Rep. Matt Gaetz is launching a brand new podcast that he says will expose all the people who have attempted to smear his good name during his ongoing teen sex trafficking scandal, and no one is more excited about it than his fiancée, Ginger Luckey.
Yesterday, the 26-year-old retweeted the teaser trailer for the podcast, along with the caption: “Your passion for this country is astonishing.” Then she tacked on an American flag flanked by two white hearts. Cute, huh?
Your passion for this country is astonishing ????
— Ginger Gaetz (@GingerLGaetz) August 3, 2021
Now, we’re not sure what sort of response Ginger was expecting to get from the tweet, but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t this…
Oh honey bless your heart
— margaritahfamily (@margarethiers1) August 3, 2021
Your ability to overlook pedophilia is astonishing.
— Sue (@SueBanski) August 3, 2021
gurl….get some self-respect
— Jeff Keith (@KeithsJeff) August 4, 2021
His passion is the problem and it isn’t for America.
— MinnesotaCitizen (@MinnesotaCitiz1) August 3, 2021
It’s shocking how little you value your own soul, your own place in history. There’s no way this brief proximity to power is worth the stink that will stay with you. How disappointing.
— The TP Under TFG’s Shoe (@tpstucktotrump) August 3, 2021
Matty’s passion:
— Natika (@NatikaMonroe) August 3, 2021
Is “country” code for underage girls?
— Teresa Freeman (@DemoLady7) August 4, 2021
He is a man of many passions. And some of them have been around for 16, 17 years.
— NickatNite (@NickBurnsItAll) August 4, 2021
There’s still time to back out of what I think will be a very long-just-to-get-past-scandals engagement hon.
— Real Antifa Forensic Accountant (@Don_accountant) August 4, 2021
I’m getting a Tammy Wynette vibe here. Are you sure you wanna do this?
— Liberal Baby Boomer (@pinkbirdgirl) August 4, 2021
I wonder if Ginger has an end game here. Or just blindly hanging on for, um, love?
— geoff (@geoff36486475) August 4, 2021
— Ron DuhSantis (@GovRonDuhSantis) August 3, 2021
This is just sad Ginger.
— Julian (@JulianRivers33) August 3, 2021
I hear your sister isn’t a fan
— Scott Woolf (@ScottWoolf) August 3, 2021
Last week, Luckey’s younger sister, Roxanne, posted a series of videos to TikTok accusing her future brother-in-law of being “weird,” “creepy,” and a “master manipulator.” She also shared a story about a time when he allegedly tried setting her up with a friend of his.
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
According to Roxanne, the “creepy” guy, who was significantly older, divorced, and had a kid, wouldn’t quit hitting on her, even after she told him she had a boyfriend. When she later confronted Gaetz about it, he went ballistic on her.
“He just immediately got so defensive and started yelling at me and my mom,” she recalled. “A grown man and yelling at a 20-year-old girl is just beyond me.”
Ginger responded to her sister’s accusations by calling her a “mentally unwell” individual with a history of “destructive behavior” and insisting that she and Matt are “enjoying our engagement and are deeply in love.”
Graham Gremore is the Features Editor and a Staff Writer at Queerty. Follow him on Twitter @grahamgremore.
Gaetz is astonishing, as an alleged pedophile, druggie and corrupt politician, but that’s not a good thing, it’s a horrible thing, like him!
Surprise, surprise…
No article on Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Yes, Cam, pipe in this article isn’t about him. Yes, point out out the deflection. I get it.
But also point out where the article about Democratic sexual abuse claims from predator Governor Andrew Cuomo. That’s right they don’t exist.
Queerty’s political agenda is more important t than the integrity of reporting on all news stories.
Can we please get more creeper Mathew Gaetz’s stories please? 5 a week isn’t enough.
Coward journalist would give Governor Cuomo a pass. Or act as a shill to his predatory ways.
How about a deal here Troll. When you actually make a statement about Gaetz, Jim Jordon, and all of the other Republican sexual predators that have been out there for ages, then you can pull the “Whataboutism” card out.
But we get it ,you’re all for rapists and child predators, because that’s what Republicans do.
Apparently you missed the part where I call Gaetz out for being a creeper.
I’ll call all sexual predators out. I’ve got no skin in the game for Democrats or Republicans.
How about you grow a pair and call out Queerty for their coward journalism?
You think it’s appropriate to not have one article about Predator Cuomo?
So 11 women are lying? Before It was, ‘BelieveAllWomen’.
Keep calling out republicans. I’m all for It. But also call out democrats.
You’re just as much a coward, as Queerty journalists.
You allow your political agenda to dictate your comments vs your moral standards. You’re trash.
Gays4Sphincter…DO tell…..what flavor is Trump’s crusty sphincter today? He’s a pedophile too. Let’s talk about that, shall we?
You’re human garbage.
No, what you do when called out is say something very mild about a Republican, then desperately try to deflect the topic.
But it’s cute that you keep thinking that works.
You’re here to defend Republican bigots and sexual predators. Your agenda is clear, and your troll game is weak.
