Cutie-patootie Jeremy Hooper over at Good as You just sent us this link and we thought we’d pass it along. Apparently he’s made an appearance on gay news show, In The Life and caused quite a stir. Though most people write to congratulate him, he got a not-so-love note from a Pennsylvania man reading thus:

I just saw your clip on T.V… You CAN’T just expect everyone to be okay with you, and your life. Your (sic) a fag, and that fine, but keep it to yourself. Trust me, if I ever walk by you on the street with my kids and I see you kissing or holding hands with some dude, I’ll brake (sic) every bone in your gay little body. Keep your shit behind closed doors, so children can’t see you.

In a bit of an ironic twist, this nearly incoherent message came from a dude calling himself “beefman”.

A regular Nancy Drew, Hooper connected the dots and found that the man works for Philadelphia-based, Enterprise Steaks. Now, Hoopers’s asking his readers to take matters into their own hands by sending some love notes of their own. So, if you’re down to stir some shit, head on over and join the fun. Bring us back a steak. We’re famished..

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