Boys Gone Wild

Andrew Christian’s Latest Underwear Video Features Bareback Porn Star Antonio Biaggi

In his newest NSFW video “Miami Car Wash,” underwear impresario Andrew Christian pushes the sex envelope further than ever. To  his usual stew of go-go dancers and male models, he adds a dash of what to some is the allure of bareback sex — in this case adult film star Antonio Biaggi, known for his voluminous work in condomless skinflicks. AndrewChristian is spinning that age-old story of boys trying to make a few extra bucks with a driveway car wash. Except here the boy is Biaggi who stars with Pablo Hernandez, Diego Vena, Javier Morales and Alex Sanchez, all of whom spend more time lathering up each other than the car. (We doubt that anyone who would entrust his car to this gang would want his money back.) In this press release, Christian touts Biaggi as a “super hung bareback porn star.”

In true southern style, Andrew Christian turn up the Latin heat with super hung bareback porn star Antonio Biaggi, along with Pablo Hernandez, Diego Vena, Javier Morales and Alex Sanchez who play “gay-for-pay straight boyz” trying to make some “coins” to get back to Miami. The “boyz” start off by having an innocent car wash but soon realize that there is much more money in taking gay-for pay dares from the Andrew Christian Models.

This not-so-subtle promotion of bareback porn mirrors much of  the gay adult industry’s increasing reliance on unsafe practices to sell videos, a practice that is increasingly under fire from HIV prevention advocates. But it may well be a first among the many companies that vie to sell skimpy skivvies to gay men. To his credit, Christian recently began shipping condoms and water-based lube donated by Wet Lubricants with orders of his underwear under the auspices of his branded “New Sexual Revolution” campaign to promote safer sex. Yet at the same time what kind of a message is Christian sending in this video to young men who love his underwear about safe sex in a time when studies show that barebacking, and the HIV infections it causes, is on the rise? In an email, Christian insisted to Queerty that he cast Biaggi—by all accounts a fine man boasting legions of fans—primarily because, in AC’s words, he “filled out” Christian’s underwear and his role should not be interpreted as an endorsement of risky sexual practices. “We also liked the fact that he was a little older than most of our models and he is super masculine, which also fits the role in this video,” Christian added. “We were not trying to make any statement about bareback porn and we don’t recommend having bareback sex. In fact, since early February we are have been including a postcard we produced in conjunction with AIDS Health Foundation in all of our customer shipment encouraging the use of condoms.” The implicit endorsement of bareback porn, however, may well be undermining that critical message. What do you think about AC’s use of Biaggi to sell undies? Sound off in Comments… Click through for the stills from the video shoot.

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  • Dixie Rect

    They love to keep it classy at Andrew Christian. I’ve also never seen any one like that at the Island House!

  • QJ201

    Well Antonio Biaggi a Bareback Porn Star in the worst sense.
    He works for TIM which DOESN’T test models…

    and he’s meat ain’t all that…

  • Shadeaux

    He is really going over the top. Pretty soon, wearing his underwear will be like advertising a porn site.

  • miagoodguy

    This guy and the models of his underwear are the lowest of the lowest when it comes to humans.

  • tardis

    No. Just no.

  • GayTampaCowboy

    So what’s the BIG problem? This is a long-form commercial TARGETED TO GAY MEN distributed through gay web and porn sites – it’s called advertising! And in a VERY competitive marketplace (underwear) a SMART company will push the envelope to get viewers attention, and you know what, according to recent reports by SocialMedia, 67% of all consumers age 21-55 watch online video advertising when making a purchasing decision. (i’m a marketing exec so i watch this kinda stuff) – and i fall into that demographic. And you know what? You wont’ find one pair of “Fruit of the looms” or “BVD” brand undies in my drawer! They are all sexier styles.

    So why is this an issue? Because there’s a bareback porn star in the video? Gee, let me think, NO gay man in his right mind will EVER watch a bareback porn video, let alone a video starring a muscled Italian stud with an “above average” endowment right? Lord, it’s soft-core – end of story.