@GaysforDontheCon, Andrew Cuomo is repellent and probably will either have to resign or be impeached, but Queerty may not be covering him because he isn’t anti-LGBTQ and he is not, as far as I’ve read or heard, an alleged pedophile, both of which various new reports have attributed to Matt Gaetz. Are you defending drugged out, anti-LGBTQ pedophiles closely linked to someone who admitted to sex trafficking? Seriously?
Then again, given that Don the Con himself has been accused of multiple acts of rape, violent assault on women, far more than Andrew Cuomo or Matt Gaetz combined, including allegedly raping a child, and even admitted on tape to assaulting women so (“I grab ’em by the p*ssy”) I guess it just doesn’t matter to you. Have you criticized Don the Con? You do realize E. Jean Carroll and others have pending lawsuits against him for his violent assaults against them, right?
Spot on Kangol2. There are way too many creeps in politics. They should be setting an example. Worst may be the anti LGBTQ ones with skeletons in their own closet.
Liquid Silver
Well, it’s astonishing he hasn’t been arrested for #&!^ing kids, I’ll give you that.
As this is an ongoing investigation, I’ll take witness intimidation and obstruction of Justice for $200 LeVar!
Well with no chin and a massive overbite like that, her options are limited. Cut her some slack.
plus, matt’s dad is supposedly pretty wealthy, so there’s that.
Robert Bradley
Just sad…. I’ll leave it there for her
Probably would have been better had he just stuck with Nestor scandal, huh…?
There must be tension between her and her sister. I was happy to see her sister calling him out for the creep he is.
She’s giving a good return for the money she was paid.
Gerard David Jr
She is brainless and clueless. Pretty soon he’ll be called the p**** grabber as well like his protege Trump. Why should Governor Cuomo, resign when Trump had just as many women accusing him a p**** grabber, and he never had to resign so why should Governor Cuomo? I’m not saying that they should get away with it I just believe this should be more facts we saw the facts for Donald Trump when he did the payoff to Stormy and the lying about it live on his campaign plane during the campaign. But now his lawyer didn’t take a bullet for him like he said he would claims it was true and Donald Trump wrote the check and all the p**** grabbing that he mentioned on extra extra on the bus that we all heard how he gets away with it even when he was the owner of the Miss America pageant. So when Trump goes to jail or forced to lose his presidential retirement benefits and his service taken away then they should go ask Governor Cuomo. Until then it’s open season.
Women have accused Don the Con not only of sexual harassment but rape and assault, and all of his cult followers were silent. Why? Don’t women’s voices matter to them? E. Jean Carroll still has the dress she said is covered with Don the Con’s spunk, but he has fought tooth and nail to prevent a DNA test. He even enlisted the US Attorney General, Bill Barr, to defend him! If he were innocent why not let the DNA test go through?
Listen sweet cheeks, you should get a 10 carat d flawless diamond. Melanoma got one and she didn’t even have big tatas at the time
I’m sure she’s feels the same way now as Anna Duggar felt when she heard the stories about her husband.
Liquid Silver
“Now I know why he spends so much time at the preschool”?
When she gets her head out of her a$$ and dumps him (or he goes to jail) she will get a pass bc she’s a cis female and white. In a perfect world she would get no pass for being a complete and utter m0ron
I’m curious to know what her weekly salary is to continue being his fiance during all his scandals?
In all seriousness, after his Latin twinkie “son” Nestor was revealed, I had assumed that Ginger Luckey was the stage name of a redheaded drag queen…
She is a dog and obviously not very bright. This is the first time I have been to his website via Queerty. The people on his site are just crazy and delusional. It is so sad that some of these constituents cannot accept that there is a real virus that is killing people. I guess it’ll take their deaths or a severe illness before they wake up. The people in the GOP, who have pushed the idea that Covid is a hoax, should be put in prison. These people should be held on some sort of criminal charges for lying to their constituents and endangering their lives.
You’re the crazy and delusional one.
It’s the Democrats voting base that’s not getting the vaccine: African Americans and Hispanics have the lowest percentage rate of being vaccinated. But yes, they must believe the GOP’s claim it’s a hoax…you’re delusional.
Gays4Sphincter , Trump’s personal sphincter licker weighs in. Sad.
1. The troll is desperate to deflect from the sex trafficker Republican Gaetz.
2. The top 20 states in Vaccination rates ALL voted for Biden. The lowest states all voted for Trump.
3. Notice how whenever the right wing troll is pressed it will first attack Black people, then any other group it thinks will be relevant. Your support of Republican bigots and your rac-ism make me confused, I can’t decide if you’re a Russian troll, they hate LGBTQ people and are rac-ist, or if you’re just a typical Republican.
@GaysForTrump is a delusional title. I think others response to my delusional thinking and yours have said anything I needed to add.
Man About Town
I can’t believe that’s actually her name…sounds like a character who sings “You Gotta Get a Gimmick” in “Gypsy”!
Heywood Jablowme
Good one
Heywood Jablowme
“Astonishing” – like Seinfeld where the ugly baby was “breathtaking.”
What’s astonishing is that a man who has broken the law as many times as Matt Gaetz gets to keep his job.