We’re astonished we still have HRC supporters among our ranks, but apparently we do. We know this because one of them sent us a letter they sent in response to Heatherette and Amanda Lepore‘s apperance at the non-profit’s NYC Gala dinner over the weekend.

Here’s just a taste:

I was sadly embarrassed, disappointed, and then angry at the poor presentation of Traver Rains and Richie Rich from Heatherette, and the person who introduced them. The woman who introduced them, I’ve been told, is part of the club scene in NYC…was not well spoken, and very ill-prepared… She could not find her place, her little speech brought the presentation downhill very quickly, and frankly I understood very little of it.

Mr. Rains and Mr. Rich then followed with a garbled acceptance speech that was not organized, confusing, poorly enunciated, and again I felt like I was not privy to the inside joke.

In the company of such formidable political dignitaries, corporate supporters, and an audience of intelligent, monied, and aware people – they were a real embarrassment, and poor representatives for the gay community… I am speaking of their poor use of the english [sic] language, their lack of respect by not being prepared, and their sort of “blow it off” attitude. If they cannot speak cohesively, why don’t they get someone to represent them who presents the image they want – and can speak well – or practice with a coach until they can get it right?

Don’t worry, though, the writer signs off by assuring the reader he and his lover will continue to support HRC unconditionally. Sucker.

We’ve pasted the entire letter after the jump…

Related: There’s Only One Word To Describe This Picture (Redux)

To Whom It May Concern @ HRC –

Dear Sir/Madam:

My partner and I attended the 2007 HRC Gala at the Waldorf-Astoria this year for the second year in a row. We had a wonderful time, and again this year, left with a feeling of pride and inspiration. I would, however, like to comment on a small part of the program that night.

To get right to the point, I was sadly embarrassed, disappointed, and then angry at the poor presentation of Traver Rains and Richie Rich from Heatherette, and the person who introduced them. The woman who introduced them, I’ve been told, is part of the club scene in NYC, and although a glorious eyeful on the stage, she was not well spoken, and very ill-prepared. Her introduction came across as some sort of inside joke. She could not find her place, her little speech brought the presentation downhill very quickly, and frankly I understood very little of it.

Mr. Rains and Mr. Rich then followed with a garbled acceptance speech that was not organized, confusing, poorly enunciated, and again I felt like I was not privy to the inside joke.

In the company of such formidable political dignitaries, corporate supporters, and an audience of intelligent, monied, and aware people – they were a real embarrassment, and poor representatives for the gay community. I am not speaking here of their business sense, their talent, or that they are not deserving of recognition. I am speaking of their poor use of the english language, their lack of respect by not being prepared, and their sort of “blow it off” attitude. If they cannot speak cohesively, why don’t they get someone to represent them who presents the image they want – and can speak well – or practice with a coach until they can get it right?

Thank you for hearing me out. I realize they are our youth, and we need them in the HRC too – but, age is no excuse, there are thousands of youths who are able to express themselves well. I am surprised that no one else has commented on their inabilities.

I continue to be a faithful supporter, and am grateful that you took the time to hear my voice.

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