    Look at the Victoria’s secret videos and commercials. Look at Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue – why are they showing scantily clad, thin, fit, “well endowed” women in those videos and commercials? BECAUSE THEY HELP SELL PRODUCT!

    You don’t like the video? Don’t Watch. You don’t like the fact that the advertiser is using hot, sexy, models promote their products? Don’t buy their product.

    You can bemoan the fact that Andrew Christian, like Victoria’s Secret (to name just a few of the advertisers – gay and str8 oriented) companies that use sexy models to promote their products and that showing these bodies is sending a skewed image of what is hot and sexy, but THAT IS WHAT WORKS!

    If showing models who were overweight, out of shape, balding with bad teeth sold products, they would be on the web and TV and in print right now – but they don’t. SO LET IT GO!

  • lab

    @miagoodguy: wow you must have big emotional thing going on that has nothing to do with underwear or advertising…seek help

  • EManhattan

    I always have safe sex myself, but for porn I watch bareback sex. Why do you expect porn to reflect reality in that one thing? Porn doesn’t reflect most men’s day-to-day sexual reality in most ways, whether it’s bareback or condomed. Sex with porn policemen and firefighters isn’t at all like sex with real policemen and firefighters, for example. And when you’re really getting fucked by a man with huge balls like Biaggi’s, it’s impossible to see them slapping against your . . . sorry, I got carried away there for a moment.

    I suppose bareback porn could be a problem for men who confuse fantasy with reality – but they will have a lot of other problems, too. They will buy fashions that don’t look good on them, fall in love with totally inappropriate men over and over, think they are attractive / not attractive based on TV advertising (or Queerty photo spreads), etc. etc. That’s a different issue.

  • Bob LaBlah

    @EManhattan: “I suppose bareback porn could be a problem for men who confuse fantasy with reality – but they will have a lot of other problems, too. They will buy fashions that don’t look good on them, fall in love with totally inappropriate men over and over, think they are attractive / not attractive based on TV advertising (or Queerty photo spreads), etc. etc. That’s a different issue.”
    I laughed so hard when I first read your comment that I nearly cried. Then I thought about how many guys who go to the gym here in NYC that I KNOW are over fifty, wear Andrew Christian jockstraps, workout like they are in their twenties, and STILL can’t figure out for the life of them why the YOUNG, tight, good looking “twinks” won’t give them the time of day (unless they pay, which I have heard several of them “complain” about in the steam room). They can’t see for the life of them they are trying to relive their youth instead of being happy they (along with myself) lived thru the days when NOTHING was available for people with HIV, you didn’t have to be married to have a lover for life, and DID NOT need abs nor buns-of-steel, eighteen inch arms or a pectorals to kill for in order to get noticed in the bar.
    Olivia Newton-John and the record Physical change a lot of the people that I knew. Many of them “rewrote their resumes” and now became jocks and sports fans. It was and still is impossible to convince these good looking but NOW grandpa aged queens there NEVER was anything wrong with NOT being a jock or have NO interest in the very OVER-HYPED world of professional sports. I remember several of them from the days of the long ago closed Mine Shaft and laugh when they claim they are in their forties. Many can’t understand that their genetics have/had a lot to do with their never getting NATURAL eighteen inch arms and other such foolishness (at this age we are now, mid fifties, I see it that way). I always made sure I didn’t look like a Buddah but NEVER aspired to be a bodybuilder.
    I too like looking at bareback porn, creampies and the whole slew of other things that are now offered FREE OF CHARGE on the internet. Bareback porn, jockstraps and other such turn-ons are now/were a part of gay culture just as gay marriage is now. It seems just like yesterday morning when one couldn’t wait until the next issue of International Male hit the newsstands. For those of you who don’t remember, that was a magazine that sold cheaply made underwear to lonely little boys whose entire life was spent in the gyms and being taken care of by older men who could afford to keep them looking nice in those cheaply made but criminally overpriced underwear.
    Bravo, Andrew Christian. You go boy. You ARE making money and as the grand old dame Liberace said “cry all the way to the bank.” Soon you will be buying it (the bank) at the rate you are going.

