Is House about to become the new Grey’s Anatomy? While the ABC had Isaiah Washington screaming the F-word, the Fox procedural (produced by NBC Universal) is allegedly hosting homophobic drunken violence!
A lawsuit from Carl Jones, a fired assistant prop master on the show, claims in a lawsuit his supervisors did fun things like refer to staff, including him, as “fags, pussies, bitches, slaves, dummies, retards and idiots” when they weren’t bringing guns to the set, hitting up strip bars, and throwing knives at other human begins — all of which Jones says he told executive producers about, but was ignored. Jones wants $1 million for his “severe and pervasive gender harassment and discrimination.”
Hugh Laurie puts up with shit like this in the environment…? Would be interesting to hear what he has to say. If that’s the working place atmosphere, it couldn’t have gone unnoticed by him.
Sometimes we need to learn how to ignore others. You know a little ‘sticks and stones may break my bones’ never hurt anyone. The fact that you want $1 million dollars makes you look opportunistic.
No way Hugh Laurie would have stood for that, he’s been best friends with Stephen Fry for over 20 years – and if it was that pervasive he would surely have known.
I don’t see why anyone should take this guy’s allegations at face value. And if they are true, I’d bet my house (sorry, couldn’t resist) that Hugh Laurie had no part in it and was not even aware of it. He’s incredibly protective of Stephen Fry and was instrumental in dragging him back from the edge when Fry was truly suicidal and in the throes of his bipolar disorder. And Laurie once quipped that anyone who is a product of a British boarding school should be elected an honorary gay member for life.
I guess he forgot that Bryan Singer, a gay man, is executive producer and occasional director of the show. Nevermind the fact that Hugh Laurie has worked closely with Stephen Fry.
I think you must be right. I also have a difficult time believing HL would in any way tolerate stuff like that.
(I’d bet most of the people he’s suing are males, so while I could maybe sort of see him suing for homophobia-related issues – which already stretches belief a bit because of Laurie’s involvement in the show – I’m genuinely puzzled at how he could claim “gender harassment and discrimination”?)
Let’s wait for the “evidence” but Hugh Laurie would not, based on everything I have read, tolerate open homophobia.
Constance McMillen (sp?) got $35K for her ordeal and this guy wants a cool mill? Not buying that story here in jeffreeville without proof.
p.s. Everyone laughs when i say this but i think HL is kinda *hawt*!
why do we assume that hugh laurie was even aware this shit was happening? i mean, i’ve never worked on a tv set, but something tells me the star of the show isn’t slumming it with the assistant props manager…
honestly i find it disturbing that even the queer community is ready to dismiss this guy’s complaints just because we don’t want to believe that someone we like (a straight guy, no less) would overlook the kinds of abuse a lot of us have experienced. as if any of us really *know* hugh laurie — or for that matter, the assistant props manager.