Bryce Powers from the upcoming season of The Bachelorette is more than just a pretty face. He’s also kind of a dirtbag.

This week, the bios for the season 13 contestants were released and–oh, guess what?–one of the guys has already cracked a transphobic “joke.”

When asked what his what his biggest dating fear was, Bryce replied: “The chick is actually a dude.”

Whether the 30-year-old firefighter from Orlando meant to insult an entire community of people who are already marginalized or is just that dense is unclear, but as Elite Daily points out:

Careless statements like his only serve to further alienate the trans community. They continue to perpetuate our society’s popular, yet wildly incorrect assumption that trans people are simply “men disguised as women” or vice versa, seeking only to deceive innocent dudes, like himself.

The Internet was not having any of Bryce’s transphobia either:

But if Bryce is the least bit bothered by the response his remarks have gotten, he doesn’t appear to be showing it. Rather than, say, issue an apology or offer an explanation for what he said, he tweeted this:

Related: Straight “Bachelorette” Contestants Aren’t Gay. In Fact, They’re Kinda Homophobic

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