  • jim2008

    Mr. Biaggi is also a jewelry maker, a pastry chef and a very bright man. That said, Mr. Christian was smart in casting him, considering the amount of attention Mr. Biaggi will bring from his work in erotic films. Good for both of them.

  • seaki

    Dear Queerty Commenting Gay People Of The Damn Universe:

    Shut The F*ck Up and enjoy this Big D*ck trade in all his glory.

    SOME of us DO NOT enjoy looking at men that could pass for high schoolers, weighing in at a whopping 112lbs,…(thats before the threw up that Big Mac).As a proud, fit black man of 41, I LOVE my men rough, whiskered, with muscles and a healthy pounch (it shows that they like to eat!). I adore a man that has ‘Been around the block a couple of times, and has swung by to take me with him’. As far as barebacking, IF you don’t know that this can cause your ass to die,………..then you need to tie your dick in a neat little bow, sew your arse shut, and hand your life over to baby jesus and drunk ass Mary, cause hunty,…’re as hopeless as a condom with a hole in it!

    Your Drunk Ass Fairy God Mama,

    P.S. Tell Julio I need a re-up on my got-damn margaritas!!! :::::burp,..waves wand and fairy dust::::::::::

  • [email protected]

    @Bob LaBlah: Well said!!!!! As a 58 year old I completely agree withg your well thought out comments!!!!!

  • Brandon

    You said “The implicit endorsement of bareback porn” How is this an implicit endorsement of bareback porn? The video itself does not have anything to do with barebacking. It doesn’t even show any penis. You guys are just looking for a reason to bitch.

    The video is hot and I love Andrew Christian underwear.

  • [email protected]

    Guess there were no Blacks or Asians at this “car-wash”…

  • viveutvivas

    @seaki, best comment ever 😀

  • Brandon

    @viveutvivas: I have to agree. I want to hang out with @seaki LOL!

  • Bob LaBlah

    @[email protected]: Thank you. It is ALWAYS

  • Bob LaBlah

    @[email protected]: Thank you. It is ALWAYS nice to hear a comment or critique from a fellow middle-ager who too remembers the “good old days” and lived to recall them. I am retired now, CAN afford these jockstraps and undies (and if I wanted to or were stupid enough any of the twinks-for-pay at the gym), but hey, if the very affordable Fruit of the Loom have worked for me this long, why change? As for the twinks-for-pay I say why pay when all one has to do (at least here in NYC) is go to the bathhouse late at night and stand in line (condoms in hand) and wait their turn to take a ride on the little meth’d out fool. Trust me, there are ALWAYS as least two or three of them there not caring WHO jumps on, as long as it is seven inches or more and can stand at “attention”, if you get my drift.
    Yes, they look good in the undies but after the tenth trip to the washing machine what happens to the thirty-dollar pair of…………..I’m sure you get the picture. Take care Rich.

  • WhyteRabbit

    wow. really? andrew christian hired a hot, well-endowed sexual-beast for his video? how unusual. i can’t see any logical reasons for that at all. maybe we could ask calvin klein about that?
    anyway, this is little more than once again trying to force your view of morality onto everyone else. whether gay or str8, atheist or christian, we are all entitled to our own decisions. antonio uses his amazing skills in treasure island’s dangerous porn. his choice. his bank. (and, admittedly, probably an early grave)
    what the fear seems to be is that antonio is going to make bareback sex appeal to a wider audience… but really, guys… you have nothing to say about the car wash that turns into a rent-a-twink operation? you people are seriously weird.

  • jeff4justice

    The escalation of glorification of bareback sex continues despite how high HIV rates remain among gay men.

    Meanwhile, schools still do not teach inclusive and comprehensive safer sex to LGBT teens – leaving them left with porn as their teacher. And the economic downturn has still resulted in major reductions in HIV services.

    Will you see a group like GLAAD or the HIV walks/runs/bikerides ever call out any LGBT glorifies or unprotected sex? Not likely.

