Despite all of the controversy, nearly every player in the NHL donned rainbow warmup jerseys last season during their teams’ respective Pride nights.
But seven did not; and thus, the league is banning the practice altogether.
How shameful!
Last summer, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman said players would no longer be permitted to wear speciality sweaters during warmups, citing the apparent “distraction” they create. While Bettman’s edict extends to all theme nights, it’s obvious he’s targeting Pride events.
With the 2023-24 season beginning Tuesday, the league released a memo recently clarifying its stance on special initiatives. And it’s a mess!
More than eight teams, the source said, raised concerns about part of the memo that stated, “Players shall not be put in the position of having to demonstrate (or where they may be appearing to demonstrate) personal support for any Special Initiatives. A factor that may be considered in this regard includes, for example, whether a Player (or Players) is required to be in close proximity to any groups or individuals visibly or otherwise clearly associated with such Special Initiative(s).”
The intended purpose of the initial memo, according to the league source, was to inform teams that they cannot wear any specialty sweaters during a game, in warmups or at an official practice. The source said the only off-ice restriction facing teams is that they can’t force players to participate in events regarding the specialty causes, because some players might fear retribution or embarrassment if they decide to not take part.
In addition, the league is also banning players from using Pride tape on their sticks, Outsports reports.
There are multiple glaring issues to pick apart with the memo. For starters, the line about players not being required to be in “close proximity to any groups or individuals visibly or otherwise clearly associated with such Special Initiative” seems like grounds for discrimination and exclusion.
Could a player on Pride Night express discomfort being around LGBTQ+ people, and refuse to share the ice with any honorees or special guests?
The ruling indicates “yes.”
Also, mentioning the “retribution” or “embarrassment” players may receive for not taking part in special causes seems like capitulation to the bigoted few. But that’s not surprising, given how Bettman has spoken about this situation in the past.
Earlier this year, he defended the players who didn’t wear Pride jerseys, saying the onus falls on LGBTQ+ people to accept different viewpoints.
“You know what our goals, our values and our intentions are across the league, whether it’s at the league level or at the club level,” Bettman said, via The Athletic. “But we also have to respect individual choice. And part of being diverse and welcoming is understanding those differences.”
Back in March, at least three different NHL teams blamed their string on Pride Night debacles on Russia’s anti-LGBTQ+ laws, saying Russian born players felt like their safety could be threatened if they were spotted wearing rainbow garb.
But even the league shot that down.
When asked about the issue, NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly said the league isn’t aware of any Russian players being in danger for supporting Pride.
One of the NHL’s biggest stars, Edmonton Oilers forward Connor McDavid, spoke out against the league’s new policy of appeasement.
“I certainly can’t speak for every organization,“ said McDavid. “I know in Edmonton, we were one of the first teams to use the Pride tape. We strongly feel hockey is for everybody, and that includes the Pride nights,” he said.
The Oilers have participated in a special Pride cup in each of the last two summers, coinciding with Edmonton’s Pride celebrations.
And therein lies the true shame about the league’s stance against rainbow jerseys: NHL clubs on the whole are supportive of LGBTQ+ inclusion. Every team held some sort of Pride event last night.
And as mentioned, almost every player participated to the fullest.
But now, the NHL is pulling back. The league didn’t post a single LGBTQ+-supportive tweet during Pride Month this year.
Those slights don’t mean the NHL doesn’t want to pocket our rainbow dollars, however! The aforementioned memo says specialty jerseys may be sold as merchandise…they just can’t be on the ice.
In other words, the NHL is still happy to take LGBTQ+ fans’ money. But won’t stand up for them in the face of a few homophobes.
Lovely. Let the games begin!
Hockey prospect Luke Prokop is on the cusp of playing in the NHL & making history
The Nashville Predators recently assigned Prokop to their AHL team, putting him on the doorstep of the NHL.
Baron Wiseman
As a gay person, why can’t I go to any event without the constant invasion of LGBTQ+ propaganda?
No other group does this narcissistic pandering to their audience. I know what I am and don’t need nor appreciate the constant cheering and praise of LGBTQI+ sexual rights and orientations.
