HIV-Positive Olympic Medalist Ji Wallace On Jason Collins, Sports Equality, And Loving An HIV-Negative Man

Basketball player Jason Collins and soccer star Robbie Rogers are perhaps the world’s most discussed openly gay athletes, but they stand on the shoulders of some seriously courageous forerunners, from baseball’s Billy Bean to basketball’s John Amaechi–both of whom came out shortly after retirement–to individual sport heroes such as Olympian diver Greg Louganis and, of course, tennis greats Billy Jean King and Martina Navratilova. Let’s face it, queer athletes warrant their own hall of fame as some of the best athletes the world has ever seen, and those are just the ones we know about. Lost in the hubbub but hardly forgotten is Olympic silver medalist, Ji Wallace, the Australian who came out publicly in 2005. Wallace also took home gold at the 1996 Trampoline World Championships and set a record for the double mini trampoline in 1998. It was as guest of honor at the London Pride House during the 2012 Summer Olympics, while watching a television interview with Louganis, that he was inspired to tell the world that he, too, was HIV-positive. Today, the athlete turned activist is outspoken about his HIV-positive status and dating an HIV-negative man, Shaun. He and Shaun just took a star turn as models for Jack Mackenroth‘s dating website, Volttage.com, devoted to HIV-positive gay men. David Duran caught Wallace after the shoot to talk about the radical development’s in the world of  athletic equality. Click through for photos and interview with Wallace
NBA player Jason Collins just came out, becoming the first male in U.S. professional team sports to be openly gay. How do you think that will affect sports in the U.S. or even across the globe? What a big step. I commend his bravery and I hope he can exhale. While Jason might be the first current player in the big four U.S. team sports to come out, many gay and lesbian sports people have been chipping away at the issue of ‘out’ in sports for many years. Great strides impact over time and in time we can hope to compete in a homophobia free sports world. Lets backtrack a bit to 2005. Can you tell us what motivated you to publicly come out as gay? At the time, I was friends with an editor of a gay paper in the city I lived in, and he asked if I was interested in doing something for his paper. I agreed as I thought I could help those who were struggling with their own sexuality.
In 2012, you disclosed that you are HIV positive. Why the big revelation? Part of the reason I wrote about my diagnosis was reading Anderson Cooper‘s coming out letter. In it he mentioned “the value of being seen and heard.” With the continued discrimination, bigotry and the extreme bullying that has all our hearts hurting, I looked inside myself for any value I could add to the HIV community. I wondered if my little voice could help someone, anyone get through their day knowing that I was living with HIV, and that if I could get through my day, maybe they could through theirs too. How has your sport community changed since your announcement? The twists and turns of my private life have never affected the relationship I have with my trampoline community. Many of them remain close friends today. What about the LGBT community? How has it treated you since you coming out as HIV positive? The greater LGBT community has been beyond supportive. People living with HIV have messaged me thanking me for bringing a good light to an issue that has taken so many lives, condemned others to a lifetime of heartache and been the bane of some people’s existence. While HIV is not something you want, if you do find yourself with a positive diagnosis, I am here to show you that you can ignite your lifetime dreams, live large and love wonderfully. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding HIV? Obviously the biggest myth is death. HIV is no longer the final chapter it once was. When the epidemic hit the west in the early ’80s, it was unknown and untreatable and into the ’90s it could still be a death sentence. Since antiretroviral medications become available, it is no longer a killer. Medication is key and HIV is now considered a treatable, manageable chronic illness. While medication is accessible in richer countries, in developing nations we still see an unacceptable mortality rate. The second misconception is the one I am living – that a relationship with someone who is HIV-positive is not possible. I am here to say YES, YES, YES it is. My boyfriend Shaun says if he had not understood HIV, he would have missed the greatest love of his life. You both have been open about your relationship, and his HIV status, which happens to be negative. What are your thoughts on being a serodiscordant couple? It’s possible, very, very, possible. Obviously I don’t look at Shaun as being negative. I look at him as being educated enough to understand you can have a healthy and extremely happy life loving someone who has a condition, but deserves to be loved just like everyone else. Educate yourself on the ins and outs of investing your time in someone who is living with HIV. Anyone, just like us, could find themselves in the grips of the love of their lifetime. You are now a role model for some and an HIV advocate for others. How are you embracing your new roles? I am so excited to be able to help and I am taking it all in stride. When I wrote to Piers Morgan, CNN and copied in the Sydney Star Observer, I did not expect the ground swell of support that poured in from around the world. It is truly amazing the messages of support I have received but the stories of heartbreak leave me in tears. Scared, bewildered and lonely HIV positive people tell me I am the first person they have been able to confide in. I have the best possible network of support and I am aware that many people do not, so sharing my story is in part for them. You have also just recently become a “poz” model for Jack Mackenroth’s HIV dating website, Volttage.com. Why did you decide to be a part of it? Model hardly, Shaun is the sexy fella, but I do put my hand up to raise awareness. Volttage.com is a dating site for people living with HIV. The idea is to feel comfortable online without having to deal with the stigma or discrimination directed our way on other sites. Jack has taken the lead on HIV awareness for many years and HIV education is something so very dear to his heart. Volttage is an extension of that. Since my diagnosis, HIV awareness and education has been a large driver in my visibility. With the right education, HIV is not something to be afraid of.

Any final words?

Soon I will be embarking on a journey to find the next tramp champ, and since I have a bit of a running bug, after running the LA marathon for AIDS Project Los Angeles in March, I am going to participate in the famed City to Surf here in Sydney.

Oh, and… Shaun and I are going to get married this New Years Eve on the Sydney Harbour. BOOM!

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  • Tackle

    He seems to have a great attitude. Love his uplifting message.

  • Charles175

    It is far more safer to have a relationship with someone that is honest about their HIV status than one that is not. For there are many that are still hiding their status either from their own self’s or hiding it from others they have sex with. Unlike the one that is honest and up front about his status, these don’t take care of themselves and usually are unconcerned about another. Known consistent undetectable viral loads are also a much, much lower risk.

  • yaoming

    Are they twins?

  • Polaro

    It was a missed opportunity to explain safe sex and risk trade offs in this era of bare backing. Otherwise good story.

  • gjg64

    Trampoline is an Olympic Sport?

  • the other Greg

    @yaoming: Yeah, it’s always a little startling (I mean creepy) when a guy falls in lo-oooove with an identical twin type. It was one thing when I clicked on page 3. Out of curiosity I clicked on Volttage. com and… sorry… I cracked up laughing!

    As SNL had it once: “Me-Harmony!”

    Probably not the “sexy” response the site was going for?

  • Mykey

    tell me pic 3 is a double image of himself…

  • AndrewIB

    Picture no.3 is a little strange..a bit creepy.

  • justinbrent

    Don’t forget Dave Kopay the first NFL football player to come out publicly. He was also one of our pioneers.
    I wonder why he and Billy Bean are often left off this list of professional athletes who have publicly come out.
    They both have written books about their professional athletic careers. I’m glad to see you’ve included Billy on
    this list.

  • viveutvivas

    “Me-harmony”, that’s a good one…

  • Mark

    “I don’t look at Shaun as being HIV-negative. I look at him as being educated enough to understand …” — Thank God that those who don’t stay negative have patience with those of us who do … Give me a fucking break.

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