elderly gay women

We haven’t really given much thought to what our lives will be like when our hair turns grey, wrinkles start invading our perfectly smooth skin, and carpal tunnel eventually reshapes our hands. One thing we do know is that we will so not be one of those Abercrombie clad chicken hawks preying on shirtless twinks every Friday night at gay clubs everywhere. We refuse to be the old guy at the club.

The always-compassionate Canadians were curious enough to find out how their very own queer elderly population is faring with the country’s health care. And the conclusion isn’t so good. Seems like some people don’t expect their elders because they’re gay.

One elderly woman in Vancouver who was quoted in the study said that she was ignored when she asked for help after she was “outed.”

“And [the nurse] said, ‘Yes. Was that you?’ [a lesbian identified in a newspaper article]. I said, ‘Yes, it was me.’ From then on, I couldn’t get anyone to help me out of bed.”

In another example of hostility, a gay senior citizen told researchers that he had a home care worker who, when he found out the man was gay, offered to help “save me from this blasphemous…thing.”

Help him? Lord, even if conversion from hetero to straight were possible, at his age, what the hell is the point?

Gay and lesbian seniors face health quandary: study [Globe And Mail]

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