  • jeff4justice

    Last year I interviewed Andrew Christian model Sean Paul Lockhart (aka pornster Brent Corrigan) and he stated that he believes condomless sex in porn is irresponsible. See the clip here:

    I wonder how he feels about this.

  • richybruce

    His ads are pretty much porn anyway. So it’s a perfect match.

  • seaki

    I can’t believe these bitches are actually complaining about big dick?! REALLY,…these are the same queens will have their legs in the air faster than Beyonce can fling her weave. I swear these undercover tramps have PLEASE SCREW ME BEFORE I SLIT MY WRIST tattooed on their souls! Rejection must be a bitter pill to swallow AND keep down. Last time I looked, Jesus got down off the cross to use the wood to spitroast Judas, the virgins Mary ain’t pregnant no more, and God is busy tormenting Allah with a pulled pork sandwich! What’s your excuse for being so damn holy!Some of you,please for the sanity of those that are tired of hearing your whining,……take a fist full of rubbers, and get plunged within an inch of your life, and spare us your Joan of Ark routine!

    LOVE Always


  • Brandon

    @jeff4justice: Brent Corrigan was a bareback porn star…hello!! LOL idiot.

  • seaki

    So sorry for the repeating comments, my I-pad has been smoking crack ONCE again!! This chic is going to rehab ASAP!

  • scotshot

    I found it amusing that the longer this “butch” group stayed on screen, the more they became prom queens.

    What’s the line? Beauty fades….

  • jeff4justice

    @Brandon: Aw sticks and stones big guy.

    Brent Corrigan was indeed a barebacker too and has since renounced barebacking numerous times. I am not here to defend Brent Corrigan anyway. My point is merely that I’d be curious about his reaction to this story since he has recently been outspoken about the topic.

    Your response seems kinda equivalent to rejecting a former bigot for coming around to finally being gay friendly.

  • tdx3fan

    I’m not big into paying $25 for a pair of underwear personally. However, I respect his right to use whoever he wants as a model, and lets face it the guy is hot! Sure, most of you will bitch about how this promotes unsafe sex, but no one is forcing you have unsafe sex, so you have no real right to complain about the sex lives of everyone else.

  • tdx3fan

    @Bob LaBlah: Personally, it is a total turn off if a guy decides to pay that much for underwear and clothing. It lets me know where there real priorities lie… completely with themselves. The reason I have been in a three year long relationship with a guy who can afford to buy any underwear he wants is because he wears Fruit of the Looms or Hanes while writing $1000 checks for the nearest local charity!

  • tdx3fan

    @jeff4justice: So, the porn star who made his rise in porn, before his lover was killed and left him an empire, as a bareback porn twink is going to claim that unsafe sex is irresponsible. That is most definitely the pot calling the kettle…

  • Bob LaBlah

    @tdx3fan: If you ever get the time go online and read the details of that trial. Harlow Cuadra and his coconspirator met with him and told him they wanted him (Corrigan/Lockhart) to work for them but the only thing in the way was his “lover” and a contract with him. It seems VERY hard to believe he didn’t know what WAS going to happen. If he were smart he would shut the fuck up and enjoy his millions, which I am sure he has. That kid had a butt to kill for, literally.

  • jeff4justice

    @Bob LaBlah: I doubt he has millions.

  • missy2003

    HIV is still a real thing…. How can anyone promote unsafe sex… If you do you have blood on your hand’s… Shame on Antonio Biaggi and Andrew Christian……

  • nature boy

    The video is problematic for anyone who is obsessive/compulsive about cars. I can hardly enjoy the models when I am worrying about paint getting scratched and that the car is not getting clean and will look terrible when it is dry. I do love them cleaning the wheel by rubbing the guy’s ass against it though.

    I’ve stayed HIV- for 26 years of active gay sex… apparently by following one simple rule… “keep the cum on the outside!!!” It’s not rocket science, people!

  • andy0529

    …..How ironic this reminds me of Hollywood casting if an american man plays gay he’s banished from getting any other roles an English/French or Spanish actor plays gay and he’s the toast of the town. I have an Antonio Biaggi DVD in my blue player now and at 50+ I have no desire to bareback but my upstairs neighbors 25-32 college graduates have bareback parties all the time. With the resources people have these days, Blaming Andrew Christian for anybody’s participation is crazy.

