The now-famous Duke University Lacrosse Rapists case has finally come to a head, with two men being officially charged with the rape of a woman at a college party.

Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty surrendered on charges of rape, sexual offense and kidnapping (good Lord!) of a student from North Carolina Central University, which is near the Duke campus. The woman was hired as an exotic dancer for the party. It reminds us of the rape scene in Leaving Las Vegas. Gross.

We utilized the various search engines in the Queerty repetoire to find out a little more about Mr. Finnerty and Mr. Seligmann.

(click on “more” to keep reading…)

All we got on Seligmann was a few poor showings at lacrosse matches, big whoop; but Finnerty has quite the violent past, accused of a gay bashing here and there. Seems he likes beating up queers, and from a victim’s account, it’s all fun and games for Finnerty (which means he does it all the time). It’s not entirely illogical to presume someone who beats up gay guys for fun could also get his kicks off of raping strippers.

As of yesterday, DNA evidence didn’t match up between the victim and the Duke students; but prosecutors are still going forth with the trial, as they believe they have enough proof otherwise. We’ve been to Duke University, and it is a lovely, lovely place, filled with very nice (and rich!) people. We hope this mess doesn’t get them down.

Two athletes charged in race-tainted rape case

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