Each week, Queerty picks one blowhard, hypocrite, airhead, sanctimonious prick or other enemy of all that is queer to be the Douche of the Week. 

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stacy dawsonJust in time for Valentine’s Day, a Missouri school lost the battle to stop a gay student from bringing his boyfriend to prom.

Stacy Dawson (right) is a 17-year-old senior at Scott County Central High School in Sikeston, MO, where school administrators told him he couldn’t invite his boyfriend to prom because of a mandate in the student handbook that said,  “students will be permitted to invite one guest, girls invite boys and boys invite girls.”

Dawson questioned the policy, but was told the school board would not consider revising it.

So the intrepid student called up the Southern Poverty Law Center and, on Thursday, they  sent the school and the district a letter reminding them that Dawson had some basic human rights.

SPLC cited two relevant court cases: the 1969 Supreme Court decision Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District , which determined students don’t “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gates,” and a  Mississippi court case involving Constance McMillen, who sued her school when it wouldn’t let her take her girlfriend to prom.

scott-county-general-highToday, the school announced it was deleting the ban on same-sex dates from the handbook (which has now been removed from its website), but claims the rule wasn’t about bigotry in the first place.

“This was during a time 10-15 years ago that the previous administration was having issues with some of the students trying to come in on either the single rate or the couple rate,” explained district superintendent Alvin McFerren. “They implemented that to make sure they couldn’t circumvent the rates that students were supposed to pay as they entered into our dances—it was never intended to be a discriminatory thing,”

God yes, because we have an epidemic of students trying to scam prom-ticket discounts! Maybe Indiana bigot Diana Medley should use that excuse.

If this was a simple misunderstanding, why didn’t the school change its mind when Dawson asked nicely? Instead, they’ve put an ugly asterisk next to what should be one of the happiest days of his young life.

All together now: What a bunch of douches! 


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