Gay therapy

If only it were as easy – or even possible – to undergo “conversion/reparative therapy” to quit longing for David Beckham‘s torso (not that we’d want to). But as long as there are gay pride weekends, there will be folks who believe homos are able to turn off their feelings for the same sex. And that’s just fine, especially when they’re exposed as having Courtney Love‘s rationalization skills — even CNN’s best efforts at impartiality can’t keep their thinly veiled attempts at logic from shining through.

Take Richard Cohen, a self-described “ex-gay” (now married with three kids) whose current gig is coaching homos hoping to recover from their same-sex tendencies. Cohen’s methods? “Touch therapy” (see photo above), where grown men hug each other to recreate a father-son relationship absent from the patient’s childhood, and a form of therapy we can only describe as “hitting an object with a tennis racket while whining about your mother.”

And they call us “confused.”

MUST WATCH: CNN segment on quacks who claim they can “cure” gays [AmericaBlog]
‘Gay cure’ controversy [CNN Video, launches in new window]

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