I’m not going to tell you that gay softball is the same as straight softball, because it’s not. They weren’t all masculine gay jocks. We were among the worst teams in the league, and a few of our players were terrible. Some threw like girls and possessed a level of fabulous daintiness that would’ve made them stand out in any other league. One of the guys took dressing for the game more seriously than the game itself. Our standard-issue uniform was a simple blue baseball shirt, but our catcher showed up on opening day in a full uni—complete with stirrup socks and the tightest pair of gray baseball pants you’ve ever seen. He proceeded to go 0-for-5 in that and almost every game we played that season. But he looked fantastic doing it.
—Henry P. Belanger (pictured), a straight man who loves gay softball, who joined the league after the other teams’ waiting lists were too long [GMP]
Forget the Umbrella-It's Raining Men!
But the real question is: Did he get his official… “How do you feel like having to shower with one of them” …governmental questionnaire filled out before this article ran?
PS – He is kinda of cute. I take it he is more of a “pitcher” than a “catcher” — and, sadly, plays for the other team as well.
Mr. Enemabag Jones
who joined the league after the other teams’ waiting lists were too long
Long waiting lists. Riiiight.
Well, he seems much more observant than the typical “straight” man.
“fabulous daintiness.” Love it.
He decided to play for this team because other teams’ waiting lists were too long?
That can be interpreted in so many different ways 😉
I’m glad I clicked the source and read the rest of the original article because without it I would’ve thought all of his knowledge of gay men came from Will and Grace.
This guy is awesome.
Here in Denver, gay softball is like high school cliques and has nothing to do with the sport; as a matter of fact, most can’t swing a bat, catch a ball, or throw- they pose. Several of us real players gave up and found mixed straight/gay/whatever teams that play for the fun of the sport, not to pose and take silly pics in a uniform.
Robert S
It’s my first year in gay softball in philadelphia and I can honestly tell you its about the game and having fun. Everything else is secondary.
@Robert S: that’s great to hear! We’ve found gay/bi men interested in softball, but not the so-called environment provided for us; in addition, this is a first time opportunity for some to participate in team sports, where in their past they were discouraged and it’s a put-off when “gay teams” are dominated by guys that go to the gym, call themselves “jocks,” but scream when asked to swing/throw/catch, anything that doesn’t involve them taking a pic with their phone.
Nice Breitbart job, Queerty. Pick the ONE excerpt that makes him look like a jackass, instead of echoing the tone of the rest of the article that is incredibly gay friendly.