02_utah_billboards-1432909087537-bannerGod is smiling down on the state of Utah right now. Literally.

After some push back, the Divine Creator has secured two digital billboards that will appear in the Beehive State all during Pride Month. The billboards feature his face smiling in front of rainbow along with the words “God Loves Gays.”

Related: Utah Companies Reject “Controversial” Pro-Gay Billboard, Will Still Run Ads For Rush Limbaugh, Chick-Fil-A, The GOP

Beginning on Monday, Utah’s most diehard fans of the man upstairs have been graced with the message from their maker as they drive along their local interstate.

“Mormons still think that Heavenly Father hates gay people, which is FALSE!” the Lord said in a statement. “I’m placing these billboards in Utah to set the record straight on the subject, now and forever. GOD LOVES GAYS. And I’m totally cool with their lifestyle too. Why else would I make so many wonderful gay Mormons?”

This isn’t the first time God, whose real name is not disclosed, has pulled such a brilliant stunt. Last year, God placed a similar billboard near the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas.

God says he plans to erect even more billboards to help spread his message of tolerance, so she’s launched an fundraising campaign to help cover the costs, and hopes to place several billboards in 22 more states plus Washington, D.C.

Related: “God” Purchases Year-Long “God Loves Gays” Billboard Near Westboro Baptist Church

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