10676222_10152411678071304_1856237556575538210_nArkansas state Senator Jason Rapert (pictured) is pissed off that his hometown of Conway, AR just hosted their twelfth annual gay Pride parade on Sunday.

Rapert posted a book length rant on his official Facebook page over the weekend accusing gay people, or as he likes to refer to them “anti-Christian activists,” of “crossing the line” by purposefully planning their parade on a Sunday (a.k.a “the Lord’s Day”) to “mock” and “intimidate” Christians.

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“[T]hey understand that the lifestyle they are glorifying on our streets is considered sin by every Bible-believing Christian,” Rapert exclaimed, “and they use their parade on a day reserved to worship God and reverence the Lord to mock Christians.”

Rapert called the parade “truly one of the most offensive public displays against Christians you will find anywhere in our state,” saying that gay people “have specifically chosen Sunday to try and intimidate people who believe in the Word of God.”

As a result, the Republican lawmaker said he “objects” to the parade “ever again being held on the Sabbath Day again.”

Of course, by that logic, we should probably also reschedule SuperBowl Sunday, televised awards ceremonies like the Grammys, the Tonys and the Oscars, all Sunday night Primetime television, and any other event that happens to fall on the seventh day of the week. You know, so as not to make any Christians feel intimidated.

“This has all gone way too far,” Rapert concluded. “[E]vil has won too many battles in America lately.”

A man by the name of Hank House had the best response to Rapert’s tirade when he posted to the lawmaker’s Twitter page: “Maybe, just maybe, Sunday happens to be the day the parade would affect local businesses, traffic, etc. the least.”

Related: Strap On A Saddle Because Arkansas’ Gay Rodeo Is Just Getting Bigger and Better

h/t: Raw Story

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