nbc-logo-vector4When Don Stair of Arkansas switched on his television set last week, he was livid to see that NBC had changed the colors of its logo to depict a pride rainbow. Or so he thought. So he did what any sane, rational person does and took to Facebook to express his anger.

Stair posted the following comment on KARK 4 News’ Facebook wall:

Screen shot 2015-06-29 at 11.10.05 AMWhat Mr. Stair didn’t seem to realize was that NBC’s rainbow peacock logo has been the same since 1986.

Thankfully, the network filled him in on this detail:

Screen shot 2015-06-29 at 11.10.15 AM

That seemed to quell his outrage.

Stair’s comment has since been removed. KARK 4 News says it didn’t delete it, which means he must have realized his mistake and deleted it himself.

As they say down in Arkansas: Bless his heart.

h/t: Pink News UK

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