch line in popular culture and many still don’t realize that using the term is hurtful, dehumanizing and associated with violence.”

Suffice to say, Ms. Sarandon won’t be accepting a GLAAD Award anytime soon?

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