What a weird comment!!?
“Invasion” of propaganda? What does that even mean? God forbid the league pay attention to you as a gay person for two seconds or acknowledge that they may have a fan that isn’t a WASP??
“No other group does this narcissistic pandering to their audience”–what does that even mean? You mean the NHL is “pandering” to their “gay audience??” By having ONE theme night a season in which there may be a few rainbows? It’s hardly pandering and most would see it as now actual animus against LGBTQ since they think rainbows destroy or something. There are theme nights and any kind of group you can imagine that get recognized, why should LGBTs not get the same?
Why don’t you just NOT go to the Pride Nights so you can be happy as a non-identified gay person since it’s so terrible for you to be recognized…
LGBTQ*I+ has nothing to do with “sexual rights and orientations.”
That was back in the days of gay and lesbian liberation when we still could name the two sexes without committing a hate crime.
Veterans Day/events. The whole kneeling I. Football
I cannot believe someone is making this kind of comment in 2023. This may come as a surprise to you, Baron Wiseman, but the world of Pride, and the world, in general, does not revolve around your preferences or internalized homophobia. Showing strength and support through Pride initiatives does not qualify as ‘propaganda.’ Your own personal issues are yours to deal with but, the fact that you side with Queer-phobes and parrot their same illogical justification(s) for acts of discrimination and bigotry is beyond annoying.
Baron Wiseman
@DrJones “God forbid the league pay attention to you as a gay person for two seconds or acknowledge that they may have a fan that isn’t a WASP??”
Isn’t a WASP? What does that have to do with anything? I am a WASP….that happens to be gay.
Baron Wiseman
I agree with you.
Baron Wiseman
World of Pride? What is a “world of Pride” and what is it doing at my hockey game?
My stance has nothing to do with “internalized homophobia,” “discrimination” or “bigotry.” I’m sorry that you don’t understand that.
There are a lot more LGBT than you realize who feel the same as I do.
“No other group does this narcissistic pandering to their audience.” Are you kidding? Your comments suggest you’re the sort of apathetic, disengaged gay person who takes for granted all the rights and equality you’ve gained thanks to the activism and protesting of other LGBTQ+ people. When other groups hold “Christian nights,” or “Veterans’ nights,” etc., I guess you bury your head in the sand.
BTW, the Boston Bruins, to name just one team, have special nights for teachers, veterans and military people, African Americans, women in sports, heart health, people with cancer and cancer survivors, first responders, and St. Patrick’s Day! I mean, does your brain even work?
monty clift
@Baron Wiseman, Nice bit of seal-clapping for the bigots you’re doing there. Pathetic.
“As a gay person, why can’t I go to any event without the constant invasion of LGBTQ+ propaganda?”
This is Baron Wiseman’s real fear: The event’s big screen will do some gay-positive message and Baron Wiseman will be so embarrassed and self-conscious that his face will turn bright red and everyone will notice and know he’s gay!!!
Baron Wiseman
I’ve been out and happily gay since 1983; so you are not “on the mark.”
Hey baron, as a gay person, most of the places I go there is no invastion of LGBTQ+ propaganda so I think you’re a liar.
Baron Wiseman
I never said such a thing. Who is the liar?
You did say that. You’re the liar. I went to several Dodgers games and there was no invastion of LGBTQ+ propaganda. You’re a liar Baron. You lie.
What an ironic name! It’s like my 7 foot friend who’s nicknamed “shorty”.
You’re not a gay man, you’re a troll.
“invasion of gay propaganda” is just smack of right wing ideology and talking points.
monty clift
There are several trolls here pretending to be gay men: Baron, Dbmcvey, Abfab, etc., often quarrelling over who is the fakest of them all. Lol. They’re totally unhinged.
Baron, have you ever considered the fact that you “suffering” thru this propaganda during a game, might just help the kid sitting beside you realize that they are not abnormal? Just maybe exposing someone struggling with their sexuality with this “propaganda” will help them find their true self and grow up mentally healthy, unlike you have. Even this conservative Repub can appreciate the benefits of special recognition nights. As for the NHL, I vote to boycott everything hockey until they decide to be fair to all. It’s not even an anti- LGBTQ thing to me. It’s simply the fact that the NHL chose one single group to exclude. This sounds like something we used to do in the South before black people were actually people. (That’s sarcasm for those of you who don’t understand)
Baron doesn’t care about anyone else. He isn’t a gay person. He’s a conservative troll and the whole stage has been open for him.
monty, I’m a gay man. I support the LGBT community. You can’t say as much.
scummy sports, actully they are the weak ones frightened of a few gays wow
Those free speech champions again! They’re so into free speech they’re going to ban people from wearing these jerseys.
Baron Wiseman
No one said they can’t wear them on their free time. I’ve never had an employer that didn’t have a dress code.
Free Speech Reigns!!!
That’s it Baron, try to backtrack now that we all know what a liar you are.
Are you even really a gay person?
So, Baron Wiseman, what if an employer requires their employees to wear Pride symbols once a year. Dress code, condition of employment, call it what you will. Is that a no-no?
Don’t know where free speech fits in. No one has free speech at work.
I think you’re just trying to prove to your straight conservative friends that you’re just one of them. They will never see you that way. I think you already know this, but won’t admit it. Sad.
Wait a minute… they’re banning pride symbols and you call this banning “free speech”? Ok Squire Dumbkid.
Why would anyone be in the least surprised at this? The NHL is run by a bunch of hate-driven neofascist trash. Both management and players are rabidly anti-LGBTQ, at least they’ve stopped lying about it.
“nearly every player in the NHL donned rainbow warmup jerseys… But seven did not.”
So it’s not true that the “players are rabidly anti-LGBTQ” – maybe seven of them are, in the entire league.
Oh brother!
This has nothing to do with LGBs accept for the fact trans and NBs slipped into bed with us against our will, teaming with flees.
This has to do with trans/NB ideology shoved down America’s throats and that’s it. We’re just accessories to their anti women anti family anti sexual binary anti language cultural assaults. Now we pay the price with loss of gains. It’s a slippery slope to hell. A rainbow Death march to the morgue one might think.
Calm down, it’s just a fad. Although the “shoving it down our throats” phrase is so-o-o-o sexually charged, i’m surprised anyone still uses it!
Mister P
Someone’s WASP privilege is showing. Equal rights for the T in LGBT+ is just as important as everyone else’s rights.
??? – I don’t get why “WASP” keeps getting mentioned. NHL players tend to have Eastern European names & backgrounds (presumably Catholic or Orthodox), they generally aren’t “Anglo-Saxon Protestants.”
Hey look everyone it’s a neo racist here!
I am really tired of politics in sports. Just shut up and play.
‘Special Initiatives’
Se they can refuse people wanting to Pray? Or wanting to protect against discrimination?
Or people bringing their children?
What is a Special Initiative?
Gary Bettman should really rethink this. Not only is his position going to be an embarrassment to the NHL, professional sports in general, and television networks who’ve bought into supporting the NHL big time (see TNT), but it is also the wrong thing to do.
Athletes have a disproportionate influence in society and their positive messages of acceptance are invaluable to social progress.
With some very important NHL teams at home in Canada, a more advanced country when it comes to these matters – yes, I know, there are individual exceptions –, I wonder how this step backwards is going to play across borders.
The latest online T shirt …. so appropriate…
The far left created this controversy by going after the seven players. And now, they’re shocked and appalled at the outright ban their publicity stunt created. I’ll say it again: The far left ideology lacks self awareness.
Not the left at all, Decrans. I’m betting it was Bubba who got made because the concession’s guy had sold out of everything except Bud Light. Bubba ain’t gonna watch no hockey game without a beer in his hand but he sure as hell ain’t gonna wrap his fingers around a Bud Light. He was quoted on the news saying, “this is all them thar queers fault and if’n somebody don’t fix it like rite now, I’ma gonna shoot out the scoreboard.”
Baron Wiseman
….said the diversity-loving elitist.
the nhl can shove their stanley cup up their collective arses. i was a hockey fan since i was a wee lad but now they can disappear. nothing of value there anymore.