Oh, the challenges of playing a notorious adult film star: they are legion.
Related: Days Before “King Cobra” Release, James Franco Sued For Head-Butting Photographer
In the latest issue of PrideSource, 25-year-old actor Garrett Clayton unpacks his feelings about playing Brent Corrigan in Justin Kelly’s long-awaited King Cobra (in theaters and On Demand starting October 21). After discussing his contractually mandated butt shot, his favorite Brent Corrigan scene, and how one prepares for such a role, he surprisingly refuses to divulge his own sexuality to the interviewer, believing that “it just distracts” from his work.
Related: Former Disney Star Garrett Clayton On Getting Body Part Ready For “King Cobra” Shoot
How about we take this to the next level?
Our newsletter is like a refreshing cocktail (or mocktail) of LGBTQ+ entertainment and pop culture, served up with a side of eye-candy.
Here are some highlights:
On preparing to play a gay adult film superstar:
You want to watch someone’s work and study the way they’re into somebody or not. How do they kiss? Do they bite? Do they like biting lips? Do they like using more tongue? Are they more aggressive in their work? Does he play the victim?
On his favorite Brent Corrigan video:
It’s the first video he did with Bryan where he’s lying in the lawn. Nobody knew at that time that he was 17, and I was just surprised that there are so many sites that still have that video online. It’s crazy. And to see him as a 17-year-old doing this, and the fact that I can find it online – I literally just typed in “Brent Corrigan first video” and a bunch of different websites came up. I just think it was fascinating to watch somebody at that age doing what they’re doing. To me, that was the most interesting piece of work because, I mean, how could it not be?”
On being naked at home versus being naked on camera:
It’s a lot different being naked at home versus being naked on camera, in front of millions. When I’m naked at home, I’m not worried about what I ate three hours before! And it was really hard because catering, for some reason, kept making these crazy, unhealthy (meals), like macaroni and chili. Every day it was chili and macaroni and hot dogs, and I’m like, “I am on a diet. I can’t have bread, I can’t have carbs, I can’t have sugar, I can’t have dairy, and all you’re doing is supplying all those things.”
On his nudity contract:
I spoke to Justin about what I would agree to do, and it was: If you discuss with me first and I can understand logically why the nudity is a sexual act that can promote the plot in this scene, then I’ll do it. When I’m in the shower, it’s a sign he’s becoming comfortable with his sexuality. The montage is showing him becoming a star. At the end, I have my butt shot and, funny enough, that was my idea because Justin and me kept talking, saying, “When are we going to do the butt shot?” because (Brent is) known for his butt.
On Brent Corrigan’s sharp criticism of his portrayal:
I think it almost started to affect me. But I made a little mantra: It’s not my place to judge; it’s just my job to tell the story.
On his own sexuality:
I moved out to LA to have a career where I got to play characters and focus on work and do all these awesome things, and I’m getting to do that now. I just don’t think it’s pertinent to talk about my personal life. I don’t think it adds to the work; it just distracts from it.
Girl bye
there is this interview with Christian Slater and Justin Kelly
King Cobra director Justin Kelly refers to re-creating QUEERTY 1.0 website for the movie.
Come on, let’s be fair with the guy, he is fresh from Disney’s movies.
Right now the actos who are coming out are tv actors and broadway actors, Hollywood actors stay in the closet.
Give him a couple of years, he is not denying, he is not talking about his girlfriends and he is not bearding. It’s only a question of time
Yeah, this from the fool that was all grossed out in the beginning. Now it’s all about the work so he doesn’t want to talk about it. Pulease. They always have to pick the biggest and most insecure duchebag.
@MarionPaige: Funny Slater calling him “fearless”. Funny you never hear that about them playing serial killers. Wouldn’t want anyone thinking you’re a killer. Ha. Give me a break.
Really Queerty?
Haven’t we all agreed to move on from this shity James “I’m gay except from the fact I don’t have sex with men because that’s all gay people do so I’m not gay” Franco?
Honestly, honestly giving up on this site. Hopefully some other day this site get a more joyful topic.
thomas prentice
Don’t let the door hit you on the ass on your way out.
straights would admit that they are straights.
If a man wants to be a star whom women pay to watch on screen, he can’t afford to be anything other than completely heterosexual in his public image. Women won’t accept even 1% homosexual desires in a man they wish to idolize romantically.
You can whine, bitch and scream about this but it won’t go away. Women are EXTREMELY homophobic if male homosexual desire interferes with their romantic visions.
Women fear the power of male homosexual desire because it destroys a woman’s privilege.
Queerty 1.0 in the movie King Cobra
@B: Um, you never provide proof. You just rant about women like some guy who hates his ex-wife.
What’s the big deal? BUT REALLY. What. is. the. big. deal. in revealing something as general as your sexual orientation? It doesn’t seem to be a big deal when these actors are promoting romantic comedies but when there’s even the slightest possibility they might be asked about being gay there’s this ardent, defensive effort to conceal everything about themselves. I highly doubt it comes from a place of fearing to be perceived as straight, that’s for sure.
If he is or isn’t gay or queer or bi or whatever isn’t really at the root of this, implicit homophobia (be it internalized or not) is.
Donald Trump
I don’t care!!
What is wrong with the world?? Who gives a flying liberal fuck if someone is in the closet or a screaming flamingo princess?
@Donald Trump: Then… Why did you click on the article??
Oh God… People want to know because they want to know, maybe out of curiosity, adoration or whatever…Its normal. Asking isn’t a big deal, and so is answering… Besides, the kid is living inside a glass closet, anyone with half a gaydar would see right through…
@Brian: Oh GOD brian, reading your comments make me think of those wanna-be prophets, and misogynists/misandrists who generalizes everything… I wish I could meet you so that I could chop off your fingers so you couldn’t type any-longer…
@TravisLopez: I’m afraid Brian’s mother dropped him on his head shortly after he was hatched, he’s never got over it.
Most of you don’t care about Garrett Clayton’s well-being. You are possessive, whiny queens who go looking for poster guys to fill your empty, self-righteous lives with a sense of vindication. You are nasty narcissists, basically.
If Garrett were to come out, you would puff your chests like pigeons, utter “see, I told you so” and then move on to your next venture of self-righteous vindication. You couldn’t care less about Garrett’s future career prospects.
You would leave a trail of destroyed careers behind you just so that you could attain that warm, inner glow for the length of time it takes for you to defecate.
Captain Obvious
I’ll say it again ain’t nobody with a booty that big straight. If he thinks no one knows then he must not visit Datalounge. The boy has multiple threads dedicated to his huge ass, obsessive hip popping, and obvious gayness. I only know who he is because of those threads.
@Brian: You think being gay means you can’t have a career? Oh.
One surefire way of making people think you’re gay is being evasive about the very benign question of whether you like boys or girls (or both). The only people who consider sexuality itself as “private” or “personal” are gay people who’ve been taught that their homosexuality is something to be suffered as a secret shame.
Straight guys don’t keep their sexuality a secret. Straight guys don’t publicly discuss their sexuality; they discuss the girls they are dating.
If you have to ask, you may be bi, but you’re probably gay.
I remember when Ricky Martin told Barbara Wawa that his sexuality was private. Not so much any more.
Wouldn’t it have been easier just to say “Yes.” ?
Brian’s internalized homophobia is obvious to everyone but himself.
its NO ONE’S fucking business what your sexual orientation is. it is up to each individual if they want to tell or not. i have never discussed my private life at work or for that matter to family or even many close friends. are they curious? who knows? have they talked about me behind my back? maybe. it still is no ones business. why are so many queers into this everybody “HAS TO KNOW ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE CELEBRITY???” let the poor guy alone its no ones business he’s trying to make a living the best way he knows how and he has a right to do it his way
@tdh1980: i don’t ask anyone at my work if they are gay or str8, married or not. why would i its work, mind your own business and just do your work. why are you obsessed with other peoples sexuality?
“it just distracts” from his work.” Bull shit. Either say your sexuality or say “none of your business.” This “distracts” from his work crap is a coward’s cop out.
Ladies, ladies please. The guy is just an actor portraying a sordid character in a sordid story. I will eventually see the film because I am not without sin but many of you queens want to pick apart this actor and others for just doing his job! Let it rest you Jezebels!
Its totally OK!
@joe: Sexual orientation is not “private” or “personal.” If that were the case, then I wouldn’t see straight couples holding hands, hugging, kissing, eating together, displaying pictures of each other at work and on social media, and otherwise enjoying each other’s company IN PUBLIC PLACES. The only people who hide or play coy about their sexual orientation are gay people who don’t want others to know that their gay.
Don’t get me wrong — he has every right not to talk about his sexuality if he chooses, but doing so under the guise of it being “private” or “personal” is a dumb cop out. Private or personal would be asking if he prefers to top or bottom.
Hes obviously gay or hed say he was straight. That Beach movie he did where he was prancing around is very telling-no big deal-just admit it and move on! No one cares who some little known actor sleeps with!
@Brian: All of the women I know are still crazy for Matt Bomer, among others. I’m pretty sure your comment is not based in reality.
Kudos to both comments!
Captain Obvious
@Tombear: Actually he’s only been getting picked apart because he’s been publicly denying being gay despite being obviously gay. Every time he denies it he usually does it in an obnoxious and offensive way that pisses people off.
Now he’s even deeper in the closet with James “It’s not gay if I say ‘No Homo’ after” Franco so he was begging to be eviscerated.
His butt is gigantic so pretty much any troll on the internet is going to force him to admit he bottoms for amusement/fap material.
Please. Hetero guys don’t really keep their orientation a secret. The only guys who keep their sexuality a secret are gay/bi men in the closet or straight actors/musicians who need the gay $$ their baiting films,songs,roles, tweets, Instagram posts gets them.
@Ksb1978: If gay-identifying guys are such closet-busters, why do they hide in the gay scene? Fact is, gay-identifying guys are closet cases even when they claim to be out.
Straight-identifying guys rarely show emotion in public, by the way. If they are holding a woman’s hand, it’s usually because the woman insists upon it. Hand-holding is basically a woman thing.
On a side note, Christian Slater admitted to Conan O’Brien about kissing Garrett Clayton “the kid is……he’s beautiful.” I thought Christian Slater was the one strong part of the movie. G.Clayton was decent.
@tdh1980: Very true. I hate it when queens take the closet mentality that, “My sexuality is nobody else’s business but my own!” or act as though it’s completely wrong for you to tell your family, friends, and loved ones as it’s “none of their business, or that telling them you are bisexual or gay is telling them all about your personal sex life” when it’s not.
ONLY GAY OR BI GUYS go around talking crap about being private about their sexuality. There is nothing secret or private about your sexual orientation UNLESS YOU PLAN TO LIVE LIKE A HERMIT.
I am so sick of these coward, weak actors, media personalities who go about keeping “being gay” a shameful thing. YOU WOULD NEVER HEAR A STRAIGHT GUY SAYING HIS SEXUALITY IS PRIVATE. But then again, you can’t expect any better from anyone associated with James Franco who has made it is life’s work to stigmatize gay people as nothing more than S.E.X.
@Tombear: Here, here! These shameless, morally unrestrained, fabulous queenz do not need to know whether G.C. sux koq. His private life is separate from his job.
@Brian: Did you read my comment at all?
He was hot in that Teen Beach Movie. That ass. The leader of the gang was hot too.
In time, in time! It’s almost redundant’ in how these pretty boy actors playing gay characters,use this ploy: “my private life is private, period !” I think they do it to titillate the gay following and give the female fans some hope that he is str8, so they can keep on fantasizing about him in making love to his gf! Look, how many actors suspected of being gay have denied it repeatedly, and then, WHAM! they come out!(Need I mention only one: Wentworth Miller!)
Nick Jonas teases us too and frequents gay clubs. ..maybe he is taking baby steps to come out ..maybe he never will..maybe if he finds a partner that might change their minds because they are happy…Clayton has the right if he is indeed gay , to come out on his own terms..