Isaiah Washington could have been a farmer for all the shit he slung last night. Appearing with perpetual windbag Larry King’s Live show, the former Grey’s Anatomy spoke out (again) about being fired months after his faggot-flinging.

Naturally, the actor takes some time to explain the infamous incident, insisting the allegedly arrogant Patrick Dempsey started it all. From the CNN transcript – note King’s phrase “an F person” while asking whether Washington called TR Knight a faggot, as reported. We underlined it in honor of King’s absurdity.

WASHINGTON: [Dempsey] got un — became unhinged, face-to-face, spittle to spittle, in my face — first. I did not start it. And I’m asking him why is he screaming at me, why are we doing this? Get out of my face. Several times. Several times. And he just becomes irate. But I’m not understanding why am I being berated to this point in front of our crew, particularly after what we experienced in Seattle. You know, I mean, I think you owe me on apology and I’m being berated.

And by that time I pushed him out of my face and it just took off from there and I began to say a lot of — a lot of things that I’m not really proud of — but all referring to myself and how I felt I was being treated.

KING: But how did the bad word come out of that?

WASHINGTON: Well, I said several bad words, as well as he did.

KING: To him?

WASHINGTON: To him about how I was feeling. I said there’s no way you’re going to treat me like a “B” word or a “P” word or the “F” word. You can’t treat me this way in front of our crew.

KING: So you weren’t referring to him as being an F person?

WASHINGTON: Never. Never.

\KING: Or anybody else being one?

WASHINGTON: Never, Larry. Never, never, never, never,

Washington also says he took the scandal hard, spiraling into a self-pitiful depression. He became so distraught, in fact, that he even tried to quit – twice!

So why should people believe Washington’s much-publicized apology train? Well, we shouldn’t:

KING: You then issue an apology. And you say, “I apologize to T.R. my colleagues, the fans of the show and especially the lesbian and gay community” —


KING: — “for using a word that’s unacceptable in any context or circumstance.” Did you believe that?

WASHINGTON: Well, I have issues with the — any context or — or circumstance, because the context in which I used it was saying that I did not use it to attack T.R. With. The question —

KING: Wait.

WASHINGTON: The question —

KING: Are you saying in the apology it’s a bad word, I shouldn’t use it anywhere at any time?

WASHINGTON: I don’t think anyone should use — not only that word, but a lot — a whole list of other words.

KING: Right.

WASHINGTON: I mean there are power in all words that are — I think there needs to be — like I was invited by the first lady to be a part of the White House summit on malaria. I think there needs to be a White House summit on language, because I really feel that in this country, this — things are getting lost in translations.

Of course, Washington takes some time to debunk his “bigot rehab,” which he described as “executive counseling”. Washington volunteered, ABC agreed and the counselors gave him a gay guinea pig – just to make sure he could be around a living, breathing homo. Washington’s description defies reality:

They sent one guy who was clearly gay to be there in the house with me I guess to see if I’d respond to him negatively. And he ended up bringing me some really interesting horror films. I mean I love everybody.

So, he didn’t bring the standard homosexual harness, lube, nail polish, spikes, burning cross combo? What an anomaly!

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