Poised to sign his “religious freedom” executive order Thursday evening, Trump took some time to break bread with Religious Right leaders and even posed for a few quick photographs with notorious pastor Robert Jeffress.
A quick refresher on Jeffress for those who may not be familiar with his work: His views are so extreme, even Mitt Romney has publicly condemned him.
Related: 10 Most Antigay Headlines Overseen By Trump’s Top Advisor, Steve Bannon
The assiduously antigay preacher believes gays, Jews, Muslims, and Mormons are all going to hell and that Obama was in league with Satan.
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Pastor @RobertJeffress visits @POTUS @realDonaldTrump in the Oval before this evenings dinner with Religious Leaders @WhiteHouse residence. pic.twitter.com/fDvxn354wJ
— Dan Scavino Jr. Archived (@Scavino45) May 3, 2017
As Right Wing Watch reports, he believes “perverse” gays and lesbians are either child molesters, or highly likely to abuse children in the future. He’s compared gay sex with bestiality and called it “a miserable lifestyle.”
Leaving no cliche unturned, he believes gays use “brainwashing techniques” to have homosexuality “crammed down our throats.
Related: Trump touts incredible record on LGBTQ rights, leaves Obama’s workplace protections intact
And gay people “are engaged in the most detestable, unclean, abominable acts you can imagine.” In due time, the “filthy practice” of gay sex “will pave the way for that future world dictator, the Antichrist” and lead to an “implosion of our country.”
During the meal, Jeffress said the people in the room are going to be Trump’s “most loyal” and “enthusiastic supporters, and we thank God every day that you’re the president of the United States.”
Mo Bro
Unless or until you condemn Obama for every individual he shook hands with who did not sing our praises, then your “outrage” is as phony as Liberace’s marriage.
Shaking hands is what a politician does. Giving someone the honor of meeting and getting your picture with them in the Oval Office says you agree with them.
Are you sure about that statement?
Then see: http://blogs.cfr.org/campbell/files/2013/08/Africa-Jonathan-and-Obama.jpg
Then reread what you wrote
Obama did not informational pages relating to HIV/AIDS and to the LGBT community from the white house web site.
Obama did not specifically fill his cabinet with vocally anti-gay people.
Obama did not think defunding the NIH (as well as defunding other public health agencies) was a great idea.
Obama did not say that he would be the best possible friend to the evangelical community.
I know you are not too swift, and thought for you is quite shallow, but taken together these things actually mean something. Were you a gay person this might be understandable to you. We have no need for heterosexual trolls like you here, you have nothing to add in any way.
Most people probably didn’t even know there was an LGBTQ web page on whitehouse.gov until a few months ago.
Obama should’ve cut the NIH and CDC budgets if he was smart – this would motivate them to spend money on real research. During the past 8 years, the NIH and CDC have spent over $15 billion on wasteful programs such as spending $2.87 million to study why younger lesbian girls might be fat, $3.2 million on seeing what happens when monkeys are drunk, $1.5 million to study the sexual habits of older men, $2.6 million on “gun disease” prevention, $400k on if the smell of delicious food makes you hungry, $242k on how cocaine effects bees, and I could go on. So when you say, “Obama did not think defunding the NIH was a great idea”, maybe he should’ve. (http://dailysignal.com/2016/05/10/nih-spends-millions-on-hopped-up-honeybees-and-sexy-goldfish-then-asks-for-zika-funding/)
Either way, we’re getting way off topic now since you had to mention the NIH and defunding of programs (which I think you believe ANY defunding or budget cuts are bad).
Point being, the President is the President of ALL Americans and he meets with ALL Americans. Just because someone visits the White House with a group of other members in the same sector (this case being a group of religious people of all religions visited the White House), it just means they visited the White House.
You can preach guilt by association all you want but until you can name a specific policy that is discriminatory based on sexual orientation, you don’t have a point.
If pro-LGBTQ groups want to meet the President, I’m 100% certain they could arrange a meeting to visit the White House, but no, let’s do another dance-marathon outside Ivanka’s house, that’ll achieve progress.
Oh, Mo Sissy, your fake news has no ballast here. The Daily Signal? Really? (Factual reporting rated mixed and bias quite high: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-signal/.) You can do better than that. At least Breitbart, perhaps, little girl.
So rather than argue the validity of the claims, you’ll just say the entire article is rubbish? Are you alleging those scientific tests by the NIH and CDC didn’t happen?
Since you claim the news source I gave is biased, I’ll give you ABC news: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/swedish-massages-rabbits-taxpayer-expenses/story?id=26373805
Hoffy is full of crap and cites right wing spin sites. The NIH should have it’s funding increased. But Hoffy will do anything to brownnose the GOP. I can’t stand worthless traitors like him.
BTW Hoffy, when the so called “President” Trump hires known neonazis and right wing fascists to be part of his cabinet, you may want to rethink your feeble disgusting attacks on Obama. You are an irrelevant unstable mess.
Oh look, Mo Bro broke out the main screename to make his point on this one.
Do you notice that whenever there is a story about somebody who is anti-LGBT the ONLY concern of the right wing Trump Trolls is to do whatever they can to avoid the topic or deflect it on to something or somebody else?
I love how Mo Bro claims this is just “Some guy Trump Shook Hands With” Um, no, this is some guy that was INVITED TO THE OVAL OFFICE.
But please, tell us again how pro-lgbt Trump is, when the ONLY platform that guy has is being anti-lgbt and that itself scored him an Oval Office invite.
QUICK NOW….Instead of answering my questions, post something about Hillary Clinton’s hair or Obama’s ears!
It becomes clearer and clearer the person who currently uses the mobro moniker is straight. He is here simply to troll.
This all makes me want to go to church ASAP! Gawd is fake. When will people become intelligent enough to realize this?
The pastor seems to be extremely preoccupied with gay people. More than he is with jesus. That religious freedom executive order is the biggest bunch of nothing. All bells whistles smoke and mirrors. But they know how to manipulate the new guy with flattery. Why doesn’t he go ahead and stick his tongue up as far as it will go, the brown noser.
I guess he should be posing with the radical left instead.
These are the people who got him elected and he is doing the right thing by meeting with them.
Wait your turn when and if Kookoo Pocahontas gets elected.
Yes, NeoNegress, that is what he’s doing and these people are no fans of your fudge-packing chocolate azz. Maybe you can ask Robert J out on a hot date and replay some of that 17th century master/slave roll play you so get off on.
Stupid gay Republican neonazis. Your own party would murder you. Yet hypocrites like hoffy still supports them, and posts idiotic delusional claims about Obama. Trumps entire cabinet is full of antigay fascists.
Oh enjoy the beatdown in France today? Le Pen was demolished 67-33%. Bigger than even polls suggested
Nobody fcking wants you proRussian traitors. By the way, your man Dumpster is rabidly antigay and has several super active FBI investigations against his staff for taking money from the Russians and directly colluding with them. So go to hell right wing gays sell outs
You sound really shook up, Gina
You are the one that should be shooked up after the smashing your kind received yesterday in France. Enjoy more defeats, hypocrite.
So since Trump has hired neonazis and white supremacists to his cabinet you remain quiet? Thanks for showing your true racist self, hoffya-hole.
It is truly sad that in this day and time with all the unbiased information available about homosexuality, some people STILL refuse to believe modern science but do believe words in a book written over 1500 years ago by men. Sad. And they think THAT BOOK is the ‘Word of God’. What BULL $H!T. It also says in THAT BOOK that the universe and the earth were created in 6 days………….not millions of years. So if God actually had an influence on THAT BOOK, God is a stupid MORON because we all know it was not done in 6 days.. And since I don’t believe God is a moron, THAT BOOK is NOT….the ‘Word of God’. When will those pathetic fundamentalists ever get it?