In what is quickly becoming our favorite homophobe story of all time: Rev. Thomas Crouse organizer of the Mr. Heterosexual Contest in Worcester, MA, is suing the city of Worcester after he was billed thousands of dollars in police fees.

Because the event was expected to draw protestors, the city assigned extra police officers to “provide a police presence.” Crouse says the city policy to charge the “police detail fee” violates his rights to free speech.

According to Boston’s In Newsweekly, the event measured the stereotypical heterosexuality of contestants:

“Points will be awarded based on demonstrations of strength (how many Oprah O Magazines can someone tear); talent (contestant’s choice); intelligence (answering random questions such as favorite heterosexual role model); and on appetite (a blind taste-test requiring contestants to name the just-eaten food).”

We know this event isn’t right, and we would be totally offended if it weren’t so damned funny. We looked for pictures of the winner, Jimmy Ottino, but we couldn’t find any on the internet. We’d love to see what this guy looks like. We did, however, find a pic of Tom Crouse on one of his books:

tom crouse

Nice pic. Keep fighting those demons, Mary. Oh dear.

Although we are dying to know more about his “former professional wrestler” life, however.

Worcester Police Chief Gary J. Gemme said he had not seen the lawsuit, but believed it was without merit.

FYI: “Worcester” is pronounced “Wooster,” like “Worcestershire sauce” sounds like “Woos-ter-shire sauce.” Random, we know.

Hetero Event Brings Lawsuit
[Telegram & Gazette]

Archive article: Mr. Hetero to be crowned [In Newsweekly]

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