  • Caine

    @QJ201: really? how do you know what Treasure Island Media does? do you work for them?

  • Caine

    This is one of the most discouraging articles I have ever read on Queerty.
    If a condom porn star was cast in anything mainstream the gay community would jump up and down with glee.
    A porn star who does bareback porn instead raises the question – why kind of message is it sending?
    The gay community has created the entire bareback genre – all straight porn is bareback yet no one jumps up and down in horror that women might get pregnant or a catch an STD.

    Queerty you are doing a horrifying thing here – you are suggesting that any man who appears in bareback porn is blacklisted from doing anything else.
    The condom companies tried to do that 5 years ago and gave up.

    Instead of asking what message Andrew Christian is sending the more important question is what kind of message is QUEERTY sending because the last time something like this happened it was called McCarthyism and look how well that turned out?

  • Persa

    I fail to see how hiring someone to appear in an underwear advertisement is somehow indicative of endorsing every other job that person has.
    Andrew Christian is not responsible for what his models do when they are not working for him.
    Antonio Biaggi was hired by AC to model underwear in the commercial, not have bareback sex in the commercial.
    And further, as long as you aren’t having sex with Antonio Biaggi, you are in no danger of contacting anything he might have (which is not to say he has anything that can be caught).
    We can be smart and educated about the transmission of STIs without being hysterical.
    I am a child of the 1980s and 1990s. I know exactly hot to prevent myself from ever contracting an STI. It was drilled into me (as it were) via popular culture, at school, at every LGBT event I attended, every LGBT volunteer activity in which I participated, even at work.
    If there are people (men and women) who are stupid enough to risk their own health and possibly their life by having unprotected sex with ANYONE (male or female) then there is nothing we can do.
    We can give the right information and impress upon them the seriousness of their choices but when they are in the moment and need to make the right decision, it’s all up the to them.
    And let’s stop pretending that HIV has some preternatural attraction to gay men. Anyone, literally, can get infected with HIV and any number of other deadly, life-altering STIs.
    Anyone who is sexually active should be protecting themselves from contracting a virus. HIV is horrible but Syphilis is no walk in the park wither and HPV is not exactly a fun party.

    We need to focus LESS on identity and sexual orientation and more on sexual activities, sexual practices, educating ourselves and each other about WHAT WE DO and how that makes us and the people we have sex with more vulnerable to contracting an STI.

    The relationship between being a gay man and contracting HIV has ALWAYS been about behaviors and practices, not sexual orientation. FACT.

  • Josh

    Sorry, I don’t see how people can shove condoms and lube at people and expect them to practice safer sex. It is really not that hard to procure them if one is intent on using them. Focus on educating people, i.e. people don’t know status, people lie about status, etc.

    It’s a stretch to say the ad promotes bareback sex. Agree 100% with @EManhattan. Porn for me is an outlet to watch things I would otherwise not do in my own life. I can explore other forms of sexuality from the safety and comfort of my own home and by myself. People who blur the lines of fantasy and reality have other issues that no amount of education will help.

  • HotnSmart

    Antonio Biaggi is the ugliest actor in the gay porn. Has no personality in person. IQ of a retard. Why all most of the hot guys bottoming for him probably he is supplying them with the right drugs etc.

    And now this…

    Gay culture is a disgrace and I am as a gay man disgusted by all this.

  • Manchester

    @Bob LaBlah: marry me! Lol. You sound like a totally down to earth person who appreciates the true things in life.

  • Manchester

    @HotnSmart: he is really dumb. I’ve spoken to him and he’s not the brightest bulb in the string of lights. It’s also well known that the “actors” in some of these studio’s videos are high as a kite. You can also tell by the track marks, red noses and sniffling, glazed over eyes and missing teeth. Pay close attention, it’s not sexy.

  • Mkiel

    @GayTampaCowboy